The sweet scent of flowers von GizziJu ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Shiro Minamoto and the first meeting ----------------------------------------------- On every third day I ride on my bike to the next farm to get things that are missing in the kitchen.   On my way I always drive along giant flowerfields with the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen.~   My name is Shiro Minamoto. I'm a 16 year old boy and I lived with my grandma in an old traditional japanese house until she died last year. Now I live there alone. The house is far away from other houses and the city. To be honest I've never been to the city in my entire life.   But that doesn't matter because here I have everything I need.   [X]   "Oh no! Shit!"   While I was baking a strawberry cake, that my grandma used to bake all the time, I noticed that I didn't have any sugar. So I got on my bike and made my way to the next farm, which Mrs Hinamori  owns, to get some.   I picked some of my favourite flowers on my way like I always did. But this time something unusual for this area happened. While I drove further a boy walked in my direction. Here. Where nobody is but me, Mrs Hinamori and her husband. Where nothing is but the huge and beautiful flower fields.   The boy was around my age, whith brown hair and he seamed like he was taller that me by a few inches. He listened to music and looked at his phone. He will notice me very late I thought with a little smile on my lips. I took purple flower out of the ones I just had picked, slowed down a bit and put it gently behind his ear as I drove past him.   Only then, he had lifted his head. "What the...?" he mumbled to himself and looked surprised at my back as I sped up and drove further. Then he turned around again and started to walk in the direction he originally went.   Two different directions. Two different ways. But this shouldn't be their last meeting.   Kapitel 2: Blue eyes -------------------- After I had gotten the sugar, talked to Mrs Hinamori for a while and given her the flowers I got to my bike and headed back home.   A slight breez was blowing and the sweet scent of flowers was in the air when I already had spotted someone from far away who was sitting on the side of the way. But only when I got nearer I noticed that it was the boy from before because he still had the little flower in his hair.   Also he still listened to music, 'I wonder which music he likes?', and thats why he noticed me really late. I slowed down and stopped in front of him.   He looked up to me. His nut brown hair fell to the right and left out of his face. And that was the first time I had looked in those shining blue eyes.   When he stood up he took his white headphones out off his ears and stared into my green eyes with his blue ones. "You...are the guy from before...right?" he asked hesitantly and with big eyes.   I stood there for a moment doing nothing. Then I smiled sweetly at him, pointed at the pink flower in his brown hair and said "I see you remember and I have to say this flower suits you very well".   "Oh!" he softly touched the flower and looked at my smiling face again which cheeks had a light pink color on them. 'A really... cute boy' he thought and smiled back.   "Say..." I looked him up and down, examing his clothes to be exact.   "Hm?"   "What are you doing here? People from the city don't really come here often...".   "Ah yeah uhmm..." he scratched the back of his head as his cheeks flushed a light red color "I'm a little lost actually. I'm looking for this house". He pulled a photo out of the back pocket of his jeans and showed it to me.   I looked at it for a few seconds before answering "Ah! I know it. I can bring you there if you want." I looked up at him again with a smile on my face.   "Really? Thanks man!" he smiled gently at me while the wind blew past us and in this very moment I actually thought that he is pretty handsome. Kapitel 3: Sad tunes -------------------- After we had already walked for a while in silence he finally spoke and asked me for my name. "Shiro. My name is Shiro Minamoto. And you?" I answered a little surprised as he suddenly talked to me.   He answered short, with a straight face and not even looking at me "Souma Tokugawa". When he said that in his low voice and with no emotion in it, I starred a while at him and once he noticed it and looked at me I quickly looked away while my cheeks turned light pink.   'What do you think you're doing, dammit!?' I scolded myself in my thoughts. "There's nothing to stare about!"   