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Between Heaven and Earth

[Kaoru x Die] AU


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Chapter One

The bright lights of hundreds of cameras flashed from all sides as the black-clad man tried to make his way inside the high building. Although he was wearing dark-shaded sunglasses, he still got annoyed by these lights, flashing and flaring from everywhere as people from the press tried to gain some answers out of him. But he ignored each of them and sternly walked through the main doors with proud steps.

When he entered the lift and the doors finally closed, his only sigh of relief was a tiny growl of aggravation. Crossing his arms, he tapped with his left foot on the ground as he waited for the lift to approach the upper floor where his company had their rooms. As soon as he arrived his destination and the doors opened, he walked out quickly and straight through the corridors to reach his private office. Everybody he passed by stood up and said ‘Good morning’, bowing politely to grant their boss the necessary respect, even if he never replied anything to any of them in return.

As he passed by the desk of his secretary, the lady immediately jumped from off her chair and bowed in the same manner. “Good morning, Mr. Niikura. It appears you’re getting even more attention than usual.”

The man pretty much ignored her slight sarcasm and walked into his office, followed by the woman, as he mumbled: “As if I’d be fucking rock-star.”

“The media’s interest in you has increased since the Nagatomi case. To them it’s a wonder that Mr. Nagatomi has gained an acquittal thanks to your excellent defense. Evidences were against him,” the woman kept on praising her boss, although she was quite sure that Nagatomi should have been in jail instead. She couldn’t imagine how Niikura had managed the acquittal without bribing the judges.

“Whatever.” Fed up with the whole issue, the man sat down on his big leather chair and finally pulled off his sunglasses. “Any important appointments today?”

“Nice o’clock will be the meeting with Mrs. Inari and her lawyers. She doesn’t accept to settle the lawsuit,” the secretary explained shortly and Mr. Niikura replied with nothing but a curt nod. “I’ve made the reservation at ‘Noir’s’ for two persons on your name and Mr. Matsuyama sr. asks for an appointment in the late afternoon.”

“Call him and cancel. I’m in no mood for his antics today,” the man said and dismissively waved his hand while opening a book. The secretary nodded and waited until her boss looked up at her with a questioning glance. “That is all, thanks.”

Bowing, the secretary then turned and disappeared. People described Mr. Niikura as arrogant and selfish but in her language he was simply called an asshole. Once she was out of his office, she took a deep breath before she headed back to her desk, trying to please the grumpy thirty-and somewhat-year-old.


Tentatively Daisuke entered his boss’ office and dropped his gaze in respect as he lowly cleared his throat. The man sitting behind the clear glass desk looked up from reading the news-roll and studied the young red-haired man for a moment before he actually went to fulfill his task.

“Daisuke,” the man in white addressed the tall redhead and offered him a seat in front of the desk with a gesture of his hand. The young man silently did as he was told before the other guy continued with authority. “I think you can imagine why you’re here.”

Daisuke looked up with innocent eyes and shook his head. “Not exactly.”

“Hm,” his boss entwined his fingers and leant back. “I’ll give you a hint. Sasuke and Midori.”

The redhead raised his index finger as well as his brows. “That wasn’t my fault. Midori was uncertain.”

The other man glared. “But you should’ve seen that coming with your powers.” Daisuke dropped his gaze again, defeated, but his boss wasn’t finished. “Then what about Miyamoto?”

With a gasp Daisuke’s eyes widened and he smiled apologetically, the little wings on his back decreasing in size. “I was distracted for only one minute I swear.”

“In that minute he decided to commit suicide for Heaven’s sake! What’s wrong with you, Daisuke?” The other man slowly lost his temper and grew simply frustrated from disappointment. “You failed all your missions.”

Blinking with his eyelids, Daisuke looked at his boss for a moment but then suddenly dropped his gaze, feeling guilty. “I’m sorry, God.”

“Being sorry isn’t enough, Daisuke.” The man named God stood up and sighed. “You’re an angel. You’re supposed to help people, guide them, and make them fall in love, not cheat or die. In all the time I’m God, and that’s a longer time than you can imagine, there has never been an angel like you.”

The redhead felt as bad he supposedly was. He had never meant to make anyone cheat or die. But he couldn’t force his will on others either. He would’ve told God again that he was sorry but that wouldn’t help him since it wasn’t enough. Daisuke sniffed a little and made huge puppy eyes.

“The circumstances make it necessary for me to punish you,” God said and the angel gasped. “I have no choice, Daisuke. There are rules we follow and some of them you’ve just dismissed and ignored. You’re gonna go back to Earth.”

“I’ll get another chance?” Going back to Earth meant for an angel like Daisuke that he would’ve to complete another mission.

But God sadly shook his blond head. “Not as an angel. As a human.”

“What?” It was rude to ask the impolite one-word-question but the redhead couldn’t help his outburst. He had been an angel for so long now. How was he supposed to survive on Earth these days as a human?

“You heard right, son. I’ll send you back on Earth in human form. Take care to survive. Devil likes fallen angels.” God’s heart went out to his angel but there were rules even he had to follow. “You’ll have the chance to gain access back to Heaven though.”

“How?” It was Daisuke’s only ray of hope since he was pretty sure that he wouldn’t stand a chance as a human being now.

“You’ll either save somebody’s life or make two people fall happily in love. That’s the condition.” Coughing, God settled back in his chair. He knew as well as Daisuke that chances were low but if he ever wanted to be a good angel, then he had to prove himself as a human first.

“When will I have to go?” Lowly the angel asked and chewed on his bottom lip.

“Now.” God ignored the gasp from his angel and went on. “I’ll send you right down. But you won’t be called Daisuke anymore. The name stands for love and help. It doesn’t suit the circumstances. Your new name will be Die.”

“Die?” Daisuke wrinkled his nose at the small name that meant as much as death. “How weird. Will I lose my wings too?”

“Of course, or have you ever seen a human with wings?” God would’ve liked to growl in annoyance but that was forbidden in Heaven as well. “You ready? Fine then.” Not hesitating any split of a second, God raised his hand and snapped with his fingers.

Suddenly there was nothing left but an empty space where once a beautiful red-haired angel had been sitting.


Annoyed Kaoru sighed when he climbed inside his car and started the engine. Yuki, one of his clients, lived outside the city in one of the big houses and he preferred appointments at home. Niikura had never been one to decline, especially not when his client was richer than the president. However, the lawyer didn’t like the long drive. It cost precious time of his day and there was still some work to do.

He sped off fast and decided to do the remaining work at home. The way there wasn’t as far and he’d avoid possible traffic jams. The flat sports car precisely steered along the already darkening road as the sun was about to go down. The sun was deep but shining in a bright red light, almost blinding the driver who still wore his dark sunglasses. He lit a cigarette and drove the window down a little, before he pressed the play-button for the CD-player to switch on.

Meanwhile Die tumbled and brought his hand up to hold his head. Being human felt weird, suddenly realizing again how a body worked, that it felt pain. And Die did feel pain once he had hit the ground rather violently. He silently thanked God for removing his wings and still just dropping the former angel on Earth. With no clue where he was, Die looked around and spotted the lights of a city he recalled as Tokyo. He’d flown across once or twice before but it looked more beautiful from above. The noises and smell wasn’t nice down here.

Taking some steps on steady ground, Die tried out his legs and feet. It seemed as if they worked properly and the red-haired man jumped a little, testing them further. Walking on clouds was like not walking at all, as if to slide, but not like flesh on hard ground. It felt odd and Die couldn’t tear his eyes off his new human feet on the dirty, real earth. How they moved across the stony surface, step by step, left, right, left, right. Die nearly fell into admiration. Maybe being human wasn’t that bad after all.

The two front lights of the sports-car blinded Die unexpectedly before all he could do was stare as the deafening sound of screeching tires filled his mind. But it was too late. The car hit the former angel, the impact throwing his human body across the hood and then sideways on the hard ground in not more than splits of a second.

Kaoru cursed as the car had finally stopped and he hit the steering wheel with his palm. He hadn’t seen the person who was obviously insane enough to walk on the street. This was the last thing Kaoru could need right now but he had to stay calm in order to sort out things. He wasn’t a lawyer for nothing. He knew how to turn things to his advantage. Taking a deep breath, he climbed out of his car and hoped that the person wasn’t badly harmed. He slammed the door shut and paused for one moment, his left eyebrow twitching as he spotted the broken front light. Then he shifted his gaze to the painfully groaning person and took off his sun-glasses.

Die moaned in pain as he tried to get back on his feet. He felt a little dizzy and his skin had got some bruises but there were no major damages. At least he hoped so. When he finally stood, he turned to look at the man dressed in a black suit. He hadn’t meant to do any harm and felt guilty for making trouble.

“You alright?” Kaoru called out to the man and ignored the fact that he was stark naked, avoiding to step any closer though. One never knew what kind of person walks around like this.

“I... I guess,” the redhead replied, being unused to hearing his own voice, sounding a little harsher than up in Heaven. He held up his hand in a defending manner. “Sorry... I haven’t seen you coming.”

“Obviously.” The lawyer wasn’t sure what to do. That man seemed to be really crazy. Not only did he walk on the street daydreaming and naked, but he apologized for getting hit too. Maybe he was plainly stupid and that, Kaoru undeniably could use to his advantage. He walked around the car and inspected the broken glass of the front light.

Die raised his brows innocently. The scratches on his skin burned like fire but he tried to ignore it. “Something broken?”

“The light,” Kaoru said and tried to look at Die as intimidating as possible, waiting for any reaction.

“Umm... I really am sorry.” The redhead didn’t know what else to say. He hadn’t even been five minutes on earth and had already caused troubles for another human. Not a good start. If only he would’ve paid more attention to his surroundings instead of his toes. “Can it be fixed?”

The lawyer nearly scoffed at this. It was just a light after all. “Sure, it can. But it’ll cost a pretty penny. This is a Fiorano.” Kaoru wasn’t quite sure if the man could recognize a Ferrari if he saw one. That guy just looked too stupid, even if he wasn’t unattractive. Displaying a smug smile, the lawyer lowly chuckled. “Don’t worry, your insurance will pay the damage.”

Die’s innocent and questioning gaze confirmed Kaoru’s guess that he either wasn’t willing to pay or simply had no insurance. He hoped he was wrong with both though. “You're insured, aren’t you?”

The former angel wrapped his arms around his chest, feeling how the chilly air slowly cooled down his human body. He looked rather dumbfounded at the other man and shook his head. Of course he had no insurance, only knew about something like that because of pure coincidence. He didn’t have a penny to call his own so far. He slowly shook his head as an answer.

“Then how do you think you are going to pay the damage?” Crossing his arms, Kaoru’s eyes darkened as he glared. On one hand he was lucky enough to have found a person who believed that the damage was his fault, but on the other hand Kaoru knew that if that freak had no money, it meant troubles for the lawyer.

“I don’t know,” Die shrugged and started to hop from one foot on the other. It really was getting cold with nothing else than human skin. “I have no money. Don’t you have any?”

“Sure, I have, smart ass.” Kaoru could hardly believe the other man’s stupidity. Because of how he said things, he did sound as if he wanted to pay but couldn’t. “But I don’t see why I should pay the damage you’ve caused with your idiocy.” Digging out his cell phone, the dark-haired man coughed before he continued. “I have no choice but to call the police then.”

Although Kaoru knew his chances were little to not existing that he won’t be blamed for the accident, he still considered calling the police just because that strange man was probably escaped from some nuthouse. He threw a skeptical glance at Die and hesitated. The former angel started to panic a little. He didn’t know very much about the human rules on the road, but he knew that if the police asked him why he had no money, not even clothes, they wouldn’t believe the truth. He couldn’t possibly tell them that he had previously been an angel who was now sent back to Earth. They would keep him in jail for as long as he could explain his being with something a human mind could actually work out.

“No, please,” Die said not even thinking and stepped closer to the other man. “Don’t. Not the police please. Can’t we settle this without them?”

Involuntarily Kaoru’s gaze dropped to Die’s lower regions but he forced himself to look back into the man’s eyes. Why the hell was he naked for God’s sake? “Listen, how are you gonna pay with no money. Hell, you don’t even wear clothes.”

“I don’t have some!” Was the redhead’s plain answer as he helplessly shrugged. “And I don’t know how to pay but please, just don’t call the police. I...” A thought crossed his mind. “Can’t I work off my debts?”

A hardly audible snort emitted from the lawyer. “You’re crazy.”

The redhead had nothing to add and just kept on pleading with his eyes. Shivering from the coldness, his teeth began to clatter.

Kaoru ran a hand through his hair and sighed before he walked to obtain his trench coat from inside the car. The fact that this guy was completely naked disturbed him, the most because he wasn’t the worst to look at either. “Here. Put it on. I can’t take your clattering teeth much longer.”

Gratefully Die reached out to grab the offered clothe and slipped in, tying the belt around his waist. “Thank you.” He felt a little warmer with it but he still was damn cold. The other man’s eyes were upon him and Die knew, that he was pondering about what to do.

“Get inside the car.” Fed up with standing on the street, Kaoru opened the passenger’s door and waited for Die to climb inside. The former angel did as was told, instantly feeling the warmth that was provided by the expensive car. The lawyer followed and climbed behind the steering wheel. “I’ll think about you working off your debts. But first you tell me what you’re doing here on the street with no clothes on.”

Kaoru started the engine and waited for the redhead’s explanation while driving to his original destination. That would take long enough to decide whether he would give Die a chance or take him to the police instead.

For a moment Die considered making up a lie but decided against. What could he possibly tell? Besides, there was a chance that the man believed him, other than the police. “Actually I’m an angel.”

At first the lawyer pondered if he really had heard right, then he started to chuckle until he had developed a hysterical but low flash of laughter. It took him some time to gain back his calmness. “You know, I really should just bring you to the next best sanatorium 'cause you’re heading for a straightjacket with that story. So you better listen,” Kaoru became very serious and turned his voice steady and deep. “Either you’re telling me the truth now or I’m just gonna take you to the next police station. It’s your choice.”

Taking a staggered breath, Die slumped back in his seat, defeated. He raised his hands as if to ask God what to do but he never received an answer. He felt helpless but also desperate to make that man see he wasn’t lying. “But I can’t help it. I’ve been an angel and God sent me back here, down on Earth, in human form. I just arrived and already had an accident. So you see, I don’t really have a choice. Only you have. You could either believe me and let me honestly work off my debts or you take me to the police. All I can say is that I’m really sorry for the troubles I’ve caused. I never meant to.”

To the lawyer it only grew more ridiculous. It was the most crazy thing he had ever heard and he had heard a lot of stories! But this was just insanity. Still, there was something about that man that was plainly naïve and childlike. Kaoru contemplated if the man could probably be a robber or similar criminal but why would he walk around naked then? The explanation that was the most agreeable was that the redhead had indeed escaped from some nuthouse. Yet, he didn’t seem completely nuts, more like a little stupid as if he didn’t know a thing about life.

That brought Kaoru back to the angel story and he immediately cursed himself mentally for even considering believing that kind of story. However, the man was right and the lawyer had to make a decision. Either he brought him to the police and won’t be paid for any damage or he made that nutcase work his heels off for the lawyer. If he were really as dim as he looked, he would work way more than needed.

Nervously Die played with his toes as he waited for the other man to say something. But the other man kept quiet until they finally arrived their destination. It had grown completely dark outside in the meantime and everything the former angel could see were the outer lights of a white building. As Kaoru climbed out of his car, Die too did so and simply trotted after the other man, following him to the front door where he spotted the name ‘Niikura’.

“Where are we?” Finally Die dared to ask and tried to catch Kaoru’s gaze who pretty much ignored the other man’s presence as he was unlocking the door, checking the mail and carrying his briefcase.

“My place,” Kaoru brusquely replied and walked straight to his desk where he put down briefcase and mail before he started to open each envelope and read some of the letters.

Die nodded smiling. He was grateful that the nice man had taken him to his home and not to the police. That could only mean he was given a fair chance to work. Shifting his gaze around, Die’s eyes grew wider and wider. “This is posh.”

The lawyer looked up from his mail and frowned for a moment. The guy he had brought home really was like a kid getting huge eyes from seeing candy. Yet, he was still a naked grown-up within Niikura’s expensive trench coat. Sighing, Kaoru put the mail down and headed upstairs for his bedroom. He couldn’t leave that guy the way he was now and looked for something to wear for him, something casual, since he was a tiny bit taller then the lawyer.

Suddenly there were strange noises coming from out of Die’s belly. He had never heard something like this before. Was his human body already diseased? If Die knew that God wouldn’t hear it, he would definitely curse him right now. But the redhead stayed silent and patiently waited for the nice dark-haired man to reappear. He didn’t need to wait for long and smiled at Kaoru as he came back with a pile of clothes in his hands.

“Here,” the lawyer said and handed the clothes to Die, wondering why that freak didn’t wipe off that odd grin. “Come.” Coldly ordering, Kaoru headed for the bathroom and fetched some salve from one of the boards. “Get a shower and dress properly.”

Die obediently nodded. He knew that shower thing. Humans did that to wash off dirt and smell. He tugged off the belt and slid out of Kaoru’s trench coat, handing it to him. In the same moment his belly made those weird noises again.

The lawyer raised one annoyed eyebrow and took a deep calming breath. “Fine, I’ll see about something to eat. Tend to your bruises with that.” He placed the salve for Die to see it and headed out of the bathroom, closing the door behind him. He had seen how many scratches there actually were on the redhead’s skin and a small, hardly existing part of him was guilty. He had never asked the other man about his damages, only once asked if he was okay. Nonetheless, Kaoru thought he had already made it up by bringing that guy here, offering him clothes, a shower and even something to eat. It was more than he had given in his entire life so far.

Meanwhile Die had fortunately found out how to turn on the water and it streamed down in freezing cold droplets, making his skin get gooseflesh. He shrieked a little at the sudden unexpected temperature and quickly turned the thermostat. To his own surprise the water turned warmer and Die contently sighed once he had found the perfect temperature to enjoy the drops running down his pale human skin. He held his head under the stream and grinned, taking quite some pleasure in showering.

Once he was done, he put some of the salve on his bruises and instantly felt them stop burning as much. Then he slipped inside the clothes the other man had brought him and smiled at his reflection in the mirror. Indeed Die felt kind of clean and pure, almost like an angel. Except that these clothes held that man’s scent and some other rather chemical smell. Still, he was pleased and left the bathroom in good spirits. As soon as another strange aroma filled his nostrils, his belly growled again in this odd noise and Die stopped in his tracks, putting a hand on his stomach.

Kaoru had lit himself a cigarette and was talking to one of his clients on the phone when Die appeared from the bathroom and once again looked as if he was a plain idiot. The lawyer couldn’t help but skeptically raise one eyebrow as his guest tilted his head and patted his belly. He ended the call quickly and walked into the kitchen. “Don’t stand there and look stupid. Come and eat.”

Eat? Die had seen how humans did that. Nodding, he headed to join Kaoru and got a plastic plate with something out of a small oven. It smelled delicious and immediately the redhead dug in his chopsticks and began to swallow some of the hot food. He flinched when it burned his throat and was much too big to swallow in one piece.

“Moron,” Kaoru muttered and watched the redhead with interest, not sure whether he was supposed to laugh or to cry at the scene. “Chew it. With your teeth. But wait until it’s not as hot anymore.”

With huge eyes, Die’s mind followed the man’s words and his head nodded up and down. Kaoru rolled his eyes at the weird person and gathered himself some food with his chopsticks. If he believed in fairy tales, he really would assume the redhead was an angel, or at least not from this planet. “Do you have a name?”

“Yes,” the former angel said with his mouth full, hardly intelligible. He swallowed the piece of meat he had been chewing and smiled. “It’s Die. And yours?”

“Kaoru.” He didn’t say anything else, didn’t smile or nod, just plainly looked at Die. “Well, Die. When you’re done eating, call me. I’ve got work to do.”

Taking his plate Kaoru headed for his desk and immediately started to read through some important documents he had received within the mail. Nodding once more, Die watched the other man leave before he unceremoniously kept on raping his food. It tasted too good to him. In Heaven he had never had food, couldn’t even smell it, not to mention taste and eat it. This was almost better than being an angel and with Kaoru he was quite positive that he’d have a chance to survive after all. He instantly started to like the man. He was nice.

When Die was finished eating, a sound left his mouth that had evoked from deep inside his belly. Surprised, he pressed his fingers against his lips. Being human was weird, he thought and turned to look at Kaoru who was still sitting at his desk, a laptop in front of his face. But Kaoru actually looked at Die with a disbelieving expression. “Full?”

Smiling widely, the redhead quickly nodded but Kaoru continued. “Fetch something to drink from the fridge.” Checking for Die’s reaction, the lawyer waited and decided to give that alien some more clues since he looked as dense as one could be. “That thing there. Open it and take out two of the red cans.”

Without to hesitate Die did as he was told and gathered two of the red cans filled with liquid. He carried them over to Kaoru and placed them on the desk. “Alright?”

“Yes,” the lawyer nodded curtly and a little bit exasperated. There was not the time to explain that guy all the smallest things in the world and Kaoru surely wasn’t a Samaritan who did that without getting anything out of it. But looking up into Die’s two big innocent brown eyes, even the lawyer grew a little weak, but reminded himself to make a better use of his house-slave as soon as he had a little bit more time. “One’s for you. It’s coke in case you don’t know. Now go and watch some TV for all I care. I’m gonna tell you what to do when I’m done.”

Again Die obediently followed his new friend’s instructions, grabbed the can with coke and moved to sit in front of the TV. He knew these things too, had seen people watching other humans on screen with it. Yet, he didn’t know how it worked, nor did he know how to use that can in his hands. He turned to look at Kaoru who was unconsciously opening his can right in that moment before he took a small sip and placed it back on the desk. Excited from curiosity, Die did as he had seen and opened the can before he drank from it carefully. He was pleasantly surprised that it indeed tasted just as good as the food had, maybe even better.

As the former angel sat there cross-legged on the ground, he stared at the TV and slowly moved one of his fingers to press the small button in the front. It was a small step for the nation but a big one for Die. In fact moving pictures and sounds appeared on the screen. A huge smile spread across the redhead’s face as he started to watch whatever was on.

After the third time that Kaoru had yawned, he looked up from his papers and immediately spotted Die who was sitting like a good boy in front of the TV, watching an old episode of ‘Colt Seavers’ in English. Scratching his cheek, the lawyer wondered if Die actually understood one single thing of their language. He closed the laptop and marched to sit on the sofa. “Do you understand a thing of what they’re saying?”

Die was so deeply absorbed in the action on screen, that he hadn’t even noticed Kaoru’s presence. Startled, he turned and smiled. “No, but it’s still so good. See, that guy, he’s just so funny!”

“Ah yes, I see.” It wasn’t of any interest for Kaoru, yet it was fascinating to see that his weirdo-guest had found something to entertain him. “I’ll show you your room, c’mon.”

Not waiting for any reply, Kaoru stood up and went to the room next to where his study was. Assuming that Die followed, he opened the door and switched on the lights. In fact Die had made his way after the other man and looked inside. There was nothing else than a bed, a small table and a chair. “It’s the guest room and well, usually I don’t have guests of the sort that need an own room.”

“It’s nice,” the redhead stated and broadly smiled, stretching his neck to peek inside.

“You’re going to sleep in here,” Kaoru informed the other man, just in case he didn’t get that either.

“Okay,” Die instantly agreed, being happy about his new room. “Where do you sleep?”

“Upstairs.” It was still a bit risky to have a total stranger inside his home but Kaoru knew how to defend himself and something about the naïve red-haired guy told him that he needn’t to worry. He was probably too stupid to steal something anyway. But just to be sure, the lawyer would lock the doors from inside. “There are still some rules you need to follow in my home, like taking no phone calls. Whenever it rings, leave it. Don’t open the door when I’m not around and never, listen, never come inside my bedroom.”

Die intently listened to what Kaoru said and registered his smug smile at the end of his guidelines. Shrugging, the redhead didn’t know what to make of it anyway and simply nodded with another big smile.

“Okay then, I’ll tell you everything else tomorrow,” Kaoru said and closed the door again. “I’ll get a shower and go to bed. I must get up early.” Walking back inside the living room, he fetched a book from out of the shelf and handed it to Die. “Can you read?”

“Yes,” the former angel confirmed, smiling.

“Good. Read that.” With a tiny smirk the lawyer marched off into the bathroom.

The light brown eyes of the redhead shifted down to the book in his hands and read the title. It was about cooking. Not minding that the least bit, Die inwardly smiled and hugged the book close. If that meant he was going to work as a cook, it was fine with him. He sat down on the sofa and finished watching his newfound favorite TV-show, waiting for Kaoru to emerge from the bathroom.

After some minutes Kaoru came back and just passed Die by. “Go to bed.”

That was everything the lawyer said before he walked up the stairs and vanished inside his room. Being ever so obedient, Die made his way into his new room and sat down on the bed. A happy grin spread on his features. The day had begun being kicked out of Heaven and getting hit by a car, but in the end it had turned out to be quite nice. Die had found a friend, a home and work. That really wasn’t bad at all, he considered and opened his book.

Lying on his stomach, he started to read right away. He needed education about the human population if he wanted to make it in this world. All he knew was from what he had seen but not experienced for such a huge amount of time that he had no recollection at all.

When everything was quiet inside the house, Kaoru finally closed his eyes to sleep. He had switched on the alarm system, making sure nobody could get in or out, as well as locked his bedroom’s door. He still wasn’t sure about what to do with the redhead. He was cute and likable, but it disturbed Kaoru a lot that he didn’t know about the tiniest things. Yet, that made him unbelievingly innocent again. The lawyer had learned not to trust anybody and therefore appreciated someone loyal who would still work off his ass for him.

And apparently Die seemed to be the perfect match.

Chapter Two

At five thirty sharp Kaoru’s alarm clock made sure that the man sleeping beside it woke up in no time. No big deal since the lawyer was used to get up early and he quickly opened his eyes, hearing the familiar beeping sound. Yawning, he got up, stretched and cracked his neck before he shuffled to his bedroom’s door and tried to open it. Only now he remembered why he had locked the door. There was a stranger in his house and only God knew if Kaoru’s home was still in shape, once he would open the door.

Quietly he unlocked it and walked down the stairs that led to his living room. It was silent and neat, just how Kaoru liked it to be. Curious about his guest, he headed for Die’s room and opened the door, peeking inside. The redhead was sprawled across his small bed, his face hidden between pillows and covers but his feet hanging down the edges. Kaoru’s eyebrows rose as he thought once again that there was probably nothing but plain and innocent greenness inside that guy’s mind.

Coughing, Kaoru prepared himself to wake Die up. “You. Get up.”

“Wah?!” Startled, Die instinctively sat up in bed and batted with his sleep-filled eyelashes in order to see properly. For a short moment he didn’t know where he was and frowned. Usually when he woke up, it was after a very soft slumber on some fluffy cloud somewhere underneath the sun. But truth be told, he wasn’t that disappointed to see Kaoru instead. He was his new human friend after all. A small smile crept on his features.

“Get up. You’re accompanying me at work today.” That stated firmly, Kaoru turned on his heels and left for the bathroom.

The former angel’s head was spinning for a moment. He had never woken up like that as a human and he still felt very sleepy, as if he could just turn and lie down again with his eyes closed. But his new friend had told him to get up and so did Die, slowly but with determination. He still wore the same clothes that Kaoru had given to him yesterday and being fine with that, Die waddled into the living room, waiting there together with his cooking book.

When the lawyer came back, he for once remembered how it was like to be a good host. “Get yourself something from the fridge if you’re hungry. I never eat that early and fetch coffee in the office.”

Oh well, maybe he wasn’t that much of a good host but it wasn’t as if Kaoru would care. He marched back up in his room and got dressed in an agreeable black suit. Meanwhile, indeed Die had decided that he could fill his belly with some food again. Observing the insides of the fridge, he opened some of the glasses and boxes, sticking his finger inside and tasting, before he settled for the sweet brown cream.

Kaoru passed Die by, not even paying attention. He quickly adjusted his hair with some spray and used some eau de toilette before he went to gather his briefcase. “Die, get going,” he called out and walked to get his coat, only then taking a quick look at his new employee. “God.”

“Where?” The redhead asked when he was done licking off the sticky brown cream from his fingers.

Kaoru eyed him with a dreadful sigh. “You really need some clothes.” It was unacceptable that Die worked even anywhere near the lawyer dressed in worn-out jeans and a sweater, or worse: without shoes. Groaning silently, Kaoru quickly made a decision for now. “I guess I’ll have to buy you some. But I’ll add the money to your debts, be sure.” Turning, he left the house and headed for his car.

Die clutched the cooking book in his hands and tamely followed, smiling. New clothes didn’t sound bad, even if he liked the ones he wore. They were casual and comfortable. But he was convinced that Kaoru had a reason for making Die dress in something else. The redhead was excited as hell about where his friend would work and what kind of work he did. He looked like a man who did good and much work, that was for sure.

After the ride in the car they were lucky to get inside the building without any press being around today. Mentally Kaoru sighed in relief since he was sick of being asked if he had bribed the judges. He hadn’t! He had won the process fair and square with only the help of knowledge and good rhetorical skill. Die cast a shy glance at his friend, feeling a little uneasy as they rode up the building inside a lift. Fortunately they arrived quicker than any angel could have flown the distance in the same time.

“Good morning, Mr. Niikura.” The usual greeting ceremony didn’t bash the lawyer in any way. He didn’t want to make any friends inside his own company but Die on the other hand was impressed by so many friendly people around his new employer. The man really had to be a good person if they were all that kind to him. The redhead merrily smiled and bowed in reply to all the ‘good mornings’ he was faced with himself as the company of Mr. Niikura.

As usual Niikura just passed his secretary by without any notable gesture or word. But the woman instantly jumped, startled, when his shadow run across her small frame. She looked up and fetched the most important papers within her hands when unexpected by her, another, quite taller shadow passed her by and vanished after her boss inside his room. A little dazed she stood for a moment before she gained her composure and followed both men.

Die practically beamed, entering the huge office. There were windows twice as big as the ones Kaoru had at home and in the middle of the room, there was a big black table with only some neatly filed books, a laptop and a phone. There were some shelves with many books, closets probably with even more stuff to read and Die was positively impressed at how clever of a guy his new friend had to be if he had read all these things. His fingers grasped the cooking book even tighter, closer to his belly. He wanted to read more, too. As soon as he had finished the book Kaoru had given to him.

Said man placed his briefcase at the wall behind his chair before he slowly sat down, stretching his back a little to find his favorite working position. Then his gaze involuntarily met Die. The red-haired man stood with his mouth gaping open and obviously took in his surroundings. Watching him always felt like a matter of incapacity to decide whether to laugh or cry. Kaoru settled with tilting his head and taking a deep breath. Die really appeared to be an alien of some sort, that was for sure. But there was no time for Kaoru to muse any longer as his thoughts got interrupted by a knock on his door, followed by the careful entrance of his secretary.

“Good morning, Mr. Niikura.” She politely bowed and handed two files to her boss. “Mr. Matsuyama will be here around half past ten, his assistant told me on the phone. And this is today’s mail, sir.” She placed another folder on his desk and waited for any possible instruction while Kaoru put his glasses on and skimmed through the mail. Meanwhile the secretary couldn’t help but turn and cast a glance at Niikura’s company, a tall-grown, slender young man with short red hair.

Die smiled at the woman. Every smile should be rewarded with another, he had concluded. But the woman turned and her mind began to wander. She suppressed to smirk, wondering about the man. Dressed as he was, he didn’t look like any sort of Niikura’s clients, but then again her boss had all kinds of weird people calling themselves his clients. She still couldn’t help but think the redheaded man might be some sort of lover for Niikura. Hell, it was hard not to consider. After all it was a well-known fact that her boss hadn’t any interest in women but yet he was never seen with any guy either. Which was no wonder really, since he was such a jerk.

But being as he was earned him well, although it was a surprise to her. That he had no intention of getting the ladies laid made women trust him with their problems and cases of failing the law. Due to the fact that Niikura was a plain and arrogant jerk, men weren’t disgusted by him but respected him even more despite his sexual preferences. It was like they feared he would fuck their ass if someone dared to disrespect the guy. Probably these rich guys, who chose Niikura to be their lawyer, wished for their antagonists, whether suitor or defendant, to feel the threat of getting their poor butts raped. Also, some people said that men choose Niikura just in hopes to get laid. But all speculations were in vain since the guy was never seen with the same person for more than a few hours.

“Ms. Suzuki.” The monotonous but clear voice of her boss, combined with the tapping of his fingertips against the surface of the desk, made her snap out of her temporary daze and she nearly startled. Niikura’s dark piercing gaze was sternly directed at her and let her mentally shrink to the size of a small kid as she reminded herself to get a grip. “Be so kind and bring me coffee. Thank you.”

He emphasized the words to clearly send the message for her to leave better quickly. The woman understood, bowed but stopped. “Should I bring two sets of coffee or…?”

When her questioning eyes looked at Die, he just smiled. “No, no, thank you very much.” He bowed as well, mirroring her gestures. He had thought it would be a good idea if he tried to copy what other people did in order to become just like all the other humans as quickly as possible. And besides, it was fun to learn these things that he had had no recollection of. The secretary bowed again and left with no further questions.

Kaoru eyed Die skeptically. “Why are you grinning like a fool?”

“Huh?” The redhead didn’t know himself if he was honest. “I don’t know. Just because.”

“Just because, hm?” The other man nearly snarled, even if his voice was merely above a whisper.

“Yeah.” Die briefly nodded and shrugged. “This is the place you’re working at? Does all this belong to you? The whole room and stuff?”

Kaoru almost snorted at this but due to his habit of hardly ever showing any more emotion than necessary he kept quiet. “Yes, Die. The room, the stuff, what you’ve seen outside on this floor, even the people. That all belongs to me.”

“That all?” A small gasp of surprise left Die’s mouth. “That is quite a lot.”

“It is,” Kaoru said and was just about to explain that it was just the beginning of what he wanted to call his own in the future when Ms. Suzuki entered the room with a cup of steaming hot coffee. She neatly placed it on the desk and cleared her throat.

“Mr. Niikura. There is Yuki Kobayashi waiting outside. He said it was important and needed to talk to you urgently.” She didn’t like that client of her boss either. He was a self-absorbed bastard with one rich parent. Yuki himself was a good-for-nothing who always ended up in troubles Niikura took care of. The two of them would make a good couple in her opinion.

“Yuki? What brings him here, again?” Kaoru suppressed a sigh on the verge of being fed up from dealing with the kid’s problems. But Yuki’s problems were a lot of money for Kaoru and hence he just nodded. “Okay, two minutes. Then let him in.”

As soon as the secretary had disappeared, Kaoru turned to face Die. “Listen Die. Do you still have to finish reading your book?” The redhead luckily nodded. Otherwise the lawyer would’ve given him just another random book to study. “Good. Then go outside and sit down there. Take your time reading. I’ve got to work.”

Nodding, Die smiled and did as was told. Shuffling outside he left the door open for the client to get in and looked for a place where he could continue reading. There were a few neat seats at the side opposite Ms. Suzuki’s desk and Die sat down there like a good boy. His eyes caught sight of the client, Yuki, a young man clad in a gorgeous dark red suit. To Die he was looking like one of the guys he always saw on huge advertisements that hung around here in this city. But so did Kaoru, Die mentally added, just that the lawyer was probably a little older and for sure a bit smaller, too. With a content smile his gaze fell on his book and he opened the page where he had fallen asleep last night.

An hour had passed and Suzuki couldn’t help but steal short glance at the reading redhead every other minute. She wondered in what connection he could possibly be to Niikura. The slender-framed man looked nice and not at all like the usual clients or ‘friends’ her boss had. That was if he would’ve friends. Suzuki was sure no sane person would interact privately with him by free will. They all had their reasons and none of them were affection. The guy opposite her had greeted her, bowed and even smiled. Could he truly be a friend of Kaoru Niikura?

“What are you reading?” She dared to ask with a small smile playing on her full lips.

Die looked up from his book and smiled in response. “It’s a book about cooking.”

“Oh, and what makes you interested in cooking if I may ask? Any business interest or just a hobby?” She tried with polite chatting.

“Neither of both,” Die said with yet another smile and shut the book. He could actually do with a little break and the woman seemed nice enough to talk to. He liked talking with humans. “Kaoru wants me to read it.”

For a few seconds the woman just stared at Die in bewilderment, noting a few things in her mind. The guy was forced to read a cooking book, which was so totally the impudent style of her boss that she wasn’t the least bit surprised but only by the fact that the friendly red-haired guy actually did what was demanded. But also, she noticed, that he had called her boss by his first name. Few people were actually allowed doing so and all of them out of business, or at least really well-paying patrons. Her interest increased by that fact. “And you like it?”

“Yeah,” Die merrily answered, nodding a few times. “It is quite interesting how many different things one can make and how many sorts of spices, meat, vegetable and items there are on Earth. There’s just so many food and I like food.” He didn’t lie when he said that. He had enjoyed the small meal he had gotten from Kaoru last night and the brown cream from this morning. If he would be able to create some of these things by his own, he’d be glad.

Amused, Suzuki smiled. She had never met a guy like that. He was a likable guy, which one just had to adore instantly. One more reason not to associate him with Niikura but apparently there was still some connection. Friendly, she reached out her hand to Die and sweetly smiled at him. “What’s your name? I’m Mai.”

It was risky to introduce herself with her first name without giving an impolite impression but it was worth a try. She was lucky enough not to know that Die had no clue about these things anyway. He took her hand and shook it like he had seen it in movies. “My name is Die.”

“Die, well, nice to meet you.” She couldn’t help but widely grin. “And you are... not a client of Mr. Niikura, I assume?” She took a guess and wasn’t surprised when Die shook his head. “Then you are a friend?”

“Well,” he mused a little about his answer but actually he was quite sure that this was right. “Yeah, a friend. But I also work for him.

“Oh.” Suzuki’s interest didn’t falter but increased as well as her smile. “He never said we had a new guy in our team. Maybe I should note some things about you, so we can officially add you to the staff.” Die shrugged. He didn’t mind that if it was necessary and going to be part of a team didn’t sound too bad. Although he still wasn’t certain about what kind of work he was to do for Kaoru.

“When were you born, Die?” The secretary opened a file in her laptop to insert some personal information about the new employee.

“Actually…” He thought about it for a moment but couldn’t help but to reply with: “Yesterday.” Considering that he couldn’t remember his original date of birth and that it had been unimportant during the time he had been an angel, he could only think of the day he was forced to be human again.

“Yesterday?” The woman smiled and grabbed Die’s hand, shaking it. “Happy belated birthday then!”

“Thank you!” A huge grin spread on the former angel’s face. It felt nice that actually someone seemed to appreciate he was being born or at least turned into a human being in his special case.

