Words of Wolves von Socke_das_Schaf (A dying Legend) ================================================================================ Kapitel 5: Listen: The song of pouring Rain ------------------------------------------- Listen: The song of pouring Rain Rain pours down the darkened sky, trying to wash away the dark liquid on the ground. Everything is quiet, only a certain call can be heard. Her tired eyes fly over her so called home, but it was gone. The place, once full of life and laughter is now nothing more then a cemetery. A voice, filled with sadness and pain, was calling her name. Silver eyes met her own ones. A smile forced it's way on her face, caring, loving. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she could hear something break inside of the other wolf. Her gaze wandered over the bloodstained place, over all those dead bodies. A sharp pain hung in her chest as a voice in her head whispered oh so sweet that no, never will there be laughter again. Eyes slowly came to a rest on a small black figure staring to the ground. How she longed to embrace that little wolf, to tell him that nothing was his fault, that she was there for him and would never let go. A little memory flashed up in her mind. Whines could be heard as two little pups cuddled to her side. She was now all alone with these little kids. With her little brothers. She could only cuddle back. “I promise you that no matter what, I will protect you, both of you.” Slowly she rose herself up from the hard cold ground. Pain rushed through her damaged body, blood poured out of her wounds and dripped onto the ground. Another call made her look at the ball of fur beside her. His once white fur was now hanging down, wet from the rain, red from the fight. She gave him a soft nudge on his flank, feeling it raise and fall as he cried into the night. “Don't judge him...” was all she said before she stumbled over to the black wolf. Silver eyes met her own once again, this time full of anger and hatred. All she could do was smile. Smiling was all she could ever do. All those times the little black wolf did something wrong, all those times he yelled at her or told her to leave him alone, all those times she could only smile at him. She knew that it wasn’t enough, that it was not what her little brother wanted from her. But what else could she do? She was not his mother who would probably know how to take care of him, how to handle him. She was only his sister, trying her best to raise them. The black wolf growled. “They deserved it. They deserved to die! All they ever did was hurting me. I payed them back for what they did. I don't regret what I have done to them and I never will! And you! Why do you smile?! Can't you see what I just did? I killed them!” His voice trembled with anger and frustration, his gaze cold as the winter itself. Her voice was soft as she replied. “I prayed that you will come back to us one day. I am happy to see you, Kain.” The little black one made a step forward, his slender body was shown under his wet fur sticking to his cold and shaking skin. Still he was growling. “How can you be happy?! Look! They are now dead, they will not come back! So be angry, be mad or even sad! Just don't you dare smiling at me, Rikiza!” The silver female known as Rikiza shook her head. “They may not come back to us, but you did. How can I be mad at you? You are my little brother after all. I love you as much as I love Yukio.” “That is not true!” Rikiza continued to smile. “It is. Deep in my heart I know it is true. I have to apologize for not being able to do anything but smile, but I am not our mother. I am only your sister so what else could I do? Tell me what I should have done.” Her gaze burned into Kains narrowing eyes. He slowly took a step back, thinking of what to do, of what to tell her. There was nothing. He now realized that she never tried to be his mother or to judge him. That she only wanted to be his big sister who was never angry but worried. Worried about him, about Yukio and about what she could do for them. And suddenly it all made sense... _____________________________________________ This is the chapter for Bebbix cause she won ma WB~ Sorry vor the long wait bur I hope you like it ^^- Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)