Short after the conversation with myself in my head and Souma looking a bit irritated by my fidgeting, I noticed where we were and stopped dead in my tracks. Souma walked a few more steps until he noticed that I wasn't walking beside him anymore and turned around. "Whats wrong?".   I pointed at something behind him with a little smile. He turned back around to look at what I was pointing at "It's over there. We're almost at the house you're looking for." I walked past him and he started following me again.   After a few minutes  we had arrived, I parked my bike next to the house under a little roof and walked to the frontdoor where Souma has just rung. I chuckled at his doing. "That wont work. No ones at home right now".   "Huh?" He looked confused at me when I walked past him and rummaged in my pocket. I took out a silver key and put it into the lock. I unlocked the door and opened it. "Because I live alone here", I turned around to face him with a big smile on my face.   "Wh-what?! Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Souma looked at me in amazement. His eyes widened and looked so much more beautiful than before. Don't think stupid things...I really like beautiful and pretty things okay?! But they didn't only show amazment, no, they also showed a little bit of anger. Most likely because I fooled him like that.   I looked at him for a few more seconds while a bright smile had formed on my face and I fanally answered him.   "Because I wanted to see your reaction! It was really funny!", I went laughing in and took off my shoes in the entranceway. Souma soon stepped in aswell, closed the door and followed me into the living room after also taking off his shoes.   It's a really bright, big and friendly room. There were a chouch, a piano, a table and a carpet on a dark brown wooden floor. You can also get to this small, higher boardwalk, through a big sliding glass door, over which you can go to the garden where a big, not yet blooming cherry blossom stands.   "'s really beautiful here." Souma put his bag down on the floor next to the big window and went to the piano, while I made tea for us in the open kitchen. I heard Souma playing some keys and instantly recognized the melody. I finished making tea, put the cups on a tablet and went behind him, putting the tablet down on top of  the piano and played the same keys he just played, but one octave higher.   "This is the song I've always played with my grandma before she had died a year ago". I smiled a little sad staring into space, then looked at him. "Shall we drink the tea outside? It's such a nice weather today."   Souma looked at me a bit sad for a while before he answered with a worried smile "Sure. Why not?". Kapitel 4: Sleeping to the wind's sounds ---------------------------------------- We sat down on the edge of the wood and looked into the huge garden. There wasn't only the tree but also some flowers, like roses and tulips, and a few bushes. I drank some tea, then starred into my cup at the reflection of myself and asked Souma without looking at him "Why did you come here?"   "Ah yeah my principal said you wouldnt know about all of this" he put his hands behind himself on the wood, leaned back a bit, closed his eyes and let the sun shine on his face "I'm here..." the boy beside me paused for a second before he contiuned with a sigh "to bring you into the city".   My eyes widened in surprise. I looked up at him with anger and confusion in my eyes "What?! B-but why? I'm doing just fine here on my own!"   Souma let his eyes closed but answered calm at my angered reaction "You have to go to the city.. beacause your grandma wanted it like this".   I starred at him with a mix of shock and sadness in my expression "My...grandma?".   Souma opened one of his eyes and looked at me, took something out off his pocket that looked like paper and gave it to me without saying anything.   "What is this?" I asked while starring at the piece of paper, that turned out to be an envelope, in my hands. He layed down completly now and closed his eye again when he answered me "It's a letter that your grandma had send to the principal of my school a year ago."   I opened the envelope and read the letter inside of it. Slowly, without me noticing, tears welled up in my eyes. "Hic!" And at that point the tears started rolling down my cheeks. When Souma heard me sob he suddenly sat up and faced me.   "W-wha-what's the matter? H-hey! Why are you crying?" He paniced and had really no idea what he should do. I think it very pretty funny and kind of really... cute. I began to smile and the tears slowly stopped falling. I wiped them away with my finger.   "Oh..." Souma now clamed down as he saw me smiling. 'Cute...' he thought and carefully wiped the last tear out of my face.   