“Did you have a nice birthday then?” She tried to keep on with the small talk, basically just being polite. But deep inside of her, the root of her desire to know about his birthday was that she wanted to know whether he had spent it with her boss or not. How deep was their supposed friendship?

“Could’ve been worse. I had a little accident just when I had arrived but nothing major, just some damaged skin. It burned though,” Die explained with a little sigh and a small shrug. After all he wouldn’t be here without that occurrence on the road.

The secretary gaped and made a pitying expression. “Oh really? I’m sorry. What happened?”

The redhead waved it off, smiling lopsidedly. “Ah, Kaoru hit me with his car but it wasn’t too bad. I just ruined one of the lights on his... car.” He couldn’t remember the correct term Kaoru had used for the car’s name. Mentally he still noted to himself to listen better and save everything, just everything a person told him.

“What?” Her jaw literally dropped. That her boss had hit him with his car was hardly believable since Die was just waving it off like that. What kind of person hit someone with their car on that person’s birthday? What kind of bastard-friend was Niikura? Yet, she should’ve known. It was just typical for the jackass.

“Yeah, no problem. It was my fault, really. I didn’t watch my steps,” he explained pacifying, then giggled a little. “Or rather I watched nothing else but my steps.”

Dumbfounded, she stared for a moment before she gained her composure and just decided not to push this matter any more. He obviously didn’t take it as hard and that he laughed about it, made her feel as if she was being fooled. “Well, then. May I ask your surname, Die?”

“Uhm…” The question snapped Die out of his momentarily amusement. Did he have a surname? He guessed not but he knew humans had surnames, so he should have one too. But what was his surname? He could surely not remember his if he had ever had one, not as an angel anyway. What was he to answer? Contemplating, he just gazed at Mai with huge brown eyes.

While Suzuki was waiting for a reply and Die just helplessly looked back at her, the door of Kaoru’s room opened and Yuki Kobayashi walked out together with the lawyer. Die and Mai’s attention turned to the two men in their expensive suits as they were shaking hands and Kaoru even placing one of his hands on top of Yuki’s left shoulder. It looked pretty much as if they had sorted out all of Kobayashi’s problems since he was practically beaming.

“It’ll work out just fine, Yuki,” Kaoru spoke with pretended sincerity. Of course everything would work out fine but the lawyer was once again forced to work hard for this and he wasn’t quite sure if his strategy wasn’t too drastic. “Trust me.”

“I do, Kaoru. If anybody, I do trust you with this. I know you’re never going to disappoint me,” Yuki said with charm in his voice, but yet knowing that these friendly words would be of pressure for the lawyer and he would also be reminded that he’d lose a lot of money if he wouldn’t work his ass off for Yuki Kobayashi. “Thanks, mate.”

It wasn’t meant as this. It never was. Kaoru wasn’t any client’s mate. He was nothing but their lawyer but for the sake of his financial status he claimed to be their mate at any time if they wanted him to. He sold himself but it didn’t matter. Nobody else was as successful as Kaoru Niikura and he wanted it to stay that way. “Don’t mention it, Yuki. I’ll still send you a bill.”

Kaoru’s laughter wasn’t honest, even Die could tell, although he had no clue as to why he did that. The two men exchanged some more sentences about that Kaoru would never lose any process, that Yuki appreciated his work and last but not least them saying goodbye. Die had a vague image of what a lawyer did, had seen some of them working from afar a few times. They fought for somebody’s rights, so innocent people wouldn’t be send into jail. Something close to that, Die remembered. There was just something about this Yuki guy that didn’t make him appear really innocent. Everything he did was looking like acted but still his smiles, meant for Kaoru, were real.

“Die.” Addressed from Kaoru, Die shook his head, dismissing his latest thoughts, before he gazed at his friend. “Die, get inside the office. We need to talk. What were you doing anyway?”

Kaoru’s gaze shifted to his secretary. He didn’t like the idea of them chatting too much because of two reasons. The woman was supposed to work and not to chat, and Die, well, he was hopefully not chatting about how he had been an angel. That would not only embarrass the redhead but Niikura as well. Suzuki was a tattletale in his opinion. Mai bowed a little while answering: “I was just asking Die for his surname to add his personal data to our staff files, Mr. Niikura.”

“And who told you to do this?” His lips a thin line, Kaoru stared the woman down. “You won’t need that information about Mr.,” he quickly thought of a possible surname that would fit the redheaded weirdo and could only come up with the name of one of his former teachers, “Andou. He isn’t exactly working for the company, but for me privately.”

With a small smirk Kaoru turned and waited for Die to get inside his office before the lawyer followed. He could imagine how Suzuki’s mind would spin with fantasies about which kind of private service Die had to offer. He knew his secretary pretty well, concerning that. She was a nosy bootlicker. Paying his attention back to Die, Kaoru slid back in his big leather chair.

“Sit down,” he ordered and motioned with his hand to one of the chairs in front of the desk. Die did as was told and looked up at Kaoru with big eyes, curious about what he would have to do now. “Are you finished with your book yet?”

“Almost,” he sheepishly replied and opened the book to show that indeed there were only a few more pages left for him to read.

But Kaoru didn’t really care about where exactly Die had stopped reading. Other things occupied the lawyer’s mind now. Things that were more important. “Listen Die. Just finish the book and when you’re done, tell me. I’ll give you another one then.” Nodding, Die complied. But Kaoru added: “Go there.” He pointed at the right side of the room where a small, black sofa adorned the room. “There you won’t bother anyone.”

Taking the offered seat on the small couch, the redhead opened his book and started to read. With a pleased little smirk Kaoru turned his attention to the case ahead, Kobayashi. The guy had ended up in trouble again and Kaoru was forced to save his ass, and quickly. He got absorbed in books about criminal law while Die on the other side of the room silently finished his cooking book. The silence that had occurred between them within the last hour was interrupted when suddenly the door burst open and a lanky dark-haired man stepped up to Kaoru.

“Hey Kao, busy?” He propped his palms on the desk and leant across to gaze at the lawyer with a cheeky expression on his features.

Dreadfully sighing, Kaoru stopped studying and looked up at his friend. “Toshiya. What do you want?”

“Nothing really, just visiting you.” The lean man grinned and winked.

“How many times did I tell you not to just visit me when I’m at work?” Kaoru snatched one of the cigarettes out of the pack that was placed on the desk and lit it. He wasn’t really mad at his friend but Toshiya was plainly annoying and it was no fun that he always visited with no reason just when Kaoru had to work really hard on some strategy. “And yeah, I’m very busy.”

“I see,” Toshiya huffed out a breath and put his hands on his hips, gazing around and for sure not missing the redheaded guy who sat on the sofa, reading. “I do see very well even.”

Toshiya cutely smirked when Die looked at him with big, curious eyes. The red-haired man smiled back in response as usual while Toshiya took his time to regard the gorgeous being adorning Kaoru’s ugly sofa. “Hey,” he nodded with his head and grinned at Die, before he turned his gaze back to the owner of the sofa. “Who’s he? He’s cute.”

Die’s eyes widened a little at the remark. Cute? Was he cute? He guessed so, if that man said so. Kaoru on the other hand rolled his eyes, annoyed. “This is Die. He works for me. Die, this is Toshiya, an unbelievingly annoying friend of mine.”

“Hello.” A wide smile spread across Die’s lips. A friend of Kaoru was also his friend.

Somehow Kaoru had the impression that Die was just as nuts as his always disturbing friend Toshiya and he suddenly had an idea. In order not to end up mentally disturbed himself, Kaoru needed to get rid of both and since Die was in need of clothes and Toshiya practically was a fashion-whore... Bending down to his briefcase, the lawyer quickly fished out his credit card, handing it to Toshiya. “Here, Toto. Do me a favor and take out Die for shopping. I don’t have any use for him when he walks around in these clothes.”

“Aren’t these yours?” Toshiya’s trail of thought ended up at the clothes the man was wearing but luckily found back to the important part of what Kaoru had just said. “Wait a second. You trust me to go shopping with your credit card? What is this? Where’s the hidden camera?”

“Cut the bullshit, Toshiya. I mean it. Look at him. He really needs something to wear. Not just something, everything. And I know how you love shopping, so... deal or no deal?” Kaoru knew Toshiya wouldn’t decline. Hell, he already held Kaoru’s bank account in his hands. He’d be a fool to decline and since Kaoru was afraid that he would’ve to go to the Public Attorney’s Office soon, he couldn’t possibly take Die with him. Not in those clothes anyway.

“One condition: you tell me about you and him later and I can buy something to eat as well,” Toshiya demanded, raising his brows in a pretended snappish way.

“Those are actually two conditions,” Kaoru sighed, “but anyway, you’ve got a deal. Just take care of him. We’ll meet later at my place, ok?”

Skeptically the lean dark-haired man looked at his friend for a moment, wondering about his motives. Usually Kaoru wasn’t that generous or cared about others but Toshiya guessed he would’ve to ask him this evening about who exactly Die was, so that Kaoru trusted a fashion-addict with his credit card. Plus, Kaoru never made any deal that easily without getting any out of it. Either Die was someone special or someone really important, or maybe both. But one thing Toshiya instantly knew: Die was cute and extremely handsome, even when wearing Kaoru’s old worn-out clothes.

“Ok, fine.” Toshiya shrugged and looked at Die. “C’mon, cutie. Let’s go and buy you something that fits your gorgeous frame better than Kaoru’s old-fashioned trash.”

Die cast a questioning look at Kaoru who nodded. “Go with him. He’s harmless.”

Complying, Die followed the slender-framed stranger out while Kaoru inhaled a huge breath into his lungs, before puffing it out. Finally he could work like he was used to: alone.


Quietly Die had followed the tall black-haired man outside, from where they had taken a ride in his car to the best shops Toshiya knew about. He loved shopping and didn’t complain, even if Die was very silent all the time. He had kept staring out of the car for as long as the ride took, and obediently went into every shop the other man wanted him to go. They made a little small talk but nothing major, since Toshiya directed all his attention to what could fit the slender redhead.

About two hours had passed and they had already bought a pair of jeans as well as some other trousers, shirts and even a matching tie and jacket. With no clue about what exactly Die needed, Toshiya thought it was best if he just bought a little bit of everything. Whenever he asked Die whether he already owned something or not, he’d reply with a straight ‘no’ anyway. Of course Kaoru’s friend grew more and more curious about the red-haired guy but he suppressed his questions until he would find a better time and place for them.

After some more time Toshiya happily sighed and turned to address Die. “You hungry?”

“Yeah,” Die shrugged although he wasn’t really that hungry but he liked food and hence couldn’t resist trying some more. It never hurt, he decided.

“You must be after all the time,” Toshiya concluded and brought a cigarette between his lips, lighting it afterwards. “I suggest we snatch something in one of my favorite diners.”

With a smile Die agreed, wouldn’t have minded any place really. It wasn’t long before they found the place Toshiya had been talking about and settled down at one of the tables. When the waitress asked for their orders, Die simply said that he wanted coke, the only thing he really knew. Then he simply did as his company and began to study the menu.

“The XXL cheeseburger, curry chicken wings and fried potatoes,” he ordered once the waitress brought his drink.

“Wow, you’re quite hungry,” Toshiya chuckled and ordered himself a burger, too. The waitress marched off, leaving the two of them alone. The right time and place for Toshiya to start his cross-examination. “Well Die, now tell me, what exactly are you working for Kaoru?”

For a moment Die stared at the other man as he contemplated what exactly he was doing. “I don’t know, really. Can’t say that now for sure. Maybe as a cook?”

The answer made Toshiya frown. If Kaoru was in need of a cook, then Toshiya was the Pope. But he believed Die anyway for now, just because he didn’t make the impression that he was lying. “You know him for a long time? Kaoru, I mean.”

Honest to the core Die shook his head. “Since yesterday. That’s when he offered me the job and now here I am. Are you a good friend of Kaoru?”

It wasn’t Die’s intention to turn the conversation away from himself but he was simply curious about human relationships and of course his friendly host. Raising his brows Toshiya was a little surprised that he was being asked now but he didn’t mind. “Yeah, you could say so. Heh, he trusts me with his credit card, so yeah, I am a close friend.”

The small giggle of the dark-haired guy made Die join in. He instantly liked Toshiya. That Die had been so quiet during the past hours was only due to the many new impressions he had gotten while being on shopping-tour. When their food was brought, he didn’t hesitate and snatched some of the food, checking for its temperature before taking a huge bite. It tasted wonderful and Die couldn’t help his sound of appreciation.

“You like it, eh?” Toshiya happily smiled and stirred his coffee with a spoon. Watching Die made him ponder though. Who was this guy who Kaoru had offered a job so generously to when he didn’t even grant his grandma any penny? Not that he still had a grandma or Toshiya knew about. But he knew Kaoru and usually he would never give a job to someone who didn’t even own clothes. Die couldn’t be related to Kaoru either. They only knew each other since yesterday and the redhead had no clue about what actually his work was about. Concluding precisely, a thought crossed Toshiya’s mind. Either both man kept Die’s job a secret or Kaoru was simply forced to employ the other man. It was a possibility. Judges often demanded people to do community work. It might have simply been a condition on Kaoru to have Die work for him and, as Toshiya knew, the lawyer agreed to almost anything if it granted him a victory in some case or the other. All in all it was the only believable explanation Toshiya could come up with and hence didn’t ask the redhead any further. He would wait until tonight when he could ask the lawyer in question himself.

“Well Die, now we’ve got pants and shirts, tie, suit. What’s left are shoes and,” he paused shortly to drew up his brows in question, “underwear. Do you need that too?”

“Oh yeah,” he replied with his mouth still full and swallowed it hard. “I don’t have that either.”

Toshiya’s eyes grew wide and he couldn’t suppress his giggle. “That means you’ve gone commando right now?”

He burst out laughing since that was probably the only thing making him fit perfectly in connection with Kaoru. Yet, Die didn’t get that one at all but since Toshiya was laughing so hard, he simply joined in. Only when the dark-haired male’s laughter died, Die continued eating the delicious food. He would definitely add burgers to his list of favorite food. With a smile and a small shake of his head, Toshiya started to eat too, amused by the redhead. He certainly was one of a kind.

It took them almost until the late evening when shops were already being closed before both men finally arrived back at the Niikura residence. The light inside indicated that Kaoru was already at home, which was rare since he used to work late almost every day. Toshiya rang the bell and shortly after Kaoru opened, cigarette in one hand, holding the cell phone at his ear with the other. He turned and walked back to his desk as soon as he had admitted them entrance. With their bags full the other two made their way inside and both slumped down on the sofa, exhausted.

“You both wasted?” Kaoru smirked once he had ended the call and joined them, standing next to them and crossing his arms. “I bet my bank account is suffering seeing all these bags. I just hope it was worth it.”

“It was,” Toshiya immediately shot at him and nodded a few times. “Die has a very nice figure and almost everything fits him. I guess you can now show yourself in public with him.”

Kaoru ignored the little remark at the end and nodded. “Thanks Toto. I owe you one. Want a beer?”

“Sure,” the other guy agreed without hesitation but when Kaoru turned to gather some bottles from out of the kitchen, Toshiya quickly followed. After all he had still some things in his mind that weren’t quite clear to him. “Well Kao,” he quietly drawled, sure that Die wouldn’t hear them. “Who is he?”

Grabbing three bottles of beer from out of the fridge Kaoru smirked a little before he turned to face Toshiya. He wasn’t a lawyer for nothing, so he just answered the question with another. “Didn’t he tell you?”

“Not really. Just that he and you only know each other since yesterday and I can’t quite believe that you’ve offered a job to him so generously. I mean, I know you. You either want to get into his pants, but that usually doesn’t take you as much effort, or you’re forced to employ him,” the other man babbled away. “Was he adjudged to work for you? Or did someone ask you to take care of him?”

With a tiny smile Kaoru tilted his head, nearly amused. His friend practically sputtered ideas that he could use to his advantage. If possible, Kaoru wanted to avoid telling his friend the truth and his mind quickly came up with a believable story with the help from his friend. When Toshiya finally stopped to breathe, the lawyer simply nodded. “Yes, something like that. I’m doing a favor for judge Yamada. He asked me to and I complied. That’s all there is to it.”

“But c’mon, he doesn’t own clothes.” Toshiya wasn’t pleased with the answer yet.

“I know. He’s some crime victim, I guess. Former junkie. I don’t know.” Kaoru shrugged. The more weird his excuse sounded, the more he liked it. Maybe then his friend would just drop the matter. “I wanna win judge Yamada’s favor. That’s why I agreed.”

Toshiya raised one of his perfectly plucked eyebrows and looked at Die, who unaware of this conversation was quietly watching TV. He really didn’t look like a drug addict. Then again, who was Toshiya to judge? Turning his gaze back at Kaoru, the taller man shrugged and sarcastically replied: “You’re so kind.”

With another smirk Kaoru handed the beer to his friend and walked back to sit next to Die, giving him one of the bottles as well. Nodding his thanks, Die brightly smiled and took a sip while Toshiya was sitting down at the other side of the large sofa. They silently watched a TV show, not really caring what was on, before the lawyer coughed and got up on his feet. “I’ve still got some things to work through.”

“Okay, I’ll head home,” Toshiya smiled and got up as well. He knew that if Kaoru wasn’t in the mood for company, but only work, there was nothing he could do here anyway. “Die, want me to give you a ride home?”

Puzzled, Die looked at the dark-haired man. If he meant, what Die thought he had meant, then he didn’t get the question either. “Oh, I am at home. I live here.”

Instead of being annoyed, it actually amused Kaoru how baffled Toshiya was gazing at the redhead’s merry smile. But Kaoru decided to clear the situation nonetheless. “He temporarily lives here for the time being. Until he’s earned enough money to afford something on his own that is.”

“Oh.” Now that was funny. Or actually it wasn’t. It made Toshiya suspicious. Was Kaoru really sure he didn’t want to get inside Die’s pants? He wasn’t exactly bad-looking after all. Sighing he dismissed the idea and mentally shrugged. “Well then, good night you two.”

“Good night, Toshiya.” Die gazed at the retreating figure with a smile before he took another, bigger sip from the beer. “You know, Kaoru, I like this best so far!” He lifted the bottle and grinned at the other man who didn’t respond but turned to walk back to sit at his desk. “What’s it called?”

“Beer,” the lawyer curtly replied and quickly thought of something for Die to pass the time. He would suggest to check his cooking skills but it was too early and probably too dangerous. Kaoru would’ve no time or muse to watch after the claimed to be angel. If he really wanted Die to be of any use, there was no chance avoiding to confront him with the doctrine of law. That would prove whether the redhead was at least a tiny bit intelligent or not. “You’re done reading the book I gave to you, aren’t you? Well, then I’d like you to read another one. It’s about basic law, something simple for a starter.”

The red-haired man’s eyes grew wide with interest while he quickly took another sip from his beer. To him this tasted even better than coke. “Okay, I will.”

Kaoru handed the book to him and walked back to his desk. It really was weird. He felt like he had a trainee and he was quite sure that he had never ever wanted one in the first place. But it still wasn’t too bad of a thing actually. Die did everything he got told and if the guy owned indeed some brains, he would soon enough be of help for the lawyer. Low budget of course. With a tiny smirk tucked across his lips Kaoru got back to his papers and laptop. He already had some plans with Die for the next day.

Chapter Three

The next morning Kaoru took a look inside the bags Toshiya and Die had brought from their shopping tour. Quickly rummaging through their content until he had found something suiting for the events ahead, he took the pile of clothes and entered Die’s room. The red-haired man was still fast asleep, lying on his belly, the book next to the bed. He had fallen asleep during reading since it had been a little bit boring unlike the other book he was reading at first.

Kaoru dropped the pile next to Die and unceremoniously woke him. “Get up, Die. Dress properly.”

Yawning and blinking with his eyelids to adjust to the bright morning sun, Die watched the host march off, before he swung his legs out of his bed and stretched. He had slept like a stone, another thing that was totally different than in Heaven. There he only slept lightly, always on alert. Being an angel had been a serious matter after all. Now he just smiled to himself and grabbed the pile of clothes, taking a look at them. They were indeed fine and just the feel of the material against his fingertips was making him smile.

Once Kaoru was done inside the bathroom, Die quickly headed inside in need for the toilet. Gods, it felt weird, all these human needs, especially to let out all the liquid he had consumed the day earlier. With a sigh he tended to this urgent need, then quickly showered and got dressed. Then he even combed his hair and put some wax in it. He had seen how Kaoru did that and he was happily surprised when his hair suddenly smelled somehow nicely, even if he couldn’t quite say of what exactly it smelled. To smell was one of the things adding to the new sensations of being a human but he liked it. Only in the city there were bad smells, but here, in Kaoru’s home, everything smelled nice to Die.

With a smile he grabbed himself something to eat from out of the fridge and ate it before Kaoru already urged him to leave. At work Die began to greet back all the friendly people who offered him and his boss a ‘good morning’. He had brought the book and was ordered to read again while Kaoru made some phone calls and studied some files. But after a while the lawyer checked his watch and got up, slipping inside his jacket. “C’mon, Die. We’re heading to the court. There’s an important trial today and I want you to watch.”

No question, Die was all up for it. Beaming he stood next to Kaoru in no time. “A trial?”

“Yeah, the case of Mrs. Inari. She’s claiming for damages against her ex-husband,” Kaoru explained while they were heading out of the building and inside a cab. The lawyer hardly used his own car to get to the court. Modesty was a thing judges appreciated more than to show off with expensive cars. “But he’s actually trying to make the judges declare Inari for certifiably insane. Should be interesting for you.”

He couldn’t help his last remark since he was sure Die literally was insane but it made the redhead only enthusiastically nod. “It is. But why would he do that? Is she insane?”

“No. Well, not really. Technically she’s been a pill-addict of some sort. We’re claiming she’s not but that she’s been in therapy militates against her. Now I’ve just got the medical certificate about her being released as cured. That’ll erase his claim and she can sue him for what he’s worth.” That someone actually listened to all that crap was indeed even nice, Kaoru had to admit. No one of his friends or those who wanted to be his friends was truly interested in his work. Even if they were listening, Kaoru could see that it was because of different reasons and he had become mistrusting. People these days only wanted to use any information for their own advantage. Not so Die. He was gleaming for every tiny bit the lawyer told him and he was actually looking as if he was really interested. Sure, there was still the possibility that Die was a ‘spy’ but then Kaoru would’ve to compliment the one that had had this idea – it was just too absurd.

“Why does she sue him at all? What kind of damages did she gain from him? Did he hit her?” This was just too exciting and all these human-things were highly fascinating for Die. He just wondered if it was normal for the human kind to have this sort of problems. Why wasn’t Kaoru married? Did he have someone to sue too? Would he fight today for the poor victim? A hundred new questions followed the first and Die’s mind was overturning itself with thoughts.

“Psychological damages,” Kaoru stated as the car came to a halt and he opened the door to climb out. “We’re claiming that she’s been mentally abused. Because of his assaults on her she became an addict, went through a therapy and now that she’s cured, she deserves some financial compensation. Now shut up. No word about it in the court, okay?”

Of course Die would keep it secret, but he still couldn’t help it. He didn’t really get what the whole thing was about. Mentally abused? How was that possible? How could humans abuse each other mentally? Humans were supposed to work, fall in love, have children, some not, but all in all not to mentally abuse. Could they kill each other by mental abuse? That would be new to Die. He really had still so much to learn.

During the trial Die sat and watched enticed by the whole matter and most of all Kaoru. The best part was his final speech, when he delivered the pleading. It was breath-taking even, and stunned Die watched when the lawyer turned things to his advantage, leaving a good impression on the judge. That Inari’s former husband had tried to declare her certifiably insane added at last to the things that actually spoke against that man. She got compensated with a lot of money in the end and after the judge had finally pronounced his judgment, she even hugged Kaoru and thanked him. It brought a huge smile upon Die’s lips when he met with Kaoru right after.

The lawyer was now in good spirits and even smiled back at Die before they made their way back to the cab. “Now we’ll have a drink. I deserve one after that case.”

Not complaining Die just widely grinned and followed. They were brought to a bar Kaoru usually spent time to celebrate whenever he had won a trial. Most of the people there were businessmen like him or at least richer than standard. Kaoru led them both to the bar and instantly ordered two beer. “Consider yourself invited, Die. I’m so relieved this is over and won. Inari isn’t exactly one of my favorite clients.”

“Thanks,” Die beamed and took the offered beer that the bartender had quickly served. “Why is that? Don’t you like all your clients?”

“Of course not. One can’t like everybody. That’s only human, my dear angel,” the dark-haired man said in a teasing tone, still not quite thinking that Die had been an angel, ever. “Inari’s actually quite a bitch.”

Unbelievingly Die raised his brows, not grasping that either. “Then why are you helping her?”

“What do you think? For money naturally.” Kaoru scoffed a little but then chuckled, too high from his victory to be seriously annoyed right now. “Being a lawyer is a job, Die. I earn money by helping these people. If I only helped those who I liked, I’d have not a penny.”

Humankind was indeed difficult to understand but Die guessed, it would be normal. Every human was working to gain money and so did Kaoru. It would surely take some time until Die would fully comprehend the matters of a lawyer’s work. But he was eager to know all about it. Yet, there was something else in his mind that he had contemplated since their ride in the cab. “Hey Kaoru, why aren’t you married?”

“Why would I be?” Even if he wasn’t exactly prepared for the question, Kaoru was used to it and casually shrugged.

“Because most humans are. They fall in love, marry, have kids. I haven’t been an angel under Cupid for long, only had two chances to prove myself in this department, but that’s what I’ve learnt.” It was true. Die had tried to make people fall in love on two occasions but since he hadn’t been successful, he was sent to try himself as a guardian angel. That hadn’t worked either.

“Not everyone is eager to marry.” Kaoru took a sip from his beer and lit himself a cigarette. “Besides, I don’t go for women anyway. So don’t even ask about kids.”

“You like guys?” Smiling Die scratched his head. That was new and yet not. He had heard about those already. “I was never sent to guide a gay couple into love. But you’re right. They can’t have kids. Women bear them.”

“Right.” It made the lawyer actually laugh. Die’s whole way of thinking was quite adorable, even if completely silly and weird. But in a way he wasn’t really dim, more like that his brain cells needed some training first. But right now Kaoru didn’t want to think about it, didn’t want to think about anything at all. Fed up with work for once he would call it a day. If he just thought of laws right now, his head would throb. “I say, let’s have this beer and then go home. I’d like to check if you’ve gained any knowledge about cooking.”

The small smirk upon Kaoru’s lips was teasing but Die didn’t even notice. “Yeah! I’d love to! But don’t we need some things like food first? And spices, I read so much about different spices.”

“Fine,” the lawyer agreed. “Then let’s get my car from the office and buy some food.” He wasn’t that eager for shopping but what had to be done, had to be done. He was actually in quite a funny mood to offer this at all, but in case Die wouldn’t prove himself to be a good cook, it didn’t matter either. Kaoru was never that hungry and he just liked to keep his ‘angel’ busy.

About an hour later they had gathered all the necessary items and drove back to Kaoru’s house. He even switched off his cell phone what usually made him restless, but the fact that he had still a working phone at home, fax and email calmed him down enough. While Kaoru sneaked off to have a quick and relaxing shower, the former angel started to prepare a meal. As soon as Kaoru emerged back from the bathroom, a delicious smell filled his nostrils. Dressed in casual jeans and shirt, he got closer and took a glimpse at what was in the pan.

“Fried rice-balls?” He raised one skeptical eyebrow. “Is that all?”

Die happily nodded. “I figured it wouldn’t take much time.”

“At least you’ve made many of them and it smells good.” The slightly smaller man sniffed a little, then walked to gather something to drink from out of the fridge. “When will they be ready?”

“I’m not so sure,” the redhead pondered and frowned. “The book says nothing precise. Just that they should have a golden brown color.”

Setting the table with two plates, Kaoru shrugged, before he sat down and waited for his meal. Shortly after, Die decided that it was good enough to try and taste. He served the rice-balls and sat down opposite the other man. “Bon apetit.”

A snort emitted from Kaoru. “Where did you get that from? The book?” Die’s merry nod confirmed his guess and carefully he tried the rice-balls with his chop-sticks. But he wasn’t happily surprised when the food was spicily hot. “Urgh. Don’t you think there’s a little too much curry in it?” He quickly took a huge gulp from his orange juice.

Tasting his food Die coughed. “Could also be the chili,” he breathed and bravely kept on eating. “I don’t know. What did I do wrong?”

“Are you crazy to eat that?” The other man shoved his plate away and was about to tell Die that he should stop eating that since Kaoru was in no mood to call a doctor for him. Die wasn’t insured after all! But the doorbell cut the lawyer off of everything his mind contemplated. With his drink in hand he got the door and found Toshiya standing there was a sly grin plastered on his face.

“Hey! What are you two doing? I thought I could pay you a visit, since your cell phone is off…” The sentence trailed off when Toshiya’s voice purposefully got lower and he entered the house. The host didn’t reply anything at all, just let him inside and got back to his seat on the table. He knew too well that his friend was curious like hell about Die and that this was the only reason for his spontaneous appearance. Toshiya slid on the chair at the side between them, gazing at Die. “Hello beauty, how are you doing?”

“Hm?” The red-haired man looked up from his food, hadn’t dared to take another bite and grabbed his coke. He took a mild sip, wondering if the man had really meant him with beauty, before he answered. “I’m fine, and you?”

“Fine, fine. Oh, I’m interfering you two eating. I’m sorry, that wasn’t my intention,” the tall dark-haired guy said but didn’t offer to leave anyway. “Did Kaoru cook?”

“Nope,” the addressed man replied in a sly tone. “Die did. Wanna try?”

Mentally grinning in a dirty fashion Kaoru shoved his plate to his friend. He could literally read the other’s mind. No, of course Kaoru hadn’t cooked. He never did, not for guests anyway. Not even if he was charming them and that was exactly what the other was hinting at. It was a little suspicious that Kaoru offered his food so generously but Toshiya wanted to try nonetheless. He liked the redhead and just to show him that, he would eat whatever he had cooked.

“Maybe you shouldn’t—” Die started but never finished when it was already too late. Toshiya had taken the chop-sticks and eagerly munched down some of the rice-balls. He should soon regret that though. Innocently the redhead stared at the other man while Kaoru couldn’t suppress his snort that mixed with some spiteful giggles.

“Do you like it, Toto?” He asked leaning closer and patting his friend’s back. Sometimes it was just the friendliness of other people that annoyed the crap out of Kaoru and his friend here was definitely too kind.

“Spicy,” he pressed out between his teeth but could not contain himself any longer, reaching for Die’s coke. “Gimme that.” He brought the can to his lips and drank it all out.

Die watched and tilted his head. Now his drink had gone. That wasn’t quite nice. With large puppy dog eyes he looked at his host. “Can I have another can?”

“Serve yourself,” he replied and lit a cigarette.

“I’m sorry,” Die began to explain once he had fetched something to drink. “It was my first time cooking. Obviously I’m too dense for that too.” He bowed his head low, referring to the time when he had failed all his missions as an angel.

“No!” Toshiya shook his head severely, not able to take the look on Die’s face without getting weak and to pity the redhead. He was sure that Die had tried his best. “Don’t worry about it. It is good. For a first try it is good, believe me.” He tried to be convincing and made the red-haired guy look up with doubtful eyes. “Trust me. Kaoru’s cooking skills are way worse.”

That earned him a glare from the lawyer but Toshiya’s mind was too occupied too notice. He hadn’t come here without ideas for the evening anyway. “Hey, what do you think? Shall we go out and have a drink together? We can snatch something to eat on the way. What do you say? Die? Kao?”

“I’m not in the mood,” Kaoru replied not even giving it too much thought. He had planned on relaxing at home for once and maybe to tease his guest a little but certainly not a night out with Toshiya. His friend was nice and the best he had but he was an exhausting company. “I have an appointment tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow? It’s Friday. What about weekend?” His friend couldn’t understand that at all. Usually Kaoru was anything but a party pooper, opposite to what people might think. But he was still more of a workaholic.

“Can’t be helped,” he said and shrugged. “The client is important. Maybe I’ll go out tomorrow night.”

“Too bad,” Toshiya sighed and looked at Die with huge eyes. “What about you? C’mon, don’t let me down too!”

Thinking about it Die didn’t mind, not at all. The guy was nice company and he would like to experience more from the human society and their habits. Yet, he wasn’t quite sure if he was actually allowed to, and with questioningly raised eyebrows he turned to look at Kaoru. “May I?”

Kaoru certainly hadn’t expected Die’s eagerness but he wasn’t exactly surprised either. He just minded the fact that he would probably spill too much information about his doubtful background. Then again an evening without any human presence was so tempting. With no time to think about the whole matter for long, he shrugged. “Do as you wish. You’re off duty right now.”

A bright smile nearly broke Die’s face. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me. Just don’t be back too late. I’ll wait until midnight,” he explained since he had no intention of giving Die or even Toshiya a key for his home. Not in a million years! Kaoru unceremoniously got up and walked inside the living room, taking a seat there in front of the TV. Beer in hand he pretended to watch when in truth his ears caught every word that was spoken between his guest and his friend.

“Awesome,” Toshiya beamed and stood up as well, dragging Die up. “C’mon. You should wear the black shirt we’ve bought yesterday.” They disappeared into the guest room where Kaoru had stored Die’s clothes sometime during the day. He hadn’t like it when they were just decorating the middle of his living, since he loved things tidy and neat.

Once the two men emerged back and passed Kaoru by, Die stopped while Toshiya already went to the front door. “Erm... Toshiya? I... well, I don’t have any money yet.” He felt odd, didn’t want to ask his boss for credit when he still was in debts, and Kaoru ignored this statement on purpose. He had already spent enough money on clothes and food. If Die wanted to have drinks, he would’ve to ask Toshiya for an invitation.

The problem solved itself when the dark-haired guy just waved, “You’re invited. Now come on,” and marched outside.

Another huge smile appeared on Die’s face and he was about to leave as well, when Kaoru stopped him. “Die.” He waited for the redhead’s attention and looked at him seriously. “I’d appreciate if you won’t tell too much about your past.”

Although the red-haired man didn’t quite understand why that was a problem for Kaoru or humankind in general, he still didn’t mind. If the lawyer would be happy if Die wouldn’t tell TOO MUCH, he was fine was that. “Okay, no problem.” He smiled. “Goodbye Kaoru! I’ll be back on time!”

With that he quickly hurried after Toshiya. Kaoru sighed and shifted into a lying position, staring at the ceiling. Finally peace. With Die he almost felt as if he had a kid to watch after.


Toshiya stayed true to his words and fetched something to eat from a drive-in before he steered his car to where his favorite bar was. They had eaten their food during the ride and headed straight into the location. Entering, Die couldn’t help but gape. He had never been into such a place. There were dancers on a small stage but he wasn’t sure if they were males or females. Music sounded from everywhere around him, the lights were dim but colorful and it smelled of pleasant smoke, unlike when actually a fire was burning.

“Come, come,” the dark-haired male waved for Die to follow, making his way to a small table with four comfortable looking chairs. Both men settled down and ordered beer. Die for sure wanted it and nothing else. He had developed an instant liking for the bitter-sweet drink.

“How d’you like it?” Toshiya asked and leant closer to Die, who was still gazing around in awe.

“Awesome,” he replied with a smile. “Are those dancers males or females?”

Chuckling, the other man grinned. “Males. They’re cross-dressing. It’s not everybody’s taste but I like it. They give a good show, better than naked girls dancing. You don’t like it?”

“I like it,” Die nodded and took another glimpse at the dancing people. They really were fascinating. He had never been to any show at all, whether with naked girls or cross-dressing males. “Why do they do that?”

“You mean, dancing or cross-dressing?” Toshiya asked with a smirk but realized what Die meant when he was nodding at the end of the question. “Well, it’s some sort of art. At least that’s what I think. Some people are just disgusted by dancing cross-dressers but so are they when meeting gays. I just think that doing a show like that is very much about art.”

“It is,” the redhead agreed, because dancing seemed to him an art he should be highly fascinated about. The way they moved their feet, their hands, their whole body – it had to be art.

The other man liked the way Die was thinking. He hadn’t dared to judge or ask about whether he was gay or straight yet, but he was determined to find out. Because if this cute red-haired man was anything near gay, then Toshiya would certainly not wait for long to properly check him out. Full stop. But first he just wanted to enjoy his company and learn a little bit more about Kaoru’s sudden guest. “And do you like working for Kaoru?”

“Yeah,” Die beamed and nodded several times, before sipping from his beer. “I do like it. I started to read a book about basic law and at first it was boring but now that I’ve seen Kaoru in a trial, I wanna read the rest so badly.”

Although it was hard to imagine Die as a lawyer, Toshiya didn’t question his interest. Anyone who had ever seen Kaoru in action would dream about being like him. That was just Kaoru, a perfectionist, a legend in his business and for good reason. It wasn’t hard for Toshiya to guess that Die hadn’t attended all the schools to be educated enough to actually become a lawyer but if he had an interest in law, it was for good. Then at least Toshiya didn’t feel as if he needed to pity Die. “And you like him? Kaoru, I mean.”

“Yeah,” Die answered again with a small smile and a nod of his head. “He is nice. And I’m so grateful that I can live with him. Without him I’d probably starve on the street.”

The black-haired man bit the insides of his cheek, not really knowing what to say. Maybe for once in his life Kaoru was actually doing something good for a person, not just for money, though still not unselfish. If Die had really been a former junkie, owning nothing but his skin, then he sure was grateful for any help. But Toshiya wouldn’t push the matter any further. “I’m glad, really. That you and him get along well is good. Just,” he bit his lip, not sure if he should really speak of his worries or not. But in the end he decided to spill the beans since he just liked Die already much. “Just don’t get involved with him privately, if you know what I mean.”

“Huh?” Wasn’t Die already involved with Kaoru privately? He lived with him and he was his friend. He and Toshiya and maybe also Mai were his friends so far. Now Die really didn’t get what Toshiya was talking about. “No, I don’t know what you mean.”

“I mean that he likes guys and you are one of that kind. A cute one for that matter,” Toshiya said and grinned, but sighed afterwards. “Kaoru’s my friend and I don’t wanna run him down but because you’re really a nice guy, Die, I wouldn’t wanna see you become one of his flings.”

Die’s eyes widened a little. He didn’t see a problem in Kaoru liking him, not at all, he would appreciate that. But he hadn’t even thought about having a fling with the lawyer. Now the idea was kind of new and didn’t sound too bad either. Love was a good thing in any way. Yet, Die had no clue about the physical love between two humans, not to mention two of the same sex. Technically he knew what they did but he had never experienced that himself in human form. For now it was out of question anyway since he was here with Toshiya, not Kaoru. What Die truly didn’t get, was why Toshiya wouldn’t wanna see him become one of Kaoru’s flings. Would that be bad? Didn’t he grant his friend such thing? “Why are you saying that? Kaoru’s your friend. That’s what you said.”

