Disagreement von greensilverserpent ================================================================================ Kapitel 1: Disagreement ----------------------- DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own H.P. or any characters, buildings or items from the world J.K.Rowling has created. They belong to their respective copyright holders. "You are here to become someone, Mr. Potter, not only for amusement!" "So it's Mr. Potter again? Some small infringement of your personal space and it's back to last names!" "As you pointed out, it was personal and should have remained such!" "So what will you do next time something like this happens? Kill me? Go on, have a go before Voldemort leaves nothing behind to torture!" It was Severus' turn to race through the room, grabbing Harry by the collar and throwing him bodily against the wall. "Don't you dare talk like that! The Dark Lord will not get to you - you will kill him, not the other way around! Am I making myself clear?" Harry deflated. He hadn't meant to bring Voldemort into the discussion. "On that yes, but what about us?" "We are going to talk about everything tonight over dinner in my rooms. Everything. So if you have questions ask them tonight, because next time I will personally obliviate the whole school, including you, if you ever pull a stunt like that again." Hosted by Animexx e.V. (http://www.animexx.de)