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Kamen Rider

Autor:  Wendel
....Ich glaube, ich sollte nicht zuviele aufeinmal sehen.......egal.


Autor:  Wendel
Benjamin Blümchen:
Wo bin ich? Weiße Säcke? Ein Bullauge.....ach jaaaaa....die Vorratskammer, jetzt weiß ich's wieder....und die Zückerstückchen *mampf*



Autor:  Wendel
Ich hab keine Ahnung, wie man gerade Linien in SAI zeichnet lol.

Klaha - Souten Hakugetsu

Autor:  Wendel
If I can keep a smile until the end of my life,
Not getting worn down by whatever difficult road,
Even if I am, for example, exposed to the winds of
an ugly life of suffering...

....mit allem Drum und Dran!

Autor:  Wendel
...hab ich einfach NICHTS zu sagen.

Ich hyperventiliere...

Autor:  Wendel

Mamiya Oki hat einen Kamen Rider Ryuki - Doujinshi gezeichnet!
*zeitliche segnet*


Autor:  Wendel

"I am, from the start (to the finish), at a climax!"
Ore wa saisho kara (saigo made) kuraimakkusu da ze!

"My Hissatsu Attack... Final Version!"
俺の必殺技… ファイナルバージョン!
Ore no hissatsu waza... fainaru bajon!

"Hey, mind if I reel you in?"
Omae, boku ni tsuraretemiru?

"My strength, it has brought you to tears. Wipe off your tears."
俺の強さに、お前が泣いた。 涙はこれで拭いとけ。
Ore no tsuyosa ni, omae ga naita. Namida wa kore de fuitoke.

"Is it okay if I kill you? Can't hear your answer!"
倒すけどいいよね? 答えは聞いてない!
Taosu kedo ii yo ne? Kotae wa kiitenai!

"Advent, above it all."
Kourin, man o jishite.

"Your head is high!"
Zu ga takai!

"Let me say this for starters. I am fai-r-ly strong!"
最初に言っておく。 俺はかーなーり強い!
Saisho ni itte oku. Ore wa ka-na-ri tsuyoi!

"I have the face for it, don't I?"
Ore, souiu kao shiteru daro?

Autor:  Wendel
Hope there's someone
Who'll set my heart free
Nice to hold when I'm tired

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