“He is.” With a small nod and a sigh Toshiya tilted his head, not understanding why Die didn’t just take his friendly hint. Was he already into the lawyer? If that was the case, there was nothing he could do. To warn Die wouldn’t help. “But he’s also a jackass. And I say that because I am his friend. Everyone else just doesn’t dare to say it out loud. I know him for so long and I can count on him any time, really, that’s why he is my friend. But I’d never get involved with him on a sexual basis. No way. He’s just not made for the everlasting love.”

“But there’s someone for every human, Cupid says,” Die countered, even if what Toshiya said in the beginning might be true. But the last statement was just not correct at all. “For you and for Kaoru too. And sometimes humans just need a little help to see this other person with whom they are supposed to live happily ever after.”

Now Toshiya was gaping, mouth open. Suddenly he broke out into laughter. Die couldn’t be serious. That guy was a joker and his jokes were definitely ones of the best. He always said such things from time to time and the black-haired man was sure, Die was trying to kid him. “Man, you’re really good, Die. You got me there.”

“Thank you.” Smiling Die was happy about the compliment. Being good was a fine one of that sort.

Still with tears of laughter in his eyes Toshiya ordered another round of beer. Maybe Die was a clever one, too smart to give away that easily if he had an interest in Kaoru. Either that or he had simply none. But one thing was for sure: he was a highly entertaining company. And so they chatted away, Toshiya beginning to explain what he actually did for a living and Die listening intently and asking away about everything he didn’t get in the first place.


Meanwhile Kaoru had become restless. Tapping his fingertips against the surface of his desk, he just hoped for Die’s sake that he would be back in time. Not that Kaoru was worried about him. That wasn’t the case. He had just never waited for anyone and he was definitely feeling as if he was waiting for Die. It was absurd. Why did he trust a guy who he hardly knew? Why did he believe a guy who usually behaved like he had no brains at all? It was half past eleven when Kaoru swore that if the redhead wasn’t back on time, he would surely kill him. He could’ve run off with his new clothes, even if that wasn’t likely to happen. Then he should’ve done that with the credit card. And Toshiya was harmless and faithful, but certainly not attentive. He was careless.

Kaoru had tried to read, to watch television and in the end settled to do some work. But he couldn’t help his mind drifting to the redhead. That was why he had never any serious relationship. He had too many important things in his head, was in charge of so many different serious matters, there was no space to even think about someone else. Not even a guest who believed he had been an angel. But the damage was done and Die was hired.

“Fuck it,” Kaoru sighed. When did it happen that he had turned into a fool?


After his fourth beer Die had stopped listening to Toshiya’s tales of how he had become and still was a fashion designer. It wasn't that Die didn’t want to listen but his attention just wouldn’t keep focused anymore. His limbs were trembling in anticipation to move and every time he watched the dancers, it was getting a tad bit worse. His eyelids blinked more often and faster and his hands moved differently, although he couldn’t put his finger on the reason yet. Unconsciously he quietly began to sing along to the music, no matter that he did not know the lyrics.

“Oh my,” Toshiya mentioned when he took a glimpse at his wristwatch. “We better go now or you will be in trouble.”

Die frowned since he hadn’t even realized how late it had become and he really didn’t want to make Kaoru mad at him. With a nod Die got up on his feet and stumbled a little. Was he still a human or why did he have the slight feeling that he could fly? Well, he could definitely not feel any wings on his back and the flying sensation was kind of different but still, his feet were so light even. He couldn’t say it any differently.

“My god, Die, you’re shambling. Are you drunk already?” Toshiya couldn’t help his giggles. The redhead was looking just too cute lurching like he did.

“What? I dunno,” he replied with a sheepish grin. “But my head feels a little odd, like everything’s spinning.”

“You’re drunk, that’s what you are.” Putting an arm around the other man, Toshiya guided him outside and neatly placed him inside the car. “Fasten the seatbelt and don’t you dare to puke.” Shaking his head, he took the place behind the steering wheel and started the engine.

Only a few minutes later they both stood in front of the door at Kaoru’s house, or rather Toshiya stood and Die leant against him. Ringing the doorbell it wasn’t before long when the owner admitted them entrance. Kaoru instantly frowned when he saw the two of them and a small sound of surprise emitted from his mouth when Die literally lurched forward to wrap his arms around the smaller man’s shoulders, hugging him to steady himself.

“Hello back, Kaoru!” For a moment the lawyer was that dumbfounded that he couldn’t help but just gaze quite stupidly as the redhead practically clung to him. But when he heard the silly giggles of his friend, Kaoru glared and shoved Die off.

“Yeah, great,” he mumbled but didn’t dare to keep his hands off Die’s shoulders, afraid he’d fall flat against him again.

“I’ve seen cross-dressing dancers!” The redhead proudly beamed with a smile that could lighten the whole city. “And I drank beer. But you know what, I’m kinda tired or something ‘cause my body feels as if I could just lie down, so heavy my limbs are and my eyelids, and there’s some sort of jumble inside my head. Really odd, really odd,” he babbled away and tried to keep his eyes focused on the man holding his shoulders for balance, of which he was grateful for by the way.

Kaoru heaved an outrageously annoyed sigh, suddenly dragging one of Die’s arms ruggedly around his shoulders. He was pissed but not entirely because of Die. Without to care about gentleness he dragged the redhead into his room and dropped him on the bed. Facedown the taller man muttered some thanks into the pillow but didn’t even turn around anymore. Muffled, he wished Kaoru a good night, even after he was already gone and had closed the door.

Toshiya mildly laughed about the whole situation because Die was just too funny when drunk. But when Kaoru’s dark glare was suddenly upon the taller black-haired man, his laughter died and he shrugged. He was about to ask what his problem was, but the other man was already faster and snapped: “Thank you for making him drunk! Was that really necessary? Tomorrow he’ll be hung over and that’s certainly the least I can need.”

“Why are you mad at me? Is it my fault that he can’t take four bottles of beer?” Toshiya pouted and crossed his arms. “Really, Kaoru. Four bottles, and he was like that. You could’ve warned me if you’ve known he can’t take that bit.”

With a hardly audible growl the lawyer went to gather one of his cigarettes and lit it almost hastily. His friend was right. Not even Kaoru had known that Die couldn’t take much but at least Kaoru would’ve guessed it. But still Toshiya could’ve realized it earlier. “Oh well, forget it. At least you’re back and I can finally go to bed now.”

Suppressing to roll his eyes upwards, Toshiya ignored Kaoru’s grumpiness, used to it by now. That was just his character and long ago the other man had given up on caring about it anyway. In all the years he knew Kaoru, he had been like this but somehow managed to show his more friendly side from time to time. That was probably why Toshiya was still his one and only real friend. “It really wasn’t my intention to get him drunk. But you must admit, he’s cute when he’s drunk, ne?”

Raising his brows, Kaoru just looked at his friend with indifference. “If you say so,” he sighed again and took another long drag from his cigarette, slowly blowing the smoke out, somewhat calmed down by it. He didn’t mind the two of them hanging out, it had somehow been his idea in the first place, but there was another problem coming closer in Kaoru’s opinion. Fact was, Die was nuts and good only for working his heels off. The thing was, that no matter what he believed he was or had been, he was a gorgeous, nice and cute male and Kaoru’s tall dark-haired friend easily fell for other men. “Toshiya, I’d prefer you don’t hit on him.”

That said, the other guy gaped. Sometimes the bluntness of Kaoru was hard to take. “Why? Are you interested in him yourself? Just say so and I’ll keep my hands off him.” Although it would be a pity if he would’ve to keep his hands off the redhead, Toshiya would be true to his words. He had never interfered between Kaoru and any of his guys and for their friendship he would do anything to keep it that way. It was simple. Kaoru had known Die before and that’s why Toshiya would back off. But only if the lawyer indeed held any interest in the redhead.

“I’m not,” Kaoru honestly replied and thought about how to make Toshiya see that he meant it without having an interest in Die himself. Not on a sexual basis anyway. “I’ve already told you who he is and that is why I don’t wanna get him involved with anyone.”

“I’m not anyone and you only told me that he’s some sort of fosterling of this judge. So what if I just check out if he’s interested. I don’t even know yet if he goes for guys. But seeing how he was fascinated by the cross-dancers...” Toshiya drifted off and rolled his eyes in a dreamy manner.

“Toshiya, no.” The smaller guy wasn’t even in the mood for his friend’s dreamy expression right now because this matter was serious to him. It would only cause problems if Die and Toshiya had a thing going on. “Don’t even try it. Could you do me this one favor? I never ask you such thing. But this time it’s something else. If you wanna hang out with him, fine, do it. If you wanna go out with him, I don’t mind. But just don’t try anything else. I mean it. At least not as long as he lives under my roof.” He intently gazed at his friend, hoping for his understanding.

Sighing, Toshiya gave in. “Fine. But when we moves out, I won’t care anymore. Be sure of.”

“That’s how I love my Toto!” Kaoru grinned, relieved. Even if he couldn’t show his appreciation like other people did, but he was still very thankful to have a friend like Toshiya. Throughout the years he had learnt to trust him and knew that he had a hard time to cope with Kaoru sometimes. Even if he should be good with words being a lawyer, those that spoke of affection were always hard to say, if not impossible. Kaoru had proved to be a good friend in a different way, whenever Toshiya had been in troubles, or they simply stuck together when the situation demanded it.

“Yeah, yeah, I know,” the other man waved it off, openly showing that he had understood the unspoken words of thankfulness. “You love me when I do as you say.”

“Right.” Kaoru widely grinned. “Who couldn’t love a good boy like you?”

“Stuff it, Kao. You’re not charming me with your words. I know you too well.” With a smirk the other man turned to leave. “I’ll head home. Night, Kao. And call me when Die moves out, yeah?” He didn’t wait for any reply and left the house, sniggering. After all Kaoru hadn’t mentioned anything about not teasing and urging him in any way concerning the redhead. Time will tell if he would stay true to his words or not. Toshiya wasn’t so sure about Kaoru really having no interest in Die at all.

Inside, Kaoru finished his cigarette and walked up the stairs into his bedroom. Maybe he was too selfish asking his friend to keep his fingers off the redhead, but he was sure it was for Toshiya’s best. Hell, Kaoru didn’t even know himself why he had taken the risk to take the former angel with him. He felt almost crazy having done this. Of course he had noticed that Die was a handsome and even beautiful man, but the lawyer had no intention whatsoever in taking him into his bed. He would if Die were sane. But that wasn’t the case and he still needed him. Once he had had him as a lover, he wouldn’t allow him to be this close to him anymore.

Sighing lowly, Kaoru sat down on the bed and rubbed his palms across his face. It was possible, and almost crazy he mentally added, that Die could even turn out to be a friend. But since Kaoru had already decided to use his stupidity to his advantage, it was unlikely to happen. Now if Toshiya fell for Die and the other way around, could he really use the love of his one and only friend? Nope, he couldn’t.

Selfish, yes.

“This turns out to be a mess,” he mumbled and let his body fall backwards on the bed. If he had met Die under different circumstances, he could’ve allowed Toshiya to do as he wished. Then again, Kaoru would’ve probably taken the chance himself. That was if Die weren’t crazy. Fact was, Kaoru had hit him with the car and the damage was done. Now he couldn’t take his decision back and end of story. All this thinking annoyed the crap out of him. Wasn’t it his reason for not falling in love? There were more important things. There always were. Nothing would ever change that. That he was sure of.

Closing his eyes he slowly and unconsciously drifted off and fell asleep.

Chapter Four

Surprised, Kaoru registered the fact that Die was already awake when he came down the stairs the next day. It was later than usual, around nine in the morning, but still early for someone who should be hung-over from having too much alcohol. Raising his brows the smaller man addressed the redhead with a curt nod and couldn’t help but ask: “Already up? Not tired anymore?”

A huge smile spread across Die’s face as he looked up at Kaoru while he was sitting on the couch, cross-legged and with a book in his hands. “Yes and no. I woke up and wanted to keep reading so badly that I couldn’t stay in bed any longer. Should I’ve waited for you to call me? Sorry if so.” Indeed he hadn’t been sure if he was allowed to get up before Kaoru would come and wake him up but then again, he felt so useless lying in the bed and doing nothing, that he had just taken the risk.

“No, I’m just wondering,” the lawyer remarked with a small, stifled yawn and went to make some coffee. “And your head? Does it hurt?” He spoke a tad bit louder, so Die would hear him from the kitchen.

“Doesn’t hurt at all. Why?” The former angel shouted back, just as loud as Kaoru had done. He wasn’t sure why his head should’ve been hurt but it was nice that someone cared about him and his head. So he just smiled and shut the book, done with it.

“Just making sure,” Kaoru replied once he appeared back inside the living room. “You were pretty much drunk last night and usually most people would be hung-over, with a headache, or just feel sick the next day. But I’m glad you’re not.” He almost smiled but more in relief that he wouldn’t have to cope with a wailing, sick man beside him.

Happily Die shrugged and smiled. Had he been drunk last night? He had felt a little odd and he remembered that he wanted to dance. But that made people having headaches and feel sick? “Maybe it’s a natural talent that I have?”

“Probably but you can’t take much considering what Toshiya's told me.” Kaoru smirked and left for the bathroom. To have a talent that prevented from being hung-over would be nice but since he could take a lot more than four beers before getting wasted, Die’s ‘talent’ wouldn’t mean much to him. Nevertheless, he should watch out for Die not having too much alcohol the next time they went out.

Once Kaoru was finished inside the bathroom, he made his way to get the much-desired coffee. He called for Die to join him and advised him to help himself for something to eat. The lawyer never ate in the morning but he still liked to sit for a while and enjoy not having to go to the office at weekends. Although he didn’t care much, he was curious about the redhead and this was the perfect opportunity to get to know something more than he already found out. Pretending that he believed the story about Die having been an angel, but only just pretending to, he suddenly started his inquiry.

“So Die, tell me,” he started and took a sip from the hot black liquid. “For how long have you been an angel?”

The redhead pondered for a moment, then he simply shrugged. “I’m not sure. Years I suppose. I can’t tell really because in Heaven there’s no time and I forgot most of my life before becoming an angel.”

“You forgot? How come? So before you’ve been an angel, you’ve been human and then turned into an angel?” This was getting interesting and most of all kind of amusing. At least better than the morning shows in television Kaoru usually used to watch during breakfast.

“Yeah,” Die answered, honest to the core, and helped himself to some more chocolate cream from the fridge since he had developed an instant liking to the sweet food. “I was human like you are and I am now again. Then I died and became an angel. At first I could remember my past life as a human but the memories quickly faded.” He sat down again and ate the chocolate cream with a spoon.

“How did you die?” Kaoru didn’t know why he was asking that question, not even sure if the other man could remember. But Die’s explanation was just too simple for his liking. Maybe it was because he didn’t believe a single thing of it and was looking for something else, something more to hold onto, which would satisfy his mind.

“Overdose.” The usual carefree expression on Die’s face vanished and it was the first time that the lawyer saw him smile in a sad way. But the other man continued: “That’s what I was told. Can’t remember. God says it’s better for angels to forget about their past lives in order to help humans on Earth.” He shrugged. He hadn’t even wasted a single thought about his former life as a human in ages and now it only made him realize that indeed he had gone through life and death before. He didn’t like that he couldn’t remember. It would’ve been helpful now.

Kaoru raised one eyebrow in suspicion but dropped it quickly again, not really caring anyway. He was far from finished with his inquiry. So far Die had an answer to every question and didn’t even hesitate to spill the beans. Then again his statements were vague. Accused people usually said that they couldn’t remember when being under oath. “Is everybody going to be an angel once they die?”

“Nope,” the other man said and shook his head meaningfully. “Only those who fucked up their lives. That sounds weird, I know. But these ones are destined to make up by helping humans. I don’t get why either. There’s no school or something in which angels get enlightened about everything.” He shrugged again a little helplessly and kept on eating, right now sucking clean one of his fingers.

For a moment Kaoru’s eyes fixed on Die sucking his index finger, before he shook his head to clear his mind. “And for how long will an angel have to help humans? Angels can’t die, can they?”

“For the rest of time actually.” The redhead’s gaze snapped upwards to meet the inquiring dark orbs of his host. “I told you there’s no time in Heaven, so that is just the way it is, because you’re right, angels can’t die.”

“Then why are you back on Earth in human form?” Kaoru held Die’s stare with his own, being totally serious, when for once even the red-haired weirdo wasn’t smiling like a moron.

“It’s my punishment for messing up my missions.” That’s when the taller man dropped his gaze and inhaled deeply, before pushing out the breath he held for a moment in his lungs. Indeed it was punishment and if there hadn’t been Kaoru who had helped him and still did, then this whole thing had probably turned out to be way more difficult than it was now. Die was plainly grateful that he managed so well thanks to the smaller guy. “Now that I’m here it doesn’t feel like punishment anymore. Being human is way cooler than being an angel. Yet, being human can be also hard and I know that if you wouldn’t allow me to work for you and live here, then I were doomed. So,” he drawled for a moment, and then a huge smile appeared on his lips. “Thank you, Kaoru. This means a lot to me.”

For once Kaoru didn’t know what to say. Many people had thanked him before but they had also paid a fair amount for his help. Die’s gratitude seemed to come straight from his heart and that’s something the lawyer hadn’t experienced often in his life so far. After all Die shouldn’t thank him but work off his debts. Averting his gaze from the redhead, he muttered: “Don’t mention it.”

And he meant it. There was no need to thank him. He did that for the purpose of making good use of this idiot and not out of plain kindness. It reminded him of a conscience that he wasn’t supposed to have. For a while it was quiet between them, the lawyer sipping from his coffee and lighting a fag, while Die tried some of the bread he had found in one of the cupboards.

“Smoking kills,” the redhead remarked, not even looking at Kaoru.

“Many things do,” he replied with a quick tongue without to ponder for long.

“Can I have a smoke then?” Curious about the cancer stick’s taste Die asked.

“Sure,” Kaoru pushed his pack of cigs over to his guest. “You know how to light one?”

With a small nod Die grabbed for the lighter and put a cigarette between his lips. He could do that. He had seen how the other man had done it. It couldn’t be that difficult. Easily, he lit it, took a drag from the end of it and pushed out the smoke. “I don’t taste anything at all.”

Kaoru rolled his eyes since he had watched each of the redhead’s moves. “Because you do it wrong. Here, you have to inhale the smoke.” He took a drag from his cigarette and inhaled it deeply before blowing it out again. “And then push it out.”

Trying again, Die did just as his friend had done, inhaled deeply and blew the smoke out with a smile that suddenly vanished.

“Tasted anything?” Kaoru asked bored.

“I feel sick,” Die blurted and made the smaller man actually laugh.

“You’re white as a sheet.” The other man chuckled and took another long drag from the stick, just to demonstrate his superior abilities, even if he was more or less oblivious to his actions. It just came natural to him.

Coughing Die tried again, but then decided to leave it. “Maybe not now.”

“Maybe not,” Kaoru agreed. “Might be better anyway. I have an appointment later on and if you wanna come along, you shouldn’t be on the verge of puking.” The question wasn’t really if the taller man wanted to come along since Kaoru had already decided that he would definitely accompany him. The guy should make himself useful.

“Where do we go?” The redhead widened his eyes in interest and handed the unfinished cigarette to Kaoru.

“To a client of mine,” he halfheartedly explained, his focus on the two cigarettes in his hands now. With a little growl he pushed one out in the ashtray, before he continued. “One that I actually like. But he’s not the youngest anymore and has some troubles with his son. Law of succession. Quite a nasty thing, really.”

“I’ve read about it,” Die proudly announced with a smile. “There was something about it in the book you gave me.”

“But that was only basic law. It’s way more complicated than this,” Kaoru said as he leant back and frowned, already pretty much concerned about the case. It would certainly not be as easy as usual.

“Why is it complicated? I thought that the law of succession would only be a matter to handle once someone had died. But obviously the guy’s still alive,” Die spoke out his thought and watched his friend with interest. “Right?”

“The thing is that he’s still alive. But he’s quite old and he needs to settle everything before he actually dies, or else,” Drawling for a moment, Kaoru thought about whether he really should tell Die the conditions of this case or not. But in the end he at least wanted to try. “Well, once he dies, his son will inherit half of his company and Sakamoto owns a huge company. But his son is somehow not reliable, always messes up in his life and isn’t really capable of leading a company, not even one half of it. That’s why his father wanted to find a way how he could avoid the whole matter, trying to fix something up, that in the end his son won’t get anything out of the whole estate, but maybe a fair amount of money.” He paused for a short moment, only to get convinced by a nod from the redhead that he was still listening. “But his son got wind of the whole deal and now it’s his son who sues the father in order to put him under tutelage. My part is to avert that.”

“Oh, that sounds like a hard job.” Die was impressed by all the details and facts and that obviously Kaoru was such a smart guy who could defend people from being put under tutelage. These things about law he understood, but all the other tiny parts of the relations between humans, between a father and his son, Die didn’t get at all. Why was this so complicated? “Wouldn’t it be better if the son just took the money and left the company to someone who can lead it?”

Kaoru scoffed. “You tell him that.” In Die’s world everything just seemed so easy. As if people simply accepted that they were stupid. “Besides, he won’t be granted with the whole amount half the company is worth. That’s why.”

“And why doesn’t that Sakamoto guy just give him the amount?” Die inquired.

“Because Reiji, the son, doesn’t deserve it, seeing that he already wasted so much of his father’s financial capital.” By now Kaoru was smirking a little at the other man for not even guessing that. Hell, he really was such a plainly naïve guy that if the lawyer wanted, he could make him believe that Kaoru was the Holy Virgin.

“I see.” Scratching his red mop of hair, Die was pleased for the time being, the answers enough for him to put some sense into the mess in his head and at the same time he was able to re-think it and maybe come up with new questions. One thing he already knew: that the humankind’s relations were far more complex than it seemed from above.

Using the quiet moment and Die’s temporary silence, Kaoru stood up, about to leave and get dressed in a proper way. “Clean the dishes, ok? I’m gonna put on some neat clothes and then we can go. I don’t wanna be late.” He received nothing else but a certain nod, of course, and that was nothing less than he had expected.

Within a matter of minutes Kaoru had changed into the usual but good attire, a plain white shirt and dark suit, before he appeared back in the living room, ready to fetch his briefcase and Die. The taller man had successfully cleaned the dishes and put them back into the cupboards, before he had quickly dressed himself in something that would fit the occasion. It actually impressed the businessman that Die looked that good within a dark blue shirt and the suit but then he should probably thank Toshiya for having such a good taste in clothes. “C’mon then.”

A nod was all that accompanied Die’s usual smile as he followed his boss. The ride inside the car didn’t take them long this time and soon they arrived the residence of Sakamoto. Beyond doubt Die was excited and most of all curious about how that guy would be like, because he was trying to disinherit his son, but on the other hand Kaoru actually liked the old man. Being of good use and a loyal worker, Die was so friendly and carried his boss’ briefcase – after the same man had told him to do so.

Ringing the bell Kaoru suddenly remembered one more advice. “Don’t speak without being asked. Got that? I lead, you follow. Easy rule.”

“Yes, I understand.” Die gave a firm nod and forced his smile off his lips, since Kaoru was suddenly that serious. “You lead, I follow. I can do that.”

On the verge of rolling his eyes, the smaller man got suddenly aware of the door being opened and instead smiled at the old lady in the doorway. “Mrs. Sakamoto, good morning. I’m not alone today. I hope that's fine with you and your husband? This is Die, my assistant.” Formally Kaoru introduced the taller man who instantly smiled at the nice and friendly looking older woman.

“Good morning, Kaoru,” she greeted back with a genuine smile and hushed the two men inside. “Of course it is fine with us. Die, nice to meet you.”

Bowing, Die returned the smile that was stuck to his lips anyway and shrugged off his shoes. “Good morning, Mrs. Sakamoto. The pleasure’s all mine.”

“The mister’s in the living room, waiting for you, Kao,” she told him, using a pet name few people were allowed to address him with. It made him mentally flinch since this wasn’t anything meant for Die’s ears to hear. But he tried to ignore it and hoped that he hadn't even noticed as the old lady went on to speak her mind. “He worries a lot about the whole thing with Reiji. If only he would understand. Such a stupid boy.”

Following the woman Kaoru and Die entered the huge living room, where an old man was sitting in an armchair, obviously glad to see the lawyer. Politely Kaoru greeted the old man as well and introduced his new assistant. They instantly sat down and Kaoru asked about the old guy’s well-being before they moved on to even more important topics, in one word: Reiji. Listening attentively to the whole conversation Die didn’t even notice the time passing by that quickly and neither did the other two men. That was until Mrs. Sakamoto entered the room again and bowed. “I’m sorry to disturb but it’s time to eat now. Jinji, you know it’s not good for you to eat that late.”

“Oh woman,” the old man addressed her and waved his hand dismissively. “Can’t you see that we have more serious matters to handle? We’ll eat later.”

“But I’m sure Kao and Die are hungry as well. It’s past one already and you need to take your medicine,” she protested with a frown of worry, wrinkling the old skin on her forehead. As if on demand Die's belly was grumbling, just the thought of something to eat making him hungry. Apologetically he smiled at the old woman and blushed a little as he registered Kaoru's gaze of abashment. The woman motioned with her hand at the two young men. “At least don’t make these boys here suffer from starving!”

Of course her husband was ready to protest again but Kaoru, knowing that the fights between these two could go on forever, cut in and smiled at the woman. “Why don’t we eat here?” He cast a look at Mr. Sakamoto before he shifted his gaze back at the missus. “If it doesn’t make too many circumstances, we could eat here and continue discussing the whole matter while we have lunch.”

Fine with the idea, the old man waved his hand in an agreeing manner and growled inaudibly that he was out-smarted by the lawyer. The old woman smiled, even if she was still looking a little helpless now. But people, that looked helpless, were without a doubt a case for Die! Without thinking he jumped on his feet and broadly smiled. “I’m gonna help you, Mrs. Sakamoto. I could carry all the dishes.”

With a grateful smile and another small bow, she gladly accepted and disappeared together with the redhead inside the kitchen. Kaoru frowned. Die was a hopeless case, always up to good. But this time it was even appreciated by the other man and he smiled a little and turned his attention back to the old man and the case at hand. “Well, I think—“

“That guy is really nice.” Suddenly Mr. Sakamoto cut in almost harshly, shifting his gaze to look at Kaoru intently. “I’m glad you do have some nice contacts as well. Other than the guys you're usually accompanied by, I mean. Die is red-haired but at least polite.”

A little helpless about what to reply Kaoru just inhaled deeply and pushed out the breath after some moments. He knew the old man too well to protest or to deny the truth. “I guess so.”

“Facts, boy. Not guesses.” The old man smirked and leant closer to the young man next to him. “You hang out with dimwits too often. And since you don’t wanna marry my daughter, I have to at least make sure that you don’t get spoiled by retarded cretins.”

“And Die is no such?” He couldn’t help his comment. Part of him hated to be lectured like a schoolboy, even if it was okay that Mr. and Mrs. Sakamoto mothered him. The old man had played a huge role during Kaoru's studies and if it hadn't been him who had urged the young man to go on and achieve his goals, then he weren't where he was now. That's why the former academic and his wife owned some privileges that everybody else didn't.

“No, I just don’t like his red hair and well,” the man drawled for a moment before he went on. “And sometimes his smile looks a little silly but other than that, he’s attentive, helpful, polite and could probably defend you in a fight. Depends. I couldn’t measure his arms yet.”

“Oh c’mon, stop that now.” This was too much for Kaoru but he still had to laugh lightly. As if anybody cared about fighting for someone nowadays. And by the way, he could defend himself on his own quite well. “It’s not your task to hook me up. You have a daughter, remember? You could find her a matching guy instead of me.”

“Ah, so Die likes girls?” The man obviously was all up for it.

Kaoru sighed and shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“You lose your drive,” he remarked chuckling, teasing the lawyer.

“I… Can we go back to the conversation we had before this? I mean, you’re sued. Have you already forgotten?” He didn’t mean to be brash or rude but the teasing was slowly making him feel embarrassed. Sakamoto was probably the only one who did that; dared to do that and did it in such a loving manner that Kaoru couldn’t threat the old man. Quite the contrary, he liked it. But everything had its limits.

Right in that moment Die and Mrs. Sakamoto appeared back in the living room, serving deliciously smelling food, while the old man was still chuckling at Kaoru. It didn’t take them long to set the table and the feast began. In the beginning the old man and Kaoru were both trying to keep on talking about the case, but soon enough they all were pretty much occupied with enjoying the wonderful meal. Die had to admit that this was probably the best thing he had tasted on Earth thus far and he complimented the old woman. Kaoru just nodded and agreed.

“Well Die, say,” the old man began and chewed on his food. “Do you wanna become a lawyer like Kaoru here?”

He contemplated for a moment what to answer, smiling all along. “That’d be nice.”

That comment made Mr. Sakamoto chuckle. “Maybe you two should team up. Kaoru could do with a little less work. He works too hard, too relentless. Besides, he needs someone to take care of him.”

The lawyer suppressed the urge to growl in annoyance as well as to say something. He cast a glance at Die instead, checking for his expression. But as usual Die just smiled all friendly and as lovely as one probably could. “I’ll try my best.”

It nearly provoked a smile to rise upon Kaoru’s lips.

Late in the afternoon Kaoru and Mr. Sakamoto had finally finished to prepare a proper defense and after promising to visit some other time again, off duty then, Kaoru and Die left. The smile didn’t vanish from the redhead’s lips and he was somewhat relieved and very happy that they had met such a nice couple. “You know, Kao,” Die began and subconsciously used the pet name he had heard before. “I really like these two. And they like you really much, one can see that. I just don’t understand that Reiji person. Why doesn’t he get along with his parents?”

Ignoring the fact that Die had addressed him with a pet name, Kaoru took a deep breath and sighed hardly audible. “Long story. They’ve been three siblings at first. The oldest one died long ago. I guess that Reiji’s problem is that he never got along with his brother before he died. He had become the problem kid, whereas Maiko, the daughter, was still too young to understand it. The Sakamotos tried but they kind of failed to reach their son.”

“That’s sad,” was Die’s first thought and he voiced it out. “Family is the basement for love.”

Raising one amused but also doubtful eyebrow, Kaoru tried to mock him. “You’ve got that from Cupid again?”

“Yeah.” Nodding Die agreed, oblivious to Kaoru mocking him. “I wish had parents like them.”

“Maybe Sakamoto adopts you. He seemed to be nuts about you,” he muttered and steered the car back on the road.

“What does that mean, being nuts about me? Does he like me? I liked him too,” Die babbled away freely. “But he likes you a hell lot more. Maybe he would adopt both of us.”

Shaking his head Kaoru decided that the conversation was over, at least on his part. Silently he drove them back home, refusing to talk anymore. Once again Die had proved to be totally off this planet. Maybe he really came from Heaven. It would explain many things. When they had finally arrived the Niikura household, Die slumped down on the sofa and switched on the TV. As much as he liked to read books, television was something he could grow addicted to. Only some minutes later Kaoru settled down next to Die and grabbed for his cell phone, calling Toshiya.

“What’s going on tonight, Tosh?” He began to talk straight away as soon as the other man had replied. Die could only make out some Yeah’s and No’s all the while and decided to follow the things happening on the TV screen. “Fine then. See you there,” Kaoru finished the talk with his friend, only adding one last statement after being asked whether he would come alone or with Die. “Yes, I’ll bring him along. Bye.”

“Me?” Die couldn’t help but ask and poked his index finger in his chest, instantly curious. True, he hadn't been able to ignore the conversation.

“Yes, you. We go out tonight. In a club, nothing too loud, more comfy and neat,” he explained and got back on his feet. “I’ll get changed for that. We can eat something there as well.”

Watching the other man go upstairs, the former angel shrugged and switched off the television, before he headed into his room and changed at least his pants. He quite liked the pair of jeans that Toshiya had chosen for him and slid into the comfortable clothing, tying a white belt afterwards. Whether his shirt matched with the jeans, he didn’t know, didn’t care about it either. With a smile the man from Heaven casually walked back inside the living room and waited for Kaoru, who appeared only minutes later, dashing past the redhead to fix his hair. Quickly Die followed and mirrored the smaller man’s actions, using all the stuff that his friend had used seconds before. When Kaoru raised one delicate eyebrow, Die merrily grinned at him, resulting in the lawyer rolling his eyes.

After a longer ride inside a cab, because Kaoru didn’t see any reason not to drink tonight, they arrived the club not too late. It was a popular place, mostly visited by people who had money to waste for expensive drinks within a well-mannered venue. Visitors preferred it because it opened its doors late in the afternoon and closed not before breakfast time. The music wasn’t loud, but decent and stylish, not any alike where Die had been with Toshiya. The red-haired man curiously shifted his gaze around and took in all his surroundings while he was following Kaoru, who headed to the bar straight away.

“What would you like to drink?” Kaoru asked, leaning against the counter.

“I don’t know,” Die nervously smiled. “I still don’t have any money and—”

“Stuff it,” the other man smirked. “I already paid the cab, didn’t I? So, would I ask if I wanted you to pay yourself?”

Shrugging Die considered that probably Kaoru would not ask if he wanted him to pay for his drinks. “Guess I’m invited then, huh? Then I’d like to have beer.”

“You wish,” Kaoru chuckled. “I’ll just pay in advance and trust you to invite me another time instead.” Turning to face the bartender, he ordered the beer and a stronger drink for himself, before he paid both drinks and was rewarded with fast service. He had just handed the beer to Die, who curiously observed its color since it was actually within a glass, when someone addressed Kaoru and demanded his attention. Not because of politeness but simply due to his excellent manners around this kind of society, the lawyer shortly introduced Die to whomever he was talking with. But in the end the redhead was pretty much ignored and happy to see Toshiya finally bounce through the room, only to greet the other man with a hug.

“Die! I’m glad you could make it,” he literally beamed in joy. “And glad Kaoru pulled the plug outta his ass and brought you along.” He giggled at his joke while Die was wondering why his friend would wear a cork in his butt. “Um, I’d like you to meet some of my friends,” the joyful black-haired went on and poked Kaoru in his ribs. “Hey Kao, can I kidnap Die for a while?”

“Hello to you too, Toshi,” the other man cast a glace across his shoulder, but wasn’t really annoyed at Toshiya for not welcoming him in a more friendlier way. He looked at Die for mere seconds, before he shrugged and turned back to the conversation with some other guys he knew. “Sure. Just don’t make him drink too much and puke.”

Rolling his eyes, but grinning widely the tall black-haired hooked his arm around Die’s and pulled him away to where his friends were. Kaoru’s lame advocate-mates weren’t really of any interest for Toshiya and he was assuming that a guy as cheerful and exciting as Die wouldn’t like their company either. And indeed, the redhead didn’t mind at all. Whether he stayed with Kaoru or wandered around with Toshiya didn’t matter to him, as long as he enjoyed himself. That, he luckily did. He had a blast.

Throwing a last, short look after Die, the lawyer just hoped that Toshiya would keep the promise he had given last night. The red-haired clumsy-boy didn’t need any more confusion than his brain was already suffering. As he turned back to gaze at the guy he had currently been talking to, the man grinned at him. “Beautiful. Where did you find him?”

Kaoru suppressed the urge to roll his eyes and groan in annoyance, since for once he really did have nothing going on with the company he had brought along. But he was used to such blunt talking and without to bat an eyelash replied monotonously: “I hired him,” he smirked at the widening eyes of the guy. “He does indeed work in my company. Nothing to gossip. Sorry to disappoint you.”

A relieved sigh escaped the man opposite Kaoru and he raised his brows. “Who said I’d be disappointed?” There was no response from the lawyer and the man pressed on further. “That means nobody takes care of your gorgeous self, right? I could offer myself once more.”

“Thanks for your concern,” he gave a small but sly smile and took a sip from his drink. “My gorgeous self doesn’t crave for attention.”

“It did. Once.” The man inwardly cringed but smirked back, trying not to give away how pissed he was. “Maybe you’re just after red-headed guys now.”

The whole conversation annoyed Kaoru to no end and he slowly grew impatient from all the false politeness. “The redhead is nothing but a friend of Toshiya. Ask him if you want details. Believe me one thing. If I truly wanted to get into his pants, you’d be the first one to know.”

The self-important grin on Kaoru’s lips made the other man narrow his brows. He took a breath, on the verge to reply something, but closed his mouth again, turning away. Without another word he walked off, much to the other man’s delight. He almost sighed in relief. There were enough other people he could talk to who he hadn’t had something with, that made them pissed about nothing of their business anyway. Fortunately there weren’t that many guys here, as far as Kaoru could tell, who had made the same experience as the guy who had just left.

Time passed by without any more quarrels like that and Kaoru enjoyed himself, talking to different people he had never met before. Still, he couldn’t deny that Die popped into his mind from time to time, making the lawyer gaze around just to appease his odd urge to be sure that Die was fine. Whenever he did, he found the redhead laughing along with other guys or simply chatting with them, that smile of his always plastered across his full lips. But only then Kaoru was soothed and would turn back to the people who he currently accompanied and honored with his presence. But during a longer period in which he truly hadn’t looked for the redhead, there was suddenly Toshiya right next to him, patting his shoulder for attention.

“Hey Kao, do you know where Die is by any chance?” He bit his bottom lip, embarrassed about the fact that he had indeed lost a tall, redheaded cutie.

“I? How should I know when he was with you?” It was just the perfect occasion to tease Toshiya. Kaoru knew too well how easily his friend got sidetracked and the mere fact that he had lost the red-haired man caused the lawyer to cheer inwardly. “Maybe he’s snogging some girl in a dark corner. Who knows?” He turned his back to Toshiya, knowing pretty well that the other man would make sure to gain back his friend’s attention.

“You think so?” For a moment Toshiya contemplated if he had read all the signs wrong and Die had really sneaked off with a girl. But then he just pulled at Kaoru’s sleeve and made him look at him again. “No way. Maybe he’s just outside for a smoke or getting himself another drink. I better go and look for him. If you see him, make sure to call me.”

A small smile made its way upon Kaoru’s lips. “You do that, Tosh. We don’t want to miss Die, do we?” He was teasing the other man but his advances stayed ignored when Toshiya marched off with a frown that left deep wrinkles of worry on his forehead. He was way too concerned about the whereabouts of the red-haired beauty than to think about what exactly Kaoru had meant.

As soon as Toshiya was out of sight, Kaoru excused himself and went into the directions of the gent’s. He had seen Die disappearing into the same direction long ago and would’ve guessed that he was already back with Toshiya. But that, he obviously wasn’t. Why he hadn’t told his friend what he had seen, was simply because he didn’t want anyone to know that he had kept a watching eye upon his company. But still, he wasn’t sure about Die’s true whereabouts and he didn’t like the fact at all. The reason was plain and easy to comprehend. If Die were gone, money was gone as well. That’s why losing him wasn’t acceptable.