'His hands are so big, warm and soft...' A small blush formed on my face at this thought.   While doing so he starred into my shiny and still a bit teary eyes. "So...what does it say that you had to cry like that?"   I looked at the letter again and then in his blue eyes thinking for a moment befor answering. "I'm coming with you."   "Uhmm..." he looked totally confused at me.   "You...WHAT?! Where did this change of mind suddenly come from?" Souma leaned forward, starring into my eyes.   "My grandma..."   "Your grandma what?"   "She has convinced me." I looked down at the letter again as Souma sighed in relief.   "That's good then" he smiled at me. I stood up and walked into the house while Souma was gazing after me. I turned around to face him once more "I'll prepare a room for you to stay in".   "! What's that for?" he sat down to his knees.   "You don't have school tomorrow, right? Moreover, that way you dont have to come here again tomorrow and get lost again". I chuckled a little at the last part while Souma blushed a bit embarrassed.   He sat down on his butt again crossing his legs a bit and scratched the back of his head "I guess you're right". Then he looked up and smiled back.   "Good" I walked to the door of the living room "I prepare the room and then I'm going to cook something for us." I left the room, walking into the room that I'm going to prepare for him.   In the mean time Souma stood up and walked into the garden to the cherry blossom. He sat down in its shadow, leaned against it's trunk and slowly fell asleep to the soft sound of the wind. When I got back I walked directly into the kitchen and didnt notice that Souma was sleeping in the garden. I made dinner for both of us, sat everything on the table and went to call Souma. Only then I noticed that brunette boy was sleeping under the tree the whole time. I smiled and walked over to him when a light pink petal landed on his cheek. I looked up and saw that the first buds already bloomed. I kneeled down beside him and carefully took it from of his face. At this moment he slowly opened his blue eyes and looked directly into my green ones "...Shiro...".   I stood up, brushed away a bit dirt that was on my knees and reached out my hand to him."The food is ready. Let's eat together". He looked at me, smiled, took my hand and stood up.   "Okay". Then Souma started walking and dragged me with him because of the fact that he was still holding my hand. I was very slightly red in the face from the touch of his warm and soft hands. Kapitel 5: Into the city ------------------------ While we were eating we didn't talk to each other. But it was a comfortable silence.   Souma finished before me and laid lazy on the table. He was starring at me the whole time and I had no idea why. It was annoying and a bit embarrassing aswell.   "What?" I asked with light pink cheeks.   "Nothing really. I just thought..." he paused thinking about what to say next.   I got a bit impatient, put mz fork down and spoke up before he did "Thought what? Speak."   "Well I just thought that you're really cute" he answered.   I was so surprised that I chocked my food and cought, trying to bring one word out "What?!" I looked at him,irritated and with red cheeks.   "I mean, when you finally go to school I guess you'll quickly find a girlfriend and I'm sure you'll be popular with the guys too" he leaned back and looked blankly up at the ceiling.   " think so?" I spoke quietly to myself so that Souma couldn't hear. I clenched my hands to fists in my lap, looked down at them when I felt a little pain in my chest.   ~*TIME SKIP*~   While I cleaned up the kitchen Souma looked alone around the house so that he knew where everything is.   When I had finished I made tea for us, sat down on the chouch and waited for Souma to return from his little expedition. He came back but in the short time he wasn't there I had already fallen asleep.   He covered me up with the blanket that was laying on the couch, sat down on the floor leaning against the couch and sighed while he was looking in the garden thinking about something.   'The drawings....they must be from him'   ~*TIME SKIP*~   On our way into the city I plucked some flowers again like I always do when I'm outside.   "You like flowers, huh?" he asked watching me with a small smile on his face while I smelled on thee red and violette ones.   "Yes, I actually like them really much" I said calmly, looked at the flowers in my hands and smiled. 'They remind me of my grandma' We continued walking down the path until we finally reached the city. When we walked over the street in the city and towards us came a few weird guys, I suddenly hid behind Souma and clung to his arm.   