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Riot in Johto



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Not her day


Oder: wenn der Autor einfach scheiße ist :3 Ein gewaltiges Dankeschön an Renaki! Ich dachte schon, niemanden in Animexx interessiert diese Story und da ich ehrlichgesagt zu dämlich war, sämtliche Copy-n-paschte Optionen durchzulesen, fand ich es ermüdend immer wieder den Text neu zu formatieren. Daher die Faulheit, hier zu posten.... Aber egal! Jetzt werde ich wieder nciht regelmäßig posten (je nach dem wie schnell ich im schreiben bin, ne?) also viel Spaß beim lesen!




Finally, they did it. After travelling Route 37 through the summerly heat for hours since sunrise, Dawn, Piplup and Pichu arrived at Ecruteak City, the site of their next contest. From afar they had already seen the old, japanese styled shingle roofs, but now they were standing right in front of the archway that led into the city. A huge smile formed on Dawn's lips, as she took in the first sight of the historical capital of Johto. Not only the buildings were old-fashioned, some of the people walking on the streets wore yukata as well. The young coordinator could already imagine herself in one of those japanese dresses during her next performance. Of course, some of her partners could wear something like that as well...

Excited, the small group made their first steps into Ecruteak City, with Pichu sitting on Dawn's shoulder and Piplup walking next to her. "Phew, that was some adventure!" She exclaimed, exhaling relieved and wiped away some sweat on her forehead. "That Sudowoodo sure had some issues! Why did it keep stalking us? And where was its face? Creepy... I hope, it doesn't follow us anymore," She added and shot a glance over her shoulder, as if to make sure, that the rock-type was not behind them.

"Piplup Pi," The penguin nodded approvingly and folded its flippers over its chest. As Dawn had spotted a breathtaking view in the distance, she picked up her partner, so that it could have a better look.

"The Bell Tower! Doesn't it just look great? Aw, I wish, we could go up there. The view must be awesome!" She gushed, never letting her eyes of the tall building, which seemed to shine in the midday sun. "I wonder how -" Suddenly, the distracted girl bumped into something. She had been so occupied with the sight, she never noticed the older man, clad in a dark blue uniform, walking towards her.

"Young Lady," The police officer with grayish hair began with a slightly rough voice. "It is dangerous, walking around as inattentively as you do. Be a little more cautious, next time."

Dawn hadn't forgotten her last encounter with the police - the bitter taste of being placed in the same position as some notorious Pokemon hunter was still on her mind from time to time. And so she was slightly annoyed by the scolding, but did her best, not to show her displeasure. "Hehe, sorry," She apologized in a sheepish voice. As a reply, the officer only nodded and moved on together with his colleagues, whispering secretively all the while. Dawn shot a glare at their backs, her brows furrowed in irritation. "And what's his excuse for 'walking around inattentively'?" She muttered under her breath and added a huff to her sentence.

That distraction from her sightseeing spoilt her mood for the time being, but as she would soon find out, it was just the preparation for the coming events. Now, Dawn had time to take a look around and there were various peculiarities, she noticed. The atmosphere was not as relaxed and carefree as she had expected it to be; people seemed to return to their homes in a hurry. And there were police officers; many police officers. Some were huddled together in small groups, whispering with stern faces, while others almost sprinted through he streets. They all wore the same, sceptical expressions, as they eyed the pedestrians.

A bad foreboding stole into Dawn's mind and she felt her own expression darken. She changed the direction of her steps and quickened her pace, as her mind focused on one thought. In Goldenrod City, she had learnt how easily a contest could suffer under certain circumstances and she couldn't shake of the feeling, that Ecreteak City wouldn't be any different from before.

Only mere minutes later, when Dawn arrived at the beautiful building of the Kimono Dance Theater, her cheerful mood was ruined completely. Another, awfully familiar note was pinned on the wooden door.

"Until further notice canceled'?!" She read out the words aloud. "'Our sincerest apology, but due to a police emergency the Pokemon Contest has to be omitted'? You can't be serious! Its happening again?! What is this stupid police emergency? Why can't they do something right for a change?"

Frustrated, Dawn stomped her foot to the ground. Piplup and Pichu were slightly troubled by her sudden outburst, especially since the penguin was still trapped in her arms. With some effort, it managed to slip out of her grip and landed on the stone-flagged street next to Pichu. Both Pokemon looked up to their trainer and made sure, they were not too close to her legs.

Dawn's mind was racing all the while. She clenched her hands into fists until the skin became white and bit her lip. Her next ribbon was at stake and she needed it, but all she could do was to wait for the police to solve their problem on their own.


With a determination, which she didn't show often during the past months, Dawn made a decision that would plunge her into a deep sea of trouble.


Nurse Joy of Ecruteak City was - like all of her sisters - a very helpful individual. She took care of exhausted Pokemon and humans, injuries and annoying questions. She didn't ask for gratitude, just for a few quiet hours per day. And so, she was leaning back behind her desk at the reception of the currently empty Pokemon Center and sipped peacefully of her freshly brewed green tea.

Until suddenly the once automatic glass doors burst open from the impact with a hurrying blue haired girl, a Piplup and a Pichu. Joy's eye brown twitched. Her peace had been shattered just like the entrance.

With some difficulties, Dawn managed to push herself of the pile that had once been the glass door and rubbed her back. A pained groan escaped her lips, when she reached a throbbing, soaked spot. "Piplup! Do I look like a target? Or did you just slip with your Aqua Jet?"

The penguin jumped up, put a flipper to the hip and pointed the other one at its trainer. "Pip piplup pipipiplup! Piii!"

"Sorry for my naïve belief, that you have your own, healthy legs - but that doesn't give you the right to slam me through the door, does it?! Just look at this mess!"

"Piiiiplup! Lup -"

"Excuse me," The annoyed voice of Nurse Joy interrupted the quarrel. She had made her way over to the trio and bent down right into Dawn's face. "But this is a hospital, not a ranch with a herd of rampaging Tauros. And neither are we approved of noise nor of vandalism. I suggest you go to the gym and waste your energy on roaring around over there, while I find out, how much the automatic glass doors cost."