As Kaoru entered the man’s room, two males were just leaving, and he closed the door after them, before he stilled for a moment. It was quiet and he began to check underneath the cubicle doors for possible toilet users. In fact, there was only one pair of feet in the last one, wearing shoes that perfectly resembled Toshiya’s taste in fashion. Taking a deep breath Kaoru leant against the doorframe and lit a cigarette. “You take quite some time, do you realize that?”

Die’s eyes snapped up and focused the closed door in front of him. He was quite sure who had spoken the words but just to be sure, he asked: “Kaoru?”

“That’s me,” he grinned lop-sided and took a drag from the cig, lazily blowing out the smoke. “Who else happens to find guys in the weirdest places?” It was almost a disappointing irony, that much was for sure. Die, who he had hit with the car and taken home to be a useful slave, now locked up within a toilet cubicle. Former angel Die. Kaoru rolled his eyes. “Unlock the door.”

Without to protest the red-haired man reached out and opened the lock of the door, relieved that it was truly just Kaoru who had been looking for him. As soon as his eyes met the sight of the smart-looking lawyer, he felt sorry for locking himself up and bowed his head. A shy smile appeared on his lips and he blushed a little at the mere fact that he felt suddenly so foolish. But for once he didn’t know what to say.

“Nice hideout,” Kaoru remarked with one eyebrow pitying raised.

“Err... not really a hideout. I was more...” Die scratched his red hair and pondered how he could possibly tell his friend why he had come here and locked himself up. “Taking a break?”

“Taking a break from what?” The other man couldn’t help his impatience. He didn’t like Die to drawl and stutter. But suddenly a thought crossed his mind and his lips curled into a grin. “From Toshiya and his friends?”

“Kinda,” Die lowly confessed and bowed his head low, before he lifted his gaze and took a deep breath. “I didn’t mean to hide. I just... it was suddenly so much and everyone wanted my attention and at first it was really nice and cool, I had a ball. It was fun. But then everything was too much, they were too many and I didn’t want to annoy you, so I figured I’d just wait inside of here for a while and then go back out, once my head isn’t spinning anymore. I...” He really hadn’t meant to be impolite. “I’m sorry and... are you mad at me now?”

“Me?” Kaoru shot back, his brows rose with the frown that built on his features. “Why would I be?” Suddenly he just had to chuckle before it turned into laughter, even more when he looked into Die’s piteous big brown eyes that were staring up at him in hope he would forgive the idiot for something that didn’t even matter to him. Already after seconds his laughter had died though and he just shook his head at the other man. “You really are an idiot, Die. I need to tell you that.”

“So you are mad at me.” Again Die cast his eyes downwards, showing his compliance. “I—”

“No, you moron. I’m not,” he replied with a sigh. “Toshiya is desperately looking for you by now, but it doesn’t matter. Just say so, if you’re not fine with your company.”

“I’m sorry ‘bout that too. Is he mad at me?” He was relieved that Kaoru wasn’t pissed about what he had done but he also hoped that he hadn’t made Toshiya sad or worry too much.

“It doesn’t matter.” At least it didn’t matter to Kaoru and it shouldn’t matter to Die either. If Toshiya had kept an eye on the redhead, he wouldn’t need to look for him now.

“Okay,” the former angel slowly nodded, believing whatever his friend told him. He didn’t know what else to say anyway and it resulted in an awkward silence between the two of them.

“Wanna go home?” Kaoru broke the silence once he had finished his cigarette, facing Die with a questioning glance. He wasn’t in the mood to stay any longer within the shallowness of the people in this place and since his company was already hiding, they could as well head back home.

“I—I’d like to but,” he shrugged, “I don’t wanna make you leave just because of me.”

“That’s okay,” Kaoru replied in a more or less monotonous voice. “I wouldn’t ask if I wanted to stay.” It was the plain truth, not just something one would say to make another one feel better. If he would mind, he hadn’t said it. “Well, c’mon then.”

He was about to turn and leave when the taller man, who had finally risen from his seat on the toilet lid, was pulling Kaoru back on his sleeve. He skeptically registered the fingers that grasped his wrist before he faced the hesitating look of Die. “Wait. I...um— I’m scared,” the redheaded man confessed with a small apologetic smile dancing on his lips as he gazed at his friend who was on the verge of asking what the hell was the matter now. “They’re gonna ask where I’ve been and why I was hiding. They won’t let me go that easily, I’m afraid, and I don’t think I’m ready to face them yet.”

Another small sigh emitted from the smaller man before he just looked at Die, trying to sort out the information he had just gotten. This was ridiculous! How could that guy just be that... friendly?! He could tell them to fuck off for God’s sake! But no, he was afraid of them instead, that they would occupy him by asking silly questions, which he – just for the record – didn’t have to answer anyway. And one thing was for sure: if Kaoru just walked out with Die, he would have to carry the redhead in order not to spend another two hours with just saying goodbye to everyone. So the decision was easily made, since the solution was obvious. “They will not even dare to approach you when you come out of this room together with me. Trust me.”

And to avoid any possible exceptions of the rule, as it were just to make sure that each person would think what they should, Kaoru reached out his hand and grasped Die’s, pulling him along as he made his way out. With his chin high and the usual confident expression in his eyes the lawyer easily walked through the crowds of people and Die just followed, tightening his fingers around the hand that held his. They did, for sure, receive some glances but neither of both cared. To Kaoru it didn’t matter anyway, he never gave a damn about what people thought, and to Die it was a relief to have an excuse, walking straight out like that. Nonetheless he couldn’t deny that he was also proud to leave with Kaoru like that as it showed they were friends. And Die was hellishly proud to have the smaller man as such.

Outside they were lucky to catch a cab quite quickly, yet due to the excellent commanding tone that Kaoru had used to call one. Not a sane person would’ve dared to come between him and the cab, Die was sure. Slowly the smile on his face appeared back and once he sat in the backseat of the car, he contently sighed and faced Kaoru. “Thank you, Kao. Again, I mean.”

The other man looked at Die, before he cast his gaze away to stare outside the window. This time he didn’t answer after receiving the redhead’s gratitude. This once he would just accept it.



-End of chapter four-

Chapter Five

Thank you for reading & commenting!!! *huggies*


Their ride inside the car had been in silence as Kaoru simply stared out of the window. He couldn’t deny that he liked the fact that people were thinking now he and Die had something going on. Everybody had tried to gain the redhead’s attention but in the end it had been Kaoru who officially had scored. And somehow Die was plainly his, counting out any sexual activities, when even those Kaoru could have if only he wanted. So yes, technically he owned the red-haired man everyone seemed to be eager to socialize with.

Digging out his cell phone Kaoru had written a short message to Toshiya about that he and Die had left. He hadn’t told him the reason though, too lazy to explain the matter. Once they had finally arrived back at home, Kaoru slid off his jacket and shoes, before he silently made his way into the kitchen. The taller man almost mirrored all the actions, got rid off his shoes and jacket, but decided to sprawl out in one corner of the big sofa. His hand mechanically reached out to take a hold of the remote and he switched on the TV. He wasn’t tired yet and if there hadn’t been so unutterably many people who had made him dizzy, he would’ve surely stayed for longer.

Flashing a bright smile, Die was happily surprised when the smaller man joined him on the sofa and handed him one bottle of beer. He held a second one for himself and lifted it with a small chuckle. “Thought we could as well drink another beer here, in peace.” He winked a little and gave a tiny smirk, before he raised the bottle and took a rather big sip. Kaoru didn’t mind spending a bit more time with his crazy guest, wasn’t that tired either, and just because he was in a rather good mood today, he simply desired the Die's company. It was a strange feel though. Usually he either desired the company of a male only to jump one another, or simply to hang out with Toshi. Yet Die wasn’t that bad if one looked closer and Kaoru would still prefer an insane guy near him than an annoying one. “You haven’t drunk much yet, have you?”

”No,” Die replied merrily and lifted the bottle as well, doing it like Kaoru had done and drinking a fair amount before he removed the bottle from his lips and happily sighed. “There was only Toshiya who’d bought me another drink. Refused all the other offers.” He smiled and started to discover the buttons of the remote, happily surprised when he had found out how to zap through the many different channels. He had been honest, but only because Toshiya had advised him not to accept all the offers. Otherwise he would’ve been tried everything. But loyal to his core he had done as the tall black-haired man had wished.

Pleased Kaoru leant his head back against the backrest and closed his eyes for a moment. Only when some kind of familiar, yet very disturbing noises reached his ears, he opened one eye in suspicion. That Die had found the late night porn wasn’t that surprising, but that Kaoru was now forced to listen to a woman’s wails of pleasure wasn’t something exactly enjoyable for a gay man. He opened both his eyes and checked for Die’s reaction. The question whether he was attracted to the one or the other gender was still unanswered and in his case it’d even be believable if Kaoru found out that Die didn’t react to any gender at all. But still the lawyer would love to know, if he was honest and that’s why he observed the redhead closely and in silence.

At the other end of the sofa Die observed something completely different but just as closely. He had never really watched how humans did that. When he had been an angel, he had seen them kissing and basically knew what they had to do in order to reproduce. Tilting his head, he still wondered why the humankind was showing something like this on their TV program. It didn’t look that healthy to him, especially since that European-looking guy had an equipment that was undeniably huge. Die’s gaze dropped down to his pants and his brows furrowed, thoughtfully contemplating why he didn’t have a penis of that size. But then he didn’t care that much, raised his eyes and kept watching the couple on the screen.

It was hard for Kaoru not to allow his jaw to drop at the utter sight of his red-haired companion who was looking completely silly sitting there and measuring himself. It was just too obvious that he was doing exactly that and if Kaoru weren’t just so simply baffled about the whole fact, he would’ve laughed as hard as never before in his entire life. It was just too amusing! When Die was looking down at himself, the other man wondered though, if possibly it had been because it had stirred something in his pants. Which meant that obviously the red-haired guy was reacting to the straight style porn. How disappointing and yet something that should not matter to Kaoru.

But Die was far from being aroused. Instead he had grown more or less shocked with each minute passing. “Kao? Why is that, that the woman screams so loud? Is she in pain?” He cast his eyes sideway, an inquiring gaze addressed at the other man.

Biting the insides of his cheeks, Kaoru tried hard not to laugh at this, but had enough self-control not to do so. He took a deep breath and shook his head. “Well, no.” Was that enough of an answer? He had never been in the situation to enlighten someone about the bees and the birds. Did Die really know nothing about sex at all? Could that truly be? So far Kaoru had to admit that it was possible from what he had come to know about him. “She isn’t. Not really. I mean, well, yes. There might also be a little bit of pain but mostly she’s screaming because she’s in pleasure.” For the first time his own speech was confusing him. “Don’t you know anything about sex?”

Slowly Die shook his head. “Why would I? I just rhetorically know some things but not why that woman moans that loudly. To me she seems to be in pain. Why would anyone scream in pleasure?”

Hastily Kaoru ran a hand through his hair and took another sip from his beer, before he felt ready to reply. “Because if you like something, you contently sigh for example. And if you like something really much, the pleasure can be that huge, that it makes you scream. Like screaming in joy. You’ve heard that before, right?” Inwardly he was praying that Die at least understood THAT. In a way Kaoru felt like being in a bad movie, having to explain such matters to a grown-up guy. But then it was still amusing him that Die knew little to nothing about sex and its bliss.

Turning his gaze back on the screen, the redhead watched in silence for some time, re-thinking in his mind what Kaoru had told him. It was logical. But Die had never even screamed in joy, let alone in pleasure. Many things made him smile in joy and that he knew pretty well. He was easily happy about things, joyful when it came to events and simply someone who was driven by what he felt. So what would happen if he felt something like this? Something that made one scream out their pleasure. He cast a short glance at Kaoru sitting next to him with an unreadable expression. “Have you ever screamed in pleasure? I mean, really loud. Like she does.”

The question made Kaoru chuckle. Sure, he always screamed like a fucking virgin, he sarcastically thought and smirked. He didn’t need long to come up with a fitting answer on that issue. “No, but I made some guys scream like that.”

“Really?” Die’s eyes widened at the mere fact that Kaoru was capable of such thing. Impressed, he stared back at the TV screen, watching how the couple was just changing into another position, before he turned his gaze back to his host. “And how do guys do that? They don’t have the same anatomy, that I know for certain.”

He should’ve guessed that the question would come and that’s why Kaoru simply scratched the back of his head lazily and pondered for a moment, giving the impression not to be fazed at all. Not that he were. It was easier for him to explain such matters in a casual way than to describe what straight couples did. “Not much different, I suppose. Guys do have holes too, right? Plus a dick to fill it,” he grinned a tiny, but arrogant smirk. “There are some things you have to take care of, but when you do them right, it’s better than anything else.”

That didn’t sound too bad, Die thought and it made him even more curious about how it would really feel like. Staring at nothing in particular, he zoned out for a few moment, only checking his options. He did have what was needed. He was a fully functioning human male and so was Kaoru. And the latter knew a lot about things like that, Die assumed. “I’d like to know what it feels like.” The redhead cast his eyes to look straight at his friend. “Can we do that?”

“No!” Now this was probably the first thing in a very long time that made Kaoru nearly blush as he could feel that it evoked a weird but warm feeling to spread inside of him. Maybe it was just because of Die’s bluntness since usually Kaoru was the one who bluntly stated what his intentions were if necessary. But by the look of this stupid man in front of him, not even Kaoru could come up with a smarter answer than his shot out No. When Die tilted his head inquiringly, the other man knew the question before there was time to voice it out. “Just because I say so.”

Not a clever reply at all but Kaoru couldn’t help it. Yes, he would love to fuck a virgin like Die. No, he didn’t want the Die that sat next to him with those huge eyes staring back at him. That Die was for other uses. Besides, even that naive bastard deserved some truth and honesty once in a while. Just that he didn’t get that way of thinking at all. He sighed and dragged his eyes away from the lawyer. Rejected, Die couldn’t help but feel a little bit disappointed, and that his friend didn’t want to have sex with him made him also a tiny bit sad, but Die wouldn’t be Die if he lost hope. Another idea popped up in his head. “Then I’m gonna ask Toshiya. Do you think he would like to?”

Eyes wide, Kaoru nearly choked. Of all things he hadn’t expected that. Even although he should have, seeing how Die was obviously thinking about certain matters. And hell yes, Toshiya would love to. Only that Toshiya wasn’t allowed to. Not when he asked Kaoru. Would he? When things came to the worst, Die asking to fuck him to be precise, then Toshiya wouldn’t think twice, would he? This was crazy. If Die truly just walked up to the other man with that request, everything would be fucked up in a matter of mere seconds. “Die, no.” Kaoru shook his head. He needed to make his point clear, but possibly leave out some true details. “You can’t just ask random men to fuck you. Not even Toshiya. This isn’t something one just asks for. It’s... more complicated.”

“Why?” First Kaoru rejected him and then he wasn’t allowed to at least ASK Toshiya. Why wasn’t he allowed to enjoy some pleasure too? Die didn’t get that at all and he was on the verge of crying, really. A pout formed on his lips as he stared at the other man with huge puppy-dog eyes.

Oh great. The situation got worse with every minute passing. Now Die was waiting for an explanation and Kaoru just wanted to escape as his heart went out to the tall, redheaded dimwit who needed some protection of himself. Sighing, he tried to form accurate sentences while his index finger subconsciously started to rub the bridge of his nose. “Because you never had sex before and having sex for the first time is something special, or at least it should be. That’s why you shouldn’t just ask whoever passes you by.” Kaoru was pleased with his start. It wasn’t much different from forming a final speech after a trial. “You need to wait for the right... person. Someone you fall in love with.”

Inwardly the lawyer cringed at the cheesiness of what he had said. It was true but he had never lived according to that, not in the last ten years or so. With a small nod of his head, Die wearily smiled. If that was the rule, he would do as Kaoru had explained to him. But there was just one more problem. “How do I know when I’ve fallen in love?”

Eyelids were innocently batting up and down while Kaoru closed his for a moment and pondered what he had done to deserve this. It wasn’t that much of a problem really but it was actually cute, too cute to stand. Deep down in Kaoru, his conscience made him pity the man opposite him. “Well,” he decided that it was worth a try to explain. “It’s when you look at someone and you’ll become all tingly. Or when you talk to them and suddenly you blush. It’s as if there were butterflies in your stomach and just thinking of that person makes you smile and be happy.” He was almost amazed that he could still remember all these things and when he looked at Die, whose smile grew wider and eyes took on a dreamy expression, Kaoru knew that he had found the right words. “You’ll just know when you’ve fallen for someone, trust me.”

“Okay,” Die instantly agreed and sighed, looking forward to falling in love one day and hoping that he would. Only when his gaze shifted back on the TV screen, his mind drifted to another issue that he knew about but had never experienced. “What about kissing? Do I have to wait until I’ve fallen in love as well before I can try?”

“Oh my god.” In a deadpan voice the words just slipped from Kaoru’s lips. “Don’t tell me you haven’t kissed before either.” What was wrong with that guy? So he thought he had been an angel and obviously he was still a virgin but that he had never kissed before, Kaoru just couldn’t believe. Die was lying, wasn’t he? All the crap he told Kaoru were just lies. Or then, he was just the biggest loser or had really been something inhuman before. With unhidden doubts he stared at Die who was looking just as clueless as ever. “You’ve kissed before. Right?”

Vehemently the other man shook his head and assured: “No, I have not. I wouldn’t ask if I had,” he said with a small shrug of his shoulders before he went on with enthusiasm as his typical curiosity took over. “What’s it like? Does it feel good? Do only lovers kiss?”

Intently but in silence Kaoru watched the redhead for some seconds, not responding with anything at all. So Die hadn’t kissed anyone ever before. That was either the truth or he truly believed it. There was just one thing the tough lawyer didn’t like and it was when somebody tried to fool him. So either it was out of utter generosity or to find any kind of hint in Die’s skills, it didn’t matter to Kaoru when he had made his decision. “I can’t explain that to you.” Or was it his own curiosity? “But I can show you if you want.”

“Really?” Not just Die’s eyes but also his smile grew wider. The offer simply made him happy. That was at least something he was allowed to try out and just thinking of it made him all excited. He had tried to make people kiss each other when he had been sent by Cupid and had always wondered what humans liked about it. After all in Heaven angels never kissed each other on their mouths. “That would be awesome.”

“Okay, then shut up.” That Die always grinned like a moron, didn’t make the moment any bit more exciting for Kaoru, but he couldn’t deny that he was amused. This was just for fun after all. He wasn’t seriously trying to gain anything out of their kiss. It was more like a lesson he would teach the other man. “Come a little closer and keep quiet.”

Die did as he was told, leant closer to the other man and patiently waited for Kaoru to do something. A little clueless about whether he was supposed to purse his lips or close his eyes, the general nervousness inside of him grew but he tried to remain silent. Kaoru shifted closer as well and locked his gaze with Die’s, as he brought his face near, one hand touching the other man’s jaw. There was no turning back now and seeing how unfazed Die appeared, Kaoru wanted to leave him like he usually left his lovers – in awe. He closed the last gap between them and cast his lips across Die’s, softly tugging at the bottom lip, nipping it delicately.

It evoked a tingling sensation within the former angel, it tickled a little and made him open his lips on their own accord. At the touch of Kaoru’s tongue running across his lips, another new but exciting sensation ran through Die’s veins, his every pore, his whole being, and made his fingers feel like trembling. But that was just the start because suddenly this wasn’t even important anymore, the feel of the very same tongue inside his mouth overpowering everything else. Like his mind had gone blank, shut off from the intense experience, so fell his eyelids shut as he poked out his tongue to meet Kaoru’s. That indeed felt good. Weird but good.

Gathering all of his possible skills in kissing and summing up even all the gentleness he probably possessed, Kaoru gave this kiss his best shot. Oh damn yes, he wanted to leave Die breathless, wanted this inexperienced jackanapes go through the sensation of the best kiss he would ever get, before Kaoru finally pulled away with a little, a satisfied smirk lingering upon his lips. Hardly apart, he opened his eyes and observed the flushed face in front of him, the still opened, lush lips, wet and slightly swollen. That was it. That should show the red-haired guy what it COULD feel like when kissing.

A small sound of disappointment left Die’s mouth. He hadn’t expected it to end so soon, wasn’t ready to stop kissing. This had been too good to stop now! He was just about to figure out how to respond properly when Kaoru had pulled away. No, Die was not finished yet. Without thinking, he leant close again, not even opening his eyes, driven by the want to feel these lips once again. And luckily Kaoru wasn’t prepared for his move at all. Frozen, he took some time until he actually realized that the glimpse of experience he had offered Die had left him in want for more. But that he shouldn’t have.

Kaoru pulled away and put his hand on Die’s shoulder, pushing him off and patting it at the same time. “Like kissing, hm?”

His head bopped up and down with eagerness. “A lot,” he merely breathed out, his voice sounding odd in his ears, a little raw and unusually low. “Can’t you show me more?”

“No, I can’t. I won’t.” Kaoru shook his head and turned away to reach for his beer, taking a few hasty gulps. He sure wasn’t as cool as he appeared, Die’s taste having taken its toll on him as well. How could one person just taste this sweet? With lips so soft and a touch that gentle. There wasn’t even any need for Die to respond in a skilled way since his utter feel was making Kaoru tingly and hot. But that he wouldn’t show the redhead. “That’s enough for a first try.”

“Was I good?” He couldn’t help asking, too curious about whether Kaoru had enjoyed it as well, maybe even as much as Die had done.

“Not bad,” Kaoru replied and cleared his throat in order to keep the tone of his voice casual. “You’ll get better when you actually kiss someone who loves you.” He was being this direct on purpose with a sudden urge to destroy Die’s perfect mood and to reduce his naturally given kissing abilities. What was it about him anyway? Everybody wanted his attention, he was always nice and even a good kisser although he had never done that before. “I just gave you a sample.”

“I understand.” Slowly Die nodded and smiled, even if he had hoped for a better rating. “But you were really good anyway. It was weird but good. More than good. I think I need to fall in love quickly and try to kiss some more. And then I gotta have sex,” he beamed with a smile so bright that it could’ve lit the whole town.

Closing his eyes for a moment, Kaoru just took a deep breath. No, he wouldn’t reply to this now. He should just accept the compliment and let Die do as he wished. He was insane! That was it. Once Kaoru had reminded himself of that fact, he opened his eyes and faced his guest, forcing a small smile. “I’ll call it a night now. If you want, you can still watch some TV. I don’t mind if you do that quietly,” he said and tried hard not to picture Die watching some more porn. Watching those movies had often resulted in Kaoru doing some things when he was still an inexperienced guy like the redhead was. And imagining Die to rub one out on his sofa was really not a good thought to go to bed with. “See you in the morning then. No need to get up early.”

“Alright,” the other man smiled and wished his friend a good night’s sleep. Only when Kaoru had disappeared upstairs in his bedroom, Die sighed and lifted his index finger to touch his lips. It had been little to nothing, just two person’s lips meeting, and then caressing each other’s tongues, but it had evoked so many different sensations inside of him, that it almost felt unreal now. Kaoru’s taste and the touch of his lips was somehow still lingering on Die’s, even when he touched his mouth with his fingertips. And this had only been Kaoru! Who Die liked but obviously wasn’t in love with according to what he had told him. Because then he would feel it. How this 'it' felt, was another question but Die supposed he would acknowledge 'it' as soon as it appeared. At least he hoped so.

In no condition to focus on any kind of television, he switched it off and got up, slowly walking into his room before he lied down on his bed. Fixing his eyes on the ceiling his mind marveled about the nice new experience he had made until finally, late at night, he fell asleep. But once the sun shone brightly in his face the next day, he instantly remembered his last thoughts and smiled. Without a clue what time it was, he dragged his bones out of his warm bed and stretched his still sleepy body. He felt odd after he had stupidly slept without to undress and, wondering if his friend was already up, he decided to get a shower this morning. He had liked that after all and somehow his human flesh desired some water.

Lazily he walked outside and checked in the living room if there was any sign of Kaoru but since he didn’t spot the other man, he just headed for the bathroom. A grin appeared on his face as soon as he stepped inside. There was Kaoru. “Good morning!”

“Morning,” the other man sneered as he sat in the bathtub, trying to relax his body in the hot water. “It’s way after morning but anyway. You’ve slept well I suppose.”

“Yeah, I did,” Die responded and headed for the toilet first. After that he turned back to look at his host, curiously observing Kaoru taking a bath. Of course Die knew about bathing but he had never touched the foam-like substance covering the water. His natural drive to get to know more about it kicked in and he headed straightforward, kneeling down in front of the bathtub.

One of Kaoru’s eyebrows skeptically rose when Die poked his index finger into the foam. But he decided to occupy the other man otherwise, since the lawyer had just been thinking about something totally different again. “Now that you’re finally up, do me a favor and bring me a document, will you? It’s on my desk and I haven’t read it yet. It’s from Hiroshi Nagatomi.”

Nodding firmly twice, Die got on his feet and quickly scampered out of the bathroom to fetch the mail. His eyes scanned the desk and once he had found the one big envelope addressed to Kaoru and sent by Hiroshi Nagatomi, he snatched it with both his hands and made his way back to the lawyer.

“Open it,” Kaoru ordered and lit himself a cigarette, leaning back and just enjoying his bath. He had reminded himself that he hosted Die for a reason and why would Kaoru do all the work himself then? That he was bathing all the while didn’t matter either. There was no abashment between them; shouldn’t be anyway after he had found the redhead stark naked on a street. “But be careful. This is important.”

Carefully Die opened the brown envelope and pulled the document out, on top of it a letter directed to Mr. Niikura. “Shall I read this to you?” The question was answered with a nod and Die went on. “Thank you very much for your support and your willingness to sacrifice time and effort,” the letter began and kept on making clear that this Nagatomi guy had really appreciated Kaoru’s help. In the end it went on with a statement, that Nagatomi had attached another check for quite a huge amount of money, just to express his thankfulness. “Yours sincerely, Hiroshi Nagatomi.”

“Damn,” Kaoru muttered and took a last drag from his cigarette before he handed the remains of it to Die who obediently disposed it in the ashtray on the sink. Kaoru sat up slightly in the bathtub and rubbed both his flat palm across his face.

“What’s wrong?” The redhead didn’t understand what was wrong about someone giving even more money to the lawyer. He had deserved it after all. Kneeling down again, Die curiously stared at Kaoru while he once again was poking his finger in the foam.

“Nagatomi isn’t a guy one would like to mess around with. It’s certainly not a client I chose but can’t deny an offer from either,” the other man tried to explain. “This money he gives to me makes sure I keep quiet and will be there for him the next time. And sure as hell there will be a next time.”

“Is he that bad? I mean, do many people sue him? Not a lucky guy then,” Die stated almost absentmindedly. He did want to know about Kaoru’s cases but the foam inside that bathtub distracted him. Maybe he should forget about a shower and instead have a bath himself.

“Yeah, many people do,” Kaoru just said and spared himself the rest, that Nagatomi usually deserved to get sued, punished as well, but since he had gathered the best lawyer around never made it into jail. “Let’s just hope he’ll take his time until the next time.” He forced a little smile and turned to look at Die, only then realizing that he was toying with the foam.

Die smiled back and nodded. “Can I take a bath too?”

“You can scrub my back, that’s what you can do,” he replied with a small, amused smirk but nodded nonetheless. “But you can take a bath as well.”

“I can manage both!” Die beamed and started to get rid of his clothes.

Now THAT hadn’t been the basic idea and Kaoru tried hard not to stare with eyes huge as plates. A naked Die didn’t impress him, not even if he jumped into the same bathtub with him, but that he acted this blunt and totally oblivious to WHAT he actually did, left the other man speechless. In record time Die was naked and ready to get into the bathtub with Kaoru, who simply shook his head, chuckled lowly and handed a sponge to Die. “Fine, then sit down carefully. I don’t want my bathroom flooded, thanks.”

Taking the offered item, Die waited for Kaoru to make a little room before he stepped inside, foot after foot. That indeed felt even better than showering. The water was hot and somehow… soft. As if there was something else than water in the tub. Slowly he crouched down and stretched his legs out at each side of Kaoru, so the smaller man literally sat in his lap. The skin did feel nice against his as well, Die had to admit. Then he simply started with his task, placing the sponge on Kaoru’s back, and conscientiously rubbed the pale skin. “That ok?”

“Perfect.” Kaoru couldn’t help his statement, pleasantly surprised about how well Die did his 'job'. It was nice for a change to have someone attending to this part of his body, even if it wasn’t the first time he shared the bathtub with another male. But back then there wasn’t much cleaning involved though.

Die began with the upper back, moved down to the lower part and didn’t miss the middle, washing along the curves of the spine. Then he moved on to Kaoru’s shoulders, upper arms and even the neck. Being Kaoru’s employee really was a good job, easy and pleasant as well. And also Kaoru enjoyed it, that wasn’t to deny, and he slowly leant back against the well-shaped frame of the redhead once the same was busy with his neck. Kaoru rested his head on Die’s shoulder and he closed his eyes for a few seconds, the caresses holding almost an affective touch as his heart began to pound a little louder under the cleansing of his chest.

“There too?” Just to be sure Die asked, when he paid his attention to the front. He didn’t mind, not at all, but he didn’t want to make any mistakes either.

Kaoru simply gave a short nod. It was almost like another challenge between them. How far would Die go? How far would Kaoru let him go? Was Die really that oblivious to what he did? To what they did. Any normal person would consider that as sexual, probably foreplay even. That to Die it all was nothing but a job, the smaller man somehow couldn’t believe at all. But he should be proved wrong as the man behind him started to wash his belly, even when his hand had to slip underneath the water in order to. It was getting far more interesting once he reached the lower stomach and hips. But Kaoru tried to act cool. This was just Die, the stupid bummer he had found on the road in nothing but his skin. Nevertheless same one didn’t even stop at Kaoru’s lower regions and just washed as assiduously as ever his crotch.

Shutting his eyes tightly, Kaoru tried to remain unaffected but he miserably failed. Blood shot in his loins as Die unaware provoked a stirring between Kaoru’s legs. No good. Not good at all. Defeated, almost in panic, he suddenly raised his body and sat upright, taking some deep and long breaths. “That’s enough.”

“Really? I can do your legs as well if you want,” Die offered with a smile, not minding to wash the whole Kaoru and not just the upper parts. Besides, it had been nicely warm lying together with the other man inside the small bathtub with all the water surrounding them.

“No,” he replied almost harshly and got up. “Clean yourself.” He stepped out of the tub and grabbed a towel that he quickly fastened around his hips, before he made his way out, leaving Die alone in the bathroom. What was he doing for God’s sake? Why had he let Die take a bath together with him? Wash him even! And why in seven hells did he respond to the touch? He was such a cool and unimpressed guy in most situations, even in bed if he really wanted to, but Die was just strolling in his life and messing everything up!

Carelessly Kaoru marched through the house until he had reached his bedroom, getting dressed in a hurry. But Die wouldn’t win, Kaoru vowed to himself. He damn was a pretty cool guy, much cooler than the other, no, any other, much more desired by everybody else and he would not let himself grow weak for such a dimwit as Die! He rubbed the cotton of the towel across his messy head and sloppily discarded the wet clothe on the floor. Next he stopped in the kitchen where he quickly brewed himself a mug of coffee, the caffeine always appreciated. It was hard with Die, nobody would believe him. His intentions were to make the guy work and not to bed him. In a way honest if one asked Kaoru. And he really tried not to do anything with Die, not to touch him or to seduce him. But how would you react when a gorgeous thing like Die told you he had never kissed anybody before? What would you do if he just slipped into the same bathtub as you? How would you help him if he had locked himself up in a toilet cubicle? Yes, any sane gay would’ve screwed him long ago. But that was out of question for Kaoru.

He smoked another cigarette and drank his coffee, all the while pondering about what to do. He needed to clear his mind! That was what he should do. With a small nod he marched back inside the bathroom, grabbed the hairdryer and started to style his hair. Once done, he faced Die who was busy toying with the foam. “You know, the water gets cold. You better not catch a cold. Just fill some more hot water in and sit until you’re wizened. I’m gonna go out. Don’t wait for me.”

Kaoru didn’t wait for any response when he turned on his heal and made his way out. He grabbed his jacket, cigarettes and phone and fetched the keys before he slipped in his shoes and finally left. He didn’t even take the car. A walk would do just fine. Fresh air was perfect to free his mind from Die. Maybe he would find a solution that was acceptable for him.

Inside the bathtub Die just scratched his neck and shrugged his shoulders. Kaoru had been right. The water was getting cold and he turned on the faucet in order to fill it with hot water again. But why would he sit until he was wizened? Taking a look at his fingers his eyes grew wide. He really turned wizened. Was that normal? If only Kaoru would be still here. Then he could ask him. But he had said that Die shouldn’t wait for him, so he just prayed that his skin wouldn’t look like this for the rest of his human life.

How much time had passed Kaoru didn’t know as he kept on walking and staring down at his own feet. It was cold outside, a little chilly even, but he didn’t mind. The air cooled him down, calmed him and enabled him to think properly. He lit another cigarette and pondered. He had simply made mistakes. He shouldn’t have offered to kiss Die. If that kiss hadn’t happened in the first place, then Kaoru would’ve been cool enough not to react on Die’s touch. That was it and it was alone Kaoru’s fault. In order to keep the whole thing to a business relationship, he just needed to define some borders more precisely. No kissing, no touching, no bathing together, not even going out would be allowed. Eating together was the maximum of extent in which their connection should revolve. And Kaoru should be perfectly fine with that. There were other guys who were and would be happy to please the wealthy lawyer and once he was finished with Die on the business level, then Kaoru could still have him if he really wanted. Given that he would be still interested. Kaoru that was.

The ringing of his cell phone nearly startled him and he was hoping that it wasn’t Die who had figured out how to make a call. Reading the name on the screen Kaoru sighed, partly in relief that indeed there was no Die calling him but Toshiya, which resulted in the sigh being partially in annoyance. What could it be that HE wanted to talk about with his best buddy? Probably about something with a name that included only three letters. “Oh well,” Kaoru muttered under his breath and pressed the phone to his ear. “What is it?”

“Am I disturbing you?” The other man’s voice was unusually small and almost whiney. He hadn’t done anything wrong, had he? Lately Kaoru was really in a weird mood, he thought and just tried to be patient with him, as patient as he always was, maybe a little bit more. “Just wanted to ask if you’d like to go out?”

“If I want to go out or if you’re gonna see Die again?” The bitter words passed his lips before he had even thought about them. But it didn’t matter. That Toshiya wanted to enjoy Die’s company was okay, but it still made Kaoru feel betrayed.

“Both?” Carefully Toshi answered, guessing that Kaoru was pissed that he asked for the redhead as well. “I want you to come along, not Die. But I would’ve still asked IF he comes along. He is your 'whatever he is to you' and so the question logically crosses my mind.” True, Toshiya liked Die but in the end Kaoru was his friend and he didn’t complain about him having a 'slave trophy' living in his house either. The whole shit about doing a favor for a stupid judge was hardly believable, even if Kaoru did a lot of things to gain success. But keeping a guest and hosting him like this was very unlike the lawyer.

Taking a deep breath, Kaoru let his friend’s words run through his mind before he finally replied, coming to see that there was no harm meant in Toshiya’s question. “No, I don’t wanna go out,” he explained while another thought crossed his mind. “But I wouldn’t exactly mind if you and Die go out.” Some time alone would certainly be good for him, he concluded. “That is you’d like to?”

“That a trick question?” The other man couldn’t help but ask. His friend hadn’t sounded as if he would be pleased if he asked for Die’s presence.

“No, it isn’t.” Kaoru tried to keep his annoyance low. “I’m just not in the mood to go out. But Die might be and you are anyway, right?”

“Yup, but just to make this clear: I didn’t ask for Die in the first place.” Toshiya was still a little suspicious.

“I know that. Just make sure not to get into trouble.” He didn’t want to use a phrase like 'take care of Die'. Not now when he was still pissed off. Nonetheless he knew about Toshiya’s carelessness and Die’s naïve and stupid nature. “And pick him up at my place. I’m not at home right now.”

“Okay, no problem.” He didn’t asked where his friend was since Kaoru usually was everywhere and nowhere at the same time, always busy either privately or in business. “Say, I’m just asking out of curiosity but why did you leave all of a sudden last night?”

“Die wasn’t feeling well,” he just stated, not even lying. “But he’s fine now. When you pick him up, take the spare key and keep it, will you? Even after you’ve brought him home again. Alright?” Kaoru still didn’t trust Die to 100 percent and Toshiya had been his friend for long enough not to mess up with any of the lawyer’s belongings.

“Aye Sir.” Toshiya even nodded, although Kaoru couldn’t see him. “I’ll just pick him up then and take care. See you another time then.”

“Sure.” With that Kaoru hung up. A small sigh escaped his lips. There was relief in him. Yes, he needed some space from the redhead, needed it to come to terms with his thoughts. Tomorrow he’d go back to work, appreciated routine, and he would include Die as best as he could. Until then he didn’t want to be faced with him or what kind of things he stirred in Kaoru. It was for the best. Stuffing away his cell phone, he took one last drag from his cigarette before he threw the remains aside and continued his walk.


-End of chapter five-

Chapter Five

Hellishly quick this time, eh? Get a cookie now? Anyway, this chapter is only a little shorter but I had to cut it here, or else the plot would be messed up. You’ll see now that this is heading in all kinds of wrong directions but I promise to make it up in the next chapter! Aaand... Don't. Ask. About. Ruki! ^_^ *blames it on peri*


Several thoughts ran through Die’s head as he sat next to Toshiya in a bar they had chosen. He had been surprised to find the dark-haired male on the doorstep after Die had finished taking his bath. He was happy even and had instantly asked the other man if his wizened skin was normal. To his relief Toshi confirmed that it would gain its old smooth self in mere minutes but broke out into hysterical laughter nonetheless. After they had drunk some coffee, made by Toshiya while Die was watching closely, both of them left. Die didn’t mind going out, even although he would’ve liked Kaoru to join them. But he had said that there was no need to wait for him and so, what else could the former angel do but coming along with the other man?

Die was wondering though. Since last night his point of view had somehow changed. He had asked Kaoru about sex and had even gathered his very first kiss. But Cupid wouldn’t have been proud, oh no, because Die had simply cared about nothing but himself. Even if Kaoru was a busy man, it appeared that there was no partner in his life, no person he loved, no man who loved him in return. When did Kaoru have sex? When did he kiss? These questions occupied Die and his conscience took its toll on him as he nearly zoned out while the other man was clearly talking to him.

“Toshiya, can I ask you something?” Not on purpose Die meant to be rude, cutting in whatever Toshiya had been babbling about. Only when his lips stopped moving and he paid his attention to the redhead, same one went on. “You are Kaoru’s best friend, aren’t you?”

Not able to suppress a small chuckle, Toshiya shrugged. “Yeah, I’m probably the only one he has.”