He looked at them and then me while I closed my eyes tightly out of fear and begann shaking slightly. Then he looked forward again and asked what the matter was.   "I'm not used to so many and such people...". He smiled a little and I didn't let go of his arm until we arrived at his home.   It was really messy.   "I'm sorry that I didn't tidy up". We stood in the door to the living room.   "Ah!... No that's okay!" I waved nervously with my hands. "But where are your parents?" I looked around.   "They are never really at home" he put down his things beside the couch. "Put your things there. I show you everything". Souma walked to the first room and opened the door "That's the bathroom. Just use it how you want". Next room "This is my parents bedroom. I'll sleep here. And you-" he walked to the next one "-will sleep here. That's my room".   'It's the only tidy room' I thought while looking around the room.   "If you need anything just say so". The blue eyed boy walked to the kitchen and I followed him. "Say...are you hungry?" Souma asked when suddenly my stomache growled. He looked at me with big eyes and then laughed "I think that's the answer to my question".   It was a little bit embarrassing and I blushed a bit.   Souma opened the fridge "Shit! I forgot to buy something" he scrached the back of his head.   "Then let me buy something now".   He looked surprised at me "But you can't handle crowds and besides, you dont know your way around here. It's to dangerous. You could get lost".   "Ah!... Uhm" I had already totally forgotten about this. It was fine on our way here because I clung to his arm.   Souma walked to the entrance and put on his shoes "Then let's just go together". I looked at him with big eyes and smiled. Kapitel 6: School & Class ------------------------- The next day.   When we were on our way to school I tried not to cling so much to Souma's arm out of anxiety. I walked beside him with a strained face.   'It's kinda cute how he's trying so hard' Souma laughed out of nowhere.   'Why did he laugh? did I do something embarrassing!?' With a bit of pink on my cheeks I looked at him and stuttered "Wh-what?!"   "Nothing! I just thought that it's really cute how you're trying so hard not to cling to me you know...because you're scared and stuff".   My face flushed bright red "Whaaat?!"   'Opps...I said it again' Souma covered his mouth with his right hand. When he looked at me again I already looked forward again and sparkled all over my face. His hand slowly sank down from his mouth and he stared at me with big eyes 'How cuute! If he were a girl I would totally date him!' his cheeks got a light red color 'What the hell am I thinking about?! I'm a guy and he will defenitly be a boy forever too'   "Wh-why are you sparkling like that?" Souma asked me a little confused.   I looked at him with a big smile "That's your school, right? It's my first time going to school" I stared at the school again.   He smiled. "Yeah that's mine" he said under his breath.   We walked into the school. There are so many people aswell. I really wanted to cling to Souma's arm but decided not to. So many of them where looking at us, some whispered to each other and some girls squeled.   "Where are we going first?" I looked up at Souma who was walking a few steps infront of me.   "To the staff room. Telling them that you're here and asking which class you're in and so on." he answered not even taking a glance at me. We stopped by a blue door with a sing that said 'Staff Room'.   "That's it. Just knock and talk to one of the teachers. I'm heading to my class first. See ya later" he turned around and walked away without another word.   "Eeehhh?" totally nervous and alone I stood there, eyes focused on the door. I took two deep breaths and knocked before entering "Uh...uhm....I..."   I couldn't even finish my sentence when a beautiful young lady interrupted me "You must be Minamoto Shiro, right?".   I just stood there for a moment before replying "Ah yes!"   "Okay I quickly explain everything to you and then you can go." She smiled.    "Thank you very much" I smiled reliefed back at her. 'What a nice teacher'   [No ones POV]   Souma sat in his class staring out the window when the teacher made an announcement.   "Quiet please! Today we get a new student. Please be nice to him. You can come in now". The teacher called the new student in. The door opened slowly, a boy walked in and everyone stared enthusiasticly at him.   He walked to the teacher and when he stopped and turned to face the other students, smiled and said "Hello everyone. My name is Shiro Minamoto. Nice to meet you all." a loud "Cuuuuteee!!" came from the whole class.   