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The Roots of Us

Chapter 1


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It's a calm and pleasant night and silence surrounds Nura Nura forest. Always undisturbed in its untimely slumber. Unfortunately, this was the day the clock started moving for Nura Nura. The once unperturbed forest was about to be awaken and that would prove to be one of the worst Slavish's errors. Or the one time they actually did something right, this is, if they succeed, of course.

Rustle, rustle. A small figure run through Nura Nura forest. Its slender body moved agile through the fallen branches and dangerous creatures that are part of this place. Nura Nura wasn't asleep for no reason. Some centuries before it tried to conquer civilized areas, and believe me, a bite from one of its bugs or the scent of one of its flowers to kill you on the spot. However, Nura Nura also held some strong healing powers. If it only cured as fast as it killed... The Hommush, a wise and powerful tribe from the North, joined the whole village and with strong will, entered the forest to his core. Their purpose was to stop it, and so they did, at the price of sleeping forever with the forest, turned to stone. Only once was it disturbed, but, as the people that so long ago entered the forest died soon after and as well because of their tales of horror as they spoke of an entire tribe forever lost in darkness, no one ever again adventured themselves inside the forest.

Going back to the sly figure running through Nura Nura, I can only say that this entity belongs to the race of the Slavish, as I can identify a long furry tail swishing in the shadows. The Slavish is a poor and primal race, surviving instead of living. They are little and covered with a grey fur and are doted of a long furry grey tail. Because they rarely appear, are really mysterious and live either near or inside Nura Nura forest, people often take them as bad omens.

Rustle, rustle. The slender figure was breathing heavily, runing as if to save its life. The big heavy sounds of footsteps were obviously not from the small slavish figure but from whatever or whichever was chasing it. Running as fast as it could, the little slavish reached a clearing inside Nura Nura forest. However, the predator was getting closer. Crossing the clearing, the young Slavish felt something wrap around its ankles and fell with a dry noise - face first into the ground. Seconds later, a big large figure enters the clearing. Its chest was going up and down from all the runing it had been forced to do. Through the moonlight, now abundantly present in the clearing, we see the tall figure is a male from the Arrosh, a mercenary guild that normally dealt with creature and human traffic. The large flesh tattoo that took half of his face gave away his profession. He was also equipped with a long sword, a small lumish gun and a big backpack.

The man got near the fragile creature laying unmoving on the ground. He looked for a few moments as to discern what he had in front of him. The slavish in front of him was belly down in the ground breathing heavily. It had long furry grey hair and wore what looked like shorts made out of animals fur. It had no upper clothing and its bare back was filled with short grey fur that shone under the night light but was also filled with many little scars. The man stretched his hand calmly as if with a desire to feel the fur. His fingers slightly brushed the soft fur from the slavish's back and as soon as he did, the creature turned and started to fight with its hands. Being punched and scratched annoyed the man and with a swift strike, he put the creature to sleep.

Enjoying the stillness of the slavish and the moonlight, the man took a good look to the now up faced creature. Its face was the one of a child's and was covered with light small fur. It had really big orbits, which lead the man to wonder how its eyes were. It had a small nose and small mouth with rosy lips. Prying its mouth open with his right index finger, the man could see white slightly sharp teeth and two bigger and sharper upper and down canines. Still unconscious, the slavish grabbed the man's hand and started to nibble at the tip of his finger. The man could not stop thinking on how this creature's self-preservation was so low and went to notice its hand. The hand was small with long sharp nails and looking at its feet the man saw they were the same. Its chest was plain and with less fur, though it was a constant all over its body. Looking at its chest the man took his hand from its mouth and touched it. Feeling and soothing the slender haired body filled with little scars, just as his back. He saw two little pink nipples and, wondering about the creature's sex, the man looked into its shorts and pulled them down.

"Hu, a boy..." Murmured the man. He pulled the shorts up and went to the side as to get up, when he felt something under his leg. Looking down, the man saw the big furry tail of the young slavish. Curiosity struck the man. He sat up near the creature and looked at the tail. He then picked it up and started playing with it. He moved it to the sides, bended it and then stroked it. While he stroked the tail to feel the smoothness of its fur and did so as if it was a big cat - grabbing the tail from the beginning and pulling and stroking till the tip -, the boy turned to the left, facing the man. It was still unconscious but started to purr and slightly tremble and pouting.

Curious, the man turned his movements more vigorous. The results were evident. The slavish blushed and opened his mouth as he started to breath heavily. "hnuhn". The almost soundless moan pulled the man back to reality. He dropped the slavish's tail and turned his face, intending to hide embarrassment. When he felt able to look, he noticed the bulge in the boys' pants. The man sighed, picked a blanket from his backpack and covered the boy from shoulders to knees. He then took the bindings he had thrown to his ankles and binded his hands to his own hand instead. Making sure that, when awake, the boy wouldn't be able to run, the man lays down and falls asleep.