That statement left Die a little perplexed. “But he’s popular amongst other people, isn’t he? He knows many guys and I’ve seen him chat with some.”

“But they’re not his friends,” he scoffed and took a sip from his drink. “Not even one of them.”

“Why do they do this then? They seem to like him,” Die countered. If they wanted to gain the lawyer’s interest, why wouldn’t they want to be his friend?

Sighing quietly, Toshiya shook his head. “But they don’t wanna be true friends. They wanna be part of his popularity. I mean, Kaoru is successful, wealthy and he’s got the looks. But honestly, he’s not even a nice person.” He just spoke the truth. If there was anyone who liked him the way he actually was, then it was Toshiya. But hell, even he couldn’t love him in that special way. “Tell me, Die. Do you like Kaoru and for what?”

That was a little too much information for Die at once and he needed some time to think about what he got told. That this world, humankind and Earth weren’t just lovely and nice, he had come to know already but he was still shocked to hear that people only socialized out of materialistic motives. But at least Kaoru had one real friend, Toshiya, or now two, including Die. Why Toshi had said that Kaoru wasn’t nice, the former angel didn’t understand though. But he would answer his question honestly. “I do like Kaoru for he is nice to me.”

Raising his brows the other man tilted his head and sent a doubtful glance at Die. “Is he nice to you? Or are you just grateful 'cause he helps you? You can be honest, Die. I won’t tell him.”

Furrowing his eyebrows the redhead vehemently shook his head. Why was this stupid world so skeptic about everything? “Of course I am grateful but I do like him as well. He’s shown a lot of things to me and I’ve learned from him just as many things.” To emphasize his words he nodded this time but, comparing Kaoru to other guys, he still had to admit that Toshiya had a point too. “Maybe he’s not as friendly as others but that doesn’t mean I don’t like him. And you also like him, right?”

“Yes,” the black-haired man gave in and sighed. “And I didn’t mean any offence. It’s just a fact that most of the time Kaoru’s an arrogant, insensitive, sometimes gruff, sneaky, very selfish and conceited guy, who doesn’t give a shit about most people. So naturally I’m wondering why you like him.”

“Why do you like him?” The question popped into Die’s head all of a sudden. If Toshiya was right and Kaoru inhabited all of those attributes, then why was Toshi his friend at all? He didn’t even talk about him in kind words and there was a small part of the former guardian angel that wanted to defend the lawyer.

“That’s something else,” he replied and reached out for his cigarettes, before he put one between his lips and lit it, inhaling the smoke deeply. “I know him for so long. There is indeed a good guy inside of him but he just hardly lets him out.”

“But why? Why is Kaoru like that?” It still didn’t make sense to Die.

Taking a deep breath, Toshiya smiled a little and shrugged. “I dunno exactly. In a way he’s always been like that, just not that much. His father died early. He had been a lawyer. That’s probably why Kaoru wanted to be one. I got to know him during college when we were forced to share a room with each other, even though we didn’t take the same courses. But they probably thought that it was a good idea since we had attended the same highschool. The thing was just that during that time we had never talked to each other. Kaoru had been a distant guy even back then.”

Intently Die listened to every small word of Toshiya’s story as he continued. “We weren’t friends but suddenly room mates. That’s why I tried to talk to him, so that we wouldn’t just live in the same room but exchange a few words as well. It was awkward to live with a silent guy like Kaoru whose nose was always stuck in books. I often asked him if he wanted to come along whenever I knew there was a party going on but he always shook his head and refused my offers. At one point I had already lost hope and was about to give up when...”

Toshiya paused to sip from his drink, his throat becoming dry since he was talking that much. Die on the other hand couldn’t wait for the other man to go on. It was exciting to hear all the things that happened before he had learned to know his host. “What then? What happened?”

“When I suddenly noticed a change,” Toshiya chuckled and grinned a little. “He was going out all of a sudden and he often talked on the phone to someone else. But I already knew by hearsay that he wasn’t exactly interested in girls. So once he was in a rather good mood, I just asked him if he had a boyfriend. Gods, just the memory!” He shook his head, laughing lowly. “Kaoru, the very same, could not even hide his grin.”

“What did it mean? Did he have a boyfriend?” Die didn’t quite get if that was what Kaoru had been talking about concerning being in love. He had said that one just had to think of that person they were in love with, so that it would make them smile and be happy.

“Yes,” the other man grinned crookedly. “That had been the first time we really talked to each other. I told him that I was also into guys and he told me about his boyfriend. Ruki was his name. A beautiful guy if you ask me. I only met him once but he was just stunning,” Toshiya dreamily explained. “I think he was Kaoru’s first and probably the only one he ever loved.”

“What happened to Ruki?” Obviously he wasn’t together with Kaoru anymore and Die wondered what could’ve happened that had destroyed their love.

“The thing that always leads to broken hearts.” The dark-haired man sadly smiled.

“Did he die?” The redhead couldn’t help his gasp and stared with wide eyes at Toshiya, who luckily shook his head. A sigh of relief escaped Die before he just needed to ask: “What kind of thing then?”

“Another man happened.” Seeing Die’s naïve way of thinking Toshiya just had to smile. It was cute that he was expecting something that tragic. Of course back then Kaoru hadn’t been happy but it was so long ago that actually he should be over it. “The bastard had found a replacement for Kao and that of course broke his heart. That’s when he changed again.”

“How?” Die’s heart went out to the man he had grown to like so much. It just wasn’t fair. If only an angel had been there to guide them.

“He just took the news and mourned in his very own way, studied even harder, took more courses but also accompanied me to all kinds of parties and clubs. He was trying to distract himself from thinking of Ruki and crying over him, that’s for sure. Occupational therapy,” Toshi chuckled again and cast a glance at Die who was looking as if he was about to cry. Huge orbs stared at him in question, so Toshiya continued with his story. “I tried to talk to Kaoru, but he always said that even if he appreciates my offer he’d be fine and there was nothing to talk about. But he turned grumpy and selfish.”

Die dropped his gaze and his shoulders visibly sank. If that was the reason for Kaoru not to be nice anymore, then it was in a way Die’s fault. Where had he been when Ruki and Kaoru had needed some guidance? Why hadn’t there been an angel helping them? If now Kaoru would live unhappily for the rest of his life, then it was because nobody had send them some help from Heaven. That wasn’t fair, really not. But maybe...

A thought crossed his mind. Maybe he could just help Kaoru to fall in love again and finally find his perfect match. “He doesn’t have a boyfriend now, does he?”

“Kao? Nope, he never has.” A dark eyebrow rose in curiosity what could possibly be on Die’s mind. He wasn’t interested in Kaoru, was he? “He hardly even meets a guy more than once.”

Even if it was meant to make Die see that Kaoru just dropped any guy after sharing the bed with him, it simply made the redhead sad. Sad for the other man. Wasn’t it sad that he never fell in love again, never felt that special feeling anymore, the one he had told Die about. And the former angel was sure that his friend longed to fall in love again. Humans were supposed to, he had learned. He just needed to find him a match.

When his gaze met the dark-haired male next to him, his eyes lit up. “Do you have a boyfriend, Toshi?”

“Not at the moment.” The other man smiled, the suspicion about the possibility of Die having an interest in Kaoru forgotten the moment he had directed the question at Toshiya. “There are so many gorgeous guys but many jerks as well.”

“Kaoru is gorgeous.” It was a statement in order to check Toshiya’s reaction.

A chuckle that was, even a little bitter. “He sure is. As well as a jerk.”

“But you are his friend.” Die was testing further.

“And you are heading somewhere I suppose?” He knew that Die usually didn’t beat about the bush. So Toshiya leant forward and fastened his eyes on his companion, waiting for him to ask straight away what was bugging his pretty head.

“Have you never fallen for him?” As serious as Die hardly was, he just stared back at Toshiya. “You know him best. You appreciate him the way he is and obviously you see the good guy inside of him that he hardly shows, referring to what you’ve said earlier. Also you said he’s got the looks. Has there never been anything between you two?” It was a perfect argumentation and Die felt a little like Kaoru after he had delivered a pleading at a trial.

And indeed Toshiya almost felt like an accused being faced with such an inquiry. His brows shot up and he took a moment, before he was ready to reply. “You’re not completely wrong, I admit, but I can honestly say that I’ve never fallen for him. He just isn’t the right one for me, believe me. Truth be told, we had this one incident during our college days but we had been awfully drunk and I hardly even remember what it felt like.”

“Who knows? Maybe you would’ve fallen for him if you were able to remember.” Die tried again, giving up not an option right now.

“Maybe. But I don’t think so. Just trust me. Kaoru and I would end up in a mess.” With that he dismissed the thought and tried to change the subject. He was getting tired of talking about Kaoru. Nonetheless he would love to know more about the red-haired guy his was accompanied by. “What about you, Die? Are you into guys or do you prefer the ladies?”

But Die wasn’t dismissing anything so far. He mentally saved all the information he had gathered this evening and once the time would be right, it would be his turn to ask Kaoru about some things. Until then he would try to answer Toshiya’s questions. “I don’t know. I haven’t fallen for anybody so far.”

“Not at all? Like, never?” Toshiya just couldn’t believe this.

“Nope, never. But I intend to.” A certain nod accompanied his statement and made Toshiya laugh. Die was really a funny guy and he couldn’t take him serious. The way he said things just had to be meant as jokes.

Shaking his head Toshiya just smiled, softly chuckling, as he lifted his glass and flashed the cutest smile he could provide as well as a wink. “Good luck then!”

A huge smile broke out in Die’s face. To have friends was a cool thing! Nevertheless he couldn’t get rid of the thought what would happen if he succeeded in making Kaoru and Toshiya fall in love. It would gain him access back to Heaven according to God. That was fore sure. And although he liked the life as a human so far, it was also hard, much harder than being an angel. Being human was fun but being an angel was just being without any worries. Plus it would have the effect that God would be impressed, that was if Die succeeded. So basically he would chose going back to Heaven. But then he would certainly miss Kaoru and Toshiya.

Tricky, tricky.


Back at home there was a strange feeling that overcame Kaoru, when he entered the house. He had never realized how empty his home could appear. He had almost expected Die to sit on the sofa while he was watching another stupid game show or whatever was on, flashing a bright grin at Kaoru, once he stepped across the threshold. But there was nobody, the house was dark and the only sound was the low buzzing of the refrigerator. Yet, Die had been the first thing that had popped up in Kaoru’s head and he wished he would stop thinking of the silly nutcase for once.

But luckily some problems solved themselves. Whenever Kaoru needed some distraction, there were two options: work or sex. And sometimes he could even have both. He hadn’t even shrugged off his jacket when his cell phone was already ringing, the name on the display promising a lot of distraction. Yuki Kobayashi was in trouble again. Nothing unusual but important nevertheless. Kaoru got into his car and fetched the slightly younger man from a police station in Shibuya, before they both headed for the lawyer’s office in order to discuss how the problem could be handled.

Yuki had gained himself a drink-driving charge and first thing he had done was an attempt to bribe the police officer. After gathering all the necessary details and information, Kaoru decided to plead in mitigation, making up a story behind the fact that Yuki had been drunk when he was driving a car. Fortunately nothing serious had happened anyway. It would at least lead to mitigation of punishment, even if Kobayashi would be forced to do some community work.

Yuki hadn’t even expected anything else from his lawyer and grateful that he was as good as saved from some time in jail, he went to gather some food that both of them ate after work. But as soon as the most important thing was done, Kaoru couldn’t help but wonder if Die would be alright. One could never know. He could be drunk as well; could be tempted to drive a car – God forbid! – or worse: seduced, raped, and beaten up. Sure, that wasn’t likely to happen. There was still Toshiya around who would keep an eye on the redhead but everything was possible in this world. Not even Kaoru could tell for a 100 percent that nothing like that would happen.

“Kaoru?” Kobayashi tried hard to gain the other man’s attention, gazing intently in his eyes. He had been staring out of the window for at least the last ten minutes and Yuki didn’t like being ignored at all. “You don’t listen to a single word I say, do you? I just hope it’s something important that keeps your mind busy, or else I’d be hurt.”

The lawyer turned to look at his client, a small frown appeared on his features. He didn’t even have an excuse for his absent mind since that hardly ever happened to him. Kaoru tiredly blinked with his eyelids, hoping to give the impression that he was plainly overworked. Luckily it seemed to help.

“You work hard,” Yuki said and got up from his chair, slowly making his way around the table to where Kaoru was sitting. “You ought to have some treatment.” He only stopped when he was standing right behind the other man, before he leant downward and laid his palms on his shoulders, bowing his head down until his lips were close to Kaoru’s ear. “I surely could help you relax.” Yuki just twisted his head enough for his lips to place them right on the spot underneath the other man’s ear, close to his jaw.

Usually it elicited a small grin along with Kaoru tilting his head, but this time it plainly felt uncomfortable. He couldn’t tell why but he pulled away, straightening in his chair. “Don’t.”

“Don’t?” Kobayashi was baffled. Not that he wasn’t used to rejection but he never liked it, especially not from someone like Kaoru, who never complained about Yuki’s way of relaxing him. “There has to be a good reason for you reacting that way. Or else you wouldn’t dare pushing me away.”

It was the way how Yuki put things that made Kaoru even a little angry. Sure, that one client had some priorities others hadn’t, but only because they had a deal and both of them would never claim the other to be theirs. Didn’t it include that the lawyer could say No whenever he wanted to? He didn’t turn around when he apologized more or less monotonously. “I just don’t feel well. That’s all.”

Straightening his back Kobayashi closed the buttons of his white jacket and turned to look out of the window. He was sure that Kaoru wouldn’t dare to lie and risk to lose him as a well-paying client. Of course he could refuse an offer but it was still unlike him. Yet, if Kaoru didn’t like to have some fun, then someone else did for sure. Somebody, somewhere. “Okay, then I better get going.” Facing Kaoru, he put on a smile and went to gather his belongings. “Call me as soon as you know the amount I’ll have to pay for my freedom.”

Kaoru silently nodded and Yuki Kobayashi turned on his heels, leaving with his head high. He was just too full of himself sometimes, Kaoru thought and took a deep breath. He couldn’t quite grasp why he had refused the offered sex. Hadn’t he longed for that? It would’ve been a promise not only about distraction but about fantastic sexual intercourse as well. That wasn’t to deny. The only reason Kaoru could come up with, was that he was simply annoyed by Yuki’s general behavior all of a sudden. The way he spoke irritated Kaoru. All of his antics appeared false and mood-killing for any kind of sexual desire.

Wiping his palm across his face, Kaoru mentally shrugged and shook his head. He didn’t care much anyway, packed his papers and left shortly after. For the time he took until he was back at home, at least his mind had stilled. He didn’t think of anything at all, just concentrating on the road ahead. But once he entered his empty house again, the same thoughts as earlier invaded his mind. Obviously Die still wasn’t back at home. Kaoru had even checked the guestroom and as there was not a sign of the redhead, he simply went up the stairs and locked himself in his bedroom. Sleep sounded tempting.

It wasn’t even past midnight when Die and Toshiya arrived back at the Niikura residence. As promised to Kaoru, Toshiya kept the key but unlocked the door for Die to get inside. The question if they should drink a cup of coffee together was politely declined from the former angel. He knew some rules already, also that he would’ve to get up early the next morning and the few beers he had had, made him feel tired enough to hit the sheets instantly. He wished his friend a good night and was rewarded with a peck on his cheek.

“Sleep tight,” Toshiya winked at him and made his way out. “Sweet dreams, Die.”

He smiled at the other man as same one closed the door, before Die cast a glance up the stairs. He didn’t know whether Kaoru was already back or not, hadn’t seen him at all after their bath together, and he would’ve liked to just go up the stairs and check on him. But as long as he wasn’t allowed to go in there, he could only stare at the door from where he stood. There was nothing but silence and Die just hoped that his friend was already fast asleep. Shrugging, he slowly made him way to get some sleep too.

Little did Die know that Kaoru was still awake, staring at the ceiling in the darkness of his room. He hadn’t made it to fall asleep at all. The silence had been deafening around him. Then he had heard Toshiya’s car in the driveway, the front-door being opened and also the voices of both men. The sound of Die’s likeable voice was kind, even if Kaoru didn’t understand what he was actually saying. And the voice of Toshiya... let’s not even go there. Sometimes it varied on a scale between high and cheerful as well as calm and monotone within one sentence thrice. But soon enough the whole house was quiet again and Kaoru simply assumed that Toshiya had left and Die was in his bed. As long as Toshiya wasn’t in the same bed, everything was fine. It took Kaoru some more minutes to finally rest his mind, convinced that there was nobody but Die, soundly asleep.

When the alarm clock was ringing the next morning, the lawyer got up quickly as usual. Routine made it easier to forget happenings and distract a person from certain things, and so he simply made his way downstairs, switched on the coffee machine, went into the bathroom and finally, after a refreshing morning shower, into Die’s bedroom, ready to wake the sleepyhead. But Kaoru stopped for a moment and just watched the scene in front of his eyes. Nope, there wasn’t another man, which was a relief, really. There was only Die, entangled in the sheets, lying there in a mess of body and cotton. The odd thing was just that his head was underneath the covers and his cute but pale behind sticking out on the side.

Kaoru drew up an eyebrow and mentally sighed. People truly had not a clue how much strength of a gay man it afforded not to touch that cute dimwit. Forcing his eyes off the red-haired man, he opened the small closet and pulled out some of Die’s clothes, before he threw them on the bed. “Die. Get up. There’s work ahead.”

His voice had been loud enough to make Die stir and pull his butt underneath the covers and into the warmth it provided, before he poked out his head and sleepily blinked with his eyelids. Only then Kaoru nodded and turned. He could already smell the coffee, which was the first of the daily things he needed. After a quick visit inside of his bedroom, just to get dressed in a proper fashion, suit and tie, he made his way back into the kitchen, sat down with a cup of steaming black coffee and lit a cigarette.

Rubbing one eye with the knuckle of his hand, Die entered the kitchen as well and after gathering himself something to eat and coffee, he shoved his butt on a chair. They only exchanged their good morning greetings, Kaoru’s monotonous one and Die’s cheery one, before they sat in silence. Minutes later the lawyer already got up and fetched his briefcase with all the necessary papers, before he signaled Die to leave. The reason why the redhead was silent was simple as he already pondered how to approach Kaoru and ask him about his best friend and their relation. But all too soon they arrived the building with the lawyer’s office, went through the daily greeting ritual and finally passed by the secretary’s desk.

Yet, something was missing. Or rather someone. The secretary. It didn’t even take the time for Kaoru to tilt his head and question why her place was empty, before one of the other employees arrived and bowed. “Good morning, Mr. Niikura. Mr. Andou,” he didn’t miss to bow at Die as well, even if he couldn’t tell what kind of work he did for his boss. “I’m afraid Ms. Suzuki called in sick.”

A small sound of annoyance slipped from Kaoru’s lips, annoyed since it wasn’t the first time the woman had been sick this year. It often happened, too often maybe. But when his eyes shifted to look at Die, he instantly had an idea. “You do her job.”

“I?” The other man pointed his index finger at himself while a smile was rising on his lips. He had no clue what kind of work he would’ve do to, not precisely anyway, but he was open for anything.

“Yes, you.” Kaoru nodded curtly and went in front of Mai’s desk, gesturing with his hand for Die to take her place. “There’s no big deal in doing her job. Just answer the calls.”

“Calls? Alright,” Die repeated and sat down on the chair, inspecting the phone.

“Whenever the thing rings, lift the ear piece and reply with: ‘This is Kaoru Niikura’s law office, how can I help you?’. The person on the other end will tell you their name and concern and you’ll simply take this,” Kaoru grasped the register with all the addresses of his clients and skimmed through some pages, “and look if their name’s already in here. If not, put them through to any of the other guys.” He pointed with his finger to the other people who were obviously working in the other rooms. “Take whatever line is free. Just push one of the buttons on the phone here,” he explained further. “If their name’s in the register, write down their name and phone number, then tell them I’ll call them back. Got that?”

“Yeah.” Die nodded several times, sure that he could do that. He liked talking. This shouldn’t be a problem at all.

“Great. I’ll be just inside my office and work through some important files. Make sure not to disturb me,” he told the redhead and snatched the organizer with all his important appointments from Suzuki’s desk as well as the unopened mail. With that he left Die on his own.

In the beginning it was hard for Die. He made several mistakes, missed to ask how he could help them, missed to get their names, failed to put them through and hung up on people by accident. But soon he managed better, kindly asking for their names and concern, putting them through to the other lawyers working here and noting their requests for Kaoru to call them back. He even changed his routine entry sentence a little and put in the phrase ‘Die speaking’ since it sounded more considerate in his opinion.

The coffee automat had been a temporary problem as well since Die didn’t even know that he needed to put in some money before anything came out. But luckily a nice young lady crossed his path and noticed his helpless stare. With an amused smile, she had assumed that he had forgotten his money, before she simply had been nice enough to pay for the round of coffee. That he simply headed away with a smile and a statement of gratitude, she hadn’t expected.

The day passed by quickly and Die was amazed that Mai seemed to have so much to do with just taking all the calls that came in during a day. But once in a while he had some free minutes and snagged another of the books from the shelf, reading in it. Late, when all the other employees had already gone, Kaoru came out of his office, his jacket casually put across his arm. He rewarded Die with a respectful nod since he had indeed managed to keep the lawyer undisturbed. Only when he was faced with the long list of names and concerns from his clients, he sighed and told Die that next time, he can come and bring him the list from time to time.

They didn’t do much after work, mostly just fetching some food before they ate, while sometimes Kaoru would just tell Die about the cases he was working on. Die intently listened, asking his typical questions once in a while, but Kaoru tried to answer them at least. He couldn’t deny that he liked someone who was interested in what he did. It was one of the things he remembered from his childhood. That his father had come home and told his family about what he had done. And they would simply listen, just ask a question every now and then, while his father would go on with his stories.

Now here Kaoru was with Die. But Die wasn’t his family and still the closest to a family Kaoru would ever have as weird as it sounded. It was a strange feeling but not too unpleasant at all. And so their days kept on passing by since Mai apparently would be sick for some more days and Die simply did the job better and better in time. Obviously the clients liked his friendly manner, the kind way he was talking to them and even his funny side, whenever he didn’t get some things in the first place. Kaoru had silently observed the whole matter, keeping an invisible eye on the redhead so to speak. But since people had even told him that they liked the ‘new guy’, he didn’t mind leaving Die in this position, at least until Suzuki would be back.

After some time he even trusted Die to open and sort the mail for him, to look through different files and folders in order to find needed legitimate fundament and even to make some of his appointments. Sometimes he dared to leave him alone whenever Kaoru had to go to the court, and on other days he preferred Die to come along. It depended on the cases and his clients. When Shinji Sakamoto had invited them for dinner in order to prepare the first trial about the matter concerning his son, Die had pleasantly joined in since the old man had particularly asked for his presence.

Toshiya had been asking for Die as well. The three of them had had lunch once during the week but they had never gone out in the evenings. Too spent from work Die had preferred to sleep early but he was looking forward to go out and meet Kaoru’s best friend on the next weekend. He was hoping for a chance to get them involved into something when the three of them would be on the move in this city.

His hopes should become shattered though when finally on Friday evening Kaoru simply spilled some news to Die while they were in the car on their way back home. “I’d like you not to go out tonight. Our flight’s set early in the morning.”

“Flight?” Wide-eyed Die gaped at Kaoru who was trying to hide his small grin. The former angel hadn’t been flying since back then when he was in Heaven and owned wings himself but he knew that humans flew in machines called planes. “We’ll fly somewhere?”

“Yes, we’re gonna fly to Okinawa tomorrow morning,” Kaoru informed and cast a short glance at his companion who was still looking at him in surprise. “We’re going to meet Reiji Sakamoto’s lawyer and his wife. That dinner will have a high importance in this case, believe me. And I need you to come along.” He had purposefully added that he was in need of Die’s help. Maybe Kaoru wasn’t exactly in need but at least he wanted to make good use of his beautiful assistant.

“Wow, really? That’s cool!” He couldn’t hide his excitement, even if it meant that his plans for the weekend were cancelled, or rather in need to get postponed. A trip together with his friend sounded much too tempting than to mourn anyway and the importance of their business trip was adding extra anticipation. Besides, he really liked the old Sakamoto guy and if he could help him against his son, then Die would do almost anything. “Why are we going to meet his lawyer and not him personally?”

“Because this isn’t really a business dinner,” Kaoru tried to explain the unusual act between the two lawyers. “I know him. He called me when he got to know that I would defend Jinji. That’s when I offered the dinner.”

“Nice,” Die remarked with a smile.

“Indeed. This will be all nice on the outside but I’m sure he’ll try everything to get me intimidated.” Kaoru took a deep breath. He couldn’t really explain this to Die. He wouldn’t understand it anyway. “However, you better pack some things when we’re back at home. We won’t be back before Sunday evening.”

A huge smile spread on Die’s lips at the thought of Kaoru and him making a little journey. It just sounded too exciting! He had never been to Okinawa, not even as an angel. And the whole weekend was certainly a longer time than Kaoru and he would take to go out for one dinner with that other lawyer and his wife. Even cooler, Die thought, looking forward to the whole thing!


-End of chapter six-

Chapter Seven

There was a stupid smile plastered across Die’s face as he sat in the plane and looked out of the window, once again able to admire the clouds from above. Their plane had taken off half an hour ago and from the moment on Die had taken his place down in the seat, he had been watching the heaven. It was weird though because in human form, he couldn’t see any of the other angels.

Last night Kaoru had shown Die how to use the washing machine and the dryer, so he could pack all the few clothes he owned. Once his suitcase was filled and Die was pleased, he had gone to bed in order to sleep early, so that the next morning would come soon. Too excited looking forward to the trip, of course he couldn’t sleep at all, read some more pages in his latest book and tried to imagine what kind of place Okinawa would be. Late at night, he had no clue when, Die finally fell asleep dreaming of him and Kaoru having a wonderful holiday.

And now his dream seemed to come true. Next to him was Kaoru who tried to work through some papers he had brought along and right here in this seat the former angel sat and couldn’t stop smiling. Once they had safely landed back on the ground, Die wasn’t just excited anymore, but really bouncy. He couldn’t help it. He felt like he had the energy of a dozen men in this one human body he owned. Rewarded with a huge smile from his companion, the smaller man pretty much looked like the complete opposite, right now shading his eyes with his sunglasses. But Die just merrily hopped along wherever his friend was going.

After a short ride in a taxi, they arrived their hotel. Again Die was plainly and completely impressed. Mouth agape, he stared at everything and nearly everyone as well, like when a group of men, all clad in black suits and their cell phones attached to their ears, passed him by, or when an old lady with her poodle crossed his path. Of course Kaoru had noticed that Die was openly staring at people but for all he cared, as long as he wasn’t being stared at, he didn’t pity them for his companion’s rudeness.

It took Kaoru merely his credit card and a signature to check in before they were led into one of the rooms on the top floor. And while Kaoru made sure to close the door after the footboy, Die just stood in the middle of the room and stared at the double bed. As far as he could tell, there was no spare room for him and obviously he would sleep right next to Kaoru. The thought instantly made his lips curl into a smile.

“Great, now you’re grinning at a bed,” Kaoru remarked with slight sarcasm as he squeezed himself past Die and claimed the side of the bed that was closer to the bathroom. If he didn’t know his naïve companion, he’d dare to say that he had kinky thoughts, seeing that grin. But chances were non-existent in that meaning. It was nothing but another silly smile.

Shrugging, Die marched over to his side of the bed and dropped his bag next to it, before he sat down on it, laid down, and then got back on his feet. “I never slept next to you before,” he explained as if it was the most natural thing to say. “This is kinda... exciting.”

“You have no clue,” the other man muttered under his breath and unpacked a few of his clothes in order to get changed for the occasion. There were people, and that Kaoru knew for sure, who would be more than just excited, prospectively spending the night with him, but Die was more like a kid who was about to experience his first slumber party.

The taller man walked over to the huge window and the view simply took his breath away. Not only did he see almost the whole city but also the ocean. “Wow... Kao, look at this. I can see the ocean from here.”

Looking at Die, or rather his back, a few moments passed by before Kaoru got up and slowly walked next to the redhead. There wasn’t anything he would’ve to say. He didn’t even need to look at the ocean but he was in awe about how amazed one person could get about small things like this. Like a young boy desiring a toy, Die kept on gazing at the horizon, the ocean obviously taking his breath away. Kaoru mildly shook his head and turned to take a look inside the bag Die had brought. He better looked stunning tonight!

“Don’t you have a vest or anything like that?” He could find tee shirts, jeans, underwear but only one jacket and it was just not enough for the occasion. “I can’t believe Toshiya failed to buy a plain black suit jacket and vest.”

“Well, he did buy a black jacket, but I left it at home.” Forcing his eyes finally off the ocean, Die tilted his head and looked at his friend.

An inquiring gaze tried to pierce his. “And... why?”

“Because,” Die drawled and made his way to where Kaoru was hovering above his things, “it’s black. I thought that I’m more the type for wearing bright clothes.”

“You thought? You’re not made to think, Die.” Shaking his head the smaller man sighed a little before he found something that was more likely the style he wanted his assistant to dress in. “At least you’ve brought a plain black shirt.”

“I did,” Die confirmed with a small nod and crouched down. “It was Toshiya who said I should wear bright clothes.”

“But you don’t have to do everything the way he wants you to,” Kaoru countered, sounding less snappish than he had before. His eyes mustered the red-haired man from his head to his toes. “I guess we need to fix that problem. And it appears that we need to do something about your hair as well.”

“What’s wrong with my hair?” It was a fact that Die liked it the way it was, brightly red and not too long. He had even styled it with some wax and spray, quite an effort that should be rewarded instead of insulted.

“It’s messy.” A little smile ghosted across Kaoru’s lips. He did like Die’s hair, even the color, but within his business he couldn’t allow him to walk around like a punk. Not when he should give the proper image of a gentleman of some account. “Won’t hurt to give it a proper cut.”

“If you say so.” The redhead shrugged as his fingers mechanically reached out to tug at a few strands of his hair. He was wondering though what Kaoru had in mind.

“Here.” The other man handed him the black shirt and stood up. “Get ready. We’re going to get you another jacket and a hairdo.”

It elicited another smile. Of course it did. The thought of shopping with Kaoru made Die curious and without to think about it much, he quickly got ready, before the two of them left the hotel together. At first Kaoru made sure to find a hairdresser who would turn the tall, red-haired man into a guy one could actually take seriously. Silent and only a tiny bit scared Die didn’t even move his pinky while a woman with sharp features and lips as thin as a sheet cut his hair. He only watched Kaoru from the corner of his eyes as he was giving instructions of how he wanted the redhead to look. A pleased nod of approval was his only reaction once she swirled the chair with Die around and presented him to the smaller man.

“Perfect,” he said and paid the amount of money the haircut was worth.

In his chair Die took some moments before he got used to his new hairstyle while he was still watching his reflection in the mirror. Truth be told he didn’t like it much. It was too smooth, kind of flattened, but if it served its purpose, then he would live with it.

After that Kaoru had randomly entered different shops, one after another, until he finally seemed to be pleased with one in particular. Before Die had even the time to realize that he was supposed to get changed into the fine thread, Kaoru pushed him in the direction of a cubicle. The salesman was already giving them weird glances but the former angel didn’t notice anyway, just turned to face his friend with raised brows. “Will you wait here?”

“No, I’ll run off to Mexico.” Kaoru rolled his eyes at him and closed the curtain, leaving Die to himself within the cubicle. “Get changed now.”

“You won’t really run off, will you?” He didn’t know for sure but at least he was guessing that this was supposed to be a joke. Even if it was anything but funny. Yet, Die quickly got changed and pulled the curtain aside as soon as he was ready. “Kao?”

“I’m here,” he replied and cast his eyes off the coat he had been taking a look at in the meantime. His eyebrows rose in admiration, he couldn’t help it – he was a genius in deciding what to make guys wear. Die was absolutely gorgeous. A satisfied smile built upon Kaoru’s lips and he nodded at the other man.

“Looks good?” In search for a body-sized mirror Die shifted his gaze from left to right, before he finally spotted one and went to take a look at himself. Apart from the fact the was clad in nothing but black, he liked the way he was looking. It was a bit dark but somehow fine, as if he were a man as wealthy as Kaoru.

The lawyer sent a curt nod to the salesman who had been patiently waiting. Kaoru was absolutely pleased with his choices today and therefore he also bought the coat for Die to wear. He needed more than a plain jacket in case the weather would get worse, plus that nights were chilly already. And from the outside it was as if another man entered the hotel as soon as they were back. In a way Die didn’t look the same anymore but once he was staring at people again, one instantly recognized the redhead.

“About this dinner...” Buttoning his sleeves Kaoru intently looked at the man who silently stood in front of the window and was once again staring out to see the ocean. Slowly Die turned to face his friend, who was busy checking his outfit in the mirror. “I’m gonna introduce you as my assistant and we won’t mention that you’re living in my house. What exactly you’re doing won’t matter. Just try to show some manners. I know you can do that.” He suddenly caught Die’s gaze in the mirror and smiled. “Just be your charming self.”

In return Die smiled back brightly. Compliments he liked. Why Kaoru was advising him to conceal some things, he didn’t understand though. But it didn’t matter. He trusted the lawyer and he would surely have his reasons. “I won’t disappoint you, Kao.”

He was about to turn and wriggle into his jacket when the way Die had addressed him made Kaoru stop all movement. “One more thing, Die,” He had stopped to mind it long time ago but this evening it wouldn’t be alright. “Don’t call me Kao tonight.”

The smile temporarily vanished from the redhead’s lips. He had grown a liking to addressing the lawyer with his pet name but he even understood that in order to show their business relation, he had to stop saying it, at least until the dinner was over. “Alright, Kaoru.”

“Good boy,” the smaller man smiled. He could deny it for as long as he wanted, but honestly speaking he liked to spend time with his new ‘assistant’. He was easy to handle and plainly honest, instead of being cynical or false in his friendliness. So be it as it may, even if his brain was damaged since he thought he had been an angel, he was still a likeable company.

When Kaoru and Die entered the restaurant, they were instantly guided to a table with two other persons already waiting, a man and a woman, and Die could literally feel the tension between Kaoru and the other lawyer, even if they exchanged polite gestures like shaking hands. “Long time no see, Ken. Let me introduce my assistant to you. This is Die.” He motioned with his hand to the redhead before he turned to actually face him. “Die, this is Ken, an old friend of mine, and the beautiful woman here is his wife, Sumi.”

“Good evening.” Asked to show his good manners, Die bowed to each of them, before he sat down next to Kaoru, who was already about to order them something to drink.

“Assistant, Kaoru? You don’t need support for a dinner, do you?” The man chuckled and cast a short glance at his wife who was looking rather bored. “I would’ve thought you’d bring a date and not your assistant.”

“I didn’t mention anything about what he’s assisting me with,” Kaoru shot back with a smile. “But I wouldn’t want to lie to you. He’s not my date. I’m afraid I have to disappoint you there.” And with that statement he had successfully avoided a silly argument about whether he needed support or not. “Die’s familiar with Reiji’s claim. Therefore I thought he might want to get to know you.”

“I see.” Ken noticeably observed the red-haired man for a moment as if he tried to find more information in his appearance. It was unlike Kaoru Niikura to bring someone else, so the other lawyer of course reasoned that Die must be someone important. Important to Jinji Sakamoto most likely. “Well Die, isn’t it a pleasure to work with Kaoru? I once did as well before he decided to work against me instead of with me.”

“I’m sorry for that,” he replied with a small smile, not sure what to answer. “I like working with him very much.”

Luckily Ken didn’t press on any further but instead focused on talking to Kaoru. It appeared that he had been right about Ken’s tries to intimidate the other man. But they were in vain, Kaoru obviously too smart with all his replies. The only one who slowly grew uneasy was Die but because of completely different reasons. Also, Ken seemed to become grumpy little by little. Once they had finished eating, his wife excused herself and went to the ladies room, before her husband followed shortly after. It was the perfect occasion for Die to talk to Kaoru in private.

“Can you swap places with me?” The redhead cocked his head to one side and gazed at his friend in hope.

“No,” Kaoru replied curtly since he could give a good guess why Die was asking. “You’re sitting perfectly fine there opposite Sumi.”

“But she’s doing things!” Although he was only whispering, his voice still sounded a little high-pitched. “Like with her feet on my legs and that’s really anything but comfortable. Can I at least ask her to stop that?”

“No.” This time the other man turned to face Die. “Just try to survive it.”

Pouting, Die leant back and crossed his arms. It was the first time he was maybe a little mad at Kaoru for making him doing this. He didn’t like the woman’s feet on him at all. And whenever her husband was deeply absorbed into conversations with Kaoru, she was also staring at him as if she wanted to eat him. That was unpleasant as well. She could smile, then he’d return the smile. Or she could talk to him, then he’d chat with her. But that stare drove Die up the walls!

For some moments Kaoru watched Die sulking in his chair. It was weird, the feeling that Kaoru had. Normally he would grow annoyed at this disobedient behavior but there he was, just a little proud that the red-haired man was so utterly immune to her attempts of seduction. And it was damn cute, too. With a sigh, Kaoru put his hand on the other man’s thigh. “Listen, Die. This is important. Just try to play along, ok?”

“But it’s not fair.” He whined and cast a glance at the lawyer, still sulking. Yet, the affectionate touch made him a little weak. “What’s it good for anyway?”

“Life just is not fair,” Kaoru tried to make his point clear. He reassured himself with a glimpse to the restrooms that neither Ken or Sumi weren’t on their way back yet, before he went on. “Ken isn’t playing fair and nor am I. He wanted this dinner for one reason: to make me back off before the trial’s even started. That’s why I just want you to sit here and do what you can do best. Just look gorgeous, Die. Can you do that for me?”

Under the intent stare of Kaoru’s dark eyes Die couldn’t help but to give in. Besides, the compliment hadn’t passed him by unaffected either. He had never heard Kaoru say something like this before, that Die was gorgeous. He liked that. “Fine, but I still don’t get it. What’s it good for that she’s groping my legs with her feet?”

“It’s pissing Ken off. That’s why.” Drawing back his hand from Die’s thigh, Kaoru just shrugged. “I knew Sumi wouldn’t be able to resist and Ken’s becoming nervous and doesn’t concentrate on what he’s saying. So in the end I gain more info about Reiji than I was supposed to know.”

“I see.” A small sigh escaped Die. “You’re quite calculating, you know?”

That the redhead just said it as a matter of fact, Kaoru didn’t expect but it also impressed him. With a chuckle he admitted: “I know. Maybe life taught me to.”

There was a short silence before Die spoke up again. “You’re using me.”

But all it did was to make Kaoru show a small grin. “Want me to make it up to you?”

The other man returned to smile. “Would you? How?”