The boy was surprised and his face flushed red. He looked nervously through the class and then Shiro saw him, at the very back at the window. Souma sat there and smiled at him with a mix of concern and amusement.   Shiro didn't care about anything that happened around him. He smiled back in relief because one thing was clear to him: He won't feel alone anymore because Souma's with him from now on. Kapitel 7: Don't tell me he...!? -------------------------------- Two months have already past since I started going to school. I sit infront of Souma in all my classes and I also get pretty good along with all my classmates. So Souma was right that I would be popular with the girls and boys.   I found a place where I always am during lunch time. I sit on a bench in a little courtyard between the art rooms and the canteen on the school grounds and there is also a cherry blossom tree. But I really like to be there because it's always quiet.   Today I sat on the bench again like usual when Souma walked through the hallway from the canteen to the art rooms as he saw me sitting there outside. He walked to the window that was directly behind me, opened it and looked over my shoulder so that he could see what I was doing with the pad that I held in my hands.   "What are you doing Shiro?" he made me jump when he suddenly spoke up. I didn't even noticed that he was standing there.   I quickly hid the pad behind my back when I jumped up and turned to face him. "Eh? I'm...doing nothing" I said nervously. 'I hope he didn't see...'   He sighed, obviously not believing me. Souma leant lazily on the window board, looking at the pad I was trying to hid behind my back. "Are you drawing again?"   My eyes widened slightly "Eh? Again?" I looked at him with a puzzeled look on my face.   Souma turned around, leant backwards out of the window and stared up at the clear blue sky. "Well the paintings at your house were also from you, right?"   "The...paintings..." I mumbled while I thought for a moment. As I remembered my face flushed red. 'Don't tell me he...!' "These! When did you...?" I stuttered, my voice higher than usual out of embarrassment.   "Eh?" He leant back a bit more and looked at my completly red face. "When I was at your house I looked around for a bit alone and saw them in one of the rooms."   My knees couldn't hold me anymore and I sank to the ground in disbelieve. 'Nobody should have ever seen them!' I pressed the block that was still in my hands against my chest.   Souma watched me for a while before smiling. "What are you drawing this time? Can I see it?"   "Huh? Ah...uhmm...I don't...really know...about that...". I looked down on the ground, my hair shieling my tightly closed eyes.   The taller boy jumped out of the window, walking over to me and squatting down infront of me. "When you have finished it I'll be the first person you'll show it, okay? I really like your paintings, ya know". He put one hand gently on my head and drove through my hair with his fingers, a gentle smile on his face, while I slowly lifted my head.   I stared in his beautiful shining blue eyes as I nodded slowly. 'Somehow...when I looked into his eyes... it calmes me down'   "Good" he stood up and and reached out a hand to me. "Then let's go. Class is about to start."   "Ah! Yes" I quickly took his hand and stood up, looking behind me a last time to see that the cherry blossom was nearly in full bloom now. Kapitel 8: A stormy night ------------------------- "Shiro!" I heared Souma yell from the kitchen. He was currently making dinner while I cleaned up the living room a bit.   "What is it?" I asked walking into the kitchen. It smelled amazing!   "Could you please turn on the TV? I want to watch the weather forecast." He glanced at me for a second and contiuned cooking.   "Sure" I mumbled and walked back into the living room turning on the TV and switching to the right channnel. We sat down on the table as the weather forecast started.   "Tonight the temperature drops to 7°C and a heavy storm will come from the east. Tomorrow it will...."   I didn't listen anymore. 'A storm?..Oh no'  My eyes widened and I froze, the food falling down on my plate again. Souma seemed to notice this and looked away from the TV and into my eyes.   "Is everything okay? Does the food taste bad or something?" Souma asked a bit worried.   "Huh..?" I broke from my trance and looked down at my plate in embarrassment. "No that's not it. I'm fine and it is really delicious. I like it" I slowly contiuned eating.   "If you say so..." He mumbled a bit confused before he smiled "I'm glad you like my cooking so much" And with that he looked back at the TV.   