The Blobber

The next morning, the man woke up with a sudden pull of his hand. Curling his lips a bit with realization, he turned to the side and made a fast pull. "Ah!” The dry noise of something hitting the ground and the sound of protest made the man release a laugh. After giving the boy some time to protest, the man sat up and looked at his surroundings. Everything was still and looking at the shades on the ground it was barely 9h in morning. A big pull on the rope forced him to lay down. The slavish run to him and sat on top of his stomach. He grabbed the man's neck and scraped his sharp nails on it. The man had no expression on him, he just stared. He was used to dangerous creatures, and so he knew that the small amount of fear shown to them would be one's death.

The man took this moment to really look at was in front of him. The light made the slavish's fur shine like silver and its eyes were big round and a pearly white. The man stared with hidden amazement, and so did the creature. Under the creature was another strange creature, one that he had only hear tales of. It had no fur and no tail and its eyes were abnormally small, yet filled with tantalizing color. He had never seen such light and pure green in his whole life. The man's face was blank, and so the slavish didn't know what to do, so he kept on staring. The man had short, but thick, brown air and rough lips. But, what surprised de slavish was big pattern carved into half of the man's own face, which pained the frail slavish. He could feel from between his legs that the man had a strong chest, which mean someone to be afraid off.

The man fell a sudden urge to laugh as he saw the expressions of the creature in front of him change from tough to amazement, pity and a bit of delight. But enough was enough and they were losing time just staring at each other faces. The light clamping from the slavish's legs to his stomach was the wakeup call. He smoothed his expression and made a smooth smile. Next, he slowly grabbed its hands, not to strongly or he might die with those nails.

The strong creature smiled? Now the slavish was confused beyond beliefs. He was always told not to trust these hairless creatures, incapable of soft emotions. But then his hands were grabbed, and though lightly, it scared him. He tried to attack him, but it was too late! Now with advantage, the man pulled his hands over his head and rolled both of them, staying on top. The slavish tried to scratch the man's hands and his back with his feet, but, though he felt his nails tearing clothes and skin, the man just kept staring at him in the eye, with the same smooth expression. After a while, the boy gave up, puffing with tiredness and desperation.

"Can you understand what I say"? Asked the man. The slavish just stared back and said nothing, suddenly quiet. I will take that as a yes" said he smugly. "We need to leave as soon as possible. That part of the forest is not safe. If we leave now and you don't try to annoy me, i will leave in a safe place, ok?" The slavish was undeniably confused, but still didn't trust him. But in no time it changed.

"Rooooorg"!! A loud guttural sound was heard from the place they had come last night. "Shit, it already caught us". The man was obviously worried and, to a man like that to be worried, the slavish should be worried too. The man got up and pulled the slavish to his feet, he then picked his backpack and gave it to the slavish and with his big sword cut the rope that held them together. "Take this and climb a tree as fast as you can! Now!" The urgent of the man's words made the slavish not think twice. He run to the nearest tree and climbed as fast as he could.

"Roooooooorg!!" The sound was now near and the nearest bushes started to rustle. And then it came. A big black blob creature, walking in five legs and with a round body enters de clearing. On top and on the middle of its round body was its head with three white eyes and a hole as mouth. It charged against the man, but this was faster and cut it in half. Unfortunately, Blobbers are not easy to kill. Turning to face the both sides of the blobber, the man prepared himself for another blow. The two sides trembled like jelly, got together and molded themselves. Some seconds later, there were two men in the clearing, one of them completely black and with three crystal white eyes.

They fought, and it was no easy battle. The Blobber adopted the same characteristics as the man and it felt as if he was fighting with himself. The slavish observed horrified and unable to move or help as, for every blow the man gave to the blobber, it would just get together once again. Once he left out a little scream, which put the man out of his attention. The loss of concentration made him be struck with a black sword on his side. Falling to his knees, the man saw the blobber turning to the tree where the young slavish was. The slavish was unable to move as he felt the cruel killer advancing to where he was. His hands started to tremble and he know that the bloody man could not save him, he knew no one would ever do.

The creature was already on the middle of the tree and the slavish closed his eyes, as to accept his destiny. Silence. Opening his eyes again, he saw the black man right in front of him, stop mid motion. Looking down, he saw a hand coming out of the blobber chest grabbing a black pearl. The hand crushed the pearl and the black man disappeared in runny black oil. Behind it was the man with the eyes wide open, the green shining strongly and with a scary expression. His tattoo was bright red and he held the position as if still holding the creature's heart. He then looked right into the slavish eyes. The boy cowered under the scary gaze of the man.

