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Einzelposting: Konzert in Neumünster

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_170831/-1/11806999500218/

Von:   abgemeldet 01.06.2007 14:12
Betreff: Konzert in Neumünster [Antworten]
bei uns im kino war mal mddi und otto waalkes XD ich wünschte ich wär da gewesen
I tried to catch up the time after I wasted it. I tried to settle all the things, after I it before me thrust. These things, I all could have settled, so easily! And now I stand here and am at the end. I cannot do no more, how was I only so stupid? How? Could I only? What did I do? That could have been so easy everything, but I selected the difficult away...

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