The scowl on her face was just as intimidating as her voice and Dawn automatically backed away. "I'm sorry! Really sorry about that, it was an accident!" She tried to save her situation as well as she could. Obviously, the nurse she was talking to,was no ordinary Joy and Dawn didn't wish to let her annoyance grow into something worse. But she came with a purpose and without answers she wouldn't leave. "I know, this is not the best time to ask, but I need your help!"

"Are there corpses lying around?"

Dawn's eyes widened in shock and she stuttered a quick reply. "No- No of course not! I just have some questions - like what's this police emergency and how can I help? I really, really have to do something about it!" She hoped, the urgency in her voice would make the nurse understand her need. It didn't.

"Do I look like their secretary? Go and ask the police. There are enough of them running around like maniacs. I'm sure, you'll understand each other perfectly fine."

"They wouldn't let me help them," Dawn explained her reluctance to talk to the police. "But I can't just let them handle this problem on their own, because..."

"Because they don't do their job properly," Joy finished Dawn's sentence. A heavy sigh escaped her lips and the young coordinator could feel her relax slightly. "When did I become an informant? First for her, now this girl. Who's next?" Another sigh. "Alright, girl -"

Girl? Dawn repeated her words mentally. Hadn't she already been called like that before?

"If you want to risk your life so badly, my suggestion stays the same. Morty, the Gym Leader is the better contact for chaos and mass attacks. Plunge yourself into danger with him far away from my center and my door. Understood?"

Dawn nodded with a slight frown and watched the nurse walk away, until a thought struck her. "What about the door?"

"First, I'll brush the shards away - I don't want to imagine how much more work I would have with them lying around. Second, you'll pay for it. But not now, I'm sure, we'll see each other again. When your life depends on it, that is."

Dawn suppressed a groan. Another problem to take care of. She pushed herself of the ground and already wondered about her luck of staying unharmed - until a painful sensation made her wince back and clutch her left hand. Some shards had dug into her skin and left shiny red cuts. Blood was already seeping out of the wound and burning pain shot through her arm, but Dawn didn't want to waste anymore time at the Center, especially not with that Nurse Joy around.

The young girl pressed a handkerchief against her palm and it didn't take long for the white fabric to absorb the blood. "Damn..." She hissed and felt anger against herself boil up, before she turned her attention to her partner. Piplup sat on a bench at the other side of the Center with its flippers crossed. "Piplup, let's go."

As the water type didn't show any sign of jumping up to join its trainer and turned its head to the side, Dawn felt her patience grow little. "Piplup, I don't have time to argue around. Come on!"

The one sided discussion reached an end, when the penguin spun around and faced the wall rather than its trainer. "Fine!" Dawn burst as she was overwhelmed by her emotions. "Stay here, I'll take care of it myself." With those words she picked up Pichu, which was still at her side and made her way to her next destination.


Dawn huffed, as she wiped the blood of Pichu's little black nose with another, clean handkerchief. Out of curiosity, the electic type kept sniffling the injury, causing small, uncontrolled shocks to jolt through her body. Although the bleeding had already stopped, she was afraid, anymore contact with Pichu would reopen the wound.

"Alright, Pichu. I know you hate it, but you leave me no choice," Dawn exclaimed and took Pichu's Pokeball with her left hand, ignoring the pain. Despite its frantic squealing, she retrieved the tiny mouse and brought her focus to the large, western styled double door off the gym. She frowned at the strange change in style; the shingle roof and the shape of the building were the only hints, that that house was part of Ecruteak City. Otherwise, the walls were thick and solid and without any windows. Right beside the entrance, there was a sign with the words "Ecruteak City Gym; Leader Morty, the ghost-type user" written with scribbled letters.

"Ghost-type, huh?" Dawn read aloud, but didn't give it to much thought. The previous ghost-type gyms she ever visited, were no different then most other ones and so the surprise was huge, when she swung open the heavy door of the gym and entered.

Impenetrable darkness and iciness waved toward her and seemed to swallow her presence. The only light in front of her shone ghostly in the distance, as if it was emitted from light blue flames. A distorted voice echoed from invisible walls, like the lamentation of the dead. "Challenger, do not seek any battles at this place, for the day of doom is near. Go away and commemorate the ones who have passed, for they might soon accompany your journey."

Her blood ran cold for a moment. THIS is what I call a ghost type gym... I just hope the architect wasn't entirely allergic to light, She thought and suppressed a shudder at the thought of battling at such a place, yet alone waiting for trainers to appear. "I am not here for a gym badge! I want to find out, what kind of police emergency is messing with my contest and bring doom to the culprits!" Dawn replied in a raised voice.

Silence filled the room for a second and Dawn was sure, she heard something breath in the darkness. "You may proceed to our holy ground. But will you find the path that leads you to your desire?" Suddenly, the door to the entrance swung shut with a bang and left the young coordinator trapped in the gloom.

As Dawn overcame her initial shock, a nervous laugh escaped her lips. "Aren't you a bit exaggerated?" She murmured and made her first steps towards the light. The darkness was so impenetrable, Dawn had to rely on her sense of touch only. She understood how unnerving that feeling had to be for challengers and wondered, how many actually made their way to the gym leader.

Each step she took raised her confidence slightly and Dawn was about to return to her normal pace. Until suddenly, she couldn't feel the wooden floor beneath her foot. Before she could even grasp the situation, yet react to it, she lost her balance and fell forward into the deep sea of darkness that seemed to swallow her existence. She could only scream, as the wind soughed past her.

Suddenly, an invisible force wrapped around her waist and yanked her upwards, until she once again felt the reassuring sensation of solid ground beneath her feet. Still shocked, she sunk to her knees and tried to catch her breath. By now, the young girl highly doubted, any trainer was able top reach the light. How am I supposed to get through this? What was that in the first place?! She wondered and though her inside was still paralyzed by that sensation, she stood up. Dawn came for a purpose and she would not give up that easily.

Much more cautious that time, she checked the ground in front of her, before she even thought about placing her foot firmly. Like that, she was able to find the narrow path, which would lead her closer to the light. It was a time-consuming task and Dawn could hear some whispers in the distance, but she refused rushing. Alright, I think I am halfway through. Just a little longer, and then-

"Welcome to the world of ghosts, challenger-san," suddenly, an old, scratchy voice sounded beside her and a blue will o wisp hissed through the air. Underneath it, there was something that reminded Dawn of an unwrapped mummy. Her insides froze and she let out a piercing cry - as well as jumping backwards into the nothingness.