"Are you all right?" The man asked with a coarse voice that echoed in the wind. The slavish nodded a slight confirmation and the man immediately softened his expression. In his face everything went back to normal and a smile curled up his lips. The slavish smiled too, but then the man coughed and spat blood. He closed his eyes in pain and fell. The boy gasped in surprise and fear as the man fell from the tree. Looking down, he saw the man lying in the ground and so, he climbed down as fast as possible.

After Sleep

He had done everything he could and everything he was able to do. He laid back and sighed, hoping that he had been able to save the man. He should run, but was also so tired. He knew the man would still need a couple of days to recover, so he let the sleep take a toll on him and fell asleep.

He opened his eyes and breathed in deeply. He felt a small pain when forcing the lungs, probably because of the fall from the tree. He thought on all the bones he might have broken and laughed at the realization of the pain he would have to go through to put them back together. He also hoped that the slavish boy was safe, he knew he should have run away. He thought about sating up, not knowing if he could. A blow and a fall like that would take him a week or so to recover from. Even so, he tried.

He sat up! Surprise was all over his face as felt little pain in his body. He put his hand under his shirt, where the beast had sliced him and, instead of a whole in reconstruction, he felt a scar. The man was mesmerized and confused and so, he tried to get up. When he tried to do so, he left hand touched something soft besides him. Now the man looked at the frail figure sleeping next to him. The slavish boy had fell asleep all over the place. His arms and legs were open in every direction and his small chest was slowly going up and down with every breath the boy took.

Seeing the boy near give the man some happiness, though if the slavish wanted to travel with him, it was going to be a dangerous path. But he would probably run away in the morning. The man looked at him again. He took the chance to kill the previous desire and touched the boy's abdomen. First it was just the fingertips, but as he felt the smooth fur and the little tremble of his body when receiving a new touch, the man sprayed his whole big hand in the boy's stomach and made up and down movements as to pat the slavish and feel its fur.

After a moment, the man thought it good to take off his hand and go back to sleep. He did so and the a soft purr came from besides him and then the slavish, still sleeping, climbed on top of the man he continued to sleep there. Ho! How the man hated to share his sleep with some one and all that fur and hair everywhere! He was about to push him away when he suddenly felt it. The places where their chests connected, he could feel a strong yet soft purr. Despite not liking to be near someone, that purr was dangerously rocketing him to sleep. All sprayed on top of the man, he realized as that boy was not that small as he thought him to be, probably some 1,55cm, less 25cm than him. He kept feeling the rumble of the purr of the slavish and, putting a hand to his hair to smooth it, he fell asleep together with the boy.

Something was strange when the slavish woke up. He felt like he was floating. He felt hot in his belly and heard something soothing and alive. "ba-dum, ba-dum". A heartbeat. He knew it wasn't his because his heart beat is faster and not as strong. Still with his eyes closed, he turned his head to the other side. He felt the ground oddly lumpy and soft and something was lightly pressing his back. In his new position he felt something breathe near the top of his head. He got scared. Opening his eyes, he lifted his head a little to look around. He looked in the direction of the hot breath and tried hard to hide a gasp when he saw the man's face so close to his'. His expression was softer and relaxed and his lips were apart from each other to let the air go in and out. The boy still looked and let himself feel the man breathing, going up and down as his chest filled and emptied his lungs. Without noticing, the young slavish opened his mouth in amazement.

Curiosity always took the best of him. Purring ever so slightly, he moved a little and touched the man's lips. He trailed the lips' shape with his index and not even knowing, he started to move closer to the man. He wanted to see more, to know more and to feel more. Unfortunately, he moved too much. The thing that was making a light pressure on his back pulled the boy closer and his other hand grabbed his back too. The man, still sleeping, turned himself to the right and continued sleeping while embracing the slavish with a sweet yet strong hug.

The boy felt the man snuggle his face in his hair and so looked up to protest. As he looked up he saw a little tiny smile on the man's face. He also remembered the fight he had and that he probably needed to recover. Focusing his glance on the man's lips yet again and feeling safe on his warm embrace, the slavish dared to get his face closer to the man's. He got closer, and closer, until his soft lips touched the man's slightly rough lips. He brushed his lips and when the man's mouth opened to breath, so did his mouth. The boy felt a little pull on his back and felt it was better to stop. He looked down again and rested his head on the man's large chest. After a while, he fell asleep again with the sound of the man's heart and the warmth of his body.


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Taking Care of You

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Loculence Curse

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