Lowly the lawyer laughed. “I’ll think of something, ok?”

Nodding Die agreed and grinned, looking forward to whatever Kaoru was up to. He didn’t know why but he liked the way he made him feel, as if he’d do something especially for him. As if he cared. But if Kaoru truly cared, he didn’t know himself. Since he had made the offer, it appeared that he cared but when had he started to? Hell, he even flirted with Die in some sort of way and it only occurred to him now. Even worse was that he didn’t mind at all. He liked it and not because he had any plain motive, desiring a shag for the night. No, because he simply enjoyed to exchange nicely ambiguous phrases with Die.

Soon enough Ken and Sumi came back and settled down again. All the time their dinner went on, Die bravely put up with the woman’s frank measures to gain his attention. Yet, he was feeling even a little bit more anxious since he could feel her husband’s death glare. Luckily Ken was fed up quickly and ended the evening with another polite excuse, before he grabbed Sumi’s hand and pulled her away with him. Sighing, Die made a mental note not to spend another dinner with the two of them, even if Kaoru would bribe him.

Back in their hotel room Die sat down on his bed and tried to figure out how to make the TV work. It was different from Kaoru’s and therefore he had some mild problems with the remote. On the other side of the bed Kaoru got rid of his jacket and loosened his tie, before he simply pulled it above his head and threw it aside. He stretched his neck and stifled a yawn, when there was suddenly a defeated groan coming from his redheaded room mate, who had cast the remote aside and gave up with the damned thing. They looked at each other for a moment, neither men saying a word, before Die shrugged and grinned.

“You could give me a back massage, if you’re bored.” Kaoru hadn’t really meant it seriously, although he could certainly need a massage. A job where one had to sit bent above books and papers was worse than to be a professional athlete.

“Do you think I can do that? I mean, I don’t really know how.” Curiously Die tilted his head, inspecting the other man’s frame. Then he took a look at his hands, wriggling his fingers a little. “Guess I can’t really break anything though.”

“You’d really do anything I ask you to, hm?” Inwardly Kaoru laughed, simply amused, light-hearted even. There seemed to be nothing that would make Die back off, that was apart from leg-groping women.

A little perplexed Die gazed back at the other man. Was it that much surprising that he would give it a try? He didn’t think so, not at all. “It’s no big deal,” he shrugged, “is it?”

“No,” Kaoru smiled, “it isn’t.” It was the most honest smile he had given in a long time. He always teased, being quite frank and cocky even, but the redhead’s pristine way of thinking made even a rude request sound harmless. And it really wouldn’t be a big deal at all. Not if Kaoru considered Die a friend. He hesitated for another moment, just trying to find anything in the other man’s appearance that spoke against this one step closer to friendship. But there was simply nothing.

“Well?” Die’s eyebrows rose while he was slipping out of his jacket and opening the two top buttons of his shirt, since it was pretty much strangling him. “What do you want me to do?” He crawled closer to the other man and sat back on his heels. “Shall I just put my hands here?” Cautiously Die’s palms touched Kaoru’s shoulders. “Or then, you better remove your shirt first. Right?” He wasn’t completely sure but from what Die had watched in the time he had been an angel, humans gave massages to one another on their naked skin. Maybe there were different techniques though but from the feel of his fingers on his friend’s back, it was really weird to touch him through the fabric of his shirt.

Taking a glimpse back across his left shoulder, Kaoru simply didn’t move at all. It was crazy, all the different situations he got himself into with Die, and it still was nothing but nice. But it made things difficult. Hard not to just turn and kiss that red-haired guy senseless. Yet, Kaoru knew what he wanted and it was not to screw Die. Nonetheless he could maybe start to take him as a friend. “Right,” he lowly said and forced his gaze off the other man, before he opened the shirt button by button until he could slide it off completely. “I’ll lie down and you just do as you think. I’m gonna tell you when something’s not okay.”

It was the best solution from Kaoru’s point of view. Because he for sure wasn’t a masseur either and couldn’t properly explain what Die had to do. Either he’d do it well or they would just stop. Once Kaoru had lied down on his belly, Die knelt above him and placed his fingers on each side of his shoulders. “Ok then, I’m gonna start now.” He just hoped he wouldn’t cause any harm, even if it was very unlikely to happen. He had washed this back before, now he could just gently knead it. And that’s what he tried, pressing down his fingertips with light pressure, digging his thumps into the flesh and running his palms across the warm and smooth skin. It really didn’t feel too bad. “Just tell me when I hurt you or something...”

As if. There was only this one thought left in Kaoru’s mind once Die had started to work his magic fingers. As if. It was truly not easy to keep shut up, not to sigh in contentment or to just utter stupid things like ‘oh yes’ or ‘so good’. He even bit his bottom lip in order to suppress any sort of evidence about the given pleasure. Only when he trusted his voice, he told Die to go on. After that there was a comfortable silence between them before the redhead’s thoughts drifted back to the dinner they had had with Ken and his wife.

“Kao?” When something nagged his mind, he just needed to voice it out. “Ken said something about you formerly working with him and that you decided to work against him instead. How did he mean that? Is it true?” Die really could not imagine why Kaoru would suddenly just decide to work against someone. The vision was scary. Today Die was working for and with Kaoru. And tomorrow? Would that just change?

It took some time and effort for Kaoru to make his mind work right now. He had almost drifted off, at least close to not thinking for once in his life, when Die had uttered his questions. “Well yes, sort of. At first we ran the law office together, as partners. But we didn’t get along too well. Ken wasn’t pleased with my choice of clients.” The memory was blurred in his mind but when he recalled it, Kaoru remembered his partner’s complaints. “I started as a nobody whereas Ken had already had some pretty good connections. But he kept on complaining until one day he threatened me that if I wouldn’t do as he wished, he’d make sure to kick me out. It was an empty threat, really, but back then I was majorly pissed, and behind Ken’s back I started to snatch away all of his precious, rich clients.”

It had been an act on blind rage, vengeance of some sort, but at that time Ken had hurt Kaoru’s pride and that had been nothing he could accept. To Die it sounded a little confusing, yet unmistakably like an argument that could’ve been solved differently. “And you couldn’t settle your disputes otherwise?” He lowly asked, not sure if it had been right what Kaoru had done. But at the same time he thought that Ken had been unfair too, threatening his partner to kick him out. “It sounds pretty bad to me.”

“It was,” Kaoru simply admitted. “But you see, Die, I have done my job well. Just that I never made the money Ken made and he thought that he could boss me around, because his clients paid more than mine. Still, I won more trials and I wanted to prove that I was the better lawyer. But once I had started to steal away his clients, there was no way back, settling disputes. When he found out, he threw a fit. But I had won. Ken quit.” Thinking back now it had probably been the start of Kaoru’s true career. Sure it had taken sacrifices. “On the other hand we would’ve split up our partnership anyway sooner or later. We just didn’t get along.”

“I see,” Die tried to understand, but as so often he came to realize that human relations and actions were hard for him to grasp. “I guess that’s what humans mean when they talk about learning something the hard way.”

“Guess so,” the other man cheerlessly chuckled, simply because Die had spoken of humans as if he were none of them. “But this business is hard. Hard and time-consuming. Nothing is for free.”

Those callous words caused the redhead almost to flinch and he stopped to move his fingers for a moment, before he mentally cleared his mind and went on with the massage. “Well, as long as you like what you’re doing.”

“I do,” Kaoru replied without to think twice. “I really do. I just don’t like most of the clients.”

“And why is that? Can’t you chose them?” Again it wasn’t easy to understand for Die. Why would Kaoru want to help anybody he didn’t even like?

“I can and I cannot,” he said within a small sigh. “There are just some people you can’t say No to and most of the clients I got from Ken were pretty important people. One thing led to another and I got quite popular amongst their kind. And now they step into my office and demand that I help them. Besides, they pay a pretty penny. Why would I decline?”

“I don’t know. Maybe because you don’t like them? You said so yourself.” Naturally Die couldn’t think of anything else. “Wouldn’t you be able to survive if you only defended those you like? Those who aren’t that important and rich.”

“Die, I’d be able to survive on the money I have on my bank account right now.” It was a fact and not even meant to sound arrogant. “I’m just into deep. There are some clients I just don’t wanna piss off. And as long as I can cope...” He didn’t finish the sentence, didn’t feel the need to. It was as simple as that to him.

“Have you become a lawyer because of your dad?” It was another sudden thought that popped up in Die’s mind and he remembered the conversation he’d had with Toshiya. “Toshi told me something like that.”

At first Kaoru didn’t say anything at all. He had never expected Die to know any about this but Kaoru should’ve guessed that his best buddy wouldn’t be able to keep his babblings short. The mentioning of his father brought memories he usually didn’t share with anybody else. “Yeah,” he said in an emotionless voice, trying to appear casual about it. “Basically he was the driving force.”

“Was he good?” Curiosity got the better of Die and he would just love to know more about the role-model of his role-model. “Better than you?”

“The best,” Kaoru simply replied and even smiled a little at the thought of how much he had admired his father when Kaoru had been still a little boy. “It was fascinating to watch him work or when he told us about some cases. One of his first clients was actually Jinji Sakamoto with some copyright problem, nothing serious though.”

“Really?” Just the idea of Sakamoto in connection with Kaoru’s dad made the other man smile. He could bet that he would’ve liked his friend’s dad a hell lot too, just like Sakamoto. “How did he die?”

“Car accident,” the lawyer gave away, a little more at ease while he was talking with Die about that matter. “It wasn’t his fault. The driver of the car that hit his fell asleep. Happens every day,” he tried to play it down but it still hurt. Kaoru had always missed his dad and sometimes he just hoped that angels indeed existed, so his father would be able to see what his son had become.

“I’m sorry for that. I bet he would be really proud of you now.” As if Die could read the other man’s mind, he spoke his thoughts. “But you’ve still got your mom to be proud of you, haven’t you?”

“We lost touch,” Kaoru spoke his mind before he had even thought about it. “She married again but the guy she chose simply didn’t like me. And when he found out that I was not even straight, he made me leave. Which I didn’t mind that much since I knew what I wanted to do with my life.”

“Oh my...” A long sigh escaped from between Die’s lips. Were there any intact human families left these days? What was the problem in Kaoru being gay that this man had made such a fuzz? God for sure didn’t forbid homosexuality. It was love and love went before anything else. About Kaoru’s mother the red-haired ex-angel couldn’t judge, not so far. “I wonder what my parents were like and if they’re still alive. If they liked each other. Or me. And if I had siblings...”

“You don’t know?” There was a doubtful snort coming from the man underneath, before he just couldn’t help but turn and look at Die smartly. But once he saw those innocent eyes staring down at him, he had a pretty good guess. “Oh right, you don’t remember your past life. Not even your family?”

Die just shook his head and shrugged. “It’s strange ‘cause I don’t even know how old I am and for how long I’ve been an angel. Maybe just for two years and then my parents would probably be still alive and possibly even around me, but I don’t recognize them. Or then, I might’ve been an angel for a hundred years already and my parents are surely dead by now. I just don’t know. It’s weird.”

“Weird indeed.” Not just that but also crazy. But still the thought was scary when a person just didn’t know their own people. But then Kaoru simply couldn’t believe it. If he did, he’d be just as nuts as Die. Taking a deep breath, he propped himself up on his elbows and just looked at the redheaded guy above him. “I suggest we get some sleep now. Your massage did wonders and if you hadn’t bugged me with your questions, I would’ve fallen asleep.”

He didn’t mean it as a bad thing, really not, but Die wasn’t sure. “So... it was good? And sorry, I mean for bugging you.”

“It’s okay.” He meant it. Kaoru had spoken about things that were long overdue to be talked about with someone and in a way he felt even a little better now. Smiling, he poked Die’s leg. “And yes, you were good. Now get off me before I make you.”

Usually that phrase ended in another man trying to provoke Kaoru, just to make him prove his point, but Die simply obeyed and crawled off the smaller man. With ease the lawyer slid off the bed and went into the bathroom but when he saw his reflection in the mirror, he couldn’t help but wonder if he still were the same guy like so many years before. He sure wasn’t the little boy anymore that watched his dad in awe and beyond doubt he wasn’t even that fierce and stubborn, but silent teenager he had been during college. He was not nearly the idealist he had been when he first started to run the law office together with Ken. So naturally he wondered. Who had he become? Would his father truly be proud? The longer Kaoru looked at himself, the more he found that he didn’t even know the guy who was looking back at him. Tearing his gaze off the mirror, he bent down and splashed some water into his face. Now wasn’t the time to think about these things, he concluded and turned to make his way to the other man.

Die had already sneaked under the covers and was patiently waiting for Kaoru to come back and join him. He was a little bit nervous though, since he had never shared the bedroom with another person before. But at the same time it was sort of pleasant and less lonely. Once Kaoru had removed his pants, he slid under the covers as well and just took a last glance at Die who responded with a bright smile. “Good night, Die,” he more or less mumbled and switched off the light of his bedside table. “Turn off your light.”

“Good night, Kao,” the other man replied and did as he was told, only to keep his grin in place in the darkness of the room. He stifled a small yawn and blinked with his eyelids, before he turned on his side and tried to watch his friend in the dark. He could only make out his outlines but it didn’t matter. Maybe in his human form Die could watch out for someone, doing that better than in the time he had been an angel. “Sleep tight.”

“Mmh.” Feeling Die’s eyes on him, Kaoru turned his back to him and closed his eyes. “Sleep now.” It had surely been a decade since he had last shared the bed with someone he didn’t screw as well, so what else would they do other than to sleep? At least Kaoru desperately wanted to, maybe just to rest his mind or maybe just to forget the touch of those lively fingers on his back. He didn’t know. But he did know that he really liked to fall asleep now. Luckily he did after what seemed like an eternity.

At the other side of the bed Die easily fell asleep, having Kaoru beside him. It was oddly calming.

When Kaoru woke up the next morning, his mind swam with pictures of a weird dream he had had. He couldn’t remember much about it, just some distorted images of him and Die and then there was his father talking to an angel, sending him out to watch after his son. It had been a vision Kaoru didn’t want to give too much thought about and therefore he tried to make his still sleepy brains work and heavy eyes to focus on reality. But the faster his mind grasp the now and here, the more he became confused by the warm body that was obviously pressed against his back and the weight of a heavy limb around his waist. Die. No doubt about it. But when and how and why? One thing Kaoru was sure about: he hadn’t done anything even close to have sex with the other guy and that’s why he could only come up with one reason behind Die’s behavior. He was plainly clingy.

Kaoru's first thought was to get away from Die but that was easier said than done since he was practically glued to him and his embrace wasn’t weightless either. Besides, Kaoru’s bones still felt a little too heavy and it was kind of cozy, he had to admit that. And if he were really honest to himself, then he felt strangely safe. Die indeed owned a strong frame for someone with such a lean body. All in all it was rather pleasant to lie within his arms if there weren’t his hot breath that tickled Kaoru’s skin and caused the tiny hair on his back to stand. He could already feel goose bumps build on his flesh, leaving only two options. He either snuggled backwards against Die right into the welcoming warmth or he escaped the redhead.

The wiser decision got the better of Kaoru and he carefully freed himself from the arm that was sprawled almost possessively across him. He wriggled away from the other man and quickly got up, a hardly audible sigh escaping him. As he glanced back at the sleeping figure, a small smile ghosted across his lips because Die did look like an angel, peacefully taking his breaths with his lips slightly opened. His dark eyelashes stood out against the pale skin of his face while bangs of his bright red hair were messily surrounding it. But Kaoru forced his eyes off Die and walked over to the window, lighting a cigarette.

Could he of all people really fall for such a plain and naïve guy like Die? One who was also kind of nuts. Yet, it wasn’t anything that mattered. If Kaoru really fell for the guy, he wouldn’t care about something as trivial as his sanity. The only thing that was truly important was nothing else but the other man’s feelings and whether Die liked him more than anyone else, Kaoru couldn’t tell. How should he when the redhead did everything basically out of utter friendship because he didn’t even know how it would feel to fall for someone. Would he even make a difference in genders?

There were ways to find out though. But how to romance Die, or anyone in general? Usually Kaoru was the one who just had to answer to men’s advances. He never tried to make them fall for him, never wanted them to anyway. However, all he could try, was to be nice for a change. At least nicer than he usually was. A tiny smirk adorned his features as Die suddenly stirred and looked at Kaoru out of sleepy eyes. “Prepared for me to make up for your efforts last night?”

“Huh?” The redhead wasn’t even properly awake yet, let alone prepared for anything. Slowly his mind recalled yesterday’s events and Kaoru’s promise to make it up to him. “What have you planned?”, he asked with a raspy voice and lifted his head off the pillow.

“We go to the beach,” Kaoru announced with a triumphant grin.

Chapter Eight

You like so far?


Chapter Eight


“We go to the beach,” Kaoru announced with a triumphant grin.

“Really?” Within the split of a second Die was sitting in bed with eyes wide as plates and never been any more awake then now.

“Don’t you want to?” The other man teased.

“I do, I do.” Quickly he crawled out of the bed and nodded all along several times, before he literally stumbled forward and flung his arms around the smaller man’s slim shoulders. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.” He hugged him tightly, a merry grin almost breaking his face as he beamed in joy. “You’re awesome, Kao!”

Hardly any breath inside of him left, Kaoru just nodded and sighed. “I know. But Die,” he said and gently pushed the redhead off him, sending a rather disturbed glance at his naked frame. “Go and get dressed, will you?”

“Uuh, sure.” It was impossible to wipe off that silly grin but Die did as he was told and quickly snatched some of his clothes, before he vanished inside the bathroom. He didn’t take long though, making room for his friend who also liked to get a quick shower before he would prepare himself for a day out with Die. Mentally he was anything but certain if his decision was even close to wise but at least physically he got dressed in his usual neat style. Other than Die who had chosen his simple jeans and a plain white tee shirt before he made sure that his hair looked as ‘messy’ as he liked it to be.

Once they had eaten breakfast down in the hotel’s restaurant, Kaoru had called a taxi for both of them to take them down to the beach. In awe Die was staring at the ocean right in front of his eyes, how the waves were crashing gently against the shore and the sun left a shiny glimmer on the water’s surface. It was breath-taking.

“You like it?” Kaoru quirked an eyebrow at the mesmerized guy next to him. He had expected Die to like it but that he was gaping at the ocean with an open mouth was kind of silly, but still adorable.

The question made Die snap out of his temporary daze and he slowly nodded. “It’s beautiful,” he breathed before his hyper nature overtook him and he got rid of his shoes, sticking his toes into the warm sand underneath him. It tickled, was a little weird but he loved the feeling. Alive. He was alive. Maybe he would reconsider his choice of trying to make Kaoru and Toshiya fall for each other in order to gain back his access to Heaven. With his eyes closed and a huge smile upon his lips he stuck his nose up in the wind and enjoyed the warmth of the sun against his skin, before his eyelids fluttered open again and he turned to face Kaoru. “No, I was wrong. It’s fucking fantastic!”

A small snort emitted from the lawyer as he chuckled and shook his head. But he was completely unprepared for Die’s next move as the guy suddenly started to run right through the sand, stumbling here and there, but always managing to keep going, until he finally approached the water. He hesitated a little, slowly stepping into the cool wetness, his skin so totally unused to the new sensation. It felt natural though and Die loved it. Merrily he took some more steps into the open sea until he was standing knee-high in the water.

“Die, don’t go out too far,” Kaoru advised and watched the red-haired man attentively. There was so much euphoria in Die that the other man was afraid he’d jump right into the ocean and never come back.

“Why?” He called back and took a short glimpse backwards before he walked even deeper into the water and splashed some of it around with his hands, all along laughing in joy.

“Because,” Kaoru sighed and reminded himself to shout, so Die would actually hear him. “Because I for sure can’t help you if you drown.”

“What?” For a moment he stopped all movement and shot an inquiring gaze at Kaoru. Would he really not even try to save him? Because Die certainly would the other way around. “Why wouldn’t you help me?”

“I said that I couldn’t, not that I wouldn’t.” Although he tried to speak loud enough for Die to hear him, Kaoru’s words were nearly drowned out by the sound of the waves.

“Why can’t you?” In Die’s eyes everybody could if only they only wanted to.

Rolling his eyes upwards, Kaoru sat down in the sand and leant back, his weight supported by his hands. “Because I can’t swim. That’s why I can’t help you.”

“But I can’t swim either!” The redhead called out back and shrugged. “I’d still go and try to save you. If I’d manage is another story though.” He laughed and took some more steps into the open sea. He had been dead once and if he died again, then it should at least be for someone who was worth it. The fact alone made him brave but with his next step, he suddenly lost balance and fell backwards into the sea, until even his head was almost under water.

“Fuck!” Kaoru jumped when Die suddenly disappeared, his heart almost stopping to beat. Luckily the redhead quickly got back on his feet and even if he was dripping wet, he laughed. The other man just rolled his eyes, sat down again and tried not to look at Die. What he didn’t see, couldn’t make him worry. But it was hard to ignore someone as cheery as his red-haired companion and at last when he heard another fit of joyful laughter, Kaoru looked back up and was surprised to find Die only a few meters away, getting slowly closer. “Done bathing? It’s much too cold and you’ll probably get sick.”

But Die just happily giggled and marched closer still, until he dropped down next to Kaoru. “Then you gotta make me well again.” The taller man couldn’t really be serious, thought of it as unlikely to happen that he’d become sick from a little bit of water, when the sun was shining so much that he could already feel how his skin was drying. With his grin still in place, he laid down in the sand, pillowing his head on Kaoru’s lap. “You really made my day, Kao. It’s amazing here.”

There wasn’t much that he could possibly reply, when his mind had run blank anyway because of Die’s clingy move, so Kaoru just chuckled a little and took in some of his surroundings. If he hadn’t been to a beach before, he would probably think the same but then again, Kaoru wasn’t the type who went along beaches and admired the sea. Yet, he had to admit that it was a beautiful view. “Well, I’m glad.” A thought crossed his mind, meant to tease. “When you’ve been angel, have you really never been to a beach? If I were an angel, I’d surely fly everywhere. Or didn’t you have wings?”

“Oh, I did.” Enthusiastically Die nodded but then grew a little sad, remembering that he was only supposed to use them for his missions. “I’ve flown back and forth between Heaven and Earth, passed by beaches as well, but I wasn’t supposed to spend any time there, unless my target happened to be there. But as an angel I felt differently than as a human. If I had gone into the water, I wouldn’t have become wet. I couldn’t feel the sand underneath my feet or that the sun was actually warm against my skin. That kinda sucked.”

“I see,” Kaoru chuckled due to the obvious craziness Die’s word held. But then it made sense, considering angels would truly exist. “But at least you could fly.”

“True.” Die smiled. “And if I had my wings still, I’d take you with me and fly around with you a bit.”

The words made Kaoru smile in return. It would’ve surely been interesting to fly on the redhead’s back. Crazy but interesting.

“You know, it’s not true what Toshi’s said.” Die couldn’t help it but right now he would love to hug Kaoru to death. “You really are nice.”

His gaze darkened a little when he shifted his look at the redhead and thought about his supposedly innocent remark. “Did he say that? That I’m not nice.”

“Well, yes. He said many things, also that he likes you, which reminds me...” The other man babbled and didn’t even realize that Kaoru had grown a tiny bit annoyed. “You sometimes are not nice like when you talk to Ken but then you are nice to me and that’s what counts, right?”

“I guess,” Kaoru responded a bit grumpily since his friend had played him down. But in a way he just knew that it was the truth and the fact that at least Die didn’t think he wasn’t nice, helped a lot to brighten his mood. “So you were talking to Toshiya about me? You could’ve asked me yourself if you wanted to know something.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t.” Die fastened his gaze upon Kaoru’s dark eyes that looked down on him. “I just happened to think about you when I was out with Toshi. So I asked.”

“I can imagine.” It was true. What Kaoru had learnt about the red-haired man spoke for itself since he always spoke his mind as it appeared. In a casual way the lawyer ran his fingers through Die’s red hair, just to wipe away some of the bangs that fell into his face. “What else did he tell you?”

“How you’ve learnt to know each other and that you and he slept together once,” he easily explained without to bat an eyelash. In contrast one of Kaoru’s eyebrows rose while the other man went on. “Didn’t you say that two people should only have sex together if they’ve fallen in love with each other?”

“What I said is that when you have sex with someone else for the first time, you should love the person. There’s a difference, you see.” Somehow Kaoru had the feeling that he wouldn’t like where this conversation was heading to. Why would Toshiya tell Die an old and forgotten story like this was beyond his imagination.

“Ah, so you weren’t in love with Toshi then?” It would’ve made things easier for Die if at least one of them had already some feelings for the other.

“No, and I will never be. He’s a friend, Die. What are your questions about?” If the redhead wanted to make sure that Kaoru had no feelings for Toshiya besides friendship, then it would be a good sign. Then Die checked him out. But if not...

“I was just thinking that maybe you and Toshi,” Die said but paused, just to raise his head a little and have a better look at Kaoru. “I was thinking you’d be a good match.”

“What?” This was anything but good. Was Die trying to play match-maker? It angered the smaller man because obviously the redhead wouldn’t even care if Toshiya and Kaoru were a couple. Therefore he did not have any tiny bit of a sexual interest in the lawyer. “Can’t you for once forget your silly angel-shit? You’re a human, Die. You’re not supposed to make matches anymore! Stop that.”

“I... I’m sorry.” He really hadn’t meant any offence. “I just...”

“You just what? Go around and ask my friend about me? And now you’re playing the match-maker? I do not need anybody’s help to get me a guy. Especially not Toshiya! If I had wanted him to be my boyfriend, I would already have him. That’s a fact. So you better stop this bullshit.” That he was pissed off was clear but part of him was just angry at himself for liking Die. He had saved that dimwit from his toilet-hideout, had given him a home, food and work, had kissed him, bathed with him and even considered himself to fall for him, but what did Die do? He suggested to get Toshiya for Kaoru’s boyfriend. Die really must’ve come from another planet, or else he would’ve realized that this was absolutely ridiculous. At least his behavior didn’t mean that Die held any interest in Toshiya either.

“Okay, I’m sorry. Really sorry. I didn’t mean to make you mad. I won’t mention anything like that again and I won’t ask Toshi about you anymore.” Inwardly Die shrank as he sat up and hugged his knees to his chest. He had truly meant no harm but it seemed as if he was just as worthless when it came to help people to fall in love as back in the time he had worked for Cupid. Besides, it felt damn crappy when Kaoru was angry with him. It hurt.

“You better not,” Kaoru said and sighed. The guy next to him was so utterly naïve that he could strangle him for being just too lovely to be mad at. “C’mon, let’s walk around a bit. Maybe we’ll find some place to grab lunch.”

With an uncertain smile Die nodded and got back on his feet. Maybe this idea about Kaoru and Toshi had really been a little too drastic. They knew each other for so long and if they hadn’t fallen in love yet, then they were probably not meant for each other. But Die would keep his eyes open for somebody who could love his friend. And he would try not to make Kaoru mad at him again because it was a crappy feeling that he didn’t like at all.

The time passed by faster than expected and after they had indeed gathered some sandwiches from a small fast food bistro, they headed back to the hotel to get their things, before the taxi would bring them back to the airport. Kaoru’s thoughts had never stopped to run around in his mind. It was still probably the best if he never laid eyes on Die. Yet, he had become something close to a friend for him and the idea was disturbing because if this went on between them, Die’s oblivious actions and Kaoru’s suppressed want, then something had to be done about it. But so far there was still a chance for everything to happen.

Back at home Kaoru was faced with piles of work and he didn’t waste too much time before he started to read and work through his papers. In the meantime Die read a few pages of another book, tried to cook some dinner for both of them and watched TV after he had brought Kaoru the meal. Gratefully, the lawyer had accepted it and was surprised that it was even edible. Not too late he went to bed though but found it strangely empty. It always was of course but tonight it somehow didn’t feel right. It made him realize that he maybe really and for sure had a tad bit of a crush on Die, something he had never felt in the last ten years or so.

The redhead had gone to bed as well, looking forward to work again. His new job he liked a lot and he got surprised the next day when Kaoru announced that Mai would work somewhere else in the future, still in the office but for another person. Die had felt a little guilty, as if he had purposefully snatched away her working place, but Mai didn’t seem to bother much. Obviously she hadn’t liked Kaoru that much either but this time Die was left without a clue of why this was the case.

In the evenings Die sometimes went out with Toshiya because Kaoru often refused and excused himself for he had still work that couldn’t wait to be done. Sometimes he came along though but he realized quickly that his best friend’s witty mind had become suspicious, so he preferred not to join them too often. Besides, Toshiya and Die didn’t go out every night and therefore, Kaoru could live with it quite well. One day Die had been unusually quiet though. He had been out with Toshi the evening before and ever since he seemed to ponder. But Kaoru was oblivious, had too much to do to really notice, more because Die was still his cheery self whenever he did speak.

At home Die suddenly couldn’t take it any longer. He got up from his place on the couch and walked over to where Kaoru was working on his desk. “Kao? Can I ask you a favor?”

The lawyer looked up from his work, about to go on with it though. Nonetheless the question had made him curios. Die had never really ASKED for a favor before. “A favor? What kind of favor?”

“Would you kiss me again?” The former angel dropped the bomb with a pleading look.

At first it elicited a small smile on Kaoru’s lips because he had been hoping for an interest coming from Die. But then he became suspicious though since the request came so out of the blue. True, Die didn’t waste any thoughts on the right occasion, but then his mind was always questioning and Kaoru would bet his job that there was something behind this demand. He just hoped that it was what he wished for. “Why do you want me to?”

“Because,” Die hesitated for a moment and leant against the desk, sighing thoughtfully. “I just wanna know again how it feels to kiss you ‘cause you see, last night Toshiya kissed me and it did feel good as well but not like yours. It was so completely different and now I’d like you to kiss me again, so I can figure it out, you know?”

There hadn’t even been the need to explain all that to Kaoru. His mind had already gone blank at the thought of his best friend kissing Die. Hadn’t Kaoru asked Toshiya not to try anything? And Die was simply so natural about it, like he was judging about what kind of meal tasted better. It hurt Kaoru, even if he’d do anything but to admit it. “No,” he replied monotonously with his voice cold, trying to ignore the clenching inside of his chest. “No, I won’t kiss you again.”

“Hm, thought so.” His shoulders visibly sank as Die bowed his head down and nodded mildly. “Sorry for bothering you, Kao.” He slowly pushed himself off the desk and walked back to sit on the sofa. He had taken the chance and asked Kaoru but he wasn’t mad at him for denying him the favor. He just didn’t know how else to figure out the odd feelings inside of him. Last night, when Toshiya had just kissed him so unexpectedly, it had been gentle and nice but it hadn’t effected the redhead even half as much as when Kaoru had kissed him. Maybe it was just because this had been his first kiss or maybe it meant something totally different. How was Die supposed to know when all he did know about feelings with worth nothing in the end? All the things Cupid had told him didn’t matter since he had never felt them himself. It was frustrating.

Staring at the redhead’s retreating figure, Kaoru’s lips turned into a thin line. How could Die kiss another man and then he twisted the whole situation so that Kaoru was feeling bad for turning him down in the end? Also, the red-haired man was just too casual about it. Was he trying to make a fool out of Kaoru? Making him kiss Die and then after all he’d decide that Toshiya was better? The more the lawyer thought about it, the more he became angry. Angry at Die for knowing nothing, angry at Toshiya for acting without permission, but most of all angry at himself for falling for a stupid red-headed moron.

For the rest of the evening Kaoru’s attempts to work were in vain. He shut his laptop after some time, closed all his files and books and got dressed for another walk. It didn’t help though, just that his mind seemed to fill with the want to simply burst! It was Toshiya’s fault. Why couldn’t he listen? Why wouldn’t he just do as Kaoru said? Die did so and if Kaoru wanted, he’d just need to tell him to get undressed and ready for a fuck. Then he could happily screw his brains out. But then he’d meet with Toshiya and do the same for him. Because it was Die and he didn’t know any better. But Toshiya, Kaoru’s supposed to be best buddy, should know better than this.

When the dark-haired male arrived back at home, he got a quick shower and went straight to bed. Seeing the look in his guest’s eyes, the innocence and submissiveness, caused Kaoru only to be confirmed in his way of thinking. But he did not know any solution for his problem. He should probably just spend more time with Die and keep him away from Toshiya, but how when Kaoru’s work occupied him too much? He couldn’t even spend too many thoughts on such matters. There were more important things in his life. With a sigh of defeat he turned to lie on his belly and tried to suffocate himself by sticking his face into the pillow. With no such luck whatsoever.

The next day he just more or less tried to ignore it and went on with the usual task. Kaoru was very silent though and didn’t talk too much with Die, only exchanging necessary words. The redhead couldn’t explain this silence to himself but he figured that his friend might’ve problems that were none of his business. At least after he had asked him if something was wrong and Kaoru simply replied that everything was fine. Still, Die had a weird feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Nearly in the afternoon, when Die was about to get his things sorted and ready to remind Kaoru that he should take a break, Toshiya waltzed into the office and greeted the redhead with a cheery smile. “Hey lovely, what’s up?”

“Up?” Die didn’t know how to reply. “Nothing really.”

“A pity,” the other man grinned, not as oblivious as Die to the doubled meaning. He truly had grown a liking to the red-haired man but if it was more than that, he couldn’t tell so far. Probably that had been why he had just kissed Die, without to think about it much. He had been happily surprised when Die had responded to his kiss but once they broke apart, there had been no sign from him of wanting more. Therefore Toshiya couldn’t tell if they could ever be more than friends. “Where’s the grumpy, sexy-assed lawyer?”

“You mean Kaoru?” Die’s eyes widened a little at the perfectly chosen description of his boss. “He’s in his office but I was just about to tell him to get a break. He’s in there for hours now. Said he doesn’t want to be disturbed.”

“Oh well, I’ll do that for you,” Toshiya winked and marched off to have a look at his best friend. The redhead simply shrugged and stayed where he was, guessing that it was okay when Kaoru’s friend reminded him as well.

His door burst open right when Kaoru had almost forgotten about the whole situation for once and as he looked up at the intruder, there was instantly annoyance speaking from his eyes. The fact that it was Toshiya who had obviously the guts to visit didn’t make things better and the lawyer just simply glared at his friend with piercing eyes. “Heya Kao,” Toshiya said and plopped down on a chair. “What’s the news?”

“You tell me some,” Kaoru slyly answered with a tad bit of bitterness to spice his words.

“Uh, I was just coming to see if you and Die wanted to get some coffee with me.” He scratched his neck and bent forward to take a closer look at his friend. “You at least look like you could need one.”

“Thanks for the kindness.” He only showed a tiny but spiteful smirk.

Toshiya frowned. Usually he could handle the lawyer’s grumpiness but he rarely became malicious, at least not when speaking to his friend. That’s when Toshiya leant back and crossed his arms. “What’s crawled up your ass?”

Kaoru shot a disapproving look at the other man, before he cast his eyes off him, annoyed. “Nothing,” he crankily replied, trying to appear calm and reserved. “Had a nice evening last night?”

“Yes, why?” Although he could give a good guess where the question was supposed to head to, Toshiya played innocent. If Kaoru had a problem, he better said it directly. Besides, he couldn’t know for sure whether Die had told him about the kiss or not.

“Then say, was it good to kiss Die?” Kaoru snapped, slowly but gradually losing it. He had no nerves left to talk about the bush.

For a short moment the other man hesitated before he replied, seemingly calm: “At least not bad. What’s the problem about it?”

Clenching his teeth, Kaoru had a hard time to grasp that obviously his friend had lost his memory about the promise he had made. “Didn’t I ask you to leave your fingers off him? There’s a reason for this one favor I asked of you and I hardly ask you for something. Is it that hard to just do as I request this once?”

Taking a deep breath, Toshiya pouted and crossed his arms as well. “Yes, it’s that hard ‘cause I just don’t get why. What is your reason, Kaoru?”

“I already told you.” There was no need to repeat it, the lawyer decided.

“You don’t even believe that bullshit yourself,” Toshiya countered and leant forward again, inquiring his friend with his eyes. It was unlike Kaoru to keep something that trivial from the other man, unless it was anything but trivial and concerned the lawyer himself. “Now you tell me, Kao. Why are you so eager to keep Die away from anybody else? Do you have any interest in him?”

Kaoru didn’t answer.

Unlike him; it was plainly unlike him to keep silent. He either wanted to get into a man’s pants or not. That was how Toshiya knew the other guy and suddenly something dawned on him. “Are you in love with him? Have you fallen for Die? Just say so and I’ll—”

He was cut off but his friend’s fierce response. “No! Ridiculous. I am not in love with Die.” As if he was trying to convince himself, Kaoru spoke the words clearly and definitively, narrowing his brows when he stared at Toshiya with stubborn eyes. “This has nothing to do with me. It’s because of Die. He’s just... Don’t you see it? He doesn’t really know anything and the last thing he needs is someone who’s trying to romance him.”

A disbelieving snort emitted from the other male. “About Die, hm? Bullshit. There would be nothing wrong if he’d find himself someone who truly cares about him.”

“And you think you are that someone? C’mon, you don’t even know him. Die’s not even sane. Did he ever tell you what he thinks he is?” Maybe it was the wrong way to achieve his goal but Kaoru didn’t know any other way right in the moment. He had already lost his cover and what he did was merely to limit the damages.

“That he’s been an angel? Yes, Kaoru, he told me. And you know what? I don’t care if he’s sane or not, or if his story is true or he’s just joking. I like him the way he is now. Why can’t you grant your friends some love?” Until now he had never really taken Die seriously, had thought that he made jokes but still, even if he were crazy and completely out of his mind, Die was a good guy with a heart of gold and that was more important than anything else.

“I do grant you all the love in the world for God’s sake,” Kaoru voiced out almost exaggeratedly. “But why him? There are so many guys you could easily get; why Die? Maybe I just don’t want you to end up heart-broken.”

“Good because I won’t.” With a dreadful sigh Toshiya got up from the chair and stuck his hands in his pockets. “I never said that I’ve fallen for him but I might and if that happens, I don’t want this to come between us, Kaoru. I just...” He ran a hand through his black hair and shrugged his shoulders helplessly. “I don’t understand what would be so wrong about it.”

It was hopeless and Kaoru couldn’t come up with anything to say for once. He was not able to explain what would be wrong about it, just that he had feelings for Die that he didn’t want to admit yet. His only problem was that the redhead had never gave any sign that he would like just one of them as much in return. “What about Die? Has he mentioned anything that makes you think he could love you back?”

Slowly Toshiya shook his head. “No, he hasn’t. We’re speculating here but I want this settled between us before Die actually might confess anything, you know? He’s allowed to decide about his life, Kaoru, and you should accept that.”

For some time the lawyer just looked at his friend, the realization about the truth in his words sinking only slowly into his brains. Die was a person, whatever he claimed to be before, and as such he was to decide about his life. Kaoru could make him work but he did not own him and that fact was hard to accept indeed. “Fine.”

