When the time has come... von abgemeldet (Voice ~ Inochi naki mono no Koe~) ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: One Shot ------------------- „Close your eyes!“ „Heh“? „Just do it!“ Aki's face showed the most cute confused expression, he had ever seen. Her movements were very stiff as she finally did what he wanted her to do. Daiki let the matt fall that he was holding and came closer to her. He fought with himself deep within. Was it the right thing to do? He drew closer to her face and looked at her troubled expression. Yes, she looked really cute. He had noticed this throughout the last 5 months. He had observed her,. All those little movements or expressions. He came to take a liking to it. Yes, he liked her. He didn't bother to ask „why“ it was that way. Nor did he ask „why“ she had to leave soon. He wanted her to stay by his side, but he knew that it was impossible right now. So he wanted her to return. But how to accomplish that? Everything would be so easy, he thought. He just had to grab her arms and pull her gently the last centimeters towards him... He looked at her and as always he was thinking very fast. It was true that he wanted to be alone with her for some time. Wanted to tell her the truth. But somehow it wasn't the right place, nor the right time for this. Although his feelings were overhelming in this moment, more than they ever were before. He had to make his decision and he did. So he picked out those points and sticked them gently on her face. She opened her eyes in confusion and took off one of the points. „What is this?“, she asked with a rather shocked voice. „The points you earned for you expression, 3,5 points!“, Daiki replied cheeky and saluted. „You're awful!“, Aki responded, her voice trembling and high pitched. She didn't like to be made fun of , especially not in a time like this. Daiki laughed „You wanted them, right?“ „There's no reason to put them on my face!“, she shouted. Her breath went fast, it was easy to tell that she expected nothing like this. „You idiot“, she hit him with her blanket. Ryosuke and the other joined in, laughing at Aki. They all ran foward while Daiki kept standing and looked at them. „After tomorrow, we'll start walking on different paths. The days we worried together, laughed together, cried together... „Hey, Daiki! What are you doing? Hurry up“, Ryosuke interupted his thoughts. „Yeah“, he replied and looked at Aki again. She laughed. „Holding all those memories in our hearts...we will once again start walking...“ Lastly the day of parting had come...after all what happened. They walked side by side. „You won't need that much luggage!“, Daiki shouted, while carrying all of Aki's bags and trunks. „I need lots of different stuff“, she replied calmly. „What's in these?“ „My clothes, my laptop, 3 pairs of shoes-“ „You only need one pair of shoes, don't you?“ „I might get invited to a dance party or something!“ „You've watched to much movies.“ „That's not true!“ „Hey, even if there was one you wouldn't be invited!“ „What? Are you jealous?“, she smiled at him cheeky. Even if he knew, that she was perfectly right, he wouldn't ever tell her that. At least, not yet. „What? Are you stupid?“, he replied in sarcastically voice. They stopped in front of the bus and Daiki handed the luggage to the driver. She turned around to face Daiki, a smile on her face. „Arigatou, ne“, she said, as honest as she could. And it was true, she was thankful for everything he did for her. And there were much things. Daiki tried to calm himself down, he looked at the sky and slowly turned his gaze on her. „Take care of yourself!“, he said. She nodded and smiled and turned to the bus. One more time she turned to him and said „Ittekimasu!“ „Iterasshai!“, he saluted. As she climbed on the bus, he reacted very fast. He couldn't let her go like this, right?„Ah!“ She turned once again and Daiki walked towards her slowly, stopping right in front of her and offered his hand. Hestitantly she placed her hand in his and he hold her's with both hands. Then he clapped in her hand and said: „Bring me back Denzel Washingtons autograph!“ She blinked and sighed... Yes, he was an idiot. But a lovable one at that. „There's no way I'd meet him!“, she replied. She turned as if she had forgotten something and said: „Oh.“ Now it was Daiki's turn to be confused. He looked at her with wide eyes, when her boastful face came closer to his. Then she touched his lock and smiled at him. When she was about to turn Daiki grabbed her gently on her shoulders. As if SHE could trick HIM! There was no way that he could let that happen! He looked at her for one second and finally closed the space between their faces, placing his lips gently on hers.... When he let go, he could see that her face went totally blank. Daiki began to laugh at her clueless face. But at the same time he was relieved that he finally managed to do what he had planed for so long. He wouldn't put it in words yet. It wouldn't be as funny as it was now. After all, there must be something which could keep her confused. Maybe, when she returned, he'll tell her everything. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)