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Saya   [Zeichner-Galerie] Upload: 06.04.2007 07:46
Bin zu faul alles nochmal auf deutsch zu schreiben *Lol*

Des ist n Entry für n Wettbewerb auf Deviantart.com von Budgie *hugs*.

Name: Sayael Eleison
Age: 25
Job/Class: High Priest
Current Level: 80
Gender: Male
Birthday: 25th Decembre
Place of Birth: Payon
Hometown: Everywhere
EyeColour: Blue (Like sora from KH)
Hair Colour: Red (a very straigt cut)
Family: KyrieEleison (father), Keganin (lil Brother), Mother Unknown (dead)

Sayael is a very tough man, though, he got alot of stupid times in his life.
He was born in Payon as son of KyrieEleison (my main character) and got killed there when he was 9. ... ... NO thats not the end of the story! Hell!
He surprised a Dark Priest who followed Kyrie home and attacked him. Sadly the DarkPriest was too much for the little 9 years old boy. Kyrie begged the DarkPriest not to take his precious son and the bad guy offered him a contract.
Kyrie had to become a DarkPriest to keep up a curse that the DarkPriest spelled on the little boy. This Curse kept him alife and as soon as Kyrie would quit, Sayael would die.
Sayael himself didn't know anything of that and woke up the next morning. His father was gone and didn't return.
With the age of 10 years Sayael left his home to search his father and became a Thief, later a Assassin. It was a hard and rough time where he lost his left eye in a battle with Zealotus in the Prison of Glastheim. He found alot of friends and traveled around with them. When he was 19, Rune Midgard got attacked by the Monsters and Sayael got caught by them. They made him into a Hunter who was riding the Gryphon and killed alot of people. (Brainwashed etc) but the Vicotry went to the humans side and Sayael got saved.
He couldn't stand for what he had done and quitted. Later his friends could get him back into the social life and Sayael became a Acolyte to atone his sins.
Not that he was the perfect "Oh-I-Love-God-So-Much"-Priest. He still has the attitude of a Assassin and also remembers some skills. Thats why he isn't a full support Priest, but a MagnusExorcismus Priest. He did that so well, that he became a HighPriest at the age of 25 years.

About his personality:
Sayael is kind of calm but easy to confuse. He likes to talk to himself or to Monsters more than he is talking to human. Only his close friends or people he is leveling with can get his full attention.
He likes to sit somewhere in the sun and stare holes into the air. It is very hard to make him angry or make him scream. Also he is very quiet, likes to read books while relaxing or just sit there in the sun sleeping.
Dislikes: Winter *lol*, crowed places, undeads and Darkpriests, rules and twinkleblingbling stuff and when people mistake him for beeing a girl.

Alternative Equip: Blucker of Hell or Dragoon. Dex Survivors Rod, Helm of Solar God, Apple of Archer, Nimble Clips (Gloves later), Drooping Cat.


Ragnarok Online

Computer Grafik

OpenCanvas 3.2plus


Mika - Grace Kelley


Kommentare (14)
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Von: abgemeldet
2007-04-23T19:22:49+00:00 23.04.2007 21:22
sehr schick. ^^ der chara is hot UND... HATN RAMMSTEIN-Gürtel...? ;) ^^ ich mag die pose und die klamotten.
ich will son hut! o_Ód
gute arbeit. ^^
btw.: xD das lied von mika is au übelst geil. xD
LG~ ♥
Von:  aneleh
2007-04-09T13:28:24+00:00 09.04.2007 15:28
kann ich nur sagen^^
red color is a good colour.
Von: abgemeldet
2007-04-07T16:17:14+00:00 07.04.2007 18:17
Oha Sayael im Popup-Stil, schön schön :D
Klasse, was man aus einem chara alles entwickeln kann.
"bisexual" interessant interessant xD
Von: abgemeldet
2007-04-07T14:01:13+00:00 07.04.2007 16:01
sweeet! <.>
Von: abgemeldet
2007-04-06T17:19:59+00:00 06.04.2007 19:19
blucker of hell? meinst da buckler? xd
aber des bild sieht voll geil aus xd
computergrafik ist komplett am pc entstanden oder? *____*
die haltung finde ich etwas unlgisch, er soll zwar springen oder so (denk ich mal)
aber irendwie wirkt des auch als ob er nach hinten wegkippen würde
außerdem find ich ihn etwas zu verdreht >__<
aber sonst is toll :D

lg pia
Von:  Akuma6666
2007-04-06T16:04:11+00:00 06.04.2007 18:04
genau das gleiche wie parano hab ich auch gedacht XD

sau geil, das bild!
Von:  Black_Dark
2007-04-06T12:33:17+00:00 06.04.2007 14:33
Müsste das nicht "Buckler of Hell or Dragoon" stat "Blucker of Hell or Dragoon" heißen? XD
nur ein kleiner hinweis. ^^
und noch ne andere frage steht da wirklich bisexual?
achso super bild. O,O
*1geb und in favos steck*
Von:  Shunya
2007-04-06T11:56:48+00:00 06.04.2007 13:56
Das nenne ich mal einen interessanten Steckbrief.
Echt toll gemacht!!! ^-^
Von:  Auxura
2007-04-06T11:34:04+00:00 06.04.2007 13:34
oh nein is der geil xDDDD ...
gefällt mir ^^
die schuhe sind hardcore,
ich will nciht von ihm getreten werden *gggg*
mach weiter so, das bild ist echt toll
liebe grüße
PS: ich hoffe du gewinnst *ggg*
Von:  Yakuun
2007-04-06T11:23:42+00:00 06.04.2007 13:23
Boah *_________*
Sieht toll aus
Die colo ist super, und die klamotten sind voll geiloo