“Fine,” Toshiya repeated and took a deep breath. “I’ll go and get some coffee alone then.” He wasn’t disappointed or mad at his friend but he wanted him to think about it and therefore better left without any of them. Silently he turned and walked out of the office. When he passed by Die, he just told him that he needed to go again, wishing him a nice evening in the end.

Staring at his friend’s retreating form, Die wondered though what had happened that had ripped the good mood off Toshi. After a few moments, the redhead decided to go and check on Kaoru, since it had been his intention in his first place before the other man appeared in the office. Cautiously he opened the door and took a glimpse inside only to find his friend sitting in his chair with his face hidden in his hands as he propped his arms on the desk. “Kao?”

The lawyer pulled away his hands and warily gazed back at the other guy. He did want him to himself but he didn’t want to lose his best friend either. Thus far he couldn’t even tell if Die wanted even either of them but the chance was high that one of them got him laid nevertheless. Before that would happen, there had to be something done and Kaoru needed to think of something. “Go home, Die.”

“But—” He didn’t know what to say, just that he’d rather stay and help the other man with whatever problem bugged his mind. The thing was just that he had never admitted that he was bothered by something.

“No buts, Die.” The lawyer didn’t want any senseless discussion about this. He wanted some time alone, some time to think. But he knew that his ‘angel’ cared too much to simply accept this request. “I’m fine. There’s still something I must do here. Just go home, ok? I’ll be coming later.”

With hesitation the taller man nodded, submissively giving in. Of course he would do as Kaoru wished, even if he had a weird feeling about this. But he trusted Kaoru and therefore just showed a small smile, thinking ahead that he could prepare some meal at home for the two of them. “Okay, Kao. I’ll be waiting at home then.”

Nodding Kaoru gave a tiny smile. “You know how to get there?”

“Sure, I’ll just call a taxi.” Briefly Die nodded and closed the door, before he got ready to leave. To get himself a taxi was no problem at all. He had learnt that from Kaoru as well as Toshiya in the last few weeks and sooner than he would’ve expected he was back at home. He just hoped that he would find some food that he could use to make a meal for his host and himself.

In the meantime Kaoru was pondering madly. To make sure that the friendship between Toshiya and himself lasted, he couldn’t do many things concerning his red-haired guest. There was only one option he could truly go for and it wasn’t a pleasant one either. If he allowed his friends to do as they pleased, then at least he didn’t want to be part of it. Die had an own life that he was in charge of and realizing that, Kaoru knew what he had to do. If only he hadn’t already developed these feelings for him, then it would be easier for him beyond any doubt.

When he came home that evening, he was rewarded with a dinner Die had prepared. Nothing posh but just as lovely and simple as the man who had made it. Kaoru took a staggered breath when he sat down opposite Die, forcing a small but honest smile despite how he truly felt right now, before he pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to the redhead. “Here. This is for you.”

“What’s this?” Die curiously asked and carefully opened the brown paper, taking a glimpse inside. “Money?”

“It’s what you’ve earned in the last weeks,” the lawyer stated and leant back. Considering the circumstances he really was not hungry but the effort Die had put into preparing it made Kaoru feel even worse for his twisting and refusing stomach.

“Wow.” Impressed the taller man skimmed through the many notes with his thump, before he closed the envelope again and looked at his boss with a smile. It really was an awful lot of money and Die for sure had never even had more than three notes at the same time thus far. “And how much do I owe you for your car? And the clothes and living here. And the food. Plus the drinks. And everything else.” In his mind the list was endless but he only noticed it now.

“Nothing,” Kaoru calmly replied and softly shook his head. “I already kept the amount you owe me.” It was lie but it was necessary for the purpose it served and he had no doubts about Die trusting him and his story.

“Really?” His eyes widened as well as his smile and Die couldn’t help but to take another look inside the envelope with his money. “It is quite a lot. And I did earn this all alone?” His question was answered with a nod. “Amazing. Hey, I should’ve invited you out for dinner then. Now I’ve only made this.” He cast a rather pitying glance at his poor rice balls, before he had another idea and his eyes visibly lit up. “But I wanna invite you for a drink! What do you say? Please Kao, let me buy you something in return!”

He’d love to but he couldn’t. “I don’t think it’s a good idea. I still have something to work through until tomorrow,” he lied but showed a little smile, really feeling like shit for once in his life, just because he couldn’t tell the truth. Lying was his job, his life, and now? Die twisted everything upside down. “But you can go out though and enjoy a drink or two since the occasion basically demands it, no?”

“I guess,” he sighed out but reminded himself that he could invite Kaoru another time. “I just wanna thank you somehow.”

“There’s no need, Die, really.” The gratefulness the redhead showed wasn’t making it any easier for Kaoru when he tried to form his next sentences, his original intention leading to somewhere completely different. “Do you remember when you’ve crossed my path? It’s been weeks since then. You’ve worked a lot and you’ve worked hard but because you were in debts. That’s why I’ve brought you here and gave you a job, right? Well, now these debts are not existent anymore and as a matter of fact... you’re free, Die. There’s no need to do as I say anymore.”

“W...What do you mean?” He didn’t get it at first but slowly his brain figured a vague guess.

Kaoru mustered up some more courage and calmly stated his next words, when in truth he’d rather much tell Die that he wanted to own him completely. “You should get an own apartment and get a real job, not serving me 24/7. You’re a grown-up guy, despite what you’ve been before. It’s time for you to get a life like other humans.”

“You mean... I can’t work for you any longer?” That he would get an own place to live in wasn’t that much of a problem, even if he would miss living with Kaoru, it still was somehow an exciting thought. But the fact that he would work somewhere else, get another job, was more than disturbing. When would he see Kao then? “I’m... fired?”

Nodding slowly, Kaoru took another deep breath. “That’s what I mean. We had a temporary deal and I think you need to find another working place.” The words made his voice nearly break but he said them as calm and clear as he was able to, ignoring his want to make them unspoken.

“When?” His eyelids blinked up and down as Die hardly registered what the other man told him.

“From now on,” Kaoru forced himself to say, hoping that he had made his point clear. “Of course you don’t need to move out immediately. I’ll help you find an apartment if you want me to. But you will no longer work for me.”

Not a single word left Die’s mouth as he gazed at his former boss and friend. Only after a few moments he nodded and cast his eyes downwards to the set table. Die knew that Kaoru spent most of his day at work and that it meant he wouldn’t see him anymore during that time but at least he could stay for some more time, that was until he had found another place to live in. His feelings overwhelmed him. There was fear of the new situation but most of all he was simply sad. But of course he would do as he was told. He just needed to get around and used to the thought since he had completely forgotten about their deal existing only for the time being. But he actually should’ve known it and just couldn’t grasp why this made him feel so strangely abandoned.

Kaoru kept silent as well. There was nothing he could possibly add to make this situation less hard. In order to keep his friendship with Toshiya and his life as sorted as it had been before Die appeared in it, he would make this sacrifice and tell Die to go. Knowing the cheerful red-haired guy, he would quickly find new friends who would help him. It was the best for all of them. Of course Kaoru could imagine that the other man felt sad and disappointed but then, he would adjust to the new life he would soon lead. Die just liked everyone, hence was concerned by far, yet would recover without troubles. Nonetheless it hurt Kaoru as well and in an attempt to distract himself, he slowly got up, intending to occupy himself with work. “I’ll be in my study.”

With a short sigh the redhead looked up again and swallowed hard since his throat felt suddenly all too dry. “And the food?”

“I’m not really hungry, Die. But thanks.” Kaoru forced another wary smile and turned to leave.

There he sat now, not knowing what to do with his life. No doubt he would miss Kaoru but he couldn’t be mad at him. He had learnt so many things from the other man and if he hadn’t helped Die, then he had surely died already. Starved maybe or frozen to death. It was just so sudden that he had to leave now that he liked this other human male so much. And there was still Toshiya. He would miss him as well and he didn’t even know about the news so far. Die needed to talk to him. The sooner the better. Leaving everything behind he got up and called the other man, asking him to meet in a bar, before he told Kaoru that he would go out. A tiny part within Die was hoping that the only other friend he had knew a solution and could make things better.

Chapter Nine

[Dieses Kapitel ist nur Volljährigen zugänglich]

Chapter Ten

DRAMA! I’m so not comfortable writing something like this. -.- Tell me your opinion plz. I hope you’ll still enjoy.


Awake for some time already, Die had been looking at Kaoru, who was still fast asleep, cuddled up close and keeping one of his arms protectively wrapped around Die’s waist. Same one couldn’t help but smile all the time, a soft smile, tiny and dreamy. Was it really possible to admire and adore one guy so much that it felt like your heart wanted to burst? Die didn’t quite know about other humans but he was sure that in his case it was about to happen. He could just keep staring at Kaoru forever as it appeared and somehow the redhead just couldn’t get enough of his fragrance, which seemed so natural thanks to where they were. Everything here smelled so Kao.

Blinking with his eyelids, Kaoru didn’t need too long to adjust his eyes to the brightness of daylight. He was used to waking up in less time. But when he saw Die’s dreamy gaze, he couldn’t help but smile lazily. Words seemed too hard to form still and so he just tightened his embrace and looked into the brown eyes of his lover.

“You look very beautiful when you sleep,” Die just voiced out what he had been thinking, honest to the core. Being asleep Kaoru had looked peaceful and relaxed without the tiniest of a frown on his face.

“Thank you.” Kaoru smiled, just happy for once in his life, finally. Like in reflex he cast a quick glance at the clock beside the bed and realized that it was way after the usual time when he would get up before he went to work. But today it didn’t matter. Why was it his the company when he couldn’t decide that he was as well allowed to spend some more time in bed with his lover? That’s why Kaoru simply closed his eyes again, safe and comfortable within Dies proximity, and most of all content with the latest happenings.

Some minutes of complete silence passed between them before it was Die who silently spoke up again. “Kao?”

“Mh?” Opening one eye, Kaoru glanced back at him.

“Do you remember what you’ve told me about falling in love? That I’ll realize it when it happens,” Die more or less drawled and didn’t even wait for a possible response, almost too deep in his thoughts. “That I’d become tingly when I look at the person I fell for and that I might suddenly blush when I talk to them. Or the butterflies in my stomach and that just thinking of that person would make me smile and be happy.” He could remember each of Kaoru’s words as if he had just told him mere seconds ago. “You know, I think that it’s already happened and you are this one person.” A bright smile crept upon his features in the end but not because of his words but because he just felt the way he had described when he was looking at Kaoru.

It had been what Kaoru had wanted to hear, a confession of love, and it made him more than just happy but he couldn’t, even if he wanted to, utter that he felt the same way. There he was, this tough guy who didn’t bat an eyelash whatever he said, but in a situation like this he was insecure. Although he was certain about his feelings for Die, he wasn’t ready to tell the other man that he loved him. He could think them and his heart told him that he didn’t lie, but voicing them out would make him feel vulnerable in some sort of way. But then he also felt bad for not responding with the words he was supposed to say. So instead of words he cast a smile at the other man, inched closer and kissed him in the most loving way he had ever kissed somebody else. Slowly exploring Die’s mouth with his tongue, Kaoru put his hand gently on his cheek and tilted his head, so he could deepen it. But there was no haste in it, not the tiniest urge, just plain tenderness. He did feel like Die. Kaoru’s heart beat hard and fast against his chest, he felt tingly from all the butterflies in his stomach and he was so ridiculously happy, that instantly a smile spread on his lips as he pulled away and gazed into the other man’s chocolate-colored eyes. When Kaoru looked into those eyes, he saw affection in them and he just hoped that Die could see the same within Kaoru’s.

A soft sigh escaped the redhead’s mouth. Was it possible that a human being could become addicted to another one’s kisses or that someone in general? The question senselessly plagued his mind as he was completely filled with the wish for another kiss. Wrapping his arms around the smaller man, he pulled him close and joined their lips again, moving his gently against Kaoru’s. Everything about this man seemed addictive and in this very moment Die couldn’t even tell if a place like Heaven existed, the remembrance erased by Kaoru’s presence.

When they broke apart, Kaoru nuzzled his nose against Die’s neck, so content with the other guy that he was actually frightened. How could he ever even try to make the red-haired man go? Not for anything in the world he wanted Die to leave and that was what he needed to tell him, desperately even. “Stay,” he said with his voice hardly above a whisper. “Stay with me. I mean here in my home.”

So far Die hadn’t even dared to waste a thought about it, a little bit afraid that he would still have to move out and away from Kaoru. After all he didn’t know that the lawyer’s reasons had been an excuse. Therefore the redhead still believed that he was in need to manage his life on his own. But he happily accepted his lover’s request and nodded with a moronic smile on his lips. “I’d love to!”

Looking up, there was also a smile on Kaoru’s lips and he pecked the other man’s lips, not able to kiss properly when he couldn’t stop smiling like an idiot. “Oh, and if you’re still interested in a job, I know someone who’s in need of a paralegal, that could do occasional secretary work as well.”

Raising his brows, Die’s forehead slightly wrinkled as he pondered about whom the other man was talking about. Die hadn’t thought about his occupational future either but he knew that he needed a job in order to earn money. So quite any offer was fine with him, although it came in handy that he had experience in working as a paralegal. “And who’s that?”

Cocking his head to the side, Kaoru wondered for a moment if Die really didn’t get it or if he was just trying to kid him. But knowing the redhead, he indeed had no clue. “Well, I do need someone since I’ve been idiot enough to fire my assistant.”

“You?” For a moment Die’s eyes widened as the whole situation appeared to him like one big but lucky coincident. But then he became slowly suspicious until finally the penny dropped. “You want me back? I’m not fired then?”

“Yes, I mean, that is you still want the job?” He had no doubt about the other man wanting the job but it amused him to tease and ask Die again, who was looking just too cute when he appeared clueless and dumb. Only that Kaoru knew now that the guy he had fallen for wasn’t stupid at all.

“Yeah, of course I want it. I love the job.” Enthusiastically he nodded his head and smiled, tightening the arms that held the smaller man until suddenly a thought crossed Die’s mind. “Then, don’t we have to work already?”

“Are you in a hurry to leave my bed?” Kaoru countered in mocked hurt but Die’s eyes grew wide and he vehemently shook his head. That alone made Kaoru almost burst with small chuckles. “You are really one of a kind.” With having said that, he leant down and captured Die’s lips in a slow kiss, which steadily deepened the longer it took. The hands that run up and down his back sent pleasant and warm shivers along his skin and once he pressed his groin against Die’s, Kaoru was almost certain that he wouldn’t stop by in his office before midday. Some things had to be taken care of beforehand.

He had just moved his lips from Die’s mouth along his jaw to his neck, teasing the sensitive skin there with his lips and teeth, when the doorbell that was suddenly ringing interrupted him. His first instinct was to ignore it but when the bell was rung a second time, Kaoru looked up and sighed. “I’ll just go and take a look who’s disturbing breakfast, okay? Just don’t run away. I’m not finished with you.”

If the smirk on Kaoru’s features hadn’t been that gorgeous, Die would’ve probably been worried. He didn’t get the thing about breakfast and he sure as hell would never run away, there was no doubt about it. But he perfectly obeyed and smiled with a short nod. Quickly the smaller man pulled some underwear out of his closet as well as a robe in which he slid, before he tightened its belt around his waist and walked down the stairs to see who was looking for him. Taking a glimpse through the spy-hole, he wasn’t exactly thrilled about the fact that it was Toshiya who stood in front of the door but Kaoru couldn’t pretend not to be here anyway. So he just ran his hand through his hair and opened the door no more than a few inches. “Hey,” he greeted him with a motion of his head and tried to be casual. “What’s up?”

“Hey,” Toshiya answered quite calmly, not being his usual hyper self. “I just wanted to check how you’re doing since... you know.” He didn’t say that he meant the thing about Die moving out and being fired because he supposed that Kaoru knew pretty well what he was referring to. At the same time Toshiya mustered his friend including his attire in curiosity. It was unlike the lawyer to sleep in long or skip work on a usual day in the middle of the week, unless there was another guy involved but even that was hardly believable because nobody had ever been more important than Kaoru’s work.

“Fine,” Kaoru replied rather curtly because he was almost sure that Toshiya wanted to check on Die, not Kaoru. He could also add one and one and it was more likely that his friend worried about the redhead than him, since he wouldn’t even be at home under normal circumstances.

“Great, umm... Where’s Die? I need to ask him something.” There was this unpleasant awkwardness between the two of them and Toshiya couldn’t help but still be a little pissed. When he had heard that Kaoru had basically thrown Die out as well as fired him, Toshiya couldn’t understand it. They had had this talk the afternoon before and it had actually appeared as if Kaoru would honestly care for the red-haired guy. But obviously that had been a lie. Helplessly Die had explained his situation to Toshiya who couldn’t help but offer his apartment, partly because he still had a soft spot for Die. And truth be told he hadn’t expected Kaoru to be at home at all at this time of the day, only Die, obviously, since he had no working place to go to. Now for the first time in many years Toshiya didn’t know what to say to his best friend, just tried to take a glimpse inside the house because he wasn’t even invited in.

Upstairs the redhead had heard Toshiya’s voice and although Kaoru had told him to wait, he got up and peered around the doorframe. To Die it seemed a good moment to tell Toshiya that he won’t move out of here and in with him. So he marched out with a smile and waved his hand once his eyes met Toshiya’s.

For a moment the tall dark-haired man froze when he saw Die coming out of Kaoru’s bedroom. He didn’t even need to think about it. The whole scene was enough to make him realize what had happened. With spiteful eyes he looked at his supposed to be best friend. “I see,” he merely hissed. “You needed to get him out of your life before you could screw him.”

It would’ve been a matter of fact if things hadn’t changed but now that Kaoru could admit it to himself, he easily grew annoyed by his friend’s wrong assumptions that were also confusing on top of it. “Nothing you see,” he answered resolutely, but much too calmly for the temper of his friend, who would like to punch him already for only just his cool exterior. “I just—”

“You just what, Kaoru?” Toshiya cut him off, shaking his head. “Lead him on? Who gave me the long speech about Die needing anything but this? Or is it only when I would’ve hit on him? Kaoru can do whatever he wants, right? You just do whatever you feel like.” Slowly Toshiya was starting to rage, at first only inwardly but the more he spoke his mind, the more aggravated he became.

From the moment the smaller man had been cut off he was already pissed and whatever his assumed to be friend said made it worse. Crossing his arms, Kaoru just gazed back at Toshiya with a cold stare and waited for him to end his speech. He couldn’t stand people who threw a fit about something when they didn’t even know the whole circumstances. “Shut up and calm down,” he firmly voiced out. “Then I might explain it to you.”

“Might?” The way the other man spoke to him angered Toshiya even more but it also hurt. “Who do you think you are? But guess what, I don’t want an explanation. Not from you. Everything you say are just lies anyway and I...” Because there was no response from Kaoru, neither defense or some yelling, Toshiya grew more and more just frustrated and most of all disappointed. “I don’t know you anymore and I don’t think I want a friend like you.”

If there was anybody who knew about how much of a fucked up man Kaoru was, then it was indeed Kaoru himself. He knew of his lies, his mistakes and that he was probably incapable of doing those things right that included friends and people he liked. But he wanted to and if Toshiya had lost his trust in Kaoru, then he couldn’t blame him. Yet it hurt when Toshiya said that he could as well do without him, not in need of their friendship. Because he of all people should know what kind of a complicated person his friend was. Toshiya just couldn’t read him anymore and it wasn’t Kaoru’s fault, but alone Toshiya’s who had lost track of their friendship when he had first laid his eyes on Die. Hadn’t it been Kaoru who had tried to get rid of the redhead for the sake of his friendship with the other man? And in right this moment Kaoru couldn’t care less about explaining anything to his ‘former’ friend, since he had done that for way too long already as it seemed.

“If you say so,” he merely muttered under his breath and clenched one of his fists, when speaking such words hurt Kaoru as well. He would like to shout at Toshiya that he had fallen in love with Die but Kaoru couldn’t, too proud to justify himself and moreover simply not able to say something like this. He hadn’t even made it to tell Die and although he would certainly admit it to Toshiya under different circumstances, right now Kaoru couldn’t.

From upstairs the former angel watched with worried eyes. What was going on between his two friends, he didn’t really grasp. Toshi was pissed at Kao. But why? What had Kaoru done wrong? He had made Die happy but obviously that hadn’t been the right thing to make Toshiya happy as well. Hence most of all Die felt guilty and he wanted to apologize to his friends, both if necessary. Yet whenever he opened his mouth to speak, another one already did.

Fixing his eyes on Die, Toshiya wanted to tell him that Kaoru would just drop him now that he had had his fun with him, but Toshiya couldn’t. He wasn’t able to say that because as much as he was pissed at his friend, he hadn’t the guts to make Die sad right now. Apart from that the tall black-haired guy couldn’t help but be a little disappointed at Die though. Why did he have to be so dumb and let himself be fooled? So Toshi tore his eyes off the redhead and focused them on Kaoru again. “You better not treat him like the rest of the world,” he firmly stated. “Or else—”

“Or else? What?” Scoffing, Kaoru was on the verge to lose his patience. He could take a lot of things but not Toshiya threaten him as if he were his mother. “Wrap it up and mind your own business.”

“Fine, I will!” The other man yelled and turned on his heals. “Have a nice life, asshole.” Marching off he didn’t even look back but climbed in his car and sped off. What did he do so wrong that Kaoru led him on? It’s not like Toshiya would really mind if he wanted to get into the redhead’s pants. That’s what he had assumed in the first place after all but it had been Kaoru who had denied it, obviously lying. The problem was just that Toshiya had said many things in his fit of rage but had not addressed the essential facts, that he felt betrayed and treat like a piece of scum.

Running a hand through his hair, Kaoru had shut the door and headed back upstairs where Die was still standing like frozen to the spot. Unhappily he watched the smaller man pass him by, who looked just as unhappy as Toshiya was probably feeling too. Sighing, Die raised his shoulders and dropped them again in a defeated gesture. “Maybe I should talk to Toshi. I could apologize.”

Slowly Kaoru shook his head and sat down on the bed. “No, there’s no need for you to apologize. You’ve done nothing wrong.”

“But it feels like it.” Dropping his gaze, Die inched closer and sat down next to the other guy. “I don’t understand it. You don’t want me outta your life, do you? And Toshi... Maybe he just doesn’t know that I’m in love with you. If I explained that to him—”

“No, Die. That’s not the point,” Kaoru cut him off with a calm but sincere voice as he shook his head once again. “He knows it and it’s not your fault that he’s mad. I’m the one to blame because I haven’t made up my mind fast enough. Don’t worry,” he said and looked into the redhead’s eyes, patting his knee with his hand. “Once Toshiya has calmed down, I will talk to him. He won’t be mad forever.”

As much as he wanted to stop worrying, Die couldn’t in the instant. “But he said he didn’t want you to be his friend anymore and I really don’t want—“

“Humans say many things they don’t mean, Die.” Once again Kaoru spoke before the other man had finished his sentence. “He was just angry and so was I. Just give him a little time.” Truth be told, Kaoru was quite sure that Toshiya could hardly handle the fact that Die had chosen to spent the night with Kaoru instead of the other man. It was unlikely that he was just pissed at Kaoru’s general behavior. So once Toshi had come to terms with Die being in love with Kaoru, then the lawyer would apologize for lying and explain the matter of why he hadn’t made up his mind earlier. Toshiya just wasn’t a person who won’t forgive.

Sighing again hardly audibly, Die gave in. He couldn’t do anything else anyway and he trusted Kaoru since he knew Toshiya for way longer. “I like him. He’s a friend. But he’s your friend too, has been for years and I’d rather stay away than bring trouble into your friendship. Even though I’m in love with you; or just because of it.”

“I know,” the other man lowly said with a weak smile and reached out his hand to pull Die into a hug. The whole situation was one big mess now. If only Kaoru had given Die a chance in the first place, back then when he had met him, instead of denying the own feelings. Now Kaoru just hoped that Toshiya really hadn’t fallen in love with Die as well and would soon just realize that his friend had no intention of dropping the red-haired man. After all he was the only guy Kaoru had ever met who was honest to the core, indeed rather staying away than to hurt anyone’s feelings. “Just don’t worry. Everything will be alright in time and there’s no way I’m gonna let you go again.” He gently put his hand on Die’s cheek and smiled a little bit more encouragingly at him. “Now, are you ready for another working day?”

Nodding, Die smiled as well. He would believe in anything the other man said and since he seemed very certain about his best friend being alright again, Die felt a lot better.

“Seriously,” Kaoru added and couldn’t suppress a lop-sided smirk. As much as he cared for Die but there was something he had missed to ask so far and he surely would’ve already complained if he were Die. “Not aching anywhere?”

“Aching?” Scratching his neck Die blushed a little, not even really knowing why, but his mind filled with memories when he thought of the only ache he did feel, even if it was nothing major. “Uh, not seriously. I mean... well, it doesn’t hurt or so.” There was an unknown heat rising up to his cheeks and he cast his eyes off Kaoru’s inquiring gaze for a moment, not able to hold it. It was weird because it made him happy that Kaoru cared but then Die also got a little embarrassed, just because he couldn’t think of anything else but what had happened last night – and where, body-wise.

“I see,“ Kaoru grinned and dropped a kiss on Die’s lips. “Naturally there’s some soreness but it’ll pass. Until then I don’t want you to suffer.” With having said that he patted Die’s knee again and got up, pulling Die along. His plans included a hot shower for the two of them and after that Kaoru would tend to his lover’s cute butt with some salve, before they’d head to work. His employees would probably already think that their boss had died since Kaoru never failed to come to the office in time.

That day Kaoru greeted each of the people back who provided him with their ‘good morning’- formalities. A tiny smirk accompanied him all day long and it was obvious that he was in good spirits, even although he worried a little about Toshiya. His thoughts often drifted back to his friend but Kaoru was sure that this problem could be solved as well. As if nothing had ever happened Die attended to his former position while the lawyer was quickly busied and surrounded with work. Only after midday Die dared to sneak a peek into his lover’s office again. Instantly Kaoru smiled when there was a red-haired guy poking his head inside the room. “Come in,” he motioned and ignored his remaining work. “I’m not really in the mood to work today but I guess it has to be done.”

“What’re you working on?” With a bright smile and a curious expression Die finally entered and made his way over to the other man and around the desk, only to sit on it.

That the redhead was indeed interested in the lawyer’s work, had always made Kaoru proud and somewhat happy but right now he would prefer not to talk about work much. He put a hand on one of Die’s thighs and slightly grinned up to him. “Just some minor problem. But there’s still some case ahead,” he said with a small frown that he quickly forced off again. “We should go out for dinner tonight.”

“That’d be great. I can still invite you since you didn’t want me to yesterday.” Die shifted his butt on the desk, so he sat directly in front of Kaoru, who instantly ran both his palms up slender thighs.

“Sounds like an offer I can’t possibly refuse.” Smiling mischievously Kaoru got up and wrapped his arms around the other man’s waist, bringing them closer until they could feel each other’s breaths on their skin. “So we’re going to have a date then?”

“Yes,” Die replied with another broad smile and slid his hands up to Kaoru’s shoulders before he was rewarded with a gentle kiss, although Kaoru kept it teasingly short, making Die grumble lowly in disappointment. In the process it only made the smaller man chuckle since his lover pretty much looked like a puppy that begged for some stroking. He was just about to lean forward and capture Die’s lips once more when the sound of someone entering disturbed Kaoru and he raised his head to glare at the intruder.

“Don’t let yourself be interrupted by me, Mr. Niikura,” a middle-aged, not too slim man spoke up and gracefully helped himself to grab a seat in front of the desk. Two other men accompanied him, both dressed in black and wearing sunglasses.

But Kaoru recognized this man within a second and quickly detached from the redhead, pulling him rather harshly off the desk as well. “Mr. Nagatomi,” he addressed the man and bowed in fake respect. “I’m sorry for my lack of manners.”

Lowly Nagatomi chuckled and obviously roamed his gaze across Die. “Don’t be,” he waved Kaoru’s apology off and faced him again. “I didn’t see your secretary but couldn’t wait either. You know my patience and there’s something I need your abilities for.”

Nagatomi never needed any help, always needed the abilities of a lawyer and it never meant any good. Facing the redhead, Kaoru clearly stated his order. “Die, get out.”

A first the red-haired man was a little shocked at the tone of his lover’s voice, his eyebrows curiously rose and he was about to ask why, but then he knew that Kaoru always had his reasons for doing something. That’s why Die didn’t complain but just nodded.

“He can stay. I don’t mind,” Nagatomi said and his thin lips curled into a small smile. Hardly there were people who Die really couldn’t stand but this Nagatomi guy had something that wasn’t only unpleasant but dangerous as well, even if he wanted to appear friendly.

“But I mind.” Looking straight at the redhead, Kaoru didn’t even bat an eyelash when he ordered his assistant to leave. But he wanted to keep Die out of danger and therefore any knowledge he missed, made his life a tad bit safer. “Get out.”

Nodding curtly Die complied and left, shutting the door after him. He couldn’t help the bad feeling he had. There had been moments when Kaoru had been serious, when he had even hurt Die, when he had been sarcastic and mean in the beginning, but there had always been a soul behind those deep mocha eyes. Now Kaoru had just appeared as if the other guy had robbed him off any emotion. Any emotion but the slight fear that Die wasn’t completely sure he had really sensed. To him Kaoru had been fearless thus far and he could hardly imagine that something intimidated him – or someone for that matter. But this Nagatomi guy was another kind.

Sighing deeply, Die sat down and patiently waited. From outside there seemed to be nothing suspicious enough for him to worry about. After only a short amount of time the door opened again and Kaoru guided Nagatomi out, with the other two guys following them. The expression on their faces was unreadable but Die could tell that the lawyer didn’t feel too comfortable around these men, even if he appeared calm and settled. Nagatomi on the other hand was quite the same as before, friendly on the outside but he always seemed to be somewhat false, at least if someone asked the former angel about his opinion.

“Niikura,” Nagatomi addressed Kaoru who looked back at him with an unfaltering gaze. “I’m very sorry for bothering you. Best wishes for the future and,” he cast a look at Die, “have a nice evening.” With that he just turned and walked out of the office.

Like in trance Kaoru didn’t even dare to blink with an eye. He would sigh in relief if only he could be sure that the business relationship between Nagatomi and him would really be settled from now on.

“Kao?” The redhead inched closer and put a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Are you alright? What did he want?”

“He wanted me to defend him,” Kaoru replied almost absent-mindedly. “But I refused.”

“Oh.” On one hand Die was glad since this would mean that this unpleasant Nagatomi person wouldn’t show up again any time soon, but on the other hand he didn’t get why Kaoru had turned someone down who had been his client for long. The redhead could remember that the lawyer had once admitted that he didn’t like him much and one better not messed around with him, which worried Die the most. “Why does he want your defense? What’s the trouble?”

“He killed someone,” Kaoru answered in a monotonous voice and finally tilted his head to face Die, who couldn’t hide his small gasp. “It’s not the first time I guess but it’s the first time he openly admitted it to me and still wanted me to defend him.” He bowed his head and wiped his palm across his forehead, where a thin layer of cold sweat had built. “The worst thing is that I’ve always known, even back then when he didn’t admit it.” At that time Kaoru had been too afraid to back out of the deal, although he had already an idea that all his defense was for something that was one huge lie. But ever since his conversation with Die about why Kaoru had wanted to become a lawyer in the first place, he wanted to make it better, make it right and be a person he could actually be proud to be. “I don’t want to defend him again.”

Acting on instinct Die wrapped his arms around the other man and pulled him close into an embrace. He couldn’t judge about Kaoru’s motives when formerly he had defended Nagatomi, but Die knew that the lawyer had made the right decision this time and he was filled with an unknown pride for him. Only for a few seconds Kaoru rested within the taller man’s arms until he pulled away and forced a small smile on his lips. “Hey, I need some fresh air and a smoke. Outside. Would you wait for me here? I’ll get us some coffee from the shop across the street, ok?”

At first Die wanted to protest, would rather like to accompany his friend, but he respected any of Kaoru’s wishes and simply nodded. If Kaoru wanted him to wait here, Die would certainly do so.

With a grateful smile Kaoru turned before he headed straight outside. He needed to come to terms with his decision, sure that it had been the right one, but afraid that it would change his whole life, most of all his career. If Nagatomi didn’t take it as lightly as he had done, he’d make sure that the lawyer would lose some of his clients. But Kaoru would be able to cope. He would have to. Lighting a cigarette outside of the building, he deeply inhaled the smoke before he blew it out again. Whatever happened from now on, he would handle the situation. He owed it to his father, to himself and even to Die.

Once the redhead had watched the lawyer walk off, he sighed and headed inside Kaoru's office. Nothing had changed here and somehow he felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. It certainly wasn’t a bad thing that Kaoru had got rid of that Nagatomi guy, right? From the huge windows on the wall behind Kaoru’s desk, he could see his lover crossing the street. Obviously everything was okay. Until suddenly a black car with shaded windows stopped right next to the man down there.

When the black limousine halted right next to Kaoru, he knew that it meant trouble and it made his guts twist a little. The passenger’s door quickly opened and one of Nagatomi’s men got out of the car and opened the backdoor. “Get inside, Niikura.” He instantly recognized the voice and although he hesitated for a second, Kaoru knew better and did as he was told. Once inside the car he found himself seated right opposite Nagatomi, while another of his men was sitting next to Kaoru. “Let me give you a ride.”

Inwardly Kaoru froze when the car took off.

Frowning Die watched his friend climb inside the car that pulled back on the road and drove off. With no clue about who had more or less snatched the lawyer off the street, Die simply stared after the car. He couldn’t tell why Kaoru had climbed inside the car, had no idea who it was inside the black limousine, but one thing Die knew. That it left him worried to no end.

There was silence inside the car for some minutes. Nagatomi drank from a glass which was filled with some brownish liquid as his eyes roamed across the lawyer who kept silent for his own good. Only after a while Nagatomi chuckled a little and spoke up. “You really have some guts, Niikura. Turning me down like this.”

Keeping quiet Kaoru just looked at the other man, not knowing what to say. He had told his reasons already and now he could only wait until Nagatomi would get to the point, even if it was surely an unpleasant one.

“I’ve always kinda liked you, even if you are just a filthy faggot. But the amount of money I paid to you has probably made your head a little too big, don’t you agree, Kaoru?” He stretched the name purposefully, demonstrating that he was far more superior to such a spoiled lawyer.

“There are even better lawyers around than me,” Kaoru lowly spoke up, trying it with another approach than back there in his office. “You could hire anyone you want and they’ll surely do their job well in defending you.”

Chuckling lowly, Nagatomi took another sip from his drink before he went on. “I know that, Niikura. But the thing is,” he drawled for a moment and pierced Kaoru with his cold, dark eyes from out of his chubby face, “that I’ve trusted you with my problems and maybe this sounds corny but...” He took a deep breath and pushed it out through his teeth. “You know too much.”

Mechanically Kaoru shook his head. “I’ve kept my mouth shut before. Why would I change that?”

“Because you seem to change your mind a lot lately.” Deadly serious Nagatomi put his glass down and glared at the lawyer. “Besides I don’t like any risks. So it’s your choice in the end. Defend me or leave it.”

Bowing his head Kaoru stared at his hands in his lap. They were sweaty and cold. He knew what Nagatomi was trying to tell him and he should have guessed it. With a bitter chuckle he looked up again and took a staggered breath, fearing the answer to the question he was about to ask. “Leave it and get killed as well?”

There was nothing but a motion of Nagatomi’s expression that told Kaoru more than words could have done. With no other choice but to give in, Kaoru slowly nodded. “Fine, I’ll do the job.”

“I knew you’re a smart boy, Kaoru. Your father would’ve been proud of you,” Nagatomi dryly laughed and purposefully pushed the other man’s buttons. He knew all about Kaoru Niikura, even the content of his dreams and only that way a man like Nagatomi could be sure that he wasn’t led into a trap. Suddenly the car stopped and the man next to Kaoru climbed outside, leaving the door open. They were anywhere but not near his office. “Make sure that he’ll stay true to his words,” Nagatomi said to his fellow and faced the lawyer with a stern expression. “Get out.”


Meanwhile Die couldn’t take it any longer. Even if only minutes must have passed with Kaoru being away, Die was sure that something bad must have happened. Inside of him there were all these feelings he couldn’t cope with, most of all worry. Usually he always trusted the other man, knew whatever he did was fine and would be alright, but right now Die knew nothing anymore. Something told him that his friend needed his help. But alone Die could hardly do anything. He panicked.

Suddenly he had an idea and with trembling fingers he reached for Kaoru’s cell phone, calling the only person he knew could help. “Toshiya? It’s me, Die. I need your help,” he urgently babbled once the other man had answered the phone.

“Die? What—” It took Toshiya a moment before he actually grasped who was calling him. He couldn’t help it though that Die’s urgent request and the tone of his voice made his friend think of all kinds of things that might’ve happened to him. “What happened? Are you alright?”

“Yes, I’m okay. It’s about Kaoru.” Nervously the redhead fingered a button on his shirt while he was speaking. He heard the annoyed sigh from the other man once Die had mentioned the name of his friend but he ignored it. Although Die cared, there were other things occupying his mind right now. “He’s gone. He said he only wanted to have a smoke and get us coffee from across the street but then there was this car that stopped and took Kao away. I don’t know but I’ve a really bad feeling now, Toshi. As if something bad has happened and I don’t know who else to call.”

Listening to all the excited mess of words that spilled from out of Die, Toshiya frowned. Of course the other man could always call him and ask for help but still Die’s whole explanation was a tad bit too confusing. Somehow Toshiya would expect Kaoru to do something like this and make Die worry his head off but even for Die there was a little too much fear quivering in his voice as he spoke. “Who took Kaoru away and when?”

“Half an hour ago? I’m not sure,” Die quickly answered and once again watched the streets down below for any sign of the lawyer. “This guy with the name Nagatomi had been here and Kaoru had told him that he wouldn’t defend him. He seemed pretty worried to me and then he just wanted to go outside but now someone took him with them. I don’t know who but I would just feel better if we could look for Kao maybe. Can we?” Die hesitated for a second, somehow knowing that he asked a lot from the other man. “Could you drive me please? I’m scared that something’s happened to him and...” His voice drifted off into a whisper when there was no reply from Toshiya. “Toshi?”

Heaving one huge sigh, the other man took a deep breath and cursed himself for not being able to decline the redhead’s request. There was something in his voice that spoke of so much affection towards Kaoru that Toshiya felt utterly sad and he mentally just begged his long-term friend not to fuck it up this time. Besides that when Die had mentioned the name Nagatomi, it sent also cold shivers down Toshiya’s spine. Everybody had heard stories about that guy and only Kaoru himself knew why he had defended the bastard before. “Okay, I’ll be there in five minutes. Wait outside the building.”