Once again Dawn was pulled to a different place and although she knew, there wouldn't be any harm happening to her, the young girl couldn't help but squeeze her eyes shut. As soon as she made contact with the wooden floor, she let out the breath, she had held and allowed herself to relax.

A wave of relief washed over her, when Dawn saw the bluish flames floating in the air directly in front of her. Apparently, the gym leader had lost his patience and let her skip the dark path. Now she could see him standing some mere feet away, looking at her with a highly amused expression on his face. Morty was clad in a black sweater and a purple scarf that moved in a ghostly wind. Dawn couldn't help but envy him for his clothes as the cold was making her shiver slightly.

"Usually I wait patiently until the challenger finds his way through the dark, but today more urgent affairs need my concentration. We can skip the introduction as I am sure you know who I am and I know you very well, too, Dawn." Morty cut of any words, the young girl might want to address to him. When he saw the surprised expression on her face, he quickly silenced any questions. "I involuntary saw your battle against Whitney in Goldenrod City. Congratulation, by the way." Dawn raised a brow. She could feel a slight change in his mood at the thought of the energetic gym leader. "Now, you said you want to find out about this emergency. Before I tell you anything about it, I have to find out the reason you are doing this."

Finally Dawn had the chance to speak herself. For a moment, she felt slightly irritated about Morty's monologue. "As I mentioned, my contest is at stake. It was cancelled, so the only way to save it would be by taking care of this problem soon. I can't just let the police act on their own, I need to be sure there will be any success." After a brief pause, Dawn hastily added another aspect to her speech. "A-and I want to make sure, no one gets hurt and safety is preserved and so on."

She could feel Morty's amusement as well as surprise towards her words and a bitter taste filled Dawn's mouth. I bet he thinks now, that I'm just a naive, egotistical brat, who doesn't show any respect towards the police. Great! My chances of competing in that contest are fading away.

"I am sure, certain police officers would be anything but happy about this lack of faith you display. But you are right to do so." It was Dawn's turn to feel surprised by Morty's statement. "My own experience showed me, that 'mere' Pokemontrainer are usually more successful than the police. Like that, I have no problems sending you against the threat that is hovering above Ecruteak City - if you have a convincing reason. Is your desire to save your contest strong enough to risk your physical and mental health and possibly your life? Or can you live without this one and try your luck at the next ones, which will take place?"

For a moment, Dawn hesitated. Were her reasons enough? She doubted, that anyone else would be convinced of them and wondered, why she should. Why should she risk her life for an event that would repeat itself in the future? After all, she still had enough chances to win the remaining two ribbons and even if she didn't, that wouldn't be her last Grand Festival, would it?

In the end, Dawn's self-doubts and her reasonable thoughts were futile. Her answer remained the same as it had minutes ago. "For me, they are more than convincing," Was her simple answer and she looked firmly into Morty's brownish purple eyes. A smirk appeared on his face, even a chuckle escaped his lips.

"That makes two semi-suicidical females. I'll look forward to your actions."

"Two?" Dawn asked, but that time the reply wouldn't come from the gym leader.

"Why is it, that whenever I meet you, your mind is filled with no rational thoughts but your contest? Are you an addict?" The cold, familiar voice of a woman spoke up from behind Dawn. The young girl stiffened and almost refused to turn around. Even when she finally faced the other person in the room, her eyes were shut for a few more seconds. As she opened them, she immediately took in the sight of the infamous Hunter J, standing with an unreadable expression on her face and her arms firmly crossed. Multiple flames floated around her and gave her appearance a ghostlike look.

Dawn felt her composure crumble. She spun around and glared at the gym leader. "What is that Pokemon Hunter doing here?! Is she the police emergency?!"

Morty still kept his irritating smirk on his lips. "Oh, you know each other. That should simplify the introduction. As well as complicating everything else."

The girls paid no mind to his comment, something he was slightly grateful for. Who knew, what the blue haired, not to mention hormone-driven adolescent was capable of?

"No, I am not the police emergency. If I was, then it would be a worst case scenario with international contingent of high-class agents and Pokemonranger, girl."

"I told you before, don't call me girl! I have a name, you know."

"And suddenly I have to treat you like an individual. I have to admit, I do like my title, but I have a name, too. Honestly, I don't think it's that hard to remember."

"That's not a name, it's a letter!"

"It's what I call a name."

"Really? What does it stand for, jerk maybe?"

That reply made J hesitate with her next words. A frown formed on her face and Dawn could feel her displeasure. "Looks like I overestimated you."

"Alright, you can stop arguing for now. I'm sure you find plenty of other opportunities in a separate room," Morty ended the quarrel and stepped between the two girls. "Dawn, you wanted to know about the situation. Well, a certain organization plans an attack on the Bell Tower to bring out Ho-oh. The police judges this as a treat to the citizens and plan to focus on their well-being. While this is necessary and important, I fear for the legendary Pokemon, which would be left out without enough protection. Pokemonrangers were asked, but they can't arrive at the right time.

That's why I am dependent on strong, talented trainers, who can protect Ho-oh, maybe even the Beast Trio and stop Team Missile."

Silence filled the dark gym for a moment, as nobody moved and the only noise was the flickering of the flames. Dawn's mind was racing as she tried to wrap the meaning behind her intent. A ruthless criminal, legendary Pokemon, more criminals and life-threatening dangers. No need to worry, right? Dawn thought and was suddenly rather irritated of herself and her decisions.

"Do me a favor and stop calling Team Rocket by that name. Anyone in their right mind knows, that criminals don't change, especially not to this extent," J broke the silence with venom in her voice.

Morty shrugged and explained his reasons. "Who knows, maybe she doesn't know very much about the 'former' Team Rocket and their history. I don't want to confuse anything."

"I already know," Dawn interjected. She spoke the next words with such determination, as if she tried to convince herself. "But that won't change my decision. I will take on Team Rocket, no matter the consequences." Her fists were clenched and a slight shiver shook her body, but not because of the cold. Dawn was quietly bearing with the part of her mind that tried to stop her foolishness.

"As long as you won't regret it," Morty said, before he let out a sigh and faced both women. "There is another problem to solve, before I can let you run off with a clear conscience. I won't be able to accompany any of you on your mission, since my duties as a gym leader force me to stay here, but at the same time I cannot leave you alone. I have to take responsibility for both of you. In your case Dawn, I need to secure your well-being. As for you, J, your profession as a Pokemon hunter speaks for itself."