We finished eating in silence and I went into the kitchen to wash the dishes while Souma still sat in the living room playing a game. I chuckle sometimes to myself when I hear him rant about the game. I washed all the dishes and put them away when I noticed that it already had started to rain.   I sat down next to Souma on the couch watching him play for about an hour before deciding to go to my room and contiune to draw on the picture. After half an hour there was the first lightning and thunder. I shrieked like a girl. But not only because of that but also because the light went off.   'Just...great...' I thought, tears already forming in the corners of my eyes while I slowly and carefully walked to the door. "Sou-" I wanted to shout out to him but got interruped by another thunder. I shrieked again and fell to my knees, shaking.   "Shiro! Are you alright?" I heared Souma coming towards me with a flashlight in one hand. He kneeled down infront of me, putting the other hand on my shoulder.   "Yeah...I was j-just really s-surprised and s-shocked" I tried to hold back the tears and smiled weakly up at him. 'I'm such a liar' I thought while Souma helped me up.   "How about we call it a day and go to sleep earlier than usual? Without electricity we can't do anything anyways" He smiled and gave me another flashlight. "Just in case" he winked "Good night, Shiro" He patted my head and went to his room.   I turned on the flashlight and layed it down on my nightstand so that I could see my pyjama to get changed. I quickly undressed and put my other things on. Just as I wanted to crawl into my bed there was another thunder and I jumped in the bed, quickly hiding under the blanket.   'Shit, shit, shit!' I thought as a tear rolled down my cheek.   If you haven't noticed yet: I'm really scared of lightning and thunder.   'Mabye I should have told Souma...' Another tear rolled down my cheek ''s just too embarrassing!' I turned around under the blanket so that I didn't face the window anymore.   I'm scared of storms since I was a little kid. It was always okay because then I would sleep in the same bed as my grandma. I'm not scared when I hear the heartbeat and feel the heat of another person.   Another lightning and thunder. I just couldn't stand it anymore and jumped out of bed, taking the flashlight and quietly walking to Souma's room. I took a deep breath before there was a thunder again. I tried not to whimper and turned off the flashlight, carefully knocking on the door and opening it.   "Souma? Are you still awake?" I asked quietly. Souma groaned and hummed in response.   "What is it Shiro? Something wrong?"   "Well I just wanted to ask if-" I was interrupted by a thunder and again I tried not to whimper. "I-If I could s-sleep here with y-you tonight?" I felt his eyes on me now.   "Sure" He answered after a short while. I walked to the other side of the bed and layed down. We layed there without facing each other. A few minutes went by when there was another thunder but this time I couldn't keep quiet and even started shaking.   Souma must have noticed it because I felt him shift on the other side of the bed. "Shiro" His voice was calm. I slowly turned around to face him. "Come here" He stretched out his arm and my face turned a bit red. But I did as he said and shifted closer to him with another lightning.   I whimpered again as Souma pulled me closely to his chest. I stiffened. "You're scared of storms, am I right?" He asked quietly and I just nodded as he hugged me tighter to himself. "It's alright if you're scared" I felt him smile into my hair "But you don't have to because I'm with you now and I will protect you"   Even thought it sounded like he was talking to a kid it made me feel really safe, just like his arms around me. Now I could feel his heat and hear his heartbeat. It was just so calming. By now I wasn't stiff anymore ond leaned into his gentle but strong touch.   'He smells so nice...just like the sun and beautifull flowers' I felt my eyelids getting really heavy. 'I like his smell' I thought closing my eyes completly. I listened to his steady and calming breathing aswell as his heartbeat for a while longer before falling asleep completly even thought there were still lightnings and thunders outside.   But I didn't care anymore because Souma was here with me and would be for the rest of the night and even tomorrow. Kapitel 9: Heartbreak --------------------- Two weeks have went by since the storm and today Souma ha club activities again. Like always I waited in the little courtyard with the cherry blossom.   I was still painting the picture I had promised to show Souma before I would show it to someone else. But that would never happen. Souma was the only one who would ever see ma drawings.   