“Thanks.” Die sighed in relief and ended the call. Although he had not a single evidence for Kaoru being in trouble and Die’s assumptions were nothing but vague, he trusted his feelings and he was unspeakably grateful for Toshi’s help. Quickly he grabbed his jacket and scampered out of the building, passing by other employees but not really seeing them. If only Die would now be able to fly, then he could easily find his lover and friend.


Once Kaoru had climbed out of the car, Nagatomi slowly followed, not wanting to miss the show. The lawyer had a good guess what was waiting for him now and instead of hoping that it wouldn’t happen at all, he just prayed for it to be over soon. He kept his gaze fixed on the ground, missing the small nod and the smirk that Nagatomi sent out to his man. Only when Kaoru felt the hard fist landing in his stomach, he knew that their show had begun. “Look Kaoru, this is for your own good,” Nagatomi mused. “Take it as a reminder to keep your word.”

Pain seeped through his body as Kaoru held his arms across his stomach, coughing from the impact with that the guy had hit him. There was no time to recover though when Kaoru was much too easily grabbed by his collar, so that Nagatomi’s bully could place another blow square across Kaoru’s jaw. Groaning out in pain he fell backwards against the car and slid down. When he touched his aching face with his fingers, he could feel blood leaking from his nose. He felt dizzy but he managed to focus his eyes on Nagatomi who was smiling and took a long drag from a cigarette. “You can’t take much, Niikura. I’m disappointed.”

Dragging his bones slowly back up, Kaoru just raised his chin and waited for the next hit he would certainly receive. In all the years he had taken much more than just a few beats of fists and he would survive this, no matter what kind of insults Nagatomi threw at him. Kaoru was just relieved that this hadn’t happened when Die had been still around.


They had already driven around for what seemed like forever, although it could’ve taken them only minutes. But the many streets they had driven along made time appear longer. Yet Kaoru was nowhere to be seen and it was obvious in Die’s expression that he was frustrated and despaired. “It’s pretty much senseless,” Toshiya sighed, his heart going out to Die, but he still knew that their chances to find Kaoru were little to non-existing. “This city is too huge.”

Taking a staggered breath Die faced his friend, not knowing what to say. Even with wings it would’ve been hard to spot Kaoru but the redhead still didn’t want to give up. “I know,” he said, his voice so small that he sounded like a young boy. “Let’s just drive around some more. Please.”

Nodding Toshiya agreed, not able to turn the other man down. Seeing the look in Die’s eyes literally broke his heart. “Do you really think Kaoru’s worth it?” he lowly questioned since he hadn’t forgotten about the fight in the morning. “I’ve told you about him, not because I don’t like him but because I like you as well, Die. Do you honestly think that he loves you?”

Nearly offended Die’s gaze suddenly narrowed when he looked at Toshiya and there was a small pout building on his lips when he was about to protest. Of course Kaoru loved him back! There were no doubts within the red-haired man because he could simply feel it. But as soon as he opened his mouth to explain the matter to Toshiya, he suddenly spotted Kaoru. “Stop the car, Toshi! There’s Kao! Hurry up! Stop the car!”

A little startled Toshiya quickly hit the brakes and pulled the car over to the sideway but what he saw made him swallow hard. Acting on instinct Die opened the car’s door and wanted to climb out when he saw his lover being beaten up. But Toshiya held the redhead back. “No, Die. Don’t go there. Nagatomi won’t hesitate to kill you if you interfere.”

“But—” Shaking his head he yanked his arm free and got out of the car. He would rather risk his life than sit here and watch the man he had fallen for in pain. In anger as well as sorrow he ran to Kaoru and pushed the man away who was about to beat him again.

“Leave him alone!” Die yelled and blocked the bully’s way.

The man he had pushed looked pretty much pissed and about to bash the impudent redhead but Nagatomi’s amused chuckle stopped him. “Oh look what we’ve got here. Another queer.” The older man laughed and received a glare from Die. “Trying to protect your lover-boy? That’s too sweet.”

“Die,” Kaoru rasped and fastened his blurred gaze on his red-haired friend. “Get away.”

“Yeah Die,” Nagatomi repeated and stretched the name purposefully into a sneer. “Run for your life before it’s too late.”

“I won’t run anywhere without him!” he shot back and ignored Kaoru’s demand. Usually Die obeyed but this time he simply couldn’t stand back and do as his friend said as long as he was in danger.

“Are you sure?” Nagatomi lowly asked and already reached his hand inside his jacket.

“Leave him out of this,” Kaoru cut in and looked the old man straight in the eye as he simply tried to remain standing on his two feet. “He doesn’t know any better.”

“You shut up!” His voice raised slightly but firm, Nagatomi pulled a gun out of his jacket and pointed it straight at Kaoru. “You’re a lucky bastard that I still need you.” With that he unceremoniously directed the barrel at Die and pulled the trigger. Two loud shots rung in the redhead’s ears but he didn’t feel the pain when the bullets pierced his chest.

Eyes wide, Toshiya stared at the scene only meters away from the car he was still sitting in. Like in trance he shook his head, tears brimming in his eyes. His hand fumbled for the glove-box and pulled out a gun he had bought years ago for own safety but never used before, since he had never felt the urge to and had never needed it. But in this very moment he instinctively loaded it and quickly left the car.

The second Kaoru’s eyes met Die’s the world had stopped, even if just for the two of them. There was nothing but the redhead’s typical helpless expression when he didn’t know what was happening, while his eyes slowly lost their glimmer of curiousness and his legs gave way. That’s when Kaoru snapped. Even as beaten up and injured he already was, he felt like having the strength of a dozen men when he jumped at Nagatomi, reaching almost blindly for the gun and trying to hit some blows on the old man. Too dazzled to react, Nagatomi suddenly found himself back on the ground, receiving some hard blows into his face. But he still managed to keep the gun thanks to his man suddenly grabbing Kaoru and pulling him off his boss.

“Bastard,” Nagatomi mumbled and slowly heaved his old body up and on his feet, pointing his gun at Kaoru. “You shouldn’t have done that.”

The sound of another two shots filled the air and Kaoru’s eyes widened when not he felt any pain but saw Nagatomi slump down on the ground in a pool of own blood. Shooting his gaze to where the bullets must've come from, he stared into the horror-written face of Toshiya. The tall dark-haired man was breathing heavily and held his gun with shaking hands. He hadn’t thought, only done. Mindless.

With force Kaoru yanked his worn body out of the bully’s grip who stared at the dead body of his boss in shock. Ignoring everything else around him, Kaoru only tumbled forward and slid down on the ground where Die was lying and taking shallow breathes, the pain now clearly overpowering. Only when he spotted Kaoru bending down to him, the redhead smiled slightly as best as he managed and got pulled into Kaoru’s arms.

Toshiya luckily didn’t miss Nagatomi’s man reaching for his gun but was quicker. “I wouldn’t do this. Get inside the car and piss off,” he voiced out almost choking but he didn’t care. “Move!” He yelled and the man quickly did, realizing that there was nobody left risking his life for.

“Hey, I could save you.” Die whispered in a weak voice that cracked in between words. At least in human form he had been able to protect someone, although he knew deep within his mind that there had been less danger for his friend than for Die. He tried to remain smiling but it was hard, tiny but painful coughs breaking through his throat. He reached out his fingers with all the strength his could afford and touched Kaoru’s cheek, needing to feel his warm skin underneath the cold tips. “I’m cold... and scared.”

With a huge lump in his throat Kaoru swallowed hard and forced a crooked smile on his features. “Yeah, you saved me,” he replied in a mere whisper and felt hot tears leaving his eyes. There was Die's blood covering the surface underneath them. Too much of it. But the redhead wasn't supposed to die. Not he who had this heart of gold. If Kaoru could swap places with him, he would not hesitate to do it. “You’re going to be alright, Die. Don’t worry.” The words were in vain and even although Kaoru knew that, he wanted to believe them. “Everything will be alright.”

Numbly Toshiya watched the two of them like frozen. It felt like surreal but subconsciously he knew that this was horrible reality.

“It hurts,” Die said hardly audible, nearly just mouthing the words. He knew he was dying. His eyelids felt too heavy, his body cold and numb, but his heart still wanted to keep beating with all its might, only just to say his last words. “Kao, I... I love you. Don’t forget me...”

“I won’t, Die. I won’t forget you,” Kaoru vowed in vain when he felt Die’s body becoming heavier until it was limp and those beautiful chocolate-colored eyes shut. In tears Kaoru pulled the lifeless body of his lover even closer, hugged him tightly and prayed that this was just a nightmare from which he would awake soon. “I love you, too. Don’t leave me, Die. I need you. Please...”

But it was too late, even for this confession to be heard.


-End of chapter ten-

Chapter Eleven

I'll make it short. Thanks for reading and commenting. This is the last chapter. Enjoy. And you can always check out my fanfics at http://sangha_ff.livejournal.com because there's way more to find than here on Mexx.

Chapter Eleven


Time seemed to have stopped as Toshiya helplessly watched Kaoru clutch the lifeless body of their friend, holding him close and shedding tears for Die. Not even Toshiya had ever seen his longest friend cry and it broke his heart once more how bitterly and helplessly he cried as he pressed his face close to the dead man. That their friend had really died Toshiya hadn’t completely realized, or then he did but only subconsciously as he stared at the scene in front of his eyes. The sound of metal hitting the ground didn’t reach his ears when he dropped his gun. Nothing mattered. Nothing held any sense right now. Nothing was what was left.

With his vision blurred by the own tears that filled his eyes, Toshiya saw Kaoru lifting his head and looking back at him, eyes empty but with an unspoken plea for help. There was just nothing Toshiya could do. Nobody could. Numbed Kaoru shifted his gaze back to the man lying in his arms, his careless smile gone, sparkling eyes shut and curiously babbling mouth silent. That it would be forever Kaoru couldn’t grasp right now. There was this one and only human being who he had indeed fallen for and he hadn’t been able to protect him from people who Kaoru only had interacted with for wrong reasons. Of course he blamed himself. Of all people in this world, why Die? Why did he have to die when he actually deserved so much more from life?

Brushing away some red strands of hair that clung to Die’s face, Kaoru’s fingertips traveled across the cold skin of the man he loved. “Wake up,” he whispered hardly audible in a voice that cracked with broken words. But Die wouldn’t wake up again and the realization instantly made Kaoru cry even harder than before. Sobs were choked but tears fell down in rivers. He didn’t care for anything in the world right now, didn’t bother that his best friend had shot a man of high rank from the local mafia, and if people would see him here like this didn’t matter either. His only wish was for Die to be alive again, even if he wouldn’t love Kaoru.

His heart nearly stopped when suddenly Die’s cold body arched up, his back bent in an awkward angle, beginning to writhe. Kaoru’s eyes widened and he froze, not able to hold onto his loved one anymore, but not able to stagger away either. A noise full of pain emitted from the redhead’s lips and his eyes opened wide when his body shook violently. But only for a moment before his eyes shut tightly again and he groaned out from the hurtful sensations his body went through as there were wings slowly growing on his back. The bigger they grew, the more space Die needed, instinctively rolling on his side, his back still bent, muscles clenching and veins threatening to burst.

The pain made him dig his fingernails into his palm but he couldn’t feel it and slowly his body accustomed to the being that he turned into. On his hands and knees Die moaned and spread the wings on his back, stretching them to their full size, before he pulled them close again and looked up. The last thing he could remember was trying to protect Kaoru, the man he loved. Not even now that had changed but it was only a matter of time until he would forget about him as he had obviously turned back into an angel.

Wide-eyed Toshiya had watched Die’s transformation but it appeared surreal. Sure, he had mentioned that he thought he had been an angel. But this was simply crazy. The only thing that made it less insane was the fact that Kaoru looked at the angel with just the same expression. That made them either both nuts or Die had really turned into a being that neither of them had imagined could truly exist. Still on his knees Kaoru stared at Die and most of all his large white wings. He had been dead, hadn’t he? How could he just wake up like this and grow wings? Blinking with his eyelids, Kaoru needed to know if he was dreaming but apparently this was truly happening.

When Die was sure that he could feel all his limbs again, differently than before of course but still feeling them like any other angel, he slowly turned to face Kaoru. The red-haired angel certainly didn’t want to miss some last glances before his memory would fade. Since his mind was still a little dizzy, he didn’t even question why he was still on Earth. All that mattered was seeing his friends. But the look in their eyes made him cock his head to the side. Didn’t they stare at him? Shouldn’t he be invisible as an angel? Was he imagining things?

Scratching his neck, a habit still from being a human, he drew up one of his eyebrows and waved his hand in front of Kaoru’s face. “You can’t see me, can you?”

Naturally Kaoru shouldn’t even be able to hear him but he did as much as he saw the angel. He just couldn’t reply immediately, gaping some more seconds, before he tried to form words. “Die?” The question wasn’t necessary. Who else would the man be? But Kaoru still needed the confirmation. “Are you... real?”

The angel drew back his hand and raised both of his brows now, a little confused but still happy. A smile spread on his lips. “Kinda real.” He turned to face Toshiya, not sure why his friend could see him but obviously also the other man could and that was even more weird. But of course Die wasn’t exactly unpleased about that fact. “And you see me too, Toshi?”

Two slow nods was everything Toshiya could manage right now as he still stared with an open mouth at his friend. The wounds on Die’s chest had vanished, only the red stains of human blood were still visible, although they slowly subsided as well. Shifting his gaze back to Kaoru, Die watched him stretch out his hand and poking his finger at the feathery wings. “Hm.” Impressed at the feel, not really firm but not soft either, just angelic and indescribable, Kaoru got back on his feet and looked at Die who had got up as well. “You are... an angel.”

“Um... yeah.” Die couldn’t wipe off the smile as he shrugged. “I just... I guess I died, huh?” He couldn’t tell, hardly remembered anything but pain before he woke up as another being. Nonetheless the whole scene spoke for itself. There was blood on the ground, a dead body and Kaoru was stained with red. Besides that his usually so dark and enticing eyes looked puffy and reddened as well.

A frown built on Kaoru’s features. He remembered. Die had died. But now he was back, just as an angel. Did it really make any difference? What would happen now? Would Die have to go back to Heaven, or what? Confusion overtook Kaoru’s brains and he just looked at his redheaded friend. “I think you did and from then on I have no clue. Were you... kinda... reborn?”

“Sort of.” Nodding Die took a step closer to Kaoru and carefully touched his face with his fingers. He could feel him but it might be only his imagination because usually angels didn’t really FEEL what they touched. “I’m just amazed that you can see me. And hear me. I should be invisible to all humans. That is,” he grinned, “weird. But it’s still cool if you ask me.”

“Cool?” Kaoru wasn’t quite sure if cool was the correct term for describing it but it still brought a small smile on his lips. “Minutes ago I thought I’d never see your silly smile again and now... here you are, so I guess it’s cool, yeah.”

“I just...” Suddenly there was this helpless look again on Die’s face and he cast a glance at Toshiya before he looked back at Kaoru. “I just don’t know why I’m still here and for how long I’m allowed to stay and be seen by you. And for how long I’ll be able to remember you.” Then he cast his eyes downward and bowed his head. He didn’t even want to think about leaving or losing his memory. He wanted to stay with Kaoru and Toshiya, his friends. Most of all he wanted to be with Kaoru, spend more time with him, wake up in his arms again, cuddle close, kiss him, have more amazing sex with him, learn other things from him, share his meals with him, laugh with him and care for him.

The thought hurt Kaoru just as much but he forced it away with all might. “Maybe you’re allowed to stay. I mean, who knows?”

“As an angel?” That would be unlikely to happen but the thought was a pleasant one, making Die feel all warm inside. “I’d love that.” His smile widened and he simply dismissed his worries for once. Heaven could wait. He wasn’t back there yet and maybe it was for a reason. Reaching out his hand he brushed his thump across Kaoru’s cheek-bone and traveled his fingertips through dark bangs of hair. His lover looked like a mess but he was still the most gorgeous being Die had ever met. Angel or not, Kaoru made Die’s heart beat louder, his whole body tingly and he wanted to smile at everything and everyone when the warm feeling ran through his every pore.

Witnessing their both smiles that spoke of utter affection Toshiya couldn’t help the own smile. He would’ve never thought that Kaoru really loved Die, just as much as he would’ve never thought angels truly existed. Still, Toshiya could see it in the eyes of his best buddy when he truly loved someone and apparently he did love the angel. Maybe everything would turn out well in the end, although the situation was so surreal that it was most unlikely to happen. Then again, one could expect anything right now.

Out of the blue a car turned around the corner, came closer and stopped right next to the three men. All of them froze for a moment just because the white limousine with the blackened windows seemed so determined on its way to them. But only Die had a good guess of who would make such an entrance. One of the doors opened soon and a rather small man in a white suit climbed out of it, pulling his sunglasses off his nose and observing Die with a frustrated look in his dark eyes. “You do mess everything up Daisuke, don’t you?”

Helplessly the angel sighed and shrugged. For once he really had no clue what he had done wrong, not just pretending to be innocent. “I didn’t mean to if I did, God.”

“God?!” The two humans gasped in unison and stared at the not too tall blond man. Raising his eyebrow in suspicion Kaoru mustered the guy who pretty much looked like anything but God. “You can’t be serious.”

“I didn’t talk to you, human!” God shot back at the lawyer and glared at him, threatening him with just a glance of his eyes, before he cast his eyes back at the angel. “Now back to you, Daisuke. I really don’t know what to do with you anymore. You just mess everything up!” His voice turned up into an almost high-pitched squeal before it calmed down sounding deep and serious. “You can’t even die properly.”

“But—” Lifting his hands in a defeated but clueless manner, Die just sighed. He didn’t understand. Sure, he would leave this place here in a mess and he wouldn’t exactly leave Kaoru in happy spirits, but humans died every day just like this. Why was it a problem with Die? He hadn’t meant to be shot after all. “I did die. I’m dead. So where’s the problem?”

“Where’s the problem?” God blew a strand of blond hair out of his face and put his hands on his hips. “You’re seriously asking? Look at the ground. Do you see your human dead body anywhere?” With eyes huge as plates but innocently blinking Die shook his head. “That’s only the start, Daisuke. Can you explain to me why these humans are able to see you?” Again the angel shook his head, thinking that if somebody should know, then it was God himself. “See? Me neither. In case you’d die, you were supposed to die for good.”

“In case I die? So you already contemplated the matter and didn’t tell me?” Die had tried so hard to just survive and gain back access to Heaven. Now it suddenly turned out that he only would’ve needed to die in order to be put out of misery forever.

“Sure!” A small but certain nod followed from the small guy in white. “But I sent you down in an attempt to punish you, so I couldn’t just risk that you’d jump off a bridge. Besides, now you died anyway. Just that you didn’t leave your human body behind, I’m confronted with two humans that can see you and above everything else I don’t even have a clue why. THIS I indeed call a mess.” He stomped his foot on the ground and pierced everyone with an intimidating look, so that not even Kaoru dared to say something.

“Well, how would I know?” Shoulders hung lowly, Die just gazed back at God apologetically. “See, I just tried to survive and manage the life as a human. I never meant to die, only tried to protect the one I love. What’s wrong with that?” Usually he wouldn’t dare to argue with God but this time Die really didn’t see why he should feel guilty, apart from the fact that he was sorry for his friends. And in his mind it was in Gods hands if he turned back in an angel or died for good.

“Apparently something must be wrong, or else we wouldn’t be in this mess.” Taking a deep breath God tried to think hard for a moment before he dug out his cell phone. “I’m gonna call Cupid. Maybe he has a clue why this has happened.”

“With a cell phone?” Kaoru couldn’t help his snort.

“Yeah, so?” With narrowed eyes God looked at the human, annoyed at his silly question. “Got a problem with that?”

“No, no problem at all.” Kaoru shook his head and suppressed a smirk. “I just would’ve thought that God would maybe snap with his fingers in order to call someone, instead of using a cell phone.”

“Well, maybe I just like the design of these small things. Nokia is a fine brand by the way,” God uttered and shrugged, since the lawyer seemed to have a point. In the meantime it had already rung twice at the other end of the line and finally someone answered, instantly informing God that he was occupied. “I don’t care if you’re busy. I’m more important. So would you mind getting your butt over here?” He impatiently tapped his foot on the ground while Kaoru, Toshiya and Die exchanged clueless glances. “I’ll give you five.”

All the while Toshiya had been silently watching, not even realizing that he was staring at the small man who put away his phone once he had ended the call. “What are you staring at?”

“Huh? Me? Nothing,” he shot back without thinking before nervousness made him babble whatever came to his mind. “Okay, well, I couldn’t help but notice that I just love your hairdo. It’s gorgeous.”

“Thank you,” God replied and cast a quick smile at the tall dark-haired human and winked. “Yours is not bad either.”

With a silent groan Kaoru rolled his eyes. He could be wrong but was his best friend just hitting on God? And did God just return the whole thing? The whole scenario became even more surreal with every passing minute. Luckily they didn’t have the time to compliment each other some more when suddenly a motorbike turned around the corner and stopped right behind the white limousine. The driver parked the machine, pulled his slender body off the bike and casually opened the zip of his leather jacket, before he pulled the helmet off his head and shook his shoulder-length hair.

“What’s the deal, Kyo?” He asked God when he stepped closer and observed the four males waiting for his arrival.

“Would you stop calling me that in front of humans?” God growled and shot an angry glance at Cupid. “I don’t call you Shinya either. Besides, where have you been in that outfit? That’s gross, you know.”

“Thanks,” Cupid just smiled lop-sided and winked. “I’ve been on a mission for love. Where else? Now will you tell me where the problem is?”

For the humans it was hard to grasp. Just everything was. Die was an angel. There was God who looked like a mini version of Ricky Martin and then there was Cupid who drove a motorbike and had probably waiting a dozen of girls for him somewhere. But this was no issue for God as he began to explain the problem about Daisuke. In the end Cupid just shrugged and replied: “To me it’s quite clear.”

“It is?” God asked not really believing but his expression matched those of the humans and the angel, who were just as surprised.

“Yup. Love goes above everything else. That’s something like rule number one of our basic law,” he added the second sentence speaking only to Kaoru before he faced God again. “Daisuke loves that guy here and the other way around. That’s why he died, turned into an angel but at the same time couldn’t vanish from Earth,” he explained as if it was the most logical thing ever.

“Um, sorry,” God interrupted. “But I don’t get it. Could you try to enlighten me a little more detailed here?” He was a little annoyed that obviously the whole thing seemed so simple in Cupid’s eyes but at the same time it displayed within a mess if one asked God.

“The problem is the moment of that guy’s confession,” Cupid said and motioned with his hand to Kaoru. “If Die would’ve died sooner, then for good. His corpse could be buried as supposed to when humans die. But Kaoru said that he loved him and that makes Daisuke’s mission of making two people fall in love complete. It allows him to go back into Heaven. Yet,” Cupid explained and at least tried to make God understand who was still looking quite confused. “He died the exact moment of Kaoru’s confession. That quite messed up all the according rules.”

“I see,” God said and scratched his cheek with his fingers. “But what am I supposed to do now?” With a frustrated expression he stared at the apparently all-knowing Cupid.

“If you ask me, then I’d say it’s a matter of discretion,” the other heavenly creature replied and shrugged.

“Matter of discretion means what exactly? It’s at the discretion of who?” Kaoru suddenly spoke up and looked to and fro between God and Cupid. He had understood some of what the biker had told and that even people from Heaven acted according to some rules. But these rules could be stretched as well and if it was a matter of discretion now, then someone had to decide.

“It’s you who decides, right?” Toshiya looked at God, pretty sure that it was he who was in charge of the whole matter when it came to using any discretion.

It earned him a certain nod from Cupid. “Yeah, only the guy of highest rank can decide now.”

But God stayed silent and pondered for a moment. He couldn’t just decide what to do with his angel. He was transformed back and it was the easiest way just to take Daisuke back with him up to Heaven. But something held him back.

“What are the options?” Die suddenly asked with a tiny voice. The only option he really would like was if he could simply stay on Earth as a human but he had the feeling that this was not even considered. Like automatically he stepped closer to Kaoru and slipped his hand in his, squeezing it subconsciously. In a gesture of support Kaoru squeezed Die’s hand as well, although the general touch felt somewhat weird, as if he held something that was neither firm nor soft.

“Well, I could let you die as a human for good but I’m not a killer. Human society kills each other. That’s not even my responsibility against what humans believe. I only decide who dies for good or will turn into an angel,” he explained with a shrug of his shoulders. “Or then I could take you with me back in Heaven, which would mean you’ll be faced with the duties of angels again. Which means I’ll be faced with you fucking up again,” he said and let out a sigh that he just wasn’t able to suppress. He had always liked the angel, his heart had often went out to him but as much as God cared, Daisuke just wasn’t doing an angel’s job well.

“Are these the only options?” Although Kaoru’s heart was racing and beat loud against his chest when he heard God’s words, he gathered all his courage and tried to keep his voice firmly, not giving away that he feared Die leaving him. Of course knowing that he would be an angel in Heaven was still better than to live with the fact that he was simply dead. But still Kaoru couldn’t help his desperation, ready to beg God if necessary.

“Can’t you turn him back into a human and give him another chance?” Trying his best puppy dog eyes, Toshiya looked at the small blonde and begged him with his brown orbs. He had been suspicious about Kaoru’s motives but now that he knew that his friends’ feelings for each other were mutual, he would give anything for both of them.

“You’re asking way too much,” God said and skeptically eyed the tall dark-haired man. “I can’t just turn him into a human, back in an angel, then in a human again and so on. That wouldn’t be fair on other angels.”

“But you’ve done that before,” Kaoru added. “And he would’ve died if I hadn’t taken care of him. You said that you didn’t want him to jump off a bridge but then at the same time he would’ve died anyway, having nothing but his skin, not even somewhat of an education or just a real name. You call that fair?” With all courage he could muster up, he tried to find reasons in order to make God change his mind. After all that was what Kaoru was supposed to be able to do best.

“Punishment doesn’t have to be fair.” Crossing his arms God shrugged, earning him a glare from Cupid, who rolled his eyes in annoyance at his boss’ stubborn behavior.

“But here on Earth is has to be at least proportionally fair.” There was no way the lawyer would give up that easily, not when God didn’t even present any good reasons but only stubbornness. He tightened the hold on Die’s hand and narrowed his eyes. “Here on Earth Die managed considerably well and although he might’ve failed with an angel’s duties, he’s handled any human’s issue well. Perhaps you should consider a reward now after the punishment.”

The chance that God would approve of this request was tiny since chances were bigger that God would grow even more annoyed from Kaoru’s impudent suggestions. Die knew that but he still looked at God with huge eyes, begging him silently, while he clutched the other man’s hand with his. Luckily Cupid seemed to agree on certain matters with the lawyer. “I have to say that the human has a point,” he said and tilted his head to look at God. “I mean, we both know that Die hadn’t exactly been lucky with his first life. But this time Daisuke’s managed well.”

With four pleading pairs of eyes on him, God finally gave in. “Fine, this one last time I’ll make an exception,” he said in a serious tone and shifted his gaze upon the angel. “Daisuke, I dare you. If you screw this up, then it’s final. Got that?”

Wide-eyed Die stared at God, still not really realizing that he was indeed allowed to stay with his friends on Earth in human form. Slowly he nodded though, then pacing up and bobbing several times with his head. A wide and bright smile grew on his lips while his eyes began to shine in happiness. But God wasn’t quite finished and fastened his gaze on the lawyer. “And you better be sure about this. There’s no way I’ll take him back.”

“No way I’d give him back,” Kaoru replied with a tiny smirk and turned his head to face his lover. A sudden wave of warmth spread inside of him and he couldn’t help but simply grow a huge smile as well. But before he was allowed to wrap his arms around the other man, desperate to do so, Die was already pulled away from him.

With his almighty powers God lifted Daisuke’s body in the air and snapped with his fingers. In an instant beautifully shaped wings were gone and Die fell to the ground, groaning as it hurt just like the last time he was dropped on Earth. “Why do I always have fall on Earth?” He whined, still on all fours but he slowly got up. “You could’ve turned me into a human without lifting me up.”

“True,” the small blond man shrugged. “But it’s more fun this way.”

Die couldn’t even help but grin, chuckling a little. He was too happy to complain now that he was indeed a human again. Only one thing mattered right now, or one person for that matter: Kaoru. There he was, standing right in front of him with a happy smile tugging on his lips. In fact Kaoru wasn’t quite sure yet if he should already smile and let happiness take over since his brain seemed too slow to get what had happened. Minutes ago his lover had actually died, then been reborn as an angel and now he was back as human, alive and kicking. Slowly Kaoru reached out his hand and gently put it on the redhead’s cheek, feeling the familiar human skin underneath his touch.

“You’re back,” he whispered, hardly able to believe it, if there wasn’t this wonderfully real and plain feel of Die in his hand. Traveling his hand further down he laid his palm on the other man’s chest, at just the exact place where the bullets had pierced his body. But there was no wound anymore but only the feel of his heart, steadily beating inside of the man Kaoru loved.

“I’m back,” Die merrily smiled just because he couldn’t stop it, even if he wanted to. Finally he was able to feel again, to feel Kaoru’s smooth skin underneath his fingertips as he reached out his hand and almost carefully touched him. He brushed away some dark strands of hair that clung to his face, partly stained with dried blood. There was an ugly bruise on the side of his beautifully shaped cheekbones and if Die only could, he would want to kiss them away. “Can I kiss you?”

Surprised that Die even asked, Kaoru’s eyebrows rose and his forehead wrinkled in doubt. “Of course you can. Please do!”

Not hesitating for the split of a second Die leant close and captured Kaoru’s lips with his, gently moving against them and silently asking for entrance. Although the small bruise on his bottom lip hurt when kissing, Kaoru couldn’t care less. Die’s kiss was the best feeling ever, overpowering everything else, and he kissed him back eagerly and deeply. He ran his fingers through the red bangs of hair, grabbing a fistful just to feel that this was indeed real. Die was real.

After some time Kaoru pulled away though, just enough to break their kiss and hug the other man instead as closely as possible. Inhaling deeply, Die still smelled simply angelic to Kaoru, like a newborn baby mixed with a more manly fragrance. When the redhead hugged him back just as fiercely, Kaoru had to suppress a groan since his body ached from the beating he had received earlier. But it didn’t matter anymore, now that he had Die back. He loosened the embrace around the taller man and kissed him once more. Only when they both broke apart for breath, they smiled at each other before Die turned to face Toshiya.

The redhead didn’t ask this time, too overjoyed in this moment, and almost jumped the dark-haired guy, hugging him just as tightly as he had done with Kaoru. But Die couldn’t help his emotions. He loved Toshiya. Obviously not in the way he loved Kaoru but Toshiya was still dear to him, as a friend, maybe the best he would ever find. Merrily Die smiled when he finally pulled away. “Thank you, Toshi,” he said and kissed the other man’s cheek. “You’re truly an awesome friend!”

Toshiya just smiled, a little bashfully though, as he winked. “I know.” He shifted his gaze to the other one of his friends, Kaoru, who he had known for so long. Despite the deputes they had had within the last days, Toshiya could now understand him somewhat, knowing that he must’ve been simply overextended by the whole situation. Still, Kaoru could’ve handled it differently and should’ve been honest but that was something they could talk over later. Right now everything Toshiya wanted was to hug his best buddy as well and that’s what he did, pulling the smaller guy into a tight embrace. “Man, you scared the shit outta me,” he whispered chuckling along. “I didn’t know you could beat up someone.”

“Me neither,” Kaoru chuckled along and hugged the other man closely, endlessly relieved that they were still friends. “And I’m sorry,” he added lowly but loud enough for Toshiya to hear him. Kaoru didn’t say why though, knowing that his friend knew what he was talking about. Their whole argument from earlier seemed ridiculous after all that had happened afterwards. Here and now, Kaoru could not even express how happy he was that he had a friend like Toshiya. “Thank you for being there.”

“No problem, Kao,” Toshiya pulled away and quickly wiped across his eyes. Really sentimental moods had been rare between them and so it was no surprise that the taller man’s eyes easily filled with tears. “Now shut up before I’ll cry again.”

Chuckling Kaoru let finally go of his friend and turned to smile at Die.

“Guess my job’s done here,” Cupid said and nodded to God, before he pulled the helmet over his head and zipped up his leather jacket. “I’ll see you up there, Kyo.” Using the name earned him another skeptic glare but Cupid didn’t care, already on his way to his motorbike. He unceremoniously started the engine and sped off with a small wave of his hand, watched by the remaining four men.

“Kyo, huh?” Toshiya sweetly smiled at God as they turned back their attention to each other. But the small blond man ignored the other one’s attempt to tease him and shifted his gaze to the dead man lying on the ground.

“Shall I help you with him or will you be fine by yourselves?” The weird thing was that God was suddenly in pretty good spirits himself, seeing all the happiness around him. In the end he had to admit that it felt nice to help people. It was usually what his angels did for the humans they protected or made fall in love, but now that God experienced this for himself, he felt a lot happier than usual.

“That’d be nice,” Kaoru replied after he had taken a look at the dead body himself. Sure, he could defend Toshiya in case he were sued for homicide but then the help of God would surely spare them some work and most of all nerves. Especially for Toshiya it would be torture.

With a sly grin and a shrug of his shoulders, God snapped with his fingers and the dead man was gone. “Like this.”

“Thank you,” Die stated with a grateful smile. “For everything. Even for bringing me back down here in the first place. And thanks for helping us.” There seemed to be not enough words to express his true gratefulness, so he just closed the gap between himself and God and hugged him as well. It felt weird though, as if he weren’t hugging a person but an unknown material he couldn’t define.

“Don’t mention it,” God replied and shoved the human off himself, turning to open the door of his limousine. “If you excuse me now. Take care of that guy, will you!” He addressed Kaoru one last time and received a small nod, before he shifted his gaze upon Toshiya. “I’ll see you around.”

“Me?” Toshiya gasped, blinking with his eyelids. The only thing he could imagine why he would ever see God again would be if he died and turned into an angel.

“Yes, you. I might come around for a cup of coffee,” God replied with a small grin and a wink of his hand. Then he closed the door and the car slowly made its way back on the road.

Eyes wide Toshiya stared after the disappearing car, before he turned to face Die with a questioning glance. “Does he mean that?”

Die just shrugged. “Who knows. He might.”

“Well, it’s not that I would mind.” Toshiya shrugged as well and smiled crookedly. “He’s unlike what I would’ve expected but still kind of gorgeous. Is he into guys, Die?”

“Gods Toshiya!” Kaoru couldn’t help but interfere now. “You’re not seriously considering dating God, do you?”

“Hey!” The other man just playfully pouted and crossed his arms. “You're dating an angel. So anything can happen, huh?” A merry grin appeared on his lips.

“Anything can happen,” Kaoru repeated with a side-glance to his lover, indescribably happy that he was allowed to spend his time with Die from now on, as well as proud to date his very own angel. “Let’s go home. What do you say... Daisuke?” He purposefully used the name God had addressed Die with and it earned him a broad smile from the red-haired man.

“Home sounds great.” Finally he had one.


-The end-


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Bitte keine Beleidigungen oder Flames! Falls Ihr Kritik habt, formuliert sie bitte konstruktiv.
Von:  Angel_of_Thursday
2015-05-25T19:06:35+00:00 25.05.2015 21:06
Wie Toto am Schluss mit Gott flirtet! XD Und der auch noch drauf eingeht!!! Zu geil!
Sehr tolle FF! :D
Würde zu gerne noch lesen wie es mit Gott und Toto weitergeht. *lach*
Von:  tayo
2013-11-03T15:30:06+00:00 03.11.2013 16:30
*_* Die FF ist dir wirklich super gelungen~
Die Story is sooooo toll~
Ich hab so sehr mit gefiebert, als Die starb und hab fast geflennt, aber zum Glück wurde ja alles gut ;)
Mit Gott flirten~ Der Toto traut sich ja was~ wäre lustig auch von diesen beiden mal was zu hören^^
Von:  Dolly-Bird
2012-12-16T12:12:14+00:00 16.12.2012 13:12
Bis jetzt gefällt mir die Geschichte echt gut^^
Die's Idee Kaoru und Toshiya zu verkuppeln...echt süß :D
Bin gespannt auf ihre kleine Reise im nächsten Kapitel :)
Von: abgemeldet
2009-08-30T21:27:19+00:00 30.08.2009 23:27
*die ff grad erst entdeckt hat*
Sehr fesselnder Schreibstil ,besonders auf Englisch.
Ich lese gleich weiter <3
Von:  -Red-Karasu
2008-01-17T13:57:00+00:00 17.01.2008 14:57
Gottchen, dass Ende is herrlich...
Ich muss ehrlich sagen, als Dien gestorben is war ich kurz vorm heulen, aber dieses letzte Kapitel hat alles wieder gut gemacht.
Ich glaub ich komm so schnell nich über die Vorstellung von Toshiya wie er mit Gott flirtet hinweg XDDDDD
Das hat diese echt schöne FF wirklich perfekt angerundet.
Um diesen genialen englischen Schreibstil beneide ich dich übrigens echt.
Du hast's echt drauf^^
Von: abgemeldet
2007-12-13T00:07:44+00:00 13.12.2007 01:07
kyo als gott XXD
und shinya als amor XXD
ein klasse ende, ich musste
mich über die szene mit kyo nur ablachen
diese story is echt klasse geworden,
mach bitte weiter so
Von:  Tetsu
2007-12-06T11:48:03+00:00 06.12.2007 12:48
Kyo xDDD
Das ist SOU herrlich ^__________^~~

Hach, ich hab mir so sehr ein happy-end gewünscht... *strahlend durch die gegend läuft*
Den heutigen Tag kann nichts mehr ruinieren <3

Deine Fanfics sind wirklich wundervoll... und ich freue mich schon jetzt riesig auf weitere <3 <3 <3

Von:  _Domestic_Fucker_
2007-12-05T22:17:44+00:00 05.12.2007 23:17
Einfach wunderschön!!
Ich kann das echt nicht in Worte fassen!!
Die Idee mit Kyo als God und dann noch das angekündigte Date mit Toshi...
Das ist echt einfach nur klasse!!
Vielen vielen Dank für die FF und für das Happy End!
Freu mich auf mehr Geschichten!
Von:  Rabbid
2007-12-03T23:02:55+00:00 04.12.2007 00:02
oh my god ist das shcön ;___;~ *____________*
kyo als gott... ah das passt so perfeckt xDDDDDDDDDD *lach*
(zu gott + toshiya XDDD einfach genial XDDD)

ah~ wirklich ein wunderschöönes ende ;O;
I love it! <3
Von:  KatzeMorle
2007-12-03T21:42:05+00:00 03.12.2007 22:42
That´s so sweet. I like this End. I love the whole story.
Kyo as God is wonderful.^^
Hope to read more from you.
See you Morle