Dawn felt her heart sink. She had a certain idea, what Morty was indicating the thought alone made her shake in bad anticipation.

"That's why I think it would be for the best for you two to cooperate in a team. After all, your goals are similar and the enemy is probably well prepared for a counter attack. It would be the logical solution, if-"

"I will not work with her!" The two girls yelled simultaneously. They shared a fierce glare, before they brought back their attention to the gym leader. There was no reason in the world for Dawn to cooperate with the huntress again. Even if it meant fighting Team Rocket by herself, she refused to accept J as an ally.

Morty didn't show any emotional reaction, just stared at his two guests. Another sigh escaped his lips, before he spoke on. "Well, if you can't accept my terms, then I guess, I'll have to find other, better suited candidates."

The tension in the air rose and suddenly the sizzling noise of the flames seemed to become louder. Morty was obviously bluffing. He couldn't afford waiting any longer for help, or else he surely wouldn't cooperate with a Pokemon hunter. But Dawn still felt concerned. Morty radiated a threatening aura and she could only guess, what his reaction would be in case the two girls kept refusing his conditions.

"Now that I know who is responsible for this situation," Dawn tried to avoid his requirement. "I can just go to the tower by myself, without J. I know it's forbidden, but this case requires it, doesn't it?"

A smile appeared on Morty's lips, as if he already expected that suggestion to come up. "Even if you break the rules, you won't be able to fight Team Rocket. You will be teleported back here and stay trapped in my gym until the attack is over. When you said, your contest is important enough for you to risk your life, did you lie? Or is working together with J worse than death?"

That question took Dawn by surprise and for a few moments she remained quiet. She hadn't thought about that aspect for even a second and felt rather foolish, when Morty mentioned it. No matter how much dislike she felt towards the huntress, those emotions weren't worse than death. However, working with J did not suit Dawn's plans at all.

As the silence remained for even longer, she shot J a side glance. She had almost expected her to argue with Morty about his idea of them cooperating, the huntress however, simply stared at him with her arms crossed. J displayed her displeasure very well, so why didn't she say something?

"I won't stop you from fighting Team Rocket, J," Morty continued. "But remember, you came here on your own account to ask for a favor. If you don't take responsibility for her safety, I won't do it for your actions, either."

Confused, Dawn shot J a curious look and watched her reaction. The huntress noticeably tensed; her grip on her arms strengthened and her eyes narrowed. Yet, she still remained quiet, as if she pondered over her decision. The young girl rivet on Morty, who seemed to tense, too. His previous, nonchalant composure was gone, replaced by an uncharacteristic nervousness. His presence revealed the impatience of a man, who was running out of time.

"Morty-san, our heroic fighters against crime wish for your attendance," The raspy voice of an old woman suddenly interrupted the discussion and Dawn felt chills running down her spine. "And tell your guests to leave with you. It is not good to keep cursed beings as they are under your roof!"

The young girl took her time, to turn around and face the old woman that stood at the end of the narrow path. With her hunched, short body she was barely able to reach Dawn's waistline, but still made an eerie appearance. Her white kimono waved in the non-existent wind and the glass pearls around her neck reflected the cold light of the will o wisp floating around the sinister figure. Like many other elderly people, she had her hands folded behind her back and glared at the two girls out of narrowed, dark eyes. The wrinkled skin of her face, which looked like a crinkled, pale sheet, matched the picture perfectly.

"A ghost!" Dawn screamed terrified and remembered the mummy like figure on the path. How serious were the constructors, when they built the ghost-type gym?!

"Who are you calling ghost, little girl-san?" The woman asked with a dangerously low voice. "I am not ready to die yet. Don't put me in the same place as her." She pointed with her crooked index finger on a certain silver haired person.

"J?" Dawn whispered in disbelief and kept a close stare to the huntress. The only reaction she showed to the verbal attack was a mere narrowing of her eyes.

"Do I look that old for you, medium?" J asked in a dismissive voice.

"No, rather like a demon, which was banned from hell itself."

Dawn watched a crooked smile appear on J's lips as the huntress put a fist on her left hip. "Banned from hell itself, huh?" The younger girl felt relieved. For a moment, the ominous surroundings made her believe, that J was a ghost. Probably the old woman just sensed her ill intentions and interpreted them in such a way.

Ghosts like these don't exist, right? I'm just overreacting, The young girl told herself.

"Looks like I have no choice," The voice of the almost forgotten gym leader interrupted the discussion. "J, I heard that you were not bad in you work as a hunter. At least you had the reputation of accepting and performing any job, clients could ask for." The air around asked huntress changed. It became a dangerous, threatening promise. If Morty didn't choose his next words carefully, the consequences would be devastating. "If I ask you now, no, if I challenge you to protect Dawn with your life to prove the rightness of your reputation, will you agree to my conditions?"

The icy silence that filled the gym outshone any other, similar moment before. Not even for a second the two counterparts broke their glare. Dawn shuddered. She could only dream about the extent of J's fury and didn't wish to become a witness.

However, the situation was easing itself, when the huntress eventually decided to speak. "Will I agree? Well, that depends on how far you will go to attract my attention. Remember, it is you, who desperately needs my help. After all, I could decide to wait until Team Rocket caught Ho-oh and only then make my move."

Knowing, that there was no other way to convince the huntress, Morty let out a defeated sigh. "Fine then. I'll offer you both money and the protection against our local police. After the attack, you will be able to openly operate in our city, until the aftereffects of the mission have ceased. Is this enough to attract you attention?"

A satisfied smirk appeared on J's face and her mood brightened up clearly. "You really love your legendaries."

"There are things in the world, which are far more important than money, J," Morty gave a cold reply, his expression showing the disapproval of J's attitude.

The huntress merely shrugged, before she turned away. "I'll keep that in mind, when I'm out saving the turkey." She was about to leave over the dark path, when something stopped her. A voice, to be precise.

"And what about me? I still haven't agreed of working with her!" Dawn exclaimed with a risen voice and looked at Morty. However, he wasn't the one, who gave the cynic reply.