'And only there and there and.....' Painting the last bit I stood up and held it before me. "Finished!" I yelled as the bell rang, signaling that all classes and club activities were over for today.   'AH! I have to hurry!" I thought quickly grabbing all my things and running towards the school gate. When I got closer I could see a group of students and, of course, Souma was with them.   I stopped. I wasn't at the gate yet. I just stopped a few meters away from them when I saw that Souma was talking to a girl. They both laughed while she clung to his arm, leaning closer to his face.   'What....What's she doing!?'  I could feel a light pain in my chest. 'What's wrong with me?' I clutched at my shirt where it hurt, where my heart was. 'That's just normal, right? He is a guy like me so he likes girls and I'm sure he wants a girlfriend so why am I so annoyed about this completly normal situation?'   So many thoughts rushed through my head while the pain in my chest increased. I looked down the my feet and saw how many drops had hit the surface of the ground and still do.   'Could it be.....that I'm....' My eyes widened. I couldn't stand all this anymore. My thoughts. The pain which I noticed was always there when I saw him with others. My own feelings.   I just couldn't anymore. I started running again. Towards the gate, past the group of stundents, past this damn girl and past Souma. I didn't look at them but of course Souma had noticed me.   "Ah! Hey Shiro where..." His voice got quieter as he saw the tears streaming down my cheeks. Of course I heard him call out to me but I just ignored it completly and contiuned to run.   "Shiro! Wait!" I ignored him again. I just didn't want to.... I just didn't want to see him at the moment.     {Souma's POV}     It's been a week since Shiro has dissapeared without a word. Of course I followed him as he ran past me but somehow lost sight of him. The next thing I did was running home, but he wasn't there.   I searched at all the places he could have run to. Nothing.   I even asked some students at school that he knew if he's staying with someone. Nothing.   By now I'm really worried. I just couldnt stand it anymore. I couldn't concentrate at school nor at practice. Shitty, misserable, guilty. That's just an example for how I feel right now.   I didn't know what I could do.   Even our director spoke to me about him suddenly dissapearing. He told me to find him, quick, or it would have really bad consequences.   'What if something really bad happened? Mabye he got kidnapped? Or hit by a car? Or...' I stopped myself at that point. I always did. These thoughts didn't let me sleep at night.   At the moment I was aimlessly walking around on the school grounds. 'I'm responsible for hime and now....What should I do? I just want him back here...standing beside me....smiling at me like he always does....' .   My thoughts were interrupted when the wind let thousand of cherry blossom petals swirled around me. I looked up to my right, noticing where exactly I had walked to without thinking. In front of me was the tree under which Shiro always sat, drawing and waiting for tree to bloom, which it now did.   It hit me like a brick wall. It was like the sight told me where Shiro was.   "Why haven't I thought of that earlier?!" I cursed under my breath. 'I just can't waste any more time!"   I started running, running towards the place where Shiro was, running to the huge fields of flowers with their sweet scent.   Kapitel 10: Confession ---------------------- {Shiro's POV} so normal POV again   It's already been a week since I had run away from Souma.   'A week already... I knew it....He won't come searching for me.... Why would he?.... He doesn't like me as much as I wish he would.... Maybe he's not even worrying...' I sighed while making me a cup of tea.   Setting the hot water down I grabbed the cup and walked over to the big glass door, opening it and sitting down on the wood. I took a sip of the hot liquid before staring at the garden.   'The tree stands in full bloom now...' I thought taking another sip. "Then the one at school must be too..." I mumbled lopking at it.    The thought about the school made me think about all the stuff I did while I was there.   How I played football with everybody at school. How I cooked with Souma and how I slept together with him in that one stormy night.   Tears started flowing down my cheeks again. The thought of everything I did with Souma didn't let me stop crying.   "I'm such a big idiot!" I broke down. My face hidden in my hands. "How could I think he would like me the same way I like him?!" I was shaking with sobs.   