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Einzelposting: Steve Fox - Nina Williams [evtl. Spoiler]

Links hierher: http://www.animexx.de/forum/thread_200356/-1/12102633498040/

Von:   abgemeldet 08.05.2008 18:17
Betreff: Steve Fox - Nina Williams [evtl. Spoiler] [Antworten]

Tekken 2
As in the first tournament, Nina was once again hired to assassinate the sponsor of the current tournament, Kazuya Mishima. Whether at Kazuya's discretion or Anna's own volition, Anna became a bodyguard for Kazuya, along with Ganryu and Bruce Irvin, who were all charged with Kazuya's protection. It is likely that Anna's intervention prevented her sister from carrying out her contract, and Nina was later captured by Mishima Zaibatsu forces and used in Doctor Boskonovitch's cryonics ('cold-sleep') research. Learning about this, Anna volunteered to be another test subject, requesting that she be woken in the future at the same time as Nina. Her reasons for doing so remain ambiguous, though the game suggests that Anna would have felt lonely without Nina and/or jealous at the thought of her sister's youth being preserved.

After being placed in suspended animation during the second tournament, Nina was awoken 19 years later by the influence of the recently excavated Ogre, who compelled her to assassinate Jin Kazama. As per her request, Anna was awoken at the same time as her sister, though she was unaffected by Ogre's influence. Nina also began to suffer ill effects from the 'cold-sleep', resulting in long term memory loss. In an act of compassion, Anna set out to stop Nina from once again becoming an assassin, and to help her recover her memory loss.

18 during Tekken.
20 during Tekken 2.
20 (bodily age)/39 (cryogenic age) during Tekken 3.
22 (bodily age)/41 (cryogenic age) during Tekken 5.
23 (bodily age)/42 (cryogenic age) during Tekken 6.

Anna's Alter, Anna wurde AUCH EINGEFROREN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Shikamaru und Temari gehören NICHT zusammen!
Schaut euch mal Folge vier an!

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