"That's actually fine with me. I don't need a little girl like you standing in my way. You'll probably end up in a fight with your skirt or start to panic because of a little scratch." Each word made Dawn's anger boil up inside her and despite the pain in her left hand she clenched her hands into fists. "No, I really don't need a pathetic, weak brat to follow me around."

The last sentence was enough for Dawn to hear. J had her full attention as the huntress shot a glance over her shoulder. Dawn looked straight into J's greyish blue eyes, her body trembling in rage, but her voice under cold control. "Then you'll have to bear with it. I will come with you and stop Team Rocket. And you, if I have to!"

"Oh, really?" J asked, her glare holding a challenging look, which Dawn endured without averting her eyes.

"What have I gotten myself into?" Morty asked with an irritated voice and prevent any discussion that otherwise might have occurred. "That's enough. My services are needed in another place, for another purpose than acting as your mediator. Haunter, let's go."

Suddenly, the blackness of the dark behind Morty seemed to melt into something visible, as a pair of purple, clawed hands emerged, quickly followed by the similar looking body of Haunter. The ghost type grinned widely at the people standing on the battlefield, when its eyes flashed in a pale blue. Not even a second later, Dawn felt a discarnate force yank her backwards through the gloom. But as fast as the sensation had begun, it stopped with Dawn landing a little shaken on the floor at the entrance.

Relief washed over her in tsunami like waves, when she saw the bright daylight, which shined through the now widely opened double doors. She didn't hesitate to step out of the cold, dark gym into the warming rays of the sun.

"If you desperately want to continue this quarrel, go ahead. But keep something in mind," Morty said, before he turned around to face the two women. "Soon you two will have to work as a team, while your life depends on the other. I wouldn't want to argue with that person." He was about to take his leave, as another thought came to his mind. "Don't forget your conditions in our contract. Or you'll have to take responsibility for it personally, Pokemon Hunter J."

That was no empty threat. It was a promise to let the silver haired woman experience equal suffering as Dawn might during their mission. It seemed to have a great effect on the huntress, as she noticeably tensed her muscles and huffed irritated as she watched the gym leader stared distrustfully J as endless thoughts wandered through her mind.

In the bright daylight, Dawn had a better view on the huntresses particular appearance. She didn't wear her usual uniform, but rather something that reminded of a military attire. Black boots and a greyish pair of camouflage trousers covered her entire legs, making the young girl wonder, how J didn't suffer a sun stroke in the heat. Although the upper part of her clothes appeared to be more suitable to such temperatures with a light grey shirt, it concealed every inch of skin below J's neck. Otherwise, J looked just as she did during Dawn's journey through Sinnoh - and that lack of changes raised her suspicion subconsciously.

"What do you want?" J asked with her angry greyish eyes resting on the younger girl. As after what felt like eternity there still lingered an awkward silence in the air, the huntress decided to put an end to it. "I don't see your penguin running around here. Did it get into a fight and lost it? I wouldn't be surprised."

"Stop underestimating my Pokemon!" Dawn replied with a raised voice, carefully anxious not to yell. "Piplup is fine and its whereabouts are none of you business." She tried her best to mimic J's cold tone and satisfied watched the huntress narrow her eyes in annoyance. Although the young coordinator wanted to spend as little time with her most disliked enemy as possible, the questions that haunted her for a week longed for answers. "So, this time you get paid for my survival, huh? I wonder, what were your reasons in the Ilex Forest? Did someone else offer you money?"

She carefully observed J's reaction to her guess, but had to find out, that the huntress didn't show any sign of getting caught.

"As I told you multiply times before: None of you business," was the cold reply.

"Oh, really? A few people believe something else and it is your fault I met them!"

"Has the little girl trouble with bad guys? I'm ashamed."

"No, it's a police officer, who is convinced that I am your assistant and that I help you sabotaging Team Rockets plans."

For a brief moment, J hesitated in her mockery. Although there was no visible sign in her body language, Dawn could feel a slight change in her demeanor. What's that supposed to mean? Does she actually see me as an assistant, or is it something else? Can't she just spit it out already?

J recovered quickly and her lips curved into a smirk. "I have to admit, police officers are a pain, especially the demented ones. You being my assistant? That's ridiculous."

"You're not denying, that you sabotage Team Rockets plans. Interesting. In fact, I know even more," Dawn exclaimed and while she said her next words, she made sure not to miss any reaction J might show. "You started hunting Pokemon here in Johto, but then you disappeared, only to come back and foil Team Rockets plans. I wonder, why? Did you annoy them so much that they decided to differ from their usual methods and catch you instead of strong Pokemon? But they failed and now you're trying to pay them back, am I right?"

Dawn wasn't sure, whether her speculation was right or not. All she knew, was that her words unleashed a blazing wrath within the silver haired woman. Her greyish blue eyes pierced Dawn's darker ones and she made a threatening step towards the younger girl. "You're wrong." Another step. Dawn's body decided, that a certain safety distance would be a wise idea. "Let me give you an advice, girl." She kept backing away from the huntress, until her back hit the adamant wall of the gym. Now she was at J's mercy, who was already towering right in front of venom in her voice would probably turn a Seviper into an envious green worm. "Don't stick your nose in my business. Just because we'll have to cooperate one more time, it doesn't make me an ally and it doesn't give you any right to show interest in my private life. If you keep up annoying me," J hissed and lowered her head until she was on eye level with Dawn, their faces mere inches away. "I will show you what the expression mortal enemy actually means."

J kept up the pressure a little longer, as if to make sure, the words reached their effect, before she straightened up and took her leave. Still frightened, Dawn needed some time to regain her composure, while she watched the huntress disappear in the shadows of a narrow alley.

That- was- close! I didn't expect her to explode like that, Dawn thought and let out a relieved breath. But at least I made a little progress! I might have caused about a hundred more questions - not to mention J's intimidating fury - BUT still. Progress. Damn, if J didn't have the mood of a Gyarados, I might actually get some answers. But at least I know, who I'm up against. And where they will attack. I'll save my contest in no time!

It was then, a certain thought crossed her mind. When would Team Rocket attack the Bell Tower? Her right eye twitched. How could Dawn have forgotten such an important information? That was definitely one of those days, she wanted to kick herself for her stupidity. But there was still time, though. Precious time she didn't want to waste anymore.