All the things I said to my self were true. But the most honest thing I could have told was the next thing I said.   "I love him! I simply feel in love with him!" I cried out into the garden shaking my head uncontrollably, my hands still hiding my tear stained face.   After my outburst the garden was dead silent. Except for my quiet sobs and a familiar voice calling my name.   I jumped at the familiar voice calling my name. 'That can't be...'   I quickly looked around the garden when I saw him standing there. Right beside the blooming cherry blossom tree. 'Oh god...' The light pink petals flew gently around him as if they were dancing. 'I can't believe it' He walked two steps towards me. Surprised and with wide eyes I looked at him. "Sou... ma... Wh..?" I couldn't get a whole sentence out, I was just so happy to see him. I still couldn't believe that he's actually here.   Now I wasn't crying out of sadness or anger anymore but because of happiness, pure happiness. I jumped down onto the grass and ran towards him. I tripped but caught myself again and fell into Souma's arms. His strong arms which I love so much. I always feel save in them.   "Souma... Souma! I... I'm..." I sobbed while Souma hugged me tightly.   "It's okay. Calm down. I'm here now" he smiled gently and just held me tightly in his arms, rocking me back and forth.   After a while I had calmed down and we sat under the tree in silence. Not long after Souma spoke up. "Tell me why you ran away so suddenly".   I looked at Souma and then at my hands which were folded in my lap. "As...As I saw you at the gate on that day with that girl, I couldn't stand it anymore".   "Couldn't stand what anymore?" he asked while I stopped for a second.   "That your so close to others!" I spilled everything. I had to tell him no matter what. "I just noticed then but I liked you for a long time. Every time I saw you with others like that, it really hurt in my chest and weird thoughts went through my mind... It was so painful" I pulled my knees to my chest and laid my head on them.   A moment nothing happened but then Souma drove gently through my hair with his hand and softly kissed my head.   "Now you don't have to worry about that anymore". I looked up at him with tears in my eyes and he smiled at me. I looked into his shining blue eyes and smiled back.   "Okay".   Souma cupped my face with both his hands. He came slowly closer and then carefully licked the salty tears from my face. "Hehe that tickles Souma! Stop it..." I giggled and blushed a bit looking at his face.   He looked me deep in my shining eyes with his glowing blue ones "I promise you, I really do, that you will never, and I mean never, have to cry again".   At first I just stared at him, trying to get in my head what he just told me. Then closing my eyes I put my hands over his "I know. Thank you so much Souma". Slowly I opened them again and looked him in the eyes with a relieved and happy smile on my lips. He smiled back and came slowly closer again. 'Oh god'. Our lips would touch any moment.   His lips looked so soft and I wanted to feel them on mine. "Shiro" Souma gently and quietly breathed my name and I got really weak, my body shivering just the slightest, my face red.   Our lips met. 'My first kiss...with the one I love so dearly' I thought when Souma slowly licked my bottom lip. Surprised by his action I opened my mouth. He used this opportunity to put his tongue in my mouth. The kisses got more heated and Souma pushed over so that I was laying on my back. "Mh... Ngh... Sou... ma... Wait!" I pushed him away and tried to catch my breath. My face was completely red and hot. I looked him in the eyes with little tears in my own. "I'm... I'm so sorry... But I can't do...this yet".   Souma looked at me calmly not showing any reaction to my words when he smiled gently and cupped my face placing his forehead on mine. "It's okay.Don't worry. I'll wait until you're ready".   A stray tear rolled down my cheek and was stopped by Souma's fingers as I, too, smiled. "Yeah... Thank you".   And that's how we laid there under the cherry blossom tree while light pink petals flew down as the wind blew. The small petals looked like they danced around us, so lightly and carefree, just like on the picture that I drew only for him, my beloved Souma.   "Say Shiro, what's with the picture that you wanted to show me? It's finished right?" he asked while we still laid under the tree.   "Oh that.." I chuckled a bit "That's not important anymore" I smiled satisfied, cuddled into him some more and he was just confused but happy just like me.   "If you say so". Hosted by Animexx e.V. (