From Heart To Heart: The Beginning of Love von NordseeStrand (100 themed drabbles) ================================================================================ Kapitel 6: #6 blue eyes ----------------------- First of all: Happy New Year, everyone! So, here's another drabble, my personal favorite so far. One of my new year's resolutions was to pump up my 'drabble production'. Let's see if I can make it! Have fun with this one. Disclaimer: I don't own anything! # 6 Blue Eyes Many believed her favorite color was pink. Pink like cotton candy. Pink like clouds at sunset. Pink like most of the things that came into her possession during the fourteen years of her life. Pink in all shades, just like most of her clothes. And while it was true that she enjoyed wearing pink because it complimented her skin tone, gave her a fresh glow and highlighted her blonde hair, it was no longer her favorite color. Contrary to popular belief and also unknown to her friends, her favorite color was blue for quite a while now. Blue like the midnight sky. Blue like her new, super soft fleece blanket. Blue like all her sexy satin and lace nightgowns. Blue, just like his eyes. Hosted by Animexx e.V. (