Alright, I have two options. Number one, I can follow J - she couldn't have gotten too far, finding her should be no problem. Not to mention how excited she will be to see me again, less than five minutes after she threatened me! Or I can take my time and search for Morty.

She was about to head to the police station, when the familiar popping sound of a Pokeball reached her ears, as well as the happy squealing of a certain Pokemon.

"Pi Pichupi!"

Apparently, the tiny mouse had found out, how to escape from the device and before Dawn had any time to react, it already dashed off into the alley, J had taken. Panic kicked in and immediately, Dawn chased after the energetic electric type. Soon, the cooling shadows of the buildings surrounded her.

"Pichu, come back!" She tried to command her Pokemon, but it didn't listen. It was so excited to see its "mother" again, that it even dodged the red beam, which would recall it into its Pokeball.

Dawn had to catch it quickly, before anything devastating could happen. She turned around a corner, avoided a lone wandering Psyduck and increased her speed for a final sprint, when she saw, that Pichu was a mere arm-length away. Pichu squeaked and took another turn to the right. Ready to grab it, Dawn reached forward and followed her youngest Pokemon into the next alley - and collided face-first with something hard, but compliant.

The force of the impact had moved the individual some steps backwards, but they were still standing. Dawn had an idea, who the person was she crashed into and she disliked the thought with every cell in her body. Reluctantly, she lifted her gaze of the light gray fabric of an otherwise comfortable shirt and met the furious glare of an irritated Pokemon hunter through a pair of shades with mirrored glasses.

"Let me repeat myself - but this time in a language even the most demented ones can understand," J hissed through her teeth and pushed the glasses of her nose. As quickly as Dawn could, she pushed herself of J's shoulders and backed away. Not even a second too early, as she soon found out. A fist almost connected with her jaw, followed by a vicious kick to her side. While the young girl managed to barely avoid all blows, which otherwise would have brought devastating consequences, she felt, that the assault had to end soon. Dawn used all her knowledge about timing, she learnt during her contest battles, just to strike at the right moment. When J tried to land a hit with her right fist, Dawn jumped to the outer side and grabbed her arm with both hands - even her injured one. Pain jolted through her body, but the coordinator wouldn't let go.

"Nice idea," J complimented her - and yanked the coordinator of her feet, towards her left fist. "But for a stupid purpose!" Dawn saw the hand inching closer to her face in rapid speed and reacted in the only way she knew; close her eyes and wait for the impact and the shocking pain.

And pain came - in the form of a bright yellow flash and a familiar bolt of electricity that jolted through the pair. Once again, excitement had won over Pichu and it had unleashed a very effective ThunderShock or even Thunder Bolt. Dawn couldn't tell the difference, though she didn't care, as long as she was able to back away from the huntress. Sparks danced around J's unmoving body and the young girl assumed, that the attack caused paralysis as a side effect. Seeing, that that was her only chance to calm J, Dawn hastily tried to explain her situation.

"Sorry! Sorry, sorry, sorry, but I didn't come here to bother you again! I wanted to catch Pichu, because it ran off and since you said last time, that you didn't want it anywhere near you, I wanted to make sure, it stays ways from you, but it was faster then me, then I crashed into you - accidentally! And I'm - I'm really sorry about that!"

"That's enough!" J barked at her with a risen voice, then continued at a normal volume, while she flexed her strained muscles. "I am experienced enough to comprehend so simple coherences; you don't have to panic around like this. Pichu is more suited for the task, anyway. You can just stand at the sidelines and watch, that would fit you better."

"Why do you always have to belittle me? I am not weak!"

"No, you're very strong, indeed. I'm shivering in fear."

"Maybe I don't have enough strength to convince someone like you, but I can fight Team Rocket, with or without you!" Dawn exclaimed and watched the huntress cross her arms in front of her chest.

"I'm amazed how much self-confidence you put into your words," Was J's cold reply and it was clearly visible, that she hit a weak spot of Dawn. "You'll have enough time to prove your strength to me - as long as you stay out of my way." J was about to leave, but was held back by a not very pleasant remark.

"Actually, I do have a question," Dawn began, but received another icy glare. "Its not about you! I still don't know, when Team Rocket will attack, so if you could just tell me, then -"

"Tomorrow night," J quickly interrupted her, without any changes in her expression. "Until then, you can relax."

A bittersweet smile crept on Dawn's face as she watched the huntress walk away. "That's very thoughtful of you, J, but I would prefer it, if you told me the truth. When will they really attack?"

J froze in the middle of her next step, obviously surprised by the statement. Pichu had enough time to climb her clothes and seat itself on J's shoulder. After what felt like eternity, the silver haired woman turned around and faced the younger girl. "How do you know I didn't tell you the truth? Did you lie to me, when you asked me about the time?" Dawn just shook her head in response and watched J narrow her eyes. "Then how?"

"I just know, when someone lies. And I would be very grateful, if you didn't do it again."

Once again, the two females were surrounded by complete silence, only interrupted by the satisfied squealing of Pichu. That was, until J grabbed the little electric type and tossed it over to Dawn, whose good reflexes allowed her to catch it. "You have a perfect timing. The attack will be tonight at the Bell Tower. Do yourself a favor, before you go there and take care of your hand. I won't take responsibility for scratches."


About one hour after her last interaction with J, Dawn sat in front of a little coffee shop and sipped at her iced coffee to cool off herself from the weather and the past , she rubbed the fresh bandage around her left palm and remembered the rather silent, yet annoyed reaction of Nurse Joy as Dawn reluctantly asked for her help. She would have been glad, if she had been able to leave without any further delays, but there was another major problem waiting for her, still seated at the lobby.

A tired sigh escaped her lips, at the thought of her partner. Piplup was still mad at her for running away from the Kimono Dance Theater without warning. Ever since their last attempt at the Grand Festival, their bond had fallen victim to several disputes. While Piplup felt neglected or even betrayed by its trainer's lack of belief in their powers, Dawn had to suffer under its chiding or physical attacks. As good as her understanding of Piplup's emotions was, she couldn't just ignore her own anger boiling up inside her, whenever she was soaked by another whirlpool.

That time, however, one of its attacks caused the young girl more than just the trouble of pain. Thanks to the Aqua Jet that hit her in the back, a devious bill for a broken automatic glass door hung over her head like a guillotine. Dawn hadn't told her mother just yet about the charge - but she had to, as she herself wouldn't be able to afford it otherwise.

Thus asking for Piplup's forgiveness was not a pleasant option to the blue haired trainer, as the occasional throbbing pain in her back reminded her.

On the other hand, Dawn always fought side by side with absolute trust in her first Pokemon partner and that time, with Hunter J and Team Rocket around, she wished for its presence more than ever before. Even if it was against her liking, both for the sake of their safety and, more importantly, their friendship, she had to talk to Piplup again.

That should be easy - IF we weren't so irritable. Honestly, I don't think its THAT great, when Pokemon and trainer are alike! Dawn thought and let her forehead sink onto the back of her hands. Piplup, however, was not the only Pokemon in her party, which decided to cause her more trouble than necessary.

Feeling rejected by its "mother", Pichu made a ruckus with lots of biting, clawing, shocking and noises. It tried desperately to return to J, nuzzle its head against her chest and hear some reassuring words, that she didn't abandon the tiny mouse, that she loved it with all her heart. None of Dawn's attempts of calming Pichu were successful and in the end she had to leave the tiny mouse to the more suitable paws of Lopunny.

She didn't blame Pichu; it couldn't know the ruthless, cruel Pokemon Hunter J as good as Dawn did. That woman was, without a doubt, not even capable of comprehending those pure emotions. Otherwise she wouldn't be able committing the crimes, she made a living from. But there was no way to tell Pichu about those facts, as it would upset it even more.

When Dawn straightened up, she noticed the peaceful melody of a harp accompanied by Nando's soft voice, coming out of the radio of the coffee shop. She let her gaze wander to her notebook, which was packed with sketches, doodles and, of course, notes. That particular page she was staring at, contained a long list of mysteries and information about J, Dawn could think of.

However, that only raised more questions, than it answered. Although Dawn might find some explanations on her own, like an old article about J's miraculous survival during the explosion at Lake Valor, her sources were limited. And she highly doubted, any of them could supply her with information about the reasons of the huntress.

The only way, to gain that kind of knowledge, seemed to be through J herself and Dawn knew, how she had to approach the huntress; by making assumptions and sense slight changes in her emotional composure. The risks of such interests in J's personal life didn't leave her mind the entire time. Nonetheless, the young girl was willing to try it.

Her own motivation was not just curiosity - in that case she would think at least twice, before she decided to anger the violent woman. Constant worries bothered her. Why did J help Dawn? Who would gain what kind of benefit of her survival?

The young coordinator was afraid of being dragged into a different world, full of dangers and problems, which would foil her own plans. And she certainly wouldn't allow any other burdens on her troublesome way of becoming Top-Coordinator.

Soon, Dawn finished her iced coffee and was about to head back to the Pokemon Center, when a light blue flash caught her eye. A Garchomp, using the devastating attack Dragon Rush, dove with rapid speed onto the paralyzed pair of a Pidgeot and a Bayleaf. At the right side of the stage stood the familiar figure of a pink haired coordinator, her lips curved into a confident smirk. The TV of a nearby shop for electronics displayed the last seconds of Ursula's final battle at the Sinnoh Grand Festival and her grandiose victory.

Dawn felt a bittersweet sting in her heart and frowned at the monitor, before she increased her pace.

"...And that was the stunning rise of the latest Top-Coordinator! In our next topic, we will hear the professional opinion of a famous expert, discussing those rumors about the questionable relationship of May and..." The female moderator of the TV show narrated, her voice quickly drowned out in the chatter of the pedestrians.

If I hadn't failed in the first round that time, Ursula would have never succeeded! Dawn thought, but hastily interrupted herself mentally. No, what am I thinking. She deserves that title, she deserves it! Its me, who hasn't improved, Ursula has nothing to do with it, right? She desperately tried to convince her overconfident self, which kept claiming her putative victory.

That inner dilemma haunted her until Dawn stepped through the now doorless entrance of the Pokemon Center. It wasn't the first time, she had to fight her big-headed character and like all those times before, her attempts were futile, leaving her with a sour taste in her mouth. Just when did she become so arrogant?

"If it isn't the vandal," The sarcastic voice of the local Nurse Joy drew Dawn's attention to her sitting form behind the desk. "Your mother called, she desperately wants to talk to her daughter. You're not a run-away child, are you?"

The young girl noticeably stiffened. During her intensive training, she completely forgot to call her mother once in a while. She was about to rush over to a phone, when Nurse Joy interrupted her once more.

"You should be-" She began, but quickly changed her choice of words. "I haven't told her about the, door yet. You have the honor to do so. Now, don't disappoint me."

Dawn could already feel the lump in her throat and anxiousness rise withing her. There was no desire on her part, to tell her mother more than necessary, thus she felt slightly relieved to have a good reason to stall some time. She took an attentive look around the lobby of the Center, but couldn't spot her Pokemon anywhere.

"Where are Piplup, Pichu and Lopunny?" She asked Nurse Joy sheepishly.

The pink haired woman didn't face Dawn, as she was busy with some files. "They went to the training fields in the back to play."

Dawn only nodded. She thought about joining her Pokemon, but decided against that idea. She could imagine, how hard it would be, to gather the necessary courage and call her mother eventually. The sooner she got over it, the faster she could concentrate on the next task; making up with Piplup and the fight against Team Rocket. Thus the young girl let herself slump down on the seat in front of the monitor of the phone and dialed the number of her own home.

The screen turned on and immediately showed the curve of a normal heart rate accompanied by the common beeping noise. Confused, Dawn blinked at the display, before a frown appeared on her face. Apperantly, Nurse Joy had changed the settings of the phone. What a great sense of humor, She thought annoyed, when the heartbeat increased highly, indicating the connection of the phones.

But it didn't take the other person at the other side of the line too long, to accept the call. The screen flashed and showed the smiling face of Johanna. Although she hadn't have many opportunities to think calmly about her mother, Dawn felt relieved to see her save and sound.

"Finally I get to see you on a different screen!" Johanna joked and drew a chuckle from her daughter.

"Yeah, sorry I took so long. I was busy. For how long didn't we talk? One or two weeks?"

"You mean a whole month, dear."

"A whole mo-" Dawn gasped and watched her mother's expression become more serious.

"Dawn, you should really stop concentrating that much on your contests. You're blocking out the whole world! That's the reason, I think you should take a long break," Johanna claimed and didn't give her daughter any time to respond. "I've heard the news about the Ecruteak contest. It was cancelled, right? Because of some police matters."

"Yes!" Dawn was quick to chip in. "But I'm already taking care of it myself. I'll be participating in no time, so no need to worry."

"I'll never get tired of this sentence, but whenever you tell me not to worry, that's the time I worry most. For good reasons. This police emergency sounds awfully dangerous to me, you should leave it to the experts to handle."

Dawn sighed. She hadn't thought about her mother's reaction to that plan yet, but the objection was no real surprise to her. If she didn't believe in Dawn's strength, how was she supposed to do so?

"By the way, where is Piplup?" Johanna asked curiously, her eyes searching the visible parts of the lobby.

"Its outside, playing with my new partner, Pichu. I just caught it about a week ago." And that's when my other problems actually started, She added in her thoughts, but had no intention, to tell her mother about Hunter J or Team Rocket at all.

"I see. When do you plan to use it in a contest?"

"Uh..." Since Dawn didn't feel like Pichu really belonged to her, she had difficulties to answer that question. However, there was no need to do so, as a familiar, blue Pokemon jumped in front of the screen.

"Piplup!" It happily chirped with a happy face and acted, as if it tried to hug the display of Johanna.

"In great shape as always, Piplup! Nice to see you," Johanna smiled at the penguin, while Dawn felt uncharacteristic panic rise within her. Her voice showed her nervousness at Piplup's appearance.

"Yeah, Piplup. How - how is Pichu anyway?" Dawn didn't want to get into a fight with her partner, in front of Johanna. It would just raise her suspicion and objections. Piplup, however, wasn't fond of that idea at all. It huffed at its trainer and faced the other direction, its flippers firmly crossed. It was enough, to push the already irritated coordinator over the edge.

"Stop acting so spoilt already!"

"Piiiiiiiplup! Piplup pi Piplup LUP!"


"That's enough!" Johanna's loud voice put an end to the quarrel and she glared at her daughter. "Dawn! I see, you had another fight with Piplup. Was it because of some impossible move, again?"

"No - no it's not like that," Dawn replied with both her hands risen in a defensive stance. "We were just-"

"What happened to your hand?" Johanna asked in a dangerously low voice, her brow's furrowed. Suddenly, the young girl felt as if a block of ice froze her inwardly.

"Yo-you mean my right hand?" She quickly hid the bandaged one behind the desk. "Nothing, see?"

"Dawn, you're not a kid anymore! I mean your left one, the one with a bandage wrapped around the palm."

Averting her eyes, the young girl let her shoulders slump down in defeat."I cut it, accidentally..."

"And how?" Johanna pressed her daughter, as she stopped talking.

"With... with some shards..."

A sigh. Then Johanna posed the final question. "And why were there shards?"

Dawn didn't want to tell her mother, why there were shards. The silence lasted for half a minute and the young girl was unable to shake off that uneasy feeling and find her voice again. The burden of confessing to her mother, however, was easily lifted of her shoulders, as someone else interfered their conservation.

"That's because your daughter managed to smash my glass door into pieces and she still has to pay for it," Nurse Joy interjected with an almost casual voice as she stood behind the terrified girl. Dawn could only try to stutter some inaudible words. "I gave you a chance, you didn't use it. And since you told me, you couldn't afford it, I had to take things in my own hands, don't you think?" With those harsh words, the doctor took her leave.

"Aha," Johanna said, disappointment evident in both her mimic and voice. "And when did you plan to tell me about that?"

Never, Dawn replied inwardly, but otherwise kept quiet. Her mother obviously didn't even want to hear the answer, as she had already the next question ready.

"What happened? I don't just mean, how you broke down the door, but why you did that."

Dawn already knew, that any argument wouldn't save her from that situation, so she gave in and told her mother the whole situation about the contest, her rush to the Pokemon Center and part of her appointments with Morty - except of Hunter J and Team Rocket. They were replaced by any enemy, Dawn had already fought before.

"But as you see, it was not just my fault. If Piplup didn't-" She tried to split some of the blame, but as she immediately found out, that plan backfired at her immensely.

"Dawn!" Her mother almost yelled, her fury clearly audible in her words. "That's enough! If you didn't focus so much on those damn contests, you wouldn't act that way!

"But Mom, I-" Dawn tried to interrupt her mother, but to no avail.

"If you don't want or even can't change that attitude, then I'll have you to quit overall!" Johanna exclaimed, serious about her words.

"You don't know how important they are to me-"

"Oh, I know. More important than your closest partners! This is no behavior I can tolerate-"

"Of course you can't!" Dawn yelled, her patience at an end. "You are already a Top-Coordinator, you made it! You don't have to worry about your next performance, you don't have to fight with your competition, because you don't even have one! You don't have to watch all of your friends achieving your goal, while you only sit at the sidelines and watch! How could you ever understand, how I feel?!"

Before her mother had any chance to brace herself after Dawn's outburst, she cut the connection, accompanied of the sustained beep of a stopped heart and sat in her chair, shaking with anger and immediate regret. She regretted the direction, their conservation took, she regretted blaming Piplup and she regretted yelling at her mother. Obviously, her most trusted partner could feel the change in her emotional composure and chirped saddened.

"Sorry Piplup," Dawn apologized, her remorse clearly displayed in her voice and teary eyes. She let her head sink onto the cold desk and felt relieved at the touch of Piplup's flipper on her temple. "Its simply not my day."


Arme Dawn. Ich hatte eigentlich nur ein Problem für dieses Kapitel geplant und das heißt J... Aber der Rest ist doch auch schön geworden, nicht? Bissl Hintergrundgeschichten.

Also: Write ya next -

J: Der Satz ergibt nicht mal Sinn!

Ich: Mir doch wurscht! Das ist wie'n Wortspiel aus see ya next time und ich als Schriftsteller -

*Brutalanda setzt Hyperstrahl ein*



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Von:  Renaki
2013-12-07T14:28:03+00:00 07.12.2013 15:28
Tolles Kapitel!!

Bin Gespannt wie es zwischen Dawn und J weiter geht. Bei ihrer Hass-Partnerschaft wird die Mission bestimmt lustig...wenn sie sich nicht vorher im Streit umbringen